The Playwrights Database
(1915 - 2005)
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Born in New York City on October 17, 1915. A.B., University of Michigan. Did work in the Federal Theater Project and CBS and NBC workshops. Author of the film, the Misfits. His books include Situation Normal; Focus; I Don't Need You Anymore. Recipient: Hopwood Award; Theatre Guild National Award; New York Drama Critics Award (twice); Pulitzer Prize, Death of a Salesman; Tony Award, the Crucible; Gold Medal from National Institute of Arts; O'Henry Award; Brandeis University Creative Arts Award. He was also known for his short-lived marriage to Marilyn Monroe (1956-1961), who converted to Judaism for him. In December 2004, the 89 year old Miller announced that he had been living with 34 year old artist Agnes Barley since 2002, and they were planning to marry. Within hours of his death, Barley had moved out of his house on orders of Miller's daughter Rebecca, who disapproved of the relationship.
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below is a list of Arthur Miller's plays - click on a Play Title for more information
After the Fall
All My Sons
American Clock, The
Archbishop's Ceiling,the
Broken Glass
Creation Of the World And Other Business, The
Crucible, The
Danger! Memory!
Death Of A Salesman
Elegy For A Lady
Enemy Of the People, An
Fame, And the Reason Why
Finishing the Picture
Golden Years, The
Honors At Dawn
I Can't Remember Anything
Incident At Vichy
Last Yankee, The
Man Who Had All the Luck
Memory Of Two Mondays, A
Mr Peter's Connections
No Villain
Playing For Time
Price, The
Resurrection Blues
Ride Down Mount Morgan, The
Some Kind Of Love Story
Speech To the Neiborhood Watch Committee
That they May Win
They Too Arise
Two-Way Mirror
Up From Paradise
View From the Bridge, A
After the Fall
As Howard Taubman outlines the play: "At the outset Quentin emerges, moves forward and seats himself on the edge of the stage and begins to talk, like a man confiding in a friend. In the background are key figures in his life, and they move in and out of his narrative. the narration shades into scenes, little and big. they are revelations and illuminations. they remind Quentin of an awkward young girl whom he made proud of herself. they bring the tortured image of his mother's death and another of his mother's fury with his father, who lost all in trying to save a floundering business. they crisscross through his relations with a number of women-the first wife who wanted to be a separate person, the second who drove him into a separateness and a possible third who knew, as a German raised in a furnace of concentration camps, that 'survival can be hard to bear.' these intertwining images bring back the memories of inquisition when men were asked to name names of those who had joined with them in a communism party.
1st Produced:
Lincoln Centrenew York
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1964
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All My Sons
the story concerns the fortunes of the Keller and Deever families. During the war Joe Keller and Herbert Deever ran a machine shop which made aeroplane parts. Deever was sent to prison because the firm turned out defective parts, causing the deaths of many men. Keller, however, went free and made a lot of money. the twin shadows of this catastrophe and the fact that the young Keller son was reported missing during the war dominate the action. the love affair of Chris Keller and Ann Deever, the bitterness of George Deever returned from war to find his Father in prison and his father's partner free, are all set in a structure of almost unbearable power. the climax showing the reactions of a son to his guilty Father is a fitting conclusion to a play which is electrifying in its intensity.
1st Produced:
Cornet Theatre,New York
29 Jan 1947
1st Published:
Reynal, New York, 1947
Studio recording: L A theatre Works Audio theatre Collection (9781580811101)
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American Clock, The
A brilliandy theatrical, kaleidoscopic view of America during the early years of the depression. At the centre of the action are the Roams, a wealthy family whose fortune has vanished in the stock market crash but whose story is amplified and illuminated by brief glimpses of other characters' lives. Moving deftly from scene to scene, some funny, others poignant, the play ultimately becomes a deeply moving evocation of a fascinating period of American history and of the indomitable spirit of its people.
from Hard Times by Studs Terkel
1st Produced:
Spoleto Fetival, Nc
1st Published:
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Archbishop's Ceiling,the
the setting is an ornate room in a former Archbishop's palace in an Eastern European capital, a room which has probably been bugged by the secret police. the central character is a middle-aged author, Sigmund, who, having embarrassed the current regime, -is faced with the choice of detention and punishment or defection to the West. He is encouraged in the latter by two of his former friends, also writers, his compatriot Marcus, an ex-political prisoner now in favor with the regime, and Adrian, a visiting American with strongly liberal ideals. the situation is complicated by the presence of Myra, a poet and actress, who has been the mistress of all three. It is the complexity of the relationship of these four, the inextricable interweaving of politics, art and sex, and the constant uncertainty as to whether what they say may be overheard that makes for a rich and deeply intriguing play - and one which, in the final essence, raises questions not only about morality and individual responsibility.
