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Gian Maria Cervo was born in Naples in 1970 (18th December 1970) and studied foreign languages and literatures at the Tuscia University, Viterbo.His credits include the rewritings of Elizabethan and Jacobean plays (Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, Tourneur, Ford) all staged between 1993 and 1998. Gian Maria was the first translator of the play edward III, recently attributed to Shakespeare, to see his version staged by a professional company.His most recent works as a translator include the Italian versions of Sarah Kane's Phaedra's Love and 4.48 Psychosis (both for the Benevento Citta' Spettacolo Festival and National tour- his version of 4.48 had three more productions, one of which directed by Piero Maccarinelli and starring Italian film-star Giovanna Mezzogiorno), of Godfrey Hamilton's Road Movie (Teatro Olimpico Rome and National Tour) of Tony Kushner's east Coast Ode to Howard Jarvis (Quartieri dell'arte Festival and National tour) and a Bright Room Called Day (published by edizioni Interculturali, Rome and performed at the Teatro Stabile di Genova, Genoa State Theatre, in May 2006), of Peter Gill's Cardiff east (Teatro Due, Parma), of enda Walsh's Chatroom (Bassano Operaestate Festival for the Shell Connections project of the Royal National Theatre, London), of Dennis Kelly's Debris (reading at the Nuovo Teatro Nuovo, Neaples then produced at the Teatro Belli, Rome), of Doug Wright's Unwrap Your CAndy ("Quartieri dell'arte" Festival) and of Samuel Beckett's all Strange, away! (Festival Internazionale di Montalcino e della Val D'Orcia and National Tour).Gian Maria's one-act plays PPB and Cuori received their double bill premiere at the Palazzo dei Papi (Popes' Palace), Viterbo in September 1994. the plays were directed by Massimiliano Virgilii and starring ettore Bassi with Laura allegrini and Daunia Cesari.His first full-lenght play Penetrazioni had its premiere at the edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1995 directed by Carlo Fineschi. It was very well received by the anglo-saxon critics and raised a huge debate between the Italian critics when it was first performed in Italy. Penetrazioni has had several international and Italian productions since then, and has been performed by some of the most representative emerging Italian actors and actresses (including alessio Di Clemente, Max Malatesta, Barbara Livi and Lorenzo Ciompi).His play Del Mio Globo Distratto had a reading at the Contemporary Drama Festival at the Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia (State Theatre of Trieste) in 1998 and was then staged for a National tour by Marcello Sambati with a cast which included Corrado Pani. a new version of the play was staged in form of a rehearsed reading by Regina Wenig at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg (German National Theatre, Hamburg) in 2001.Gian Maria wrote Nihil a trilogy of short plays in 1999. Part one of this project, Inferno received a reading at the Sitges Festival , Spain and had then a reading at the Teatro dell'angelo in Rome (one of the Theatres run by the Teatro di Roma- Rome National Theatre ) with Luca De Bei, alessio Di Clemente, Carlo Fineschi and alessandra Muccioli. Inferno was then staged in double bill with Roland Schimmelpfennig's MeZ (Mittel europaische Zeit) by Werner Waas for the Quartieri dell'arte Festival, CAprarola and the Teatrodromo, Rome in the year 2000. Part one and part three of Nihil also received a rehearsed reading in March 2001 at the Warehouse Theatre London, directed by James Martin Charlton with Chris New. the whole trilogy was directed by Luciano Melchionna for the "Quartieri dell'arte" Festival and the Teatro Colosseo Rome in 2002. Part three of the project was also staged as an art-performance by erich Breuer at the "Quartieri dell'arte" Festival in September 2005 and is scheduled to be shot as a short film in 2007 directed by adriano De Santis. Gian Maria was appointed writer in residence for the 2001-2002 season of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg (German National Theatre, Hamburg), which commissioned him the play "the Cruellest Man. His play Fantomas a Roma (rewriting of Book VIII of the aeneid) had a reading at the Teatro Vascello, Rome in April 2004 directed by Pierpaolo Palladino with Fabio Bussotti and Cristina aubry and was broadcast on Radio Rai 3 (Italian State Radio) in May 2004 with the same cast.His play antigone (after Sophocles) was first performed at the Benevento Citta Spettacolo Festival in September 2005. the play was directed by Carlo Fineschi, and the members of the cast were Howard Ray and Gabriella Petti.the first draft of his play Vi, (after Celine) co-written with fellow playwrights Paolo Bignamini, Valentina Diana and Tiziano Fratus had a workshop production at the "Quartieri dell'arte" Festival, CAprarola, Viterbo and at the Teatrino Groggia, Venice, in October 2005, directed by Massimo Giovara with Milutin Dapcevic and Sandra Mangini. the play had its first official performance at the Teatro Gobetti, Teatro Stabile di Torino (Turin National Theatre), Turin in May 2006 and had a National Tour.His play "L'uomo pił crudele" ("the Cruellest Man") opened at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan (Milan National Theatre) in September 2006 directed by Carlo Fineschi, with alessio Di Clemente, Marco Venienti, Maria Loana Gloriani, Davide Lorino and Camillo VentolA. It was then seen at the Qda Festival and at the Teatro eliseo, Rome (Italy's main private Theatre). the play was performed at the BurgTheater, Vienna in March 2007.His newest play "Il ragazzo con l'albergo" (after Goldoni's Mirandolina) had its premiere at the Superstudio Pił, Milan in June 2007, directed by Broadway/Hollywood (Disperate Housewives) director David Warren. Gian Maria is the founder and artistic director of the "Quartieri dell'arte" Festival, Viterbo, one of the main new writing and Theatre Festivals in Italy. the Festival is currently supported by the Ministero per i Beni e le attivita Culturali, the Regione Lazio, the Provincia di Viterbo, the Comune di Viterbo, the Comune di CAprarola, the Universita degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo,foreign Cultural Institutes, private sponsors, Trusts and Foundations and is linked via the Intertext project to the BurgTheater Vienna, austria, the Royal exchange Theatre, Manchester, UK, the MeeC Paris, France, the Svandovo Divadlo Prague National Theatre, Czech Republic and the Schauspiel essen, Germany.Gian Maria is one of the authors of the abecedario Gay published by Mondadori.He taught playwriting at the Boccascena Writing School, Rome.Gian Maria has recently received a commission from the Melez project Mullheim, Germany.
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Antigone Mdf (After Sophocles)
1st Produced:
Benevento Citta Spettacolo, Mulino Pacifico, Benevento, Italy 2005
1st Published:
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comedy Drama Comedy
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Cruelest Man, The (L' Uomo Pił Crudele)
1st Produced:
Tramedautore, Piccolo Teatro, Milan, Italy 2006
"Quartieri dell'arte, Viterbo, Nuovo Teatro Nuovo, Neaples
1st Published:
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comedy Drama Comedy
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Il Ragazzo Con L'Albergo, (After "Mirandolina" By Carlo Goldoni)
1st Produced:
Superstudio , Milan, Italy 2007
Outis, Milan; "Quartieri dell'arte", Viterbo; "Operaestate" Bassano del Grappa
1st Published:
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1st Produced:
Warehouse Theatre Croydon, London 2001
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comedy Drama Comedy
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1st Produced:
Hill Street Theatre, Edinburgh, UK 1995
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comedy Drama Comedy
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in collaboration with Paolo Bignamini, Valentina Diana, Massimo Giovara, Tiziano Fratus
1st Produced:
Teatro Gobetti, Teatro Stabile di Torino, Turin, Italy 2006
O Zoo Nō
1st Published:
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