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(1958 - )
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David Waters: stagescripts.com
My Name is Tom Casling. At the time of writing this Biography I have written over 25 plays. My plays were formally with New Theatre Publications who ceased trading in January 2017 and are soon to be with www.stagecripts.com. The plays are a mixture of Full length and One Acts and can be found on my website www.moonintheskytheatre.co.uk I can be contacted by email on mooninthesky2005@aol.com or by telephoning 07725105965. Several of my plays are also listed with: www.Doollee.com. My unique skill is being able to write bespoke work for groups with a quick turnaround. I look forward to your requests Tom Casling
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Artful Lodger, The
Can also be played by 2 men and 4 women. William and Millicent Foot are a couple in their late 50s. He is married to Millicent a housewife and his long-suffering partner. the couple are considering students as prospective lodgers. Having settled on a list of six from which to make their decision, arthur enters unannounced seeking accommodation. arthur is like a breath of fresh air into Millicent`s world but a nightmare for William. arthur, or artful as he calls himself, manages to win over Millicent who in turn convinces William that they should take him in. It becomes clear, however, that arthur has a secret past that he is unable to talk about; this is juxtaposed with a strange young pregnant female who appears to be blackmailing William to the value of £10,000 - the same £10,000 that Millicent impulsively donates to the Make Poverty History cause because 'it was a rainy day'. What is the link between arthur and this girl who is blackmailing William? Why was arthur expelled form his last University? the play is a comedy tinged with poignancy that has people experiencing a wide range of emotions in a short space of time.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2005)
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Full Length Play/Drama
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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Day Out, The
Today is Sid's 50th Birthday and he is, rather belatedly, having a mid-life crisis. If the truth were known he has been having one for the last few years but reaching the age of fifty has made the experience more marked. His wife, Mary, recognises this and has, for some time, been trying to re-capture the magic of their relationship and the things that had attracted them to each other many years ago. their children have grown up now and moved away and Mary believes it is now time to address the issue. Mary decides to take Sid for a day out to celebrate his birthday. Sid, not unwisely, believes that the day will follow the same pattern as previous birthdays namely: breakfast in bed, presents of a book or a C.D, perhaps a new shirt and tie, followed by a meal and a trip to the theatre. the highlight to his birthday, however, will be the day off work and a limited amount of disruptions on his mobile telephone. Mary has other ideas though. She plans to take Sid on a day out to a tourist attraction close to his hometown in Middlesbrough. She hopes this will re-awaken in Sid some of the old memories and passion that had initially attracted her to him and which she believes made him the man he was.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2008)
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Full Length Comedy
Male: 4 Female: 3 Other: -
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Do We Know His Parents?
John and Lesley Scott are due to meet their daughter`s boyfriend for the first time. they are anxious to make a good impression and like any doting parents are reminiscing about how quickly their daughter has grown up. they decide to make a special tea for the occasion. Like most fathers John is over protective and wants to know more about this boyfriend and his background. This causes him to ask the question that many parents, particularly fathers, through the ages have asked: 'Do we know his parents?'
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2007)
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One act Play/Drama
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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the action takes place in the present day, in a small Northern town. Grandad lost his wife a few years ago and, as a result of a stroke and the illness which followed, had to move in with his son Dave, daughter-in-law June and their two teenage children. We meet the family two years on. Whilst the day-to-day effects of Grandad joining the family have had little impact on Dave and the two children, the relationship is beginning to take its toll on June. every scene except one is set in the Wrights' living/dining room. act 2, Scene 2 takes place in the park, and can be played in front of tabs.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2009)
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Full Length Play/Drama
Male: 5 Female: 6 Other: -
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Hell Hath No Fury. . .
Peter and Sarah have been married for a couple of years. they met later in life than the average young couple and neither of them had had a great deal of experience of relationships prior to their marriage. Suddenly something has changed for each of them. they both believe that the fault lies with the other person. Sarah reluctantly confides in her mum whilst Peter chooses to confide in a work colleague and that's when things really begin to go wrong.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2008)
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Full Length Play/Drama
Male: 2 Female: 3 Other: -
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Honourable Life, An
Patrick and Mary await the imminent arrival of Father Brendan, Patrick's brother who has decided to come and stay with them two weeks before Christmas. Brendan is never the easiest of guests and it would appear that he has a problem that he urgently needs to discuss. at a time of 'goodwill to all men' both brothers find themselves in need of shelter, questioning family values and needing to address what constitutes and honourable life
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2008)
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Full Length Play/Drama
Male: 4 Female: 3 Other: -
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David Clark has reached a crisis in his life. He can see no way out of it and no point in going on, so he has decided to end it all. He has made his plan and decided how to take his life. He is going to jump off the Tyne Bridge. as he climbs out onto the edge of the bridge he decides to leave one final message for his wife, as if by way of an explanation. He cannot face talking to her direct so he decides to leave a message on the answer machine knowing she will be out. then the interruptions begin.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2007)
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
One act Play/Drama
Male: 4 Female: 2 Other: -
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the play deals with the issue of sanctuary, and is based partly on fact. It is the present day. John Lee is about to be deported. He has exhausted all the possible legal options to remain in the country and, when these fail, seeks refuge in his local church, claiming sanctuary. the play considers the legal aspects of sanctuary, and the relationship between civil and church law. It looks at how individuals, and the community, can provide support or condemnation, coloured by individual experience and media hype. the play also touches on the way in which our own private and public thoughts can be influenced by the situations we find ourselves in, and the people we find ourselves with.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2009)
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
One act Play/Drama
Male: 9 Female: 9 Other: -
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Seasons In the Sun
Neil is planning the ideal camping and cycling holiday with his wife to recapture memories of their youth together. they decide to re-visit one of their haunts which had happy memories from when they were first married only to encounter the family from hell.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
New Theatre Publications (2009)
To Buy This Play:
If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
One act Play/Drama
Male: 8 Female: 5 Other: -
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Tipp the Taxi Driver
the play deals with the complex relationships that can develop between the most unlikely of people, including the title character Tipp, a reluctant taxi driver and Margaret, his long suffering wife. Mr Casling said: "I wanted to do something to help a good cause in the area and thought it would be a good idea to get the drivers of Dial a Cab to donate their tips for any fares they take to the Customs House to see the play!
1st Produced:
Moon In the Sky Theatre
1st Published:
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Male: - Female: - Other: -
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