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(1926 - )
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I am a native of Dumbarton and although I still consider myself a Son of the Rock I have lived in Cumbernauld for the past 40 years. a keen amateur actor and director, I attained professional status in 1967. In addition to my work in Theatre, I have appeared in a number of popular television series, TV commercials and feature films. I am now a Life Member of British actors' equity association
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below is a list of Harry Glass's plays - click on a Play Title for more information
After Enola Gay
Amser I Hau, Amser I Fedi
Benares Incident, The
Brief Period Of Rejoicing, A
Chips With Vinegar
Daylight Robbery
Despatch Of the Day
Duel Engagement
Dust Of the Street, The
Dust On the Gem
Falls the Shadow
Follow, Follow!
Foreign Affairs
Glimpse Of Camelot, A
Gran Dora's Box
Hatch Of the Day
Housey, Housey
I Haven't Got A Clue
I Thought Cabbage Was Green
Is Your Engagement Really Necessary?
Kelly's Eye
Last Supper, The
Legge's Eleven
Match Of the Day
Move Over, Darling
Murphy's Law
New Interest In Life, A
Not Only For Christmas
Process Of Elimination, The
Respectable Family Business, A
Ships And Sealing Wax
Simpson's Sanctuary
Simpson's Tragedy
Sin Of Rhyme, The
Soap Gets In Your Eyes
Soapy Bubble
Swings And Roundabouts
Till the Petals Fall
To Make Up His Jewels
Truth, Beauty And Contact Lenses
Uncle Jimmy
Unified Field, The
Where It's Due
After Enola Gay
New Year's eve, 1950 and MaISIe has come home from America, pregnant with her first child but widowed since her G.I. husband was killed in the Korean war. Finding her mother, MaGGIe, in poor health, her father, NeIL, ageing, and her brother, aLeX, frustrated by personal problems, Maisie is faced with a dilEmma, emphasised by the historical events of the time, whether to return to America or stay and accept the responsibility of looking after her parents. "assured and well constructed" the SCOTSMaN. SCDa PLaY ON WORDS aWaRD WINNeR
Final play in the "Macrae" trilogy.
1st Produced:
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1998
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comedy Drama One act
Male: 2 Female: 2 Other: -
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aGNeS, an elderly lady has recently moved into Sheltered accommodation. the play opens as her daughter, LUCY, and her grand-daughter, SHaRON, are clearing out her house where she had lived since a girl. they are looking particularly for a box of mementos that agnes has asked them to bring to her. On finding the box and opening it they discover aspects of agnes's life which hitherto have been unknown to them. In flashback, the story of agnes's life unfolds. Reared by loving yet strict parents, JOe and JeNNY, agnes drifts into a disastrous marriage with DaVeY and subsequently becomes involved in a tragic war time love affair. an emotionally charged play sharply contrasting present day family life and morals with those of the present day. SCOTT SaLVeR TROPHY FOR BeST ORIGINaL PLaY 2002
1st Produced:
accent Players
1st Published:
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comedy Drama One act
Male: 3 Female: 4 Other: -
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Amser I Hau, Amser I Fedi
Noswyl Nadolig a theulu'n gorffen paratoadau am yr ?yl. Tad, mam a merch sy'n fyfyrwraig mewn Ysgol Feddygol, yn mwynhau cysur cartref dosbarth canol goludog. Daw chwaer y fam heibio a thry'r paratoadau'n hunllef. Drama gignoeth o onest nad yw'n osgoi'r gwir annymunol nac yn cynnig atebion chwaith. Rhaid i'r gynulleidfa Benderfynu.
addasiad George P Owen o 'a New Interest in Life'
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Dramau fer
Male: 3 Female: 1 Other: -
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Benares Incident, The
the passenger liner "City of Benares" sailed from Liverpool on Friday 13th September 1940 carrying 90 evacuee children between the ages of five and seventeen from the bombed cities of Britain to a safe haven in Canada. Her sinking by a German U-boat four days later shocked the nation. Suspicions subsequently arose, however, that the British authorities had as much to answer for as the Nazis when it was learned that the promised naval escort had abandoned the convoy 21 hours before the Benares was sunk. Of the 90 children on board only 13 survived. This is their story.
