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(1959 - )
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as an actor, mime and educator, Bill Bowers has traveled throughout all 50 of the United States and Europe. His original mime shows, 'NIGHT SWeetheaRT 'NIGHT BUTTeRCUP and UNDeR a MONTaNa MOON have been produced Off Broadway to critical raves. Bill's latest play, IT GOeS WITHOUT SaYING, had a sold out run Off Broadway, and has also been produced at Berkshire Theater Festival and the adirondack Theater Festival. Bill has been hailed by critics as "a great American mime", winning the Dallas Ft Worth Critics award, Best of the Berkshires and the New York Times Pick of the Week. IT GOeS WITHOUT SaYING is now touring the United States, with recent performances in Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, and alaskA. Margo Jefferson of the the NeW YORK TIMeS writes, "To watch Bill Bowers is to see the technical elements of a style that brings Marcel Marceau readily to mind, joined to the American West. Mime can be wonderful - the air between him and us was his palette." His Broadway credits include Zazu in the LION KING, and Leggett in the SCaRLeT PIMPeRNeL. He appeared with John Turturro and aida Turturro Off Broadway in the SOULS OF NaPLeS, as well as in Naples Italy. He has also appeared in New York at ensemble Studio Theater, Here, La Ma Ma, St. anne's Warehouse, and the NY Fringe Festival. Bill's regional credits include Berkshire Theater Festival, Cincinnati Playhouse, Rep of St. Louis, Northshore Music Theater, Two River Theater, arkansas Rep,George Street Playhouse, Montana Rep, PaperMill Playhouse, the Denver Center, Tennessee Rep, Seven angels Theater, and the Eugene O'Neill Center. He is featured in the film TWO WeeKS NOTICe, and on television in Disney's OUT OF the BOX, ReMeMBeR W.e.N.N., ONe LIFe TO LIVe, and aLL MY CHILDReN. Committed to introducing MIMe to new audiences, Bill has taken his solo show UNDeR a MONTaNa MOON all over the U.S. He has traveled to and performed in all 50 states, visiting such disparate settings as one room schools in Montana and Nebraska , amish Colonies, the Flathead Indian Reservation, Homeless shelters in New Jersey, as well as the Kennedy Center in DC, and Chicago's Steppenwolf Theater. In the past year he has performed and taught in Norway, Romania, and Italy as well. Bill works extensively with young people as a a guest artist for organizations such as City at Peace, Operation Smile, Very Special Arts (people with disabilities), Make-a-Wish-Foundation, Camp Comfort (for children who have lost a parent to cancer),and the Boston-based In the Best Interests of the Children, (an advocacy for children and teens living with HIV/aIDS.) He also provides after-school programs through the NewYork Public Library System. Following the events of September 11, Bill traveled to NYC schools to work with children on how to express their feelings of anxiety and fear. Feature articles about his work have appeared in the NeW YORK TIMeS and the DaILY NeWS. For many years Bill toured the U.S. as Slim Goodbody, America's Health Hero, teaching school children how to take care of themselves and make healthy life choices. He helped to develop and perform educational shows about dinosaurs (the Mesozoic Musical), substance abuse (attention to Prevention), and the environment (Healthy Planet.) He has also co-authored plays for young audiences including the Fables of aesop and On the Move. Bill is a founding member of the Unlimited Potential Theater Company, comprised of actors with physical disabilities. He co-authored two plays for this company, Romance Mystery Theater, and Dorothy in Wonderland. Bill is a popular teaching artist for educators, and provides in-service workshops on issues of Disabilities in the Classroom, Kinesthetic Learning and Creative Play, and Curriculum-based Arts and aesthetic education. Bill holds an MFA from Rutgers University's Mason Gross School of the Arts, and an Honorary PhD from his alma mater, Rocky Mountain College. He presently teaches at NewYork University, and is a teaching artist for the PaperMill Playhouse, Urban Stages, and the Institute for Arts and Humanities education. He regularly presents workshops and master classes, and has studied with the legendary Marcel Marceau. www.Bill-Bowers.com
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Beyond Words
Louder Than Words is a collection of mime, music, and monologues that continues Bill Bowers's ongoing investigation of silence in our culture. Set against the backdrop of "Small town America," Louder Than Words takes the audience on a funny and poignant journey of sound and silence. One of the most acclaimed mimes in America today, Bill Bowers's eloquent movement evokes the deepest truths of the human condition. Often compared to Chaplin and Keaton, Bowers has truly created a style all his own.
- nytheatre.com
1st Produced:
Urban Stages259 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001 12 Oct 2011
1st Published:
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Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest
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Heyokah / Hokahey
HeYOKaH HOKaHeY is an ensemble play, inspired by the Contrary Clowns of Native America, in particular, the HeYOKaH clown of the Plains Indians. It was developed by the company at UW theater/Dance. the devised theater piece investigates ideas of BeING DIFFeReNT, BeING the OtheR, and confronting the OtheR in ourselves. What do we gain and lose by accepting our True Selves? HeYOKaH HOKaHeY is comprised of Traditional Native Stories of Creation and Sweet Medicine, told in Nontraditional ways. the short story HaNDS from Sherwood anderson's WINeSBURG OHIO, Original beat box music about "US/theM", BOY/GIRL. Dar William's WHeN I WaS a BOY, and Seamus Heaney's CURe aT TROY.
This play can be produced with Any size cast. . .
1st Produced:
Uw Theater/Dance Laramie Wyoming 2009
University of Wyoming at Laramie
1st Published:
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devised theatre
Male: 8 Female: 8 Other: -
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It Goes Without Saying
In this 75-minute joy ride, Bill shares funny, heart-breaking, and unbelievable true stories from both his career and his lifelong exploration of the role silence plays in all our lives. IT GOeS WITHOUT SaYING takes the audience on a scenic tour of Bill's life thus far; from his childhood in the wilds of Montana, to his outrageous jobs as a performer, to the whirlwind of working on Broadway, and studying with Marcel Marceau. Compared to the work of Claudia Shear, Lisa Kron and David Sedaris, IT GOeS WITHOUT SaYING is an auto-biographical tour-de-force.
1st Produced:
Adirondack Theater Festival, Glens Falls New York 2003
1st Published:
http://www.indietheaternow.com/Play/it-goes-without-saying -
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Solo, 75 min. - - Gay, full length
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Moving Pictures
This is part of the Fresh Fruit Festival. Bill Bowers gives us a collection of vignettes incorporating live piano with mime, physical storytelling and monologue.
- nytheatre.com
1st Produced:
Tbg Arts Complex, 312 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, Ny 10018 19 Jul 2011
1st Published:
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Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest
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Night Sweetheart, Night Buttercup
a conversation between a brother and sister that reveals their shared childhood memories of abuse and secrecy. the brother character only remembers fragments which take shape in physical action. the sister recalls the events with exacting detail, but only verbally. We hear the sister's side of a phone conversation about these events, and see the brother's physical response.
1st Produced:
Dramaleague DirectorFest
1st Published:
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experirmental play
Male: 1 Female: 1 Other: -
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Under A Montana Moon
a collection of nine silent stories that look at how silence operates in the world: to remain silent, to be silenced, to silence someone else. all nine stories are without words and all of them take place under a western sky.
1st Produced:
Off Broadway NYC 2001
Off Broadway NYC
1st Published:
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Mime Play
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