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(1940 - )
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Sidney Goldberg was born February 2, 1940 in the Bronx, NY to impoverished immigrant parents, anna and abe Goldberg. He had three sisters, Trudi, Sonnie and Rebecca and his favorite sibling, his younger brother Lenny, who much to his loneliness and dismay have all ceased. He became a hairdresser in 1960, and in 1967 believes opened the first unisex haircutting salon on 69th and Second avenue in Manhattan and became quite successful. Sidney married the very beautiful Leslie Duke in 1968 and has two wonderful children who are the loves of his life: Lewis Damon who has two sons, elijah Duke and Nathan and his beautiful precious daughter, Carie Rachel. While cutting hair, he started writing poetry in 1973, became so enamored with the power of the written word, and always like to sing, (sounds like Sinatra and Bobby Darin) began writing lyrics. He signed with BMI, who got him to briefly collaborate with four-time Oscar winner Alan Menken on his play MeNSCH, a Jewish rock musical which he also wrote the lyrics for. He then wrote a couple of tunes with two-time Tony winner, Maury Yeston, and collaborated with Bill Brown who wrote the 'WIZ' writing the lyrics for a musical based on 'the Honeymooner.' For the past 30 odd years, Sidney has written six plays, including the La TIMeS critically acclaimed, "Pokerfaces and Castanets," and "they Don't Have earthquakes in the Bronx," that were produced and seeking productions of the book and lyrics to 20 musicals: "In the Beginning," the first of a Trilogy based on Genesis, "FReeDOM, YOURS and MINe," in addition to 10 others that are fully recorded, and 10 screenplays. In addition, "ZeKe and the SHeIKH" a funny sitcom, three games shows and about 600 songs, six novels, three games shows and six children's games: "eli's Coming," is a semi-autobiographical, funny and touching story about his impoverished up bringing in the Bronx, which was published by iUniverse in 2001. the First RaINDROP," an illustrated children's book and cartoon and a book of short stories, Truer Words Were Never is currently being illustrated into a hard covered book for hip adults, hopefully a feature film and "eIGHT DaYS," the story of Hanukkah into a children's book and animation.
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Aren't We All
This is a powerful story that takes place in a drug-rehab. Frank is a 43 year-old Polish heroin addict, ex-convict, who hates all minorities and has killed eight, Blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans and was the head of the aryan Nation in prison. He brags that he was married three times and talks of fucking little white boys in jail. at the end we discover he is gay. John is a 53 year-old Irish alcoholic that through his epiphany admits that he hated his drunken Father and has become a drunk trying to forget that he accidentally killed his sister. Miguel is a 20-year crack addict that never speaks and, posing as Dante's "the Thinker," only recites poetry throughout, much to Frank's consternation, who says in his illiterate fashion, "I hate freakin' pomes". at end, which is New Years eve and Frank has smuggled in every ones drug of choice, he admits that he's gay and kills himself. Stanley is a 56 years old, highly intelligent college professor who has smoked pot for 40 years and is constantly trying to make everyone feel inadequate by his using his astounding vocabulary and intelligence. Lucille is a 33 year black lesbian heroin addict, who hates white men for what they have done to her and ultimately falls in love with Marie, an Italian heroin addict, who finds it impossible staying sober, which drives her crazy, hates her ex-husband for selling her kids so that he could get high, and pushes Lucille away, saying she digs men. at the end they fall for each other. everyone at the rehab was either ordered by the courts or their families to go for rehabilitation. they all have a hard time accepting the first step of alcoholics anonymous, which is admitting they are powerless over their drug of choice and ultimately, most succumb to their addiction. there are extremely exciting and touching moments as each reveals their past traumas, for aren't We all addicted to something?
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Brooklyn Blues
This is a story about a vendetta, a love triangle that concerned Lily, the matriarch of an Italian family in Brooklyn and those that loved her and the mistaken identity of a son. ang, a wanna be singer and Tony, his older brother, who is not too smart are her sons. Nick, her husband is the Don in the Mafia and Raffy, Nicks beloved cousin who he brought from Italy 30 years ago. Nick loved his cousin, set him up in a butcher shop, and Raffy spent most of his time with Lily and her two sons, since Nick was always away. Nick was at Coney Island with 16 year old ang, who he loved more than anything, riding on a roller coaster, when he looked at him and thought that ang looked just like Raffy and comes to the conclusion that Raffy is his Father not he. Despite loving Lily, unable to live with the shame that he believes all his henchmen in the Mafia are laughing behind his back, for they know Raffy is ang's true father, in a violent moment of confrontation, outraged, the violent Nick throws Raffy in front of a speeding taxi and cripples him. Thus, Raffy uses a cane. Nick takes Tony, who he believes is his only true son and leaves Lily and moves to Miami where he runs the Mafia's cocaine business and hasn't seen nor spoken to her in 15 years. Throughout the show ang and Raffy speak to Lily who is in a casket that is the living room. there is an emotional moment when Raffy, scrumagging through letters he found Lily had written, finds one written to him and discovers that he is one of her sons true father. Hearing of the death of Lily, who he has always loved, Nick returns, vowing to pay off his vendetta and kill Raffy. they all meet and there is much tension and with the threat looming, Nick pulls out a gun. after much tussling with his sons, they take the gun away. In a moment of remiss, drinking grappa, they all kiss and hug because they are all Famlia. at the end, in an aside, Raffy says, in a moment of irony, that he doesn't understand why Nick took Tony and not ang, when ang not Tony is his son.