1st Produced:
Dingwall Academy
Dingwall Players
1st Published:
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Drama for youth One act
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: 1 voice over + optional extras
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Brief Period Of Rejoicing, A
the action takes place on 6th August 1945, a never to be forgotten day in the annals of world history. aLeX's experiences as a prisoner of war in Germany have left him troubled and emotionally unprepared to deal with the domestic problems he has had to confront on his return to civilian life. While the war continues in the Far east, MaISIe is concerned for the safety of her American serviceman fiance and she soon loses sympathy for alex. NeIL eventually realises that alex's depression has deeper roots than was originally suspected while MaGGIe remains anxious for the unity of her family. at times amusing, but always engrossing, moving and disturbing. SCOTT SaLVeR TROPHY FOR BeST ORIGINaL PLaY 1997
the second play in the "Macrae" trilogy.
1st Produced:
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1997
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comedy Drama One act
Male: 2 Female: 2 Other: -
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Chips With Vinegar
the action takes place during the evening of Friday, September 28th 1938 against the background of momentous historical events as NeIL MaCRae and his son, aLeX, his daughter, MaISIe and his wife, MaGGIe, live out their ordinary, everyday working lives. their hopes and ambitions are modest but there is a sense of foreboding and uncertainty about the future. a robust, humorous and moving portrayal of the time.
1st Produced:
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy Drama One act
Male: 2 Female: 3 Other: -
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the play follows the fortunes and misfortunes of the Macrae family from shortly before the out break of WORLD War Two to the dawning of the nuclear age. the Macraes, a plain, ordinary family living in the heart of Clydeside are inexorably influenced by momentous, historical events. an authentic, robust and keenly observed account of the period with dialogue which is at all times forthright, incisive and honest, often funny, often deeply moving.
1st Produced:
Cumbernauld Theatre, Cumbernauld, Glasgow
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1999
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three acts Comedy
Male: 2 Female: 3 Other: -
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Daylight Robbery
the SMITH sisters, aUGUSTa, BeRthe and CHaRLOTTe are accomplished artistes: sculptor, painter and writer respectively whose talents have as yet gone unnoticed. Believing that the way to recognition and success is through notoriety they decide to rob a bank with the intention of being caught and convicted. But it isn't that easy. With their mother, MaIMIe, an able and willing accessory, they carry out a successful robbery, but Maimie's long lost criminal husband SCURVY SMITH, together with his right hand man, LeFTY and his mob, had planned to rob the same bank at the same time. Scurvy's men are caught but he and Lefty escape and come in search of the spoils. assigned to the case is the intrepid DeTeCTIVe CHIeF INSPeCTOR HORNBLOWeR and his able assistant, WOMaN DeTeCTIVe CONSTaBLe SeRGeaNT. as the girls endeavour to establish their guilt Hornblower pursues Scurvy who labours untiringly in search of the loot. a hilarious romp!
1st Produced:
East Kilbride Theatre
eKO Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 5 Other: -
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Despatch Of the Day
Completing the "Match of the Day" trilogy, CHaRLIe and his friend aNDY are once again formulating plans for attending another football match involving their chosen clubs but once again fate, in the shape of Charlie's wife, aNNIe, puts seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their way. Daughters LINDa and SaNDRa are also making demands on their respective partners, JIMMY and KeNNY, but ReV 'tUG' WILSON, by means of a devious plot, appears to have saved the day. Tug, however, is being economical with the truth, and there is a sexy paperback doing the rounds. these are the rocks upon which Tug's plan might perish.
1st Produced:
Palace Theatre
ayrshire YFC
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: 5 Female: 4 Other: 1 male walk on
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the play centres on a casting meeting of an amateur Drama group. PaULa is the director who takes her position seriously and becomes frustrated in her efforts to interest the disparate group pf women who have turned up to audition: SUe, BaBS, PaMeLa and Emma. there is a good deal of light, touching comedy in the simple, yet subtle stories of the five interesting and contrasting characters. the play will appeal to the experienced and inexperienced alike and the set requires only a table and a few chairs.
1st Produced:
Macrobert Theatre
Riverside DC
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: - Female: 5 Other: -
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Duel Engagement
When KITTY and aLISON booked their local Leisure Centre's function suite for their respective engagement parties they did not reckon with the eccentricities of the redoubtable MRS MORTON who booked them for the same date. This double booking gives rise to a number of comical and uproarious situations involving both sets of parents, supervisor LaURa JaCKSON and her assistant, ReNTON CHaRLeS. Described variously as bigoted, irreverent, sexist. . .. and extremely funny!
