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South African
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Film Rights Ltd
Glyn Jones was born in Durban and after university and Drama school he toured South Africa with the National Theatre Company before hitch-hiking and working his passage to London. On arriving in england, he took a job with the Sunday Times, then Kemsley Newspapers, and started writing plays in his spare time. His first acting engagement was in a summer season of weekly rep at the old Tivoli Theatre, New Brighton, extra work on television and a second summer season, this time on the Isle of Wight. Out of work periods saw him working in pubs, at Joe Lyons' Cadby Hall, for a small time publisher and cleaning people's houses. all the time he continued to write and has had ten plays produced, the first in england being OH BROtheR! in Ipswich. Others include, in London, eaRLY ONe MORNING at the Arts Theatre, CHaMPaGNe CHaRLIe, based on the life of the great Music Hall star, George Leybourne, at the Mayfair Theatre (also on tour), and the 88 at the Old Vic. THRILLeR OF the YeaR continuously plays in Germany. Two plays, GeNeRaTIONS and ReD IN the MORNING have been produced in the United States and three plays have been published by Samuel French. He wrote the screenplay for the Columbia Film a KING's STORY on the life of the Duke of Windsor, and was script editor and chief writer for 20th Century Fox's most successful children's series, the DOUBLe DeCKeRS. He has also written films for the Children's Film Foundation, two of which were award winners, and for BBC TV's DOCTOR WHO. also published, DR WHO aND the SPaCe MUSeUM, (W.H.allen / Virgin), the DOUBLe DeCKeRS (Pan), a volume of children's poetry HILDeGaRDe H aND HeR FRIeNDS (abydos Publishing). as an actor, in London he appeared in ReUNION IN VIeNNa at the Piccadilly, the GReaT SOCIeTY, SOMeTHING BURNING, TReaSURe ISLaND, all at the Mermaid, STReaMeRS at the Roundhouse, a COaT OF VaRNISH and CaPTaIN BRaSSBOUND's CONVeRSION at the Haymarket, MeaSURe FOR MeaSURe at the Open Space, TSaFeNDaS at the almost Free. He has also played leading roles in many provincial Theatres, on tours and on the continent. His television appearances have been numerous and he has also worked in film and on radio. He has directed plays on the London Fringe, and at RADA, Buxton, Chesterfield, Worthing, Derby, and spent two long spells in America teaching and directing at James Madison University in Virginia and at Furman University in South Carolina. He made his American debut (as an actor) playing Dodge in Sam Shepard's BURIeD CHILD, argon in Moliere's the IMaGINaRY INVaLID and Eddie Carbone in a VIeW FROM the BRIDGe. He also acted in Dinner Theatre at JMU (the FantaSTICKS and Neil Simon's FOOLS) and acted and directed at the Wayside Theatre near Washington, playing elliot in PRIVaTe LIVeS and Pseudolus in a FUNNY THING HaPPeNeD ON the WaY TO the FORUM and directing TRIBUTe and the INNOCeNTS. He currently lives on the island of Crete.
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88, The
a rich and compelling Drama tracing the tragic events of the mutiny in India in 1920 of the Connaught Rangers, the 88th of the line in which 88 mutineers were brought to trial. Seen through the eyes of Private James Daly, we see unfolding a complex story of passion and nationalist feelings amongst the Irish serving in India, which ultimately leads to the sentencing and execution of Private Daly. Based on actual events and characters 'the 88' gives a stark and vivid depiction of conditions and feelings of the period, it remains utterly absorbing and leaves us forever wondering about Private Daly, and the last peacetime execution of a man serving in the British army.
1st Produced:
the Old Vic Company
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Are You Sitting Comfortably?
a light hearted comedy in which a writer, writing a stage play, invents a family that fondly parodies life set in a council house in the east end of London in the 60's, an every day family we see as though they live in a dolls house the front of which has been opened to reveal what is going on behind closed doors! an ordinary family in which it might appear not much ever seems to happen! But, as the writer cannot keep from interfering with his creation, an ordinary family becomes anything but ordinary. Surprises are in store, at least for a few, all of which the family takes in their stride, leaving us, waiting for what the next installment could bring!