Brooklyn Blues was optioned for Broadway And had 4 Auditions with A superb cast trying to raise funds At the Helen Hayes theatre on Broadway.
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Italian Drama
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"COCKeYeD" is a romantic tragedy about two aging Jews, Jake, (hopefully, Dustin Hoffman, Peter Falk, Gene Wilder) and Rivka (Shirley MacLaine, Lee Grant,) that have been in love with each other for 35 years, but neither has ever had the guts to bare their true feelings and say, "I love you." Jake's mother died giving birth to him at the height of the Depression. His Father blamed Jake for his mother's death and punished him for that and being a 'cockeyed freak,' that embarrassed him, by never speaking or looking at him. Compounding, his growing up in a loveless home, Jake never had any friends. He was raised a poor Jew in the Bronx, but, upon his father's death, by inheriting Depression-era blood money, much to his surprise, became a millionaire. Trying to escape his being looked on and feeling as if he were a freak, he always felt he was different, he bought the only thing that ever brought him pleasure, a movie theatre in Manhattan on 72nd Street and renamed it the Fenway. His apartment he had built in the basement of the Fenway is one of the sets. the living room is wallpapered with posters of famous movie stars, Humprey Bogart, James Cagney, Edward G. Robinson, Valentino, James Dean, Richard Burton, etc., where, having become a drunk, through his heartfelt monologues, he reveals his true feelings and innermost passions to the posters, who he calls his best and only friends by slurring, "I didn't always drink ya know, Humphrey." Despite being rich, in his mind he still remains a poor Jew, and thus has sold tickets in his theatre for 40 years, rationalizing, "Why should I pay someone I don't know, when I can sell tickets myself? and besides, it's cheaper." the other set is Rivka's bedroom. She's a marriage counselor, who, through rain or snow, has been faithfully coming to Jake's theatre for 35 years. During these painful years, she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with her forbidden love for Jake. the love is taboo because her deceased Father was also cockeyed and his voice was exactly like Jakes. Rivka has always wanted to sleep with Jake, and marry him, but how can you make love to someone that reminds you of your beloved deceased father. Throughout the show, Jake and Rivka, in opposing scenes, swear they are going to run away with each other the night the Fenway closes, and in the final scene, the closing of the Fenway, because they are knocking it down to build a high-rise, with the audience, at the edge of their seats, hoping they finally say I love you and end their life of loneliness, they finally face each other, and, as they sadly are about to depart, with tears in his eyes, JaKe says "I don't want to say goodbye, I can't." Crying, RIVKa says, "I don't want to either." "there's something I'd like to ask you, I mean tell you." "What's that?" RIVKa cries, as she grabs and kisses JaKe. "I love you Rivka, from the moment I met you 35 years ago, it was love at first sight," JaKe beams. "Well you certainly took a long time to tell me mister. I feel like throwing you down on this carpet in your facockte Fenway and make mad and passionate love to you." "Do you think we can wait 'till we get home?" JaKe grins. a tragedy they'll never forget.
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romantic tragedy One act
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Freedom, Yours And Mine
This musical which applauds America, traces the history of freedom from adam and eve to 9/11. the score was written by the noted english composer/arranger, Alex Cutts. episodic in nature, there are 10 scenes: Starting with with major protagonists, anna, Robert and Robert Jr. who act and play multiple roles. Starting with aDaM and eve, then Moses and Pharaoh. Christopher Columbus. John Smith and Pocohantas. George Washinton and the beginning of America. abe Lincoln. Ulysses S. Grant and George Custer. the Statue of Liberty. the powerful WW I and WWI and the birth of Israel. the Powerful and touching, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. there are two more scenes. You may read this show on my web, www.SidneyGoldbergWriter.com and this dynamic score may be heard on http://www.madmanmusic.co.uk (click our music/other projects)
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musical about freedom Musical
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Ghost Of Dickens, The
Lee is professor emeritus of english literature, merely because he can recite every word of every play, sonnet or story that Charles Dickens ever wrote. He is world famous and every class at Harvard is filled to capacity. the ghost of his great, great grandFather Charles Dickens haunts his every moment; not only when he dreams and is teaching but even when he pees, Dickens appears and tells him no great, great son has the right to pee in such a mundane manner. Distraught, Lee visits Leonard and noted Fifth avenue psychiatrist with whom he commiserates, telling him that he is giving up teaching because he can't take being haunted anymore. Leonard tells Lee that he can't because his class needs him, and tries to persuade him. Lee then visits Madam Zenobia, a far-out outrageous gypsy fortune teller, who has a red beard. there are many hystErical moments where Madam Zenobia tries to lure Lee into having sex with her, stating she goes back thousands of years and longs to become a mother again. Its funny and the score is enchanting which may be read and heard on www.SidneyGoldbergWriter.com. http://www.soundstreamstudio.com