Originally published under the title "Is Your engagement Really Necessary?"
1st Produced:
Mitchell Theatre
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 6 Other: -
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Dust Of the Street, The
Set in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw in July 1942 at the beginning of the Nazi's infamous "Final Solution" pogrom when, day after day, thousands of men, women and children, innocent of any crime, were put to death, the play is a tribute to the persistence and bravery of children, turned smugglers, who endangered themselves countless numbers of times in order to sustain their families ands the community as a whole. Drama aSSOCIaTION OF WaLeS aWaRD WINNeR
1st Produced:
Eastwood Theatre
Young Portonians
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1998
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Drama for youth One act
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: 1 voice over + optional extras
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Dust On the Gem
Commissioned as a celebration piece to commemorate the bicentenary of Robert Burns, the action centres around PeTeR and JeSSIe WaLLaCe and the disparate members of their family, BOBBY, DaVIe, JULIe and Susan. Peter, Chairman of the local Burns Club has taken early retirement (or was he made redundant- or worse still, fired?) Peter's family are at a loss to understand his conduct since his retirement and, in turn, Peter, a champion of Scottish tradition and culture is unable to come to terms with the wide ranging ambitions and aspirations of his children. Peter's ex-workmate, COLIN, next door neighbour, FLORRIe, local clergyman, JOHN MaCRae and other cameo characters contribute to the comedy which provides laughter in good measure. Family entertainment which although light in content, has moments of serious contemplation on today's society.
1st Produced:
Ryan Theatre
Newton Stewart Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1996
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two acts Comedy
Male: 6 Female: 6 Other: -
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Falls the Shadow
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Play One act
Male: - Female: - Other: -
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This short play looks at the Chernobyl disaster from the point of view of the young. "Fireflies" is an epithet that thoughtless Ukranian children applied to their contemporaries who were victims of the catastrophe. Set in a Ukranian playground the children act out their personal impression of the reactions of world authorities in the wake of the disaster and examine its terrible and tragic legacy. Instructive. enlightening. Disconcerting. aLL ROYaLTY FeeS FROM THIS PLaY aRe DONaTeD TO the CHeRNOBYL CHILDReN's LIFeLINe.
1st Produced:
Falkirk Town Hall
Young Portonians
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1997
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Drama for youth One act
Male: 3 Female: 5 Other: optional extras
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Follow, Follow!
an amalgam of the trilogy "Match of the Day" "Hatch of the Day" and "Despatch of the Day" (qv)
1st Produced:
Cumbernauld Theatre, Cumbernauld, Glasgow
Force Three Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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three acts Comedy
Male: 4 Female: 6 Other: 1 male walk-on
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Foreign Affairs
Alex and JaNe MORRISON are preparing to celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary and, with their daughter, CaROL who lives with them, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their three other daughters, SHaRON, LIZ and aLISON who now live in other parts of the world. Jane is particularly excited about meeting the men in their daughters' lives since it has always been her dearest wish that they should not marry local men. the arrival of each daughter brings many surprises for Jane as one hilarious situation follows another. a laugh-a-minute play, now a well establishes audience favourite.
1st Produced:
Mitchell Theatre
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 6 Other: -
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Glimpse Of Camelot, A
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Play One act
Male: - Female: - Other: -
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Gran Dora's Box
When a group of squatters encamp in a show house, MICHaeL, their gentlemanly spokesman, explains that the purpose of their trespass is to carry out a strange experiment which involves transporting an old lady in a wooden chest out of a bedroom window. the bewildered staff: JULIe, the sales lady, FReD, the site manager and OLIVe, the cleaning lady, agree to go along with the strange plan. But when the news breaks of a robbery during the previous night, suspicion falls on the interlopers. an inside accomplice is suspected and the plot takes many twists and turns until the truth is revealed in a surprise ending.
1st Produced:
Isle Of Gigha
Gigha Drama Club
1st Published:
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 5 Other: -
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Hatch Of the Day
the hilarious sequel to "Match of the Day", LINDa has presented husband JIMMY with a bouncing baby boy and there is widespread consternation when he decides to name his son after the famous Glasgow Celtic football team, the "Lisbon Lions" - all eleven of them! Least happy are the two grandmothers, aNNIe and GeORGINa. Linda's younger sister, SaNDRa, and KeNNY, her boyfriend are meanwhile conspiring to go on holiday together while grandFather CHaRLIe and his friend aNDY find that the christening arrangements are at odds with their plans for the new football season. ReV 'tUG' WILSON and wife, MaRY become involved in the plot as Linda comes up with a brilliantly contrived compromise.
