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Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky, an academic and liberal thinker, lives also on the estate belonging to General Stavrogin's widow Varvara. He is close friend of hers and was charged with her son's upbrining. Stepan Trofimovich's son, Pyotr Verkhovensky, is an ambitious revolutionary who is trying to organize a terrorist cell in the area. He thinks that Varvara Stavrogina's son, Nikolai, crucial to his revolutionary plans. He thinks Nikolai Stavrogin has no morals, no ethical values, no empathy for mankind whatsoever - in other words, the perfect revolutionary leader. Pyotr gathers the conspirators like the philosophizing Shigalyov, the suicidal nihilist Kirillov. He plans to strengthen their loyalty to him and each other by murdering Ivan Shatov, a fellow conspirator. Pyotr plans to have Kirillov, who was committed to killing himself, take credit for the murder in his suicide note. Kirillov complies and Pyotr murders Shatov. His scheme however unravels, but he manages to escape. The rest of the conspirators are arrested and Nikolai Stavrogin kills himself, tortured by his own crime.
a stage Adaptation of Dostoevsky's political novel
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 17 Apr 2012
Carlton Dramatic Soociety
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 6-8  Female: 4-6  Other: -
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Dr And Mrs Faustus
Dr and Mrs Faustus' is a modest attempt to follow the tradition of using the well known legend as a vehicle for presenting contemporary epistemological problems. It deals, at one level, with the predicament of post-industrial society's fetishism with consumerism and credit, while at another level it takes a fresh look at the age-old problem of human free-will. The play is set in suburbia - the natural habitat of middle-of-the-road, middlebrow, middle-class consumerist values. Dr and Mrs Faustus are a dysfunctional couple: he is a failing lecturer in marketing at the University of North Cheam, while Mrs Faustus is a failed celebrity falling into middle age and middle spread. In the meantime Lucifer is thinking of a new business strategy to take over the world. So what is God up to?
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 2003
Carlton Drama
1st Published:
- -
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Political Comedy
Male: 6-11  Female: 11-6  Other: -
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Moliere's social critique of the medical profession and general human attitude towards health and medicine is brought up to date in this adaptation. Certain characters like Madame Teste, the psychoanalyst have been added to the play while others such as Monsieur Fleurant, the apothecary, have been dropped. References to music, society, and the sciences, have been made contemporary. all in all, the plot and structure remain more or less unchanged, while the language and context have been updated
Original Playwright - Moliere
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 2000
Carlton Drama
1st Published:
- -
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Translation and adaptation
Male: 9  Female: 5  Other: -
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Updated to the recent Balkan Wars, Lysistrata is a play about war and the battle of the sexes. The women of athens, who are incensed by a long drawn out regional war, join the women of other city-states to bring all conflict to an end. They resolve to refuse to have any sexual relationship with their men until peace has been declared. Soon the effects of this strategy on both sexes become painfully apparent. In spite of attempts by the less strong-willed females to renege on their agreement, women turn out to be the stronger sex.
Original Playwright - Aristophanes
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 1998
Carlton Drama
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 7  Female: 9  Other: -
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The play is set in the home of Orgon, a highly successful and well-respected Parisian entrepreneur. a life material and mercantile pursuit has left a void in Orgon's life. He becomes interested in matters religious and spiritual. He is befriended by Tartuffe, a self-righteous and destitute man. Orgon is seduced by his overtly devout ways and his pseudo spiritual spiel. He feels that he would fulfill his spiritual and moral goals by inviting Tartuffe to stay in his house. While Orgon devotes attention to spiritual matters, his wealth, his stunning young wife and his gorgeous daughter will, of course, require care and protection. Tartuffe, naturally, volunteers to provide this care and protection. Despite the loud and desperate warnings from his family and friends, Orgon fails to see through the deception until he signs away all his worldly possessions. But Tartuffe is unmasked by agents of the elite Hypocrisy Squad for the nasty piece of work that he is, and everyone, it is hoped, is consequently the wiser.
Original Playwright - Moliere
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 2008
Illuminated Theatre Company
1st Published:
- -
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Translation and adaptation
Male: 5  Female: 6  Other: -
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Theatre Of The Mind - Marat/Sade
Set in the historical asylum of Charenton, Marat/Sade is play within a play. The Marquis de Sade, the most notorious inmate of the asylum, decides to put on a stage play. The director of the asylum agrees as long as de Sade adheres to certain conditions. The Marquis writes the text and directs the other psychiatric patients in a play based on the life and assassination of the Jean-Paul Marat. as the production progresses, the inmates become more and more possessed by the violence of the play and become extremely difficult to control. Finally, all chaos breaks loose
Original Playwright - Peter Weiss
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 2005
Carlton Drama
1st Published:
- -
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Male: 8  Female: 10  Other: -
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Visit, The
action centres on the imaginary city of Gullen, which was once a vibrant centre of economic and cultural activity. Its fortunes have however declined Dramatically over the past couple of decades. The play opens with the city preparing for the arrival of Claire Zachanassian, a past citizen, who has amassed a vast fortune. after some general celebrations on the part of the townspeople she announces the true reason for her return. When she was young she was made pregnant by her lover alfred Ill, who, at the paternity suit, denied the charges and bribed two drunks to testify that they were the fathers. She was consequently shamed out of the community. Now that she has become rich, she will give the city an immense fortune if the citizens of Gullen kill alfred Ill.
Original Playwright - Friedrich Durrenmatt
1st Produced:
Studio Theatre, Wimbledon, London 1999
Carlton Drama
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 10  Female: 7  Other: -
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