Set in A council house in the east end of London, Britain in the 60's
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Au Pair
It's the morning after and every one is feeling fragile, but today there is more then just the normal headaches and hangovers, the night before Mike declared his love to all his friends and office acquaintances for the au Pair, Lars a stunningly beautiful 21 year old, who has been living with the family. Now he has to explain his declaration to his wife. How will she cope with the truth that her husband not only has had an affair but, with another man. Will their marriage survive this strain or will Mike succumb to his passions and leave his wife for the au pair?
the Action of the play takes place in the Garfield Apartment London. Time the present. revised April 2006
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Bay Rum
Millie a wannabe novelist travels to a lonely tropical island in search of peace and quite in which she can begin her writing, she becomes emotionally involved with a handsome young man Buzz Tooley, who all the other islanders shun and when it is revealed he has been dead for 12 months she decides to leave and never to return, only to find true love in the guise of another writer seeking ideas.
1st Produced:
Durwell Productions
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Beautiful For Ever
Set in 1867 it is based on an episode in the life of Madame Sarah Rachel Leverson, a complete charlatan who boasted she could make any woman no matter how plain Beautiful For ever. Having known poverty and outlived three husbands, Madame Rachel has found a lucrative occupation she has no intention of losing. Making use of knowledge gained from one husband, a chemist's assistant, she makes up worthless potions and elixirs, gives them romantic names, and battens on the desire of foolish, ignorant women to remain "beautiful for ever" , aided - with increasing concern- by her eldest daughter, Leonte. the silly, simpering Mrs Borrodaile seems a prize victim, and Madame uses all her cunning to defraud her, even to the creation of a supposed titled lover. She divests her of all she possesses and even causes her to be imprisoned for debt. But at last she over reaches herself: nemeses arrives from an unexpected source, and as the play ends the shadows of retribution fall across Madame Rachel's face.
the Action takes place in the back room of Madame Leverson's beauty shop At 47a New Bond Street.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Samuel French, London, 1978
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Play for Women Play/Drama
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Between Two Sighs
Two babies born at the same time, one planned for the other unexpected alter the lives of the families concerned with drastic consequences. Haydn & Midge, the perfect couple in love can't wait for the new arrival, whereas, Jeep and Bag, are constantly at each others throats. after the births, Jeep takes to fatherhood like a duck to water while Haydn tries to come to terms with his child's deformities . . . One family reunites while the other gets torn apart with deadly results.
the Action takes place in two separate Apartments in one house.
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Black Maria
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Champagne Charlie
Champagne Charlie chronicles the life and career of George Leyborne, the great Lion Comique of the Victorian music hall. Interweaving his story with many of his songs from the period, including 'Champagne Charlie' and 'the man on the flying trapeze' Champagne Charlie is a stunning tour de force. a brilliant one man show which demands stamina from any performer. Written especially for and combining the many talents of Christopher Beeching, the shows imaginative use of music, song and with over 16 complete costume changes, is a virtuosity of energy and style.
1st Produced:
Intimate Theatre, Palmers Green
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Play with Music
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Corner For Dreams, A
Billy is trapped, hemmed in on all sides he wants to escape his dull existence and become an actor. appearing in local amateur productions he meets up with Garry, a professional who has a five week contract in Halston. Rene, Billy's mother is suspicious of Garry's intentions. With her small town mentality and local gossip, about Malcolm, recently returned from London who is openly gay and camp, she worries that Billy will go the way of the wild, and is determined to break up their friendship.
the Action of the play takes place in Halston, An industrial town in the midlands. Time: the Present
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Male: 4 Female: 2 Other: 4 voices off stage
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Early One Morning
Ian and Sheila pick each other up at a train station early one morning, Sheila is waiting for her husband, but when she sees him in the arms of another woman decides in a pique of jealousy to do something about it. Ian waiting, he says for his girlfriend, seeing her in the arms of another man, decides to spread his talents around, useless keeping all your eggs in one basket. they go back to his place, a sordid little bed-sit in which to consummate the affair, but Sheila can't do it. She is used to more luxury, all she wants is to make her husband jealous, not get involved in this seedy affaire. Changing locations to her penthouse apartment in the hopes that her husband will catch them, Shelia has kept the carrot dangling in front of Ian and he has had enough. Shelia's husband returns home with the other woman on his arm. "Who is she?" Shelia demands, "a young lady in distress", he replies, "we were traveling together on the train and as we pulled into the station she saw her husband Ian in the arms of another woman!"