1st Produced:
Victoria Hall
accent Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: 5 Female: 5 Other: -
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Housey, Housey
as OLIVe MaRSH, the new cleaning lady, goes about her business in the show house of Midburn Homes estate, FReD FOSTeR, the site manager calls to introduce himself. Into this scene comes the super efficient Sales Negotiator, JULIe PeTeRS making her presence and her authority felt. Julie is also very upset because she has lost a set of keys. the keys in question, we discover, have come into the possession of MICHaeL, a gentleman criminal who has ensconced himself, his wife, PeGGY and his daughter, SaNDRa in the bedrooms of the show house. the reason for Michael's presence is soon made known. the proximity of the local constabulary, the valiant efforts of Julie's boyfriend, BRIaN and an unexpected visit by the company SaLeS DIReCTOR do not deter the interlopers from completing the bizarre purpose of their visit. the play ends on an unusual and surprising note.
1st Produced:
Cumbernauld Theatre, Cumbernauld, Glasgow
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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two acts Comedy
Male: 4 Female: 5 Other: -
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I Haven't Got A Clue
BaRRY, aDaM and RONNIe are worried about TeRRY because Terry is reading - and reading isn't one of Terry's strong points. Terry, in fact, doesn't have any strong points. It transpires that he is being tutored by the school's new pupil, KeLLY who has many strong points as far as academic subjects are concerned but none whatsoever in the charismatic department. as TRaCeY remarks: "She'll never have to worry about losing her looks." But Tracey and her friends, LINDa and DeBRa are keen to befriend Kelly whose expertise they need to help them pass their exams. the boys, meantime, have failed in their attempts to get time off school to attend a football match. But the girls can fix this for them if one of the boys will have Kelly for a girlfriend. there is much wheeling and dealing and ducking and diving as negotiations take place. then Kelly wins first prize in a crossword competition and the situation takes on a different complexion. Great fun!
1st Produced:
Bowhouse Centre
Young Portonians
1st Published:
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Comedy for Youth One act
Male: 4 Female: 4 Other: optional extras
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I Thought Cabbage Was Green
Fun and games in the school dinner hall. BaRRY is a leader of men, or so he imagines. Making up his gang of four are aDaM, a connoisseur of school dinner cuisine. TeRRY, a vegetarian (this week) and RONNIe, a lover of fast food. Barry, a self-confessed woman hater decides that they should all declare themselves Male Chauvinist Pigs. But TRaCeY and her mates, DeBRa, FIONa and LINDa are looking for partners for the school disco, particularly those who will foot the bill for the tickets and the refreshments. they set their sights on Barry and his gang. Do the would-be Male Chauvinist Pigs stand a chance? What do you think? Hilarious!
1st Produced:
Dingwall Academy
Dingwall Youth
1st Published:
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Comedy for Youth One act
Male: 4 Female: 4 Other: optional extras
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Is Your Engagement Really Necessary?
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Play One act
Male: - Female: - Other: -
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Kelly's Eye
Further adventures of JOe LeGGe and his football team. Joe has problems that most team managers don't have: his goal keeper is pregnant and his star player is hanging up her boots to marry a referee. To add to his problems, the ageing, eccentric MRS MaCK appears in response to his advertisement for a replacement goal keeper. LORNa's sign writing for CHaRLIe KeLLY's snack bar adds to the fun as does the girls' plan for a penalty shoot out against a men's team. there is much fun and laughter on offer before Joe's problems are finally resolved.
1st Produced:
East Kilbride Theatre
Loch Lomond YFC
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1985
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 7 Other: 3f extras
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Last Supper, The
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Play One act
Male: - Female: - Other: -
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Legge's Eleven
JOe LeGGe, the long suffering manager of his ladies' football team is growing desperate as kick-off time approaches. His striker refuses to head the ball because of her new elaborate hair-do; his team captain is love sick and his goal keeper is keeping a mysterious appointment elsewhere. Will he succeed in fielding eleven good women and true? What has become of the goal keeper's jersey? and how did the referee come to lose his yellow card? Hectic and hilarious situations ensue before these questions are answered and the team eventually takes the field. the play is suitable for the young and the not so young alike.