1st Produced:
Kennedy Center, Washington, Dc
1st Published:
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Broken Glass
Arthur Miller's first play to focus specifically on deeply disturbing American Jewish problems - assimilation, self-hatred and terrified awareness of the Nazi threat to European co-religionists
1st Produced:
Booth Theatre, New York
1st Published:
Penguin Books, NY, 1994
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a powerful and moving Drama in which an aging Father is forced to come to grips with the crushing reality of his daughter's senseless murder. Grilled relentlessly by a dispassionate detective, the Father is unable to bring his memory into focus until, in the trenchant monologue recalling a disquieting incident from his wartime experience, the past suddenly clarifies the present and, relieving the father's tortured conscience, unlocks the damning evidence the detective has been seeking
1st Produced:
1st Published:
in Danger! Memory!, Methuen, London, 1983
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Creation Of the World And Other Business, The
Dividing his play into "three questions on the human dilEmma," the author begins with a charming and gently humorous retelling of Adam and Eve (and God) in the Garden of Eden. After their expulsion from paradise, Eve gives birth to Cain, watched over by a scheming Lucifer - who seeks to share the power of a God now angered by the errant ways of his creations. In the concluding portion of the play, with mounting Dramatic intensity, Cain kills his brother, Abel, and is sent out as a wanderer, as the final dilEmma is explored: "When every man wants justice, why does he go on creating injustice?". Throughout the action, which alternates scenes of sprightly humor with absorbing confrontations between God and Lucifer and God and his fallible creations, the striking pertinence of the play becomes ever more clear. It is a parable for our time, and all time, rich with philosophic insights and alive with vivid theatricality. An important and remarkable play by a master Dramatist which, with eloquence and compassionate humor, goes to the very roots of human guilt and responsibility: the Biblical struggle between God and Lucifer, with Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel as their pawns.
musical version entitled Up From Paradise.
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1973
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Crucible, The
Puritan purge of witchcraft in Old Salem; allegory.
1st Produced:
Martin Beck Theatre, New York
22 Jan 1953
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1953
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Wearing - the London Stage 56.62
Theatre Record Volume I (1981) Page 108
Theatre Record Volume XXXI (2011) Issue 09 Page 482
Theatre Record Volume XXXI (2011) Issue 10 Page 536

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Danger! Memory!
about the danger of remembering and the danger of forgetting
includes I Can't Remember Anything And Clara
1st Produced:
Lincoln Centre, New York
1st Published:
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Two 1 Act Plays One Act
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Death Of A Salesman
the last days of a failing salesman, who seeks to find out, by a tragic series of soul-searching revelations of the past life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, just where and how he has failed to win success and happiness.
Certain Private Conversations In Two Acts And A Requiem. A thrilling work of deep And revealing beauty, Winner of the 1949 Tony Award for Best Play
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1949
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Elegy For A Lady
A Man enters a small boutique, hoping to find a suitable gift for his young mistress, who is facing a grave operation. Unaccountably he quickly finds himself confiding in the Proprietress, speaking without hesitation of the pain he feels at having his telephone calls to his loved one unreturned, of his fear that her condition may be fatal. the Proprietress consoles him, suggesting that perhaps she wants to spare him, that she needs to face her ordeal alone and without added burden that his involvement would impose. As they speak specters of other deep-seated concerns arise: the difference in age between the Man and his mistress; his unfulfilling marriage; the emptiness of material success without love to enrich it; the void that might have been filled had there been the possibility of children; the frustration of being unable to make a true and total commitment to another person. It is almost as though the Proprietress might be - or has become - the absent mistress. As the play ends the Man and the Proprietress embrace, two strangers grateful for the small miracle which, if only for a brief moment, has let them share closeness always hoped for but seldom achieved.