later turned into A musical called Fugue in Two Flats
1st Produced:
Civic Theatre Chelmsford
Charles Vance
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Enter Anthony
a tense Drama of incest and betrayal which leads to attempted suicide and rape, set against the glittering backdrop of high society in the 1950's. Anthony finds himself enmeshed in his family history, his alcoholic Father accused of murder, his divorced mother and their best friend Rhona with her two daughters, all become entangled in a web of lies and deceit until someone, sees the truth.
the Action takes place in A hotel suite overlooking the Indian Ocean. Time: the present
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Fugue In Two Flats
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Laura is getting a divorce. She has returned to her mother's dilapidated house leaving her children in the care of a neighbour, Lindy, fearing that their Father will come looking for them. Bogged down by poverty Bessie is trying to cope with life and an elderly mother and the added extra strain of Laura brings deep-seated family tensions to a head. Sharon, Bessie's other daughter arrives to celebrate thanksgiving with the rest of the family. as they try to deal with the death of Grandmother, secrets of the past and hatreds rise to the surface and need to be confronted before they can cope as a unified family with the redneck violence and bigotry of their men folk.
Set in A house on Route 33, Virginia, Another All women cast play: four Southern women: A mother, her two daughters And A friend, An African American, dealing with the violence of men in their lives. the play was written when the Author was teaching At James Madison University in Virginia And first performed in the experimental theatre At JMU. Later it was produced At the Festival of New Plays, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, the only one of the four plays that year to play to House Full notices And rapturous receptions.
1st Produced:
Experimental Theatre, Wampler
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Hear the Hyena Laugh
Subtitled "a Comedy Of Manners", the action of the play is set in the kitchen/dining area of a converted London flat during the course of a dinner party evening. the flat is owned by a married couple, Madge and Donald. In the flat below live a gay couple, Paul and Robin, and below them a single girl, Samantha. the dinner is for an American couple, Dean and Tiffany, who Madge and Donald met on holiday and Donald is terrified that Paul and Robin will put in an appearance and spoil the evening. Paul and Robin do just that but it is not they who spoil the evening. Oh, no! Surprises for everyone seem to be the order of the evening.
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Male: 4 Female: 3 Other: Childs voice off stage
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How Do You Like Your Wagner
David and Fiona want to save the world, as good socialists they believe in fighting for what is right and the lives of all those unfortunates who are unable to fight for themselves. It's a pity then, that they can't seem to see what is going on around them and the unfortunate characters closer to home who also need help. Chris a junkie who lives at home with his mother, but does not fit in, alice, Fiona's mother, Hazel the blonde across the way and Bill the gay who lives upstairs. all in search of something, but it takes the death of Chris, before the blinkers fall. . .. . ..
a play of its time, optioned by Peter Saunders, produced February 1975 in Perth, directed by Joan Knight under the title Tell Me You Love Me And loathed by the local critic, one Allen Wright whose revue it might be worth recording: At least it says something About the play even if the comments Are scathing. Perth theatre is presenting A play which has All the trappings of trendiness draped over its old-fashioned form. One character is A drug Addict for whom we Are Asked to have compassion; Another is A homosexual who is held up to ridicule; And the dialogue contains enough four letter words to seem daring without being disgusting. At the centre of "Tell Me You Love Me", Glyn Jones has placed the familiar figure of A Left-wing intellectual, who worries About the under-privileged in Bangladesh And Vietnam while ignoring emotional disturbances in his own backyard. He works As A teacher "liberating" young minds, but we see him only in his off-duty hours when - in between bouts of flippancy - he basks in A blaze of stereophonic Wagner. David's lifestyle is All pretence, even to the extent of disclaiming that he is legally married to Fiona because it seems more fashionable to boast he is "living with" her. She Appears to be so priggish And petulant that it is surprising he should want to prolong the relationship. the scene in which Fiona And her mother have A heart-to-heart talk is so painfully prim that one can only sympathise with the Actresses involved - Jennifer Daniel And thelma Rodgers. the neighbours seem to have stepped out of A Broadway comedy (Leslie Mackie As the naughty girl next door And Roy Boutcher As the "fairy" from upstairs), whereas the solemn young visitor who is in desperate need of Affection belongs to more serious Drama. One wonders quite what to make of this midget's revue. He's got the surface of the play (with A few mistakes) without getting Anywhere near the levels below. It is not only the character Chris who is "in desperate need of Affection". the play for All the characters is About love. the play is About love. "Tell me you love me" David says more than once And "tell me you love me" is what they Are All crying for: not necessarily sexual, not necessarily romantic but As the need we All have, one way or Another.
