The Playwrights Database
STACEY LANE (1980 - )
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Lane's plays have been performed at hundreds of theatres from coast to coast in the U.S., as well as in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and Venezuela. Her scripts are published with Dramatic Publishing, Eldridge, Playscripts Inc., Pioneer, Smith and Kraus, Heuer, Brooklyn Publishers, Next Stage Press, Manhattan Theatre Source, JAC Publishing, San Luis Obispo Little Theatre, Sterling, Freshwater, Poydras Review, The Quotable, Euphony Journal, Garbanzo Literary Journal, Mock Turtle Zine, Indian Ink, Canyon Voices, Steel Bananas and Scene4. She is the recipient of the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation Residency Grant, the Montgomery County Arts & Cultural District's Literary Artist Fellowship and the American Alliance for Theatre and Education Play Project Award.
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below is a list of Stacey Lane's plays - click on a Play Title for more information
Alien To Antiquity
Author's Autopsy, The
Big Top Flop
Bitches on Good Behavior
Boy Who Cried Wolf, The
Caged To Perfection
Can't Count on Dracula
Checkered Past
Commotion In The Ocean
Dirty Laundry
Goddess of Grey
Goose That Laid The Golden Egg, The
Great Bellied Women
Hundred Dollar Hug, The
Itch This
Kissing Boo Boos
Lucy Dreaming
My Dog Ate the Constitution
Naked Holidays
Naked Holidays '09
Naked People Play, The
Non-Stop Aesop
Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe, The
Pet Names
Rainbow Sprinkles
Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin
Shelter Skelter
Sleeping Beauty
Snow Queen, The
Steal Down Memory Lane, A
Storms, Sheets, And Show Tunes
Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue
Thirteen Little Pigs, The
Thousand Variations On A Lie Told Once, A
Three Billy Goats Gruff, The
Tummy Tirade
Turtle And The Bunny, The
Unwelcome Mat, The