part of Two-Way Mirror
1st Produced:
New Haven Connecticut
1st Published:
Dramatists Play Service, NY, 1982
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One Act
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Enemy Of the People, An
A small Norwegian town has just begun to win fame and wealth through its medicinal spring waters. Dr Stockmann, resident physician in charge, discovers that the waters are poisoned. On receiving proof of this, he immediately reports to his associates, the town officials most immediately affected. the Doctor is shocked to find that instead of being thanked, he is looked upon as a dangerous crank, motivated by a desire to prove that his fellow townsmen are wrong, and to bring ruin upon them. As the people who run the local paper and the town officials (among them close relatives and friends of the Doctor) do their utmost to urge secrecy and compromise, the determined Doctor realizes that the honesty and idealism he has counted upon to make the truth prevail, simply do not exist in the face of selfish "practical" interests. the press will not report his findings; the officials refuse to give him a hearing; he loses his position and the townspeople boycott him and ultimately his wife and children are cut off from all contact with friends and neighbors. Almost every weapon of offense and abuse is brought to bear against the family - blackmail, slander, and eviction from their home. But all the time the Doctor, morally supported by his family, carries on his magnificent fight for the truth. At the end the townspeople, gathered outside the home which the Stockmanns must soon leave, cast stones through the windows. Stockmann addresses his family: "But remember now, everybody, you are fighting for the truth and that is why you're alone. And that makes you strong"
Original Playwright - Henrik Ibsen.
1st Produced:
Lincoln Center, NYC
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1951
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Fame, And the Reason Why
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
Fame in "Yale Literary Magazine", New Haven, Connecticut, March, 1971
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Two 1 Act Plays One Act
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Finishing the Picture
a distinguished director is about to lose his picture due to the unstable behavior of a famously fragile movie star. She's recognized all over the world, loved by millions, but unable to believe in herself. the studio owners are threatening to pull the plug, and a temperamental acting teacher is flown in to coax the actress out of bed and onto the set. This fable of the perversion of the American Dream could only come from one of America's greatest living playwrights, Arthur Miller
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Golden Years, The
an historical tragedy about Montezuema's destruction at the hands of Cortez. Unable to convert the Aztecs, Cortez assumes the role of barbarian, ravager of a civilization while Montezuma "convinced himself that the strange white creatures who came out of the ocean were fated to be his masters and at the same time apotheosize him to godhood now that he had, as he believed, led his Aztecs to the conquest of all the known world" (Miller)
Written in 1940 the Golden Years remained unperformed for many years And was finally presented As A radio play by BBC Radio 3 in 1987
1st Produced:
BBC Radio 3
1st Published:
Contained in: "Golden Years and the Man Who Had All the Luck" published by Methuen 1989
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Honors At Dawn
centers around a strike and contrasting views of the economy, but focuses on an individual's inability to express himself
Honours at Dawn was written in his sophomore year and won him his second Hopwood Award in 1937. It may have been produced in 1936 though this is unsure.
1st Produced:
Ann Arbor, Michigan
1st Published:
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I Can't Remember Anything
a gentle, poignant study of two old friends, an elderly man and woman, who live in nearby houses and often take their meals together. She is a wealthy widow whose life seems to have come to a stop after her husband's death; he is a retired draftsman, a doctrinaire Communist who was her husband's best friend despite the radical differences in life styles and political outlook. Both lament the passing of better days, the lack of contact with loved ones, and the loss of memory which clouds the meaningfulness of the time left to them
1st Produced:
1st Published:
in Danger! Memory!, Methuen, London, 1983
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Incident At Vichy
Nazi oppression in occupied and free France, the good guy is the man of conscience and the bad guys are, of course, malicious people who proceed from anti-humanist principles.