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La Belle Otero
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Little Footsteps On the Petals
a North Country comedy set in the sixties. Brian wants to marry Mona, Mona wants to marry Brian, but family ties are too strong for her to leave her Father and grandFather alone. She is needed to keep the family together. When Grand pops dies, and her Father wins the pools both on the same evening, she finally sees a way for her to escape, only to have her hopes dashed again by fate taking another turn for the worst. Jimmy her brother forgot to post the coupon. . .
the Kitchen And scullery of A terraced house in A town in the North of england Time; the present
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Mr Pickwick
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Narrow Lane, The
a young mans difficulty in coming to terms with his life and environment, culminating in an explosive ending where not every one is, as they wished themselves to be portrayed.
the Action of the play takes place on A winter's evening in London, And An evening in Paris, five months later.
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Oh, Brother!
5 dropouts from society converge in a bombed out church for shelter, following each of their stories as to why and how they are where they are. events take a surprise when Mike who is on the run from the police is persuaded by the others to hand himself over, but tragedy strikes before he can, and what seemed a hopeful situation turns desperate.
Presented At the Ipswich theatre, July 10th, 1962. Directed by Robert Chetwyn, Designed by Jaunita Waterson, incidental music by Malcolm Sircom. With Clifford Jones, Robert Gillespie, Patrick O'Connell, Terence Woodfield And John Southworth. "the Ipswich theatre Company's current production, "Oh Brother!" by Glyn Jones might be taken As An eloquent plea that this lively new play deserves A West end showing. Mr Jones' dialogue has A verve And good humour which turns what might have been A depressing evening into A rewarding And oddly exhilarating experience. He does not just pity people; he likes them." For once I did not have to take the shit the critics have usually thrown At me. For once the reviews were good. But then? "Smashing play, Glyn," said A West end manager, 'but who wants to go to the West end to see A black man in the lead?' How things have changed.
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One Touch Of Pity
at a time when abortion was still illegal, Tony now has a problem. Being unwanted by his mother and a bother to Miriam, his girlfriend who does not want to get married or have the baby, the only answer to Tony's problem is anton, a polish refugee living downstairs. after spending twenty years with a woman he didn't love, anton is finally free. Today he has just buried his wife and spent all his money on an obsession he has held secret. Now Tony needs a friend who will pay for the abortion and anton is unable to fulfill his promise of friendship with deadly consequences.
the Action of the play takes place in London. the set consists of A two roomed flat in An old block that looks As though it was designed by An Architect who had lost the tender for A Victorian Prison And did not want to waste his plans. A door with coloured glass planels leads from A cold grey - green concrete hall into A kitchen - dining room; And from here, upstage centre, A bead curtained Archway leads into the parlour which Also contains A large brass bedstead. This building was erected long berfore the term bed-sitter was ever thought of. Windows from the two rooms overlook the street.
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Opus One
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Peter Pan
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Practical Approach, The
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Samuel French, London, 1957
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North Country Comedy Comedy
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Prancing Nigger
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Red In the Morning
David and Penny are off on a second honey moon, so they are leaving there son with Grandma evie, in her large house in the country. the household is in a state of nervous excitement awaiting their arrival, which the minor interruption of some telephone engineers, cannot dampen. Maybe the engineers shouldn't have repaired the telephone, as the next time it rings; it's to inform evie, that her grandson has been kidnapped. Suspense builds as evie has 48 hours in which to deliver the ransom money, 48 hours to discover that the kidnappers are in fact still at large in the house, and 48 hours in which to keep her secret past hidden. as the bodies pile high, who will survive this dark tale; this piece of Grand Guignol!
the conservatory of A Victorian country house
1st Produced:
James Madison University
1st Published:
Samuel French, NY, 1977
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Male: 4 Female: 4 Other: voice over
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River Of Sand, The
adam inherits Sandriver Farm from his father. Katrina his aunt still lives there, with the memories of the family, which fought and died in the Boer war. adam wants to feel a part of the community but, old family tensions and Nationalist hatred come back to haunt adam's dream of future happiness. the legend of Sand River needs a sacrifice before the rains will fall again, but the gods are angry and this time it will have to be human.
