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Pavel Cerny emigrated from Czechoslovakia to USA in 1964. Graduate of UCLa-Theater Arts (B.A.) and FaMU Prague (M.A.). artistic director of the Orpheum Theater Corp. in West Hollywood from 1975-1985. Directed over 40 productions and about 45 staged readings in different Theaters in Los Angeles. Directed in major Theaters in Germany, austria, and the Czech Republic. Wrote several plays and adaptations or translations of other authors.
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the musical follows the life and career of an imaginary character -a Jewish comedian named Hugo Schwartz. We meet Hugo during WW I in a small Jewish cabaret in Mukachevo, Ruthenia, then in mid 1920's in Prague, in 1938 in Vienna, and finally in the 1950's in a Catskill Mountain Jewish resort in the US. the play not only follows Hugo's life, but also the world history and the history of Jewish cabarets and Jewish humour. Pre=existing and original music.
the play had A very successful run in Los Angeles where it was sold out for Almost A year. Rights to the Play Are Available through Orpheum theater Corporation At filmoffice@sbcglobal.net
1st Produced:
Orpheum Theater In West Hollywood, California, Usa
Orpheum Theater Corporation
1st Published:
- -
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Cabaret Musical Musical
Male: 6 Female: 4 Other: extras
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Circus Welt
a free adaptation of Leonid andreyev's play "He Who Gets Slapped." transposed into the first four months of 1933 (Hitler's power grab) in a small travelling circus in Germany. Circus Welt became a ship of fools for various people hoping to find an asylum from the fast changing political situation. among the characters are two gay clowns, a black American clown working in whiteface, a young communist horse trainer, a Jewish lion tamer, and He- an ex professor of mythology at a German university who lost his job, his family, and even his identity during the arrival of fascism. as the time passes Nazis are becoming ever more powerful and the clowns and acrobats realize that there is no escape from the political reality and that all artists have to take responsibility and fight the oppression. the play has a tragic denouement during the brawl between the circus employees and the Nazi soldiers.
the play is Available in English, Czech, And German. Rights to the Play Are Available through Orpheum theater Corporation At filmoffice@sbcglobal.net
1st Produced:
First Stage Theatre, Hollywood, California
Orpheum Theater Corporation
1st Published:
DILIa Publishing House, Prague, 2007 -
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Gay theme/character full length
Male: 7 Female: 2 Other: Chorus of Clowns, various acrobats
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Lovely Place For A Picnic, A
a free adaptation of "Picnic"--a play by the Czech playwright Ladislav Smocek. the action and the characters of the play are transposed to 1970's. Five US GIs are lost in the jungle of Viet Nam, surrounded by the Viet Cong. What develops is akin to a psychoDrama of trust and lack of it, male bonding, and aggressions that comes to the surface under the stress of the situation.
Rights to the Play Are Available through Orpheum theater Corporation At filmoffice@sbcglobal.net
1st Produced:
Callboard Theatre, West Hollywood, California, Usa
Orpheum Theater Corporation
1st Published:
- -
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Gay theme/character full length
Male: 5 Female: - Other: -
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Three Sisters Or Perestroika

there is a new, liberal president in the capital, a nuclear power station has just melted down, soldiers are leaving for Afghanistan, and people are dreaming of a better life. . . (Sounds familiar?-actually this is the Soviet Union of 1986-87). the Prozorov family lives in a small garrison town in Siberia, but they dream of returning to the city of their birth-Moscow. the oldest of the three Prozorov sisters Olga is a well-adjusted lesbian, Masha is unhappily married to an older man, and Irina -the youngest--has still not found herself. they are all searching for happiness. Olga ends up as the director of the local high school, Masha falls in love with the dashing (also married) colonel Vershinin. Irina is being pursued by several men, the young boyish Fedotik, Vasily Solyony, a psychopath who thinks himself to be e.a.Poe, and most of all, by aaron Tuzenbach, a Jew yearning for assimilation. the sisters' brother andrei is henpecked by his pretty but adulterous wife Natasha and gives up a bright career of a university professor to be the secretary of the local Communist Party committee. Moscow is disappearing ever more in distance. Will they find a balm for their unhappy existence?
Pavel Cerny wrote An updated version of the Anton Chekhov classic, taking place during the 1980's era of Gorbachev, glasnost, Chernobyl, And the Russian war in Afghanistan. As Always in Chekhov, the play is A mixture of comedic And tragic, or As Chekhov calls it Laugh through tears. Rights to the Play Are Available through Orpheum theater Corporation At filmoffice@sbcglobal.net
1st Produced:
Whitefire Theatre, Los Angeles
01 May 2011
Orpheum Theater Corporation
1st Published:
- -
To Buy This Play:
If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Play/Drama. - - Lesbian theme/character, full length
Male: 9 Female: 5 Other: -
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