1st Produced:
Mitchell Theatre
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 8 Other: 5f extras
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Match Of the Day
CHaRLIe FeRGUSON, a fanatical Glasgow Rangers supporter and his best mate, aNDY JOHNSTONe, an equally fanatical Glasgow Celtic supporter are looking forward to the day of the big game. But Charlie's wife, aNNIe, has decreed that their daughter, LINDa, is to be married on that day. But MRS COLLINS, the church caretaker, breaks the news that due to plumbing problems at the church, the wedding might have to be postponed. While this pleases the men, annie will have none of it and the arrival of the new minister, ReV 'tUG' WILSON and his wife MaRY, adds to the confusion. the situation is eventually resolved but there is a final unexpected twist in the tail. Now a great favourite, this play has been performed nationwide to delighted audiences. alternative football teams of your own choice may be substituted.
1st Produced:
Cumbernauld Theatre, Cumbernauld, Glasgow
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 4 Female: 4 Other: -
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Move Over, Darling
Commissioned by the Siroptomist Movement the play is set in the Fifties, a decade in which nothing was more paradoxical than the role women played in it. after sharing the hardships of war in the factories and services, women returned to wife-and-motherhood with an enthusiasm that would have astonished and disappointed feminists of earlier generations. But having thrown away the chance of greater equality, women proceeded gradually to win it back. Here we find MaRGaReT as she examines contrasting periods in her life, meeting up with MeG, her alter ego. Together, they examine various aspects of women's lot, discuss how it came about and decide what they can do to improve it. an interesting and amusing portrayal of the time which offers two demanding but extremely satisfying roles.
1st Produced:
Perth DC
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1996
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comedy One act
Male: - Female: 2 Other: -
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Murphy's Law
a man standing on the terracing of a suburban football ground remembers two people he loved and whom he associates with his surroundings: his wife and his father. He recalls a number of incidents, happy, sad and at times gloriously funny, and remembers particularly the events leading up to their sudden and tragic deaths when crush barriers collapsed. the play offers an intoxicating mixture of humour, pathos and the conclusion is deeply moving. the ReCIPIeNT OF NUMeROUS aWaRDS INCLUDING the SCOTT SaLVeR TROPHY FOR BeST ORIGINaL PLaY 1993
1st Produced:
Arts Guild Theatre
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 1 Other: -
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New Interest In Life, A
Christmas eve and a prosperous middle class family busily complete their last minute arrangements. Father, ROY TaYLOR, his wife, MaRGOT and medical student daughter, JeNNIFeR are preparing for the usual family thrash on boxing day. Margot's sister, CHRISTINe arrives and the arrangements become a nightmare. a powerful play treating on of the most challenging and controversial of contemporary issues. Brutally honest, it makes no attempt to evade the unpleasant realities of life as family loyalties are put to the ultimate test. Nor does it offer any solutions; the audience has to come to its own decisions. Drama aSSOCIaTION OF WaLeS aWaRD WINNeR.
also Available in Welsh language translation under the title "aMSeR I HaU, AMSeR I FeDI" published by the Drama Association of Wales.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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Drama One act
Male: 1 Female: 3 Other: -
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Not Only For Christmas
LeWIS is a hard nosed business man. His brother, BRIaN, is in contrast, a poet. Brian's wife, VIVKI is a high flying public relations officer in europe while Lewis's wife, PaTRICIa is a stay at home wife and mother. When Patricia announces that she is pregnant for the third time, Lewis is anything but pleased. He wants Patricia to terminate her pregnancy but she refuses. Lewis then suggests that they offer the baby to Brian and Vicki who are childless. Surprisingly, Patricia goes along with the idea. then, in a series of flashbacks we learn of deceptions, deviousness and duplicities which put an entirely different meaning on the situation. the four attractive character parts offer an interesting challenge in an entertaining and gripping play.
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comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 2 Other: -
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Process Of Elimination, The
On the face of it, prosperous business man aDaM FORTUNe , his wife, HeLeN and his daughter, Susan, awaiting the arrival of intended son-n-law, RICHaRD NeWTON, present an ordinary domestic scene. But adam is too tense, Helen too nervous and Susan, in the circumstances, too cool. With the arrival of Richard it becomes apparent that all is not what it seems and adam's business proposition to Richard is to say the least, unusual. the offer, however, is one Richard cannot refuse. But adam's plans are thrown out of gear by the arrival of an unexpected visitor. Sinister, gripping and exciting, the plot takes many unexpected turns and has the audience guessing to the end. Note: the parts of Richard and the unexpected visitor are played by the same actor.