In the fifties there was A lovely Actress named Janet Barrow who had A "salon" in her studio house in Notting Hill where I would later start directing in A small way with A group of young Actors, And the River Of Sand was performed there As A reading. the patron of the salon was Flora Robson. Did she Attend the reading to hear how what she had turned down Actually sounded? She did not. the irony of it being that she was in South Africa At the time.
1st Produced:
Peagasus Theatre Society
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Rosemary, a one time not very successful actress, much to her chagrin, is committed to a home for the elderly, for her own safety. Here she is befriended by a young staff member, Robert, and another resident, Walter, a burnt-out schizophrenic and gradually comes to accept her situation in life. the play is a poignant look at life, and love: It is tender, even romantic, with a warm sense of humour. It is set in the 1980's as Walter has memories of the Music Hall as a child and scenes in the play are interspersed with snatches of music hall songs sung by other residents offstage.
1st Produced:
Duke Fine Arts Building
JMU Theatre
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Tell Me You Love Me
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Third Drawer From the Top
a comedy that takes place in a flat occupied by students at a small Protestant university in the Mid-West. they and some of their friends are visited by a professor from another college, suffering a mid-life crises and with the hots for one of the girls, a recipe for disaster if ever there was one and the inevitable chaos duly develops.
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Thriller Of the Year
Gillian Howard, a successful crime novelist, returns to her flat late at night after having received the award for the "Thriller of the Year", to find a copy of her latest award winning book has been delivered with no note and no indication as to who it is from. as the evening unfolds, when a series of unfortunate accidents occur, she soon finds out why: someone is trying to kill her using methods from her own book! Will she be able to discover the identity of the murderer before it is too late, Using her novel to stay one step ahead, she finally comes face to face with the murderer. In the last chapter of her book how did her heroine die? and will Gillian suffer the same fate!
the Action takes place in the lounge of Gillian Howard's London flat.
1st Produced:
Golders Green Hippodrome
1st Published:
Samuel French, London, 1967
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Twilight Of Aunt Edna
edna Wiseparts, President of what her son Geoffrey refers to as a "holier than thou" society; that is, a mission for poking its nose into the sinful affairs of the world, mainly the sexual peccadilloes, misdemeanors and variations on a theme that give puritans such almighty headaches, is in for a few surprises during the course of a day when she hires a new secretary by the name of Hilary Goodchild.
the living room of A house on A housing estate in the home counties. Time- the present
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What Shall We Play Next
Life in the Goodman household is in for a big surprise, Fay reading her tarot cards has an inkling into what it could be, but as a newcomer, she is finding it difficult to read the signs. John her son is in for a few of the surprises, his comfortable world of fighting crime and pornography is suddenly upset, when he finds that his wife has been prostituting herself. Confronted with the evidence, he has no recourse but to continue where his moral standpoint would have him, he is going to reveal all. Diana his wife, having come to the conclusion that life in the household is constricting and unbearable, has decided to leave her husband. Michael, the youngest son, has his hobby of photography, he finds out a few of the surprises about his older brother, and uses the knowledge to set Diana free from her marriage. all too soon the penny drops with John, where else would his wife be able to produce such flagrant and explicit photographs of herself - Michael. the ace of swords, inverted means murder and violence, but who will be the victim. the fool, he devil, the hanged man or the sorceress?
the Action takes place in the Hampstead home of the Goodman Family Totally dated by the Advent of computers And digital photography
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Women Around
Set against a background of the swinging 60's where flower power and revolution are the key words. . . Suddenly the outside world descends into the drawing room of a household not yet ready to live up to the fact that history and people change very quickly. the play centers around Crispin, a young man who is totally spoilt by the adoring women of his family, each vying for the attention and affection that only he can give, while he seeks affection elsewhere. What will happen when he finds that affection in the shape of Jason, a dropout from society; will Crispin still need all these women around!
1 set Drawing room of house, Georgian style
1st Produced:
Connaught Theatre, Worthing
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