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Stephen Lavell



Nationality:    British
email:    n/a     Website:    n/a

Literary Agent:    n/a

Stephen Lavell playwright - died in 1990 having had many of his plays performed on radio, in Theatre (Hampstead, Bloomsbury, Stephen Joseph in Scarborough - a personal commission from Alan ayckbourn,after having been awarded first prize in the international student playscript competition. He was writing for television at the time of his death. He was 34, father of a two year old boy. He did not meet his youngest son who was born five weeks after his death. He leaves a body of work - wide in range from comedy to a life of Shostakovitch - as well as a family.

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below is a list of Stephen Lavell's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        Absolutely Free!

Absolutely Free!

the clash between business and less pragmatic moral codes in a fraught, incestuous advertising agency


1st Produced:
Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough    1980


1st Published:
-   -


To Buy This Play:
If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies



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