1st Produced:
Lincoln Center, NYC
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1965
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historical play
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Last Yankee, The
A poignant look at two couples where the women share an overwhelming sense of despair, and the men try to bring them back to the lives they've fled.Two men, one in his late-forties, the other twenty years older, meet in the waiting room of a New England state mental health facility only to discover that they have done business together in the past. Inside the facility, each of their wives recovers from a nervous breakdown. Leroy Hamilton, a descendent of founding father, Alexander Hamilton, has spent his life as a highly skilled carpenter. His wife, Patricia, the daughter of Swedish immigrants and herself the mother of seven children, cannot reconcile what she considers to be Hamilton's deliberate under-achievement with her own family's grasping attempts at assimilation and affluence. Purposefully foregoing her anti-depression medication for a number of weeks, Patricia has begun to display a new clarity of thought that promises to shatter irrevocably the status quo of her life with Hamilton. the older, more affluent couple, share an equally tense marriage despite their prosperity. Karen Frick, though, has gone farther down the path of no-recovery than even the more frequently hospitalized Patricia. As roommates, Karen and Patricia have been sharing stories about their husbands-and the final meeting between them all, demonstrates the price and rewards of even strained marriages.
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
Dramatists Play Service, NY, 1991
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Man Who Had All the Luck
Infused with the moral malaise of the Depression era, the Drama centers on David Beeves, a man whose every obstacle to personal and professional success seems to crumble before him. But his good fortune merely serves to reveal the tragedies of those around him in greater relief, offering evidence of a cApricious god or, worse, a godless, arbitrary universe. David's journey toward fulfillment becomes a nightmare of existential doubts, a desperate grasp for reason in a cosmos seemingly devoid of any, and a struggle that will take him to the brink of madness.
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
in "Cross-Section 1944", Fischer, New York, 1944. Methuen Drama, London
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Memory Of Two Mondays, A
Dramatizing a compacted group of memories passing over several years, Arthur Miller's vivid comedy-Drama portrays the nature of life during America's Great Depression. the emphasis is on mood and characterization as Miller draws on his own personal experience to evoke what the 1930s were like for workers to whom a job--any job--was everything
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1955
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Mr Peter's Connections
A girl's world is changed by a hermit who carries the dreams of the world in a sack.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Penguin, USA, 1999
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One Act
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No Villain
No Villain tells the story of garment industry strike that sets a son against his factory proprietor father. It draws very directly on his family life. It opens in the parlour of six room house where the Simons are an immigrant family, once successful but now fallen on hard times. They anxiously await the return of their son from University. A twenty year old Miller exploring the Marxist theory that would see him hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee years later. This remarkable debut play gives us a tantalising glimpse of Miller's early life, the seeding of his political values and the beginning of his extraordinary career.
"Arthur wrote No Villain First (probably in early 1936 but he claims it was 1935) this can be corroborated by his own autobiography and Christopher Bigsby's extensive research for his biography of Miller. The University of Michigan also confirms this to be true in it's detailed reports on the Hopwood Award (of which No Villain was a winning entry). No Villain was never produced but subsequent (radically different) sketches of the play did have amateur productions under the titles 'they Too Arise' and 'the Grass Still Grows' the latter receiving one professional performance in Detroit by the Federal Theatre Project. Again my source is Christopher Bigsby who I spoke to this afternoon to triple check my facts. By all known accounts Miller's first attempt at playwriting was 'No Villain' and we (myself and the Miller Trust) conducted extensive research to ensure that we could rightly call our show the World Premiere." - clarifying statement from Sean Turner , director of the World Premiere at The Old Red Lion, London.
Over six days during spring break 1936 at the University of Michigan, a twenty year old college sophomore wrote his first play, No Villain. The aim was to win the prestigious Avery Hopwood award and more importantly the $250 prize he needed in order to return to college the following year. He won the award that year (and the next) but the play was never produced - until now. In close association with the Miller Trust, Sean Turner and the Old Red Lion are proud to present the World Premiere of Miller's first play in this Centenary year of the birth of one of America's greatest dramatists and political icons.
1st Produced:
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Playing For Time
the extraordinary story of the women's orchestra in Auschwitz.
from work by Fania Fenelon, televised 1980
1st Produced:
San Francisco
1st Published:
Bantam, New York, 1981
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Price, The
In the attic of a soon-to-be-demolished house, two brothers meet after a 16 year estrangement to dispose of their dead parents' property. the first is a policeman who sacrificed his education and probably a career as a scientist to care for his ruined, invalid father. the other, who arrives late, is an eminent surgeon who walked out on the demands of family to concentrate on medicine and personal success. their confrontation leads them to examine the events and qualities of their very different lives and the price that each of them has had to pay.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Viking Press, New York, 1968
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Resurrection Blues
High in the mountains of a South American banana republic, a revolution is brewing. When the rebels' messiah-like leader is captured, a New York production company swoops in to televise his execution - death by crucifixion - and an explosive chain of events ensues. Humorous, poetic and thought provoking, Resurrection Blues brilliantly satirises misguided global politics and the predatory nature of a media saturated culture.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Ride Down Mount Morgan, The
Centres around a selfish man, willing to take, while others around him are willing to give and turn a blind eye to suspicions.