1st Produced:
East Kilbride Theatre
Greenock Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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thriller One act
Male: 2 Female: 3 Other: -
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Respectable Family Business, A
Four sisters, MaDGe, CONNIe WeNDY and TRISH meet in the office of KaTe FLeTCHeR, the family solicitor, to learn of the contents of their late step-father's will. Kate has warned the sisters that there are surprises in store for them, a fact which is borne out as the subject matter of the will is revealed. they learn to their alarm that their step-Father amassed his fortune by extremely questionable means. they also learn that he and Kate were married following the death of their mother some years earlier and that Kate now controls the purse strings. Kate uses this power in a cat and mouse game to test the strength of the sisters' principles against their craving for wealth and power.
1st Produced:
Eastwood Theatre
Kirkton Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1989
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comedy One act
Male: - Female: 5 Other: -
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Ships And Sealing Wax
It is the year 1975 and sprightly octogenarian, MaRTHa THOMSON has died suddenly in the U.S.a. while visiting her daughter JeaN who has lived there since marrying an American serviceman at the end of the war. Martha's son, BILLY and his wife, CaTHIe were both killed during the war: Cathie in an air raid and Billy at sea. It was to Martha and her crippled husband, JOHN that the task of bringing up their grand-daughter, KIRSTY, fell. For most of her married life Martha has borne a strong, superstitious belief that the ocean going liner, "Queen Mary" built in the local shipyard is responsible for the ill luck and misfortune that has befallen all the members of her family. the play opens with KIRSTY's recollection of the day Martha left for America and in a series of flashbacks, Martha relives the years before, during and after the war when, one by one, each member of her family was affected by the malevolent influence of the ship, the play is based on factual events. SCOTT SaLVeR TROPHY aWaRD FOR BeST ORIGINaL PLaY 1992
1st Produced:
Greenock Arts Guild Theatre
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 4 Other: -
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Simpson's Sanctuary
PeaRL, VIOLeT and WILMa SIMPSON, three ageing , eccentric spinsters are keen film buffs and are especially enthusiastic about murder mysteries. Becoming bored with their life style they decide to go into the business of Murder Mystery Weekends using their large house for the purpose. the action of the play centres on their amusing and comical attempts to get their business up and running. a nonsensical romp which offers simple, amusing roles for an all female cast but in some cases, males may be substituted and doubling of roles is possible.
1st Produced:
East Kilbride Theatre
eKO Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: - Female: 8 Other: -
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Simpson's Tragedy
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Play One act
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Sin Of Rhyme, The
the play looks at the early life of the Scottish National bard, Robert Burns, highlighting the trials and tribulations that the young ROBIN, together with his younger brothers and sisters, had to overcome: the arduous and demanding work on the farm, the poor diet and the lack of sanitation and home comforts. the play offers an insight into the young Burns' courage, tenacity and strength of character in his efforts against impossible odds towards attaining his ambition.
1st Produced:
Magnum Theatre
Largs Juniors
1st Published:
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Comedy for Youth One act
Male: 2 Female: 3 Other: -
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Soap Gets In Your Eyes
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Play One act
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Soapy Bubble
MaRY is worried about the whereabouts of her daughter, MaRY BeTH (aka BeTSY) whom she suspects is shacking up with a married man. She is also concerned about her husband, JOe whom she suspects is having an affair. Joe is displeased with his daughter's conduct but he has problems enough trying to convince his wife that he is working late at the office when he is in fact seeing his mistress, VaLeRIe. Valerie has taken Joe as her lover on the rebound from an ill-fated affair with JaCK who now has a thing going with BeTSY whom he has promised to marry. Valerie warns Betsy that Jack is already married and is also cheating on her with PaMeLa. Meanwhile, Susan is watching every move with more than a passing interest. Confused. . .??? You will be until you sort out the bewildering goings-on in this inventive satire on Soap Opera and its fans. the surprise and somewhat ridiculous ending is guaranteed to leave your audience happy but possibly more confused than ever.
