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Steven Webb

STEVEN WEBB  (1975 - )

Nationality:    British
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Literary Agent:    n/a

Steven Webb worked as an Actor, Director, Writer and Workshop facilitator and coordinator over the past ten years. Graduated from Reading University with a degree in Theatre studies and BETC National Performing Arts at Barking College. In another aspects additional of his Theatre training development, he spent one year with Theatre Resource, a Community Theatre Company based in Ongar, Essex as Trainee Project worker. He was one of the co-founders of Deafinitely Theatre, which is the only professional, Deaf-led Theatre company in UK. Having worked in various Theatre industry that have seen his work grown by directing several Theatre projects for Tower of London for OPT (Open Theatre Production), British Deaf Association's Community Theatre in Inverness, Scotland and Brighton and has performed for Unicorn Children Theatre, Tandem, Deafinitely Theatre including TV Credits for BBC 2 and Channel Four. His experiences in Drama have taken him to work in Community Theatre, Youth Theatre, Theatre in Education and Arts Residency projects. His professional Theatre-directing debut came in March 2004 with Deafinitely Theatre's production 'Dysfunction' at the Oval House, which had seen him taken a further level of writing full-length script that he also directed at Soho Theatre in July 2006 following on a National Tour at UK in November 2006. For the past 2 years, Steven has set up another new concept of Deaf-led professional Theatre company as Artistic Director for 'Young DRoots Theatre', which he works along with Education Director David Ellington under CIC Companies House. YDRT is specifically designed to work with Deaf children and Youth and to reduce the gap in Deaf Theatre that has it own demands amongst in the Deaf community for art, youth, children, community and education forms.

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below is a list of Steven Webb's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        Dysfunction         Shotgun Wedding


Deaf couple Nigel and Sue are battling their way through their 23rd year of marriage and like many couple, their past is riddled with things that they'd rather forget. When Nigel's brother comes to stay their darkest secrets come back to haunt them. Dysfunction was first performed at the Oval House in February 2004 as a revised piece of work in progress exploring the bizarre aspects of family life. This production has been revised and re-written and is a humorous exploration of the modern family and communication in all relationships: between the family members, between the Deaf and hearing characters, and between the actors and audience.

Untying the knot, Dysfunctional is A little like A silent movie performed in sign language And words - with interpreters who Also Act.,
Kate Kellaway, Observer

1st Produced:

Deafinetly Theatre Company

1st Published:
-   -


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Shotgun Wedding


Young couple Phoebe & Tristan cannot Able to declare their love And Affection for each other As it would mean publishable death sentence. It is seen As forbidden by theirs own society. Tristan's resolution have come to leave the city & country behind to find work so they can be together in new life without fear And living the consequence of their dark secrets yet to be exposed. Months later he was caught on the border whilst trying to escape. He is Awaiting for his trial. Soon enough it is the race for survival to each own secrets will come to haunt them. Will Tristan will ever return to Phoebe And fulfils his promises. Will Phoebe submit the will of family into Arrangement marriage? Will she get to keep her unborn? Will her baby survive? What will hold the fates for those families As secrets starts to unravel in their darkness hour?

1st Produced:
ALRA (Arts Live Recording Arts Academy)    2009

DRoots Theatre & ALRA (Arts Live Recording Arts Academy)

1st Published:
-   -


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Male:  6            Female:  6            Other:  2

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