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Some Kind Of Love Story
Angela, a hard-bitten call-girl, is visited by Tom, a private detective of long acquaintance, who is convinced that she can supply information about a murder case which, some years earlier, resulted in a miscarriage of justice. As Tom plays on their former closeness, trying to draw out the facts he seeks, Angela withdraws behind a schizophrenic screen of multiple personalities ranging from a brazen creature named Leontyne, to a shrinking violet called Emily, to a haughty English-woman named Renata. Doggedly persistent, Tom does, in the end, break through the fears which have driven Angela to hide the truth within herself. With chilling intensity she pours through a tale of duplicity and corruption and recounts how an innocent man ended up paying for the crimes of others. As the play ends Tom offers to drive Angela to her next assignation - relieved that his quest has ended but, at the same time, disturbed by the knowledge that his worst fears have been borne out. Presented as a double bill with Miller's Elergy for a Lady, this play balances the poetic evocativeness of its companion piece with its hard-hitting, naturalistic study of a detective and the prostitute from whom he seeks to extract the facts of a long-unsettled case.
part of Two-Way Mirror
1st Produced:
New Haven Connecticut
1st Published:
Dramatists Play Service, NY, 1983
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One Act
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Speech To the Neiborhood Watch Committee
in Urban Blight (musical revue), based on An idea by John Tillinger, music by David Shire, lyrics by Richard Maltby, Jr.
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
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Musical Revue
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That they May Win
1st Produced:
New York
1st Published:
in "Best One Act Plays of 1944", Dodd Mead, New York, 1945
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One Act
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They Too Arise
draws very directly on his family life. It opens in the parlour of six room house where the Simons are an immigrant family, once successful but now fallen on hard times. the anxiously await the return of their son from University
aka No Villain
1st Produced:
Ann Arbor, Ml
1st Published:
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Two-Way Mirror
for synopses see Elegy For A Lady and Some Kind Of Love Story
a double bill for A man And A woman.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
in Miller Plays 3, Methuen, London, 1990
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Two 1 Act Plays One Act
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Up From Paradise
Adam and Eve in the Garden
Music by Stanley Silverman; lyrics by Arthur Miller; book by Arthur Miller. Based on "the Creation of the World And Other Business" by Arthur Miller
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Samuel French Inc, New York,
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Male: 9 Female: 1 Other: -
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View From the Bridge, A

A View from the Bridge ". . . is a tragedy in the classic form and I think it is a modern classic. . . the central character is a long-shoreman who, though his mind is limited and he cannot find words for his thoughts, is an admirable man. . ..When two of his wife's Italian cousins - submarines they are, in the waterfront argot - are smuggled into this country, he makes room for them in his home. Gratefully they move in among his wife, his children and the teen-age niece whom he has brought up and whom he has come to love, he thinks, as a daughter. And now the stage is set for tragedy. One of the illegal immigrants has a family in Italy for whom he is working; the other young, extraordinarily handsome, and exceedingly blonde, is single. He wants to become an American, and he falls in love with his benefactor's niece. If he marries the girl he will no longer have to hide from immigration officials. A monstrous change creeps up on the kind and loving uncle. He is violently opposed to this romance and is not intelligent enough to realize that this opposition is not motivated, as he thinks, by a dislike of the boy and a suspicion that he is too pretty to be a man, but by his own too intense love for his niece. Not even the wise and kindly neighborhood lawyer can persuade him to let the girl go. This is an intensely absorbing Drama, sure of itself every step of the way. It makes no false moves, wastes no time and has the beauty that comes from directness and simplicity"
New York News
1st Produced:
Cornet, New York
29 Sep 1955
1st Published:
To Buy This Play:
If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Tragedy. - - Gay, theme/character full length
Male: 12 Female: 3 Other: -
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