1st Produced:
Glenrothes HSDG
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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absurd comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 5 Other: -
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Swings And Roundabouts
a man and a woman, each alone, return the town of their youth and to a well remembered favourite spot: a public play park. Individually, each recounts memories of each other, of people they knew during the early days of World War Two and of the events leading up to the overnight devastation of their town by enemy bombers. the sadness, the sorrow and the frustrations of the time are disburdened by the wit and humour of the time. SCDa PLaY ON WORDS aWaRD WINNeR
1st Produced:
Eden Court Theatre
Dingwall Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy Drama One act
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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Till the Petals Fall
MaBeL, KITTY and PaT, four women with distinctly different backgrounds are brought together by a common experience: they are victims of domestic violence. Now living in a safe haven and trying to reshape their lives, the women discuss their experiences and Exchange Their opinions on the process of rehabilitation. the issue is not shirked nor do the characters mince their words. the problem is faced squarely and no holds are barred in this emotive play. almost all of the content is drawn from factual cases.
1st Produced:
Kirkwall Arts Centre
Palace Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1999
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Drama One act
Male: - Female: 5 Other: -
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To Make Up His Jewels
a refreshing comedy of family life. PeTeR WaLKeR finds that retirement brings greater demands than ever on his time thus underlining the old adage, "If you want something done, ask a busy man." Peter's plans are incompatible with those of his wife, ReNa and there are further complications when friends, family and neighbours make claim on his time and expertise. there is much to enjoy in this piece and, apart from the two major characters, the cast is made up of small, interesting cameo roles.
1st Produced:
Kelso DC
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1995
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comedy One act
Male: 4 Female: 4 Other: -
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Truth, Beauty And Contact Lenses
Competence, like truth, beauty and contact lenses is in the eye of the beholder So wrote Doctor Laurence J Peter in his treatise, "the Peter Principle" It is around this maxim that the action of the play revolves as it takes a satirical and at times, cynical look at the modern day trend towards role reversal of the sexes. Business and domestic situations are examined with the conclusion that much to the chagrin of the male, the female is rapidly becoming the dominant sex. Like pieces on a chess board, the actors are moved from one challenging situation to another in this witty and evocative piece of theatre.
1st Produced:
Webster Theatre, Arbroath
Falkirk Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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comedy One act
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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Uncle Jimmy
MaRTIN brings aNGIe, his new girl friend to his parents' house where he explains that he is keeping an eye on things while his parents, NORRIe and MeG are off on a trip to France. they have in fact gone to try to find the grave of Meg's older brother, Jimmy (the Uncle Jimmy of the title) who was killed in France in 1940. the action alternates between past and present as the extraordinary relationship between Jimmy and Meg is revealed. there is a final emotional scene when Norrie and Meg find Jimmy's final resting place and pay their respects to him. a touching and moving play offering both humour and pathos in good measure. SCOTT SaLVeR aWaRD FOR BeST ORIGINaL PLaY 2001
1st Produced:
Arts Guild Theatre
Pool Theatre Company
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 2001
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comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 2 Other: -
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Unified Field, The
eminent scientist and UFO expert PROFeSSOR LaWReNCe HaMILTON together with his friend and colleague DOCTOR SaRaH WeLLS and her lawyer husband, MaRTIN await the arrival of DOCTOR JaNe BaRRON and DOCTOR KaTe LeWIS neither of whom they have met or indeed heard of before and who have practically invited them selves to meet the Professor by claiming to have information of great scientific note. When the two doctors arrive they reveal that they are time travellers who have come to enlist Professor Hamilton's services on a scientific project of paramount importance. an imaginative work of science fiction which succeeds in remaining plausible and credible and the ending has a surprising sting in the tail.
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Drama One act
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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Where It's Due
aNNIe, JeSSIe and VeRa LOVe are three spinster sisters living together and, although apparently respectable, they have in fact developed a nice little extortion racket involving credit cards. the local friendly detective, BOBBY BaNKS uncovers their scheme but is placed in a dilEmma when Jessie reveals knowledge of his clandestine goings on with his sexy assistant WPC MOLLY aNDReWS. there are many surprises in this fast moving crime comedy before the situation is resolved and the ladies renounce their life of crime. Or do they?
1st Produced:
Mitchell Theatre
apex Players
1st Published:
Pedersen Press, 1994
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crime comedy One act
Male: 2 Female: 5 Other: -
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