This A highly comedic And intellectual musical. Book And lyrics by Sidney Goldberg. Music by Michael C, Cwynar
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musical comedy Musical
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Poker Faces And Castanets
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Odysessy Theatre In La
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ACT I, Scene I. 1831, Virginia. a kitchen with a large brick fireplace. BILLYe is a 40 yr. old intelligent slave, (President Madison's butler) and BeULaH, 35 yrs. old slave and cook. Both have been in love with each other since they were teenagers in Africa, would love to be married which is taboo. BeULaH sings her annoyance that BILLYe isn't better than her because she sleeps in the stable and He lives in the mansion and sings "I'm TIReD." BILLeY constantly boasts how smart he is and he'll teach her to read as he flirts with her and sings, "eV'RYTHING's GONNa Be aLL RIGHT." BLUe, 40 yrs old and strong, enters and is tattered and beaten as always when he will appear. BeULaH gets rags and medicine and dresses BLUeS back. Showing overly intelligence and telling preaching about everything historical which always amazes BeULaH and BLUe, they both sing a rousing and humorous duet about Billey, "PReaCHeR MaN." BLUe being BILLeY's best friend is annoyed that BILLeY thinks he's so smart, says he's smarter and better because he has a wife and three daughters and all Billey has is his brains. He complains how he's always getting whipped and how he hates slavery and the master that whips him. BeULaH gets the booze and they drink to forget they're slaves. BILLeY tells them historically depressing stories about slavery to their amazement. BLUe and BILLeY tease and kid each other. ACT I, Scene 2. a month later. BeULaH is cooking as BILLeY enters with flowers. Whenever BeULaH says BILLeY it's with a vocal click. In love, he asks her if she still loves him and is she still his woman. Because she can't tell him that President Madison is forcing her to sleep with him, she sings this sad song, "I CaN't." So in love and with the President away, she gets the booze, they drink and get loaded. Lights go off and after a beat, BILLeY wearing long-johns and BeULaH in nightgown sing duet torch song to each other, "the First Thing I Do." ACT I, Scene . Two months later. Being pregnant, BeULaH is noticeably a little heavier and humming to herself as BILLeY enters not knowing why she is heavier and says she looks beautiful. She's sarcastic and calls him master: he explains he's still the President's butler he was just put in charge of all his people. BLUe enters again all cut up and beat and again BeULaH dresses his wounds. He laments that his master has been complaining that he hasn't been picking enough tobacco and he fears for his wife Emma and his daughters. Says he's gonna steal a rifle and kill his white master. they drink again. BILLeY sings a love song to BeULaH, "When I see You." BLUe in tears tells BILLeY that his family was stolen by his white slaver and shipped to Liberia. BLUe sings a lament about his missing family, "Sure Could Use Some Help." ACT I, Scene 4. Seven months later. Crib in corner of kitchen. SHe kisses baby as BILLeY bursts in and says that according to the sheriff, BLUe killed his master Jethro. they both try to figure out how to save their best friend and smuggle him to Liberia to be with his family. BLUe says he's going to ask the president for help, and then BILLeY accuses BeULaH of being in love and sleeping with President Madison and leaves her. Sad, she drinks and sings a song explain how she had no choice, Nothin' I Could Do." after a beat, he returns and says he loves her and her son will become his son. BLUe enters, running for his life. He explains that he didn't kill his master and how he misses his wife and children. ACT I, Scene 5. Four years later. BLUe's ornate living room in Liberia. We find out that because he was given 20 acres of land when he got there and when he grew tobacco it became the rage and now he has 10,000 acres and ironically has thousands of slaves working for him and just might run for president and sings a rousing number, "Rich as a Sonofabitch." ACT I, Scene 6. they read letter from BLUe, they've been corresponding for 20 years and are astounded by how rich and successful he is. they are free and got married and decide to visit their best and oldest friend. Reminiscing, they sing, "at Last We are a Family." they reminisce and realize how much they miss him. ACT I, Scene 7. 15 years later. Having just finished reading Blue's letter, confirming he's a millionaire and might run for president they sing a rousing rendition of "King Hutu's Dead." ACT I, Scene 8. BLUe's lavish living room overlooking the ocean. theY show up much to his surprise and sing "It's Got to Be." ACT I, Scene 9. 150 years later, now. BLUe the 4th and his wife CaRIe in an updated version of BLUe's living room discover letters that were written 150 ago. theY sing a beautiful song which traces their history, "Our History." the end
Traces the history of Slavery circa 1821. Leslie Adams who wrote 6 operas wrote the score. May be read A listened to on www.SidneyGoldbergWriter.com
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musical about slavery Musical
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They Don't Have Earthquakes In Bronx
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