Doollee is an online database of playwrights and theatre plays. As an ongoing project we aim to list every play written or produced in English since 1956, the year John Osborne's seminal play Look Back in Anger was first performed at the Royal Court in London. As a general rule of thumb, if you are a playwright who has had at least one play published or produced in English since 1956 then you are eligible for inclusion on the site. Doollee will then happily list the details of every other play you have written even if it is unpublished, unproduced, or was written before 1956. We add submitted information to the site daily and all contributions we receive help make this the most meaningful and definitive guide to modern playwrights in the world. With regret we are unable to handle submissions at present.

Please keep sending in those templates, corrections, errors, broken links and news of your successes, the site would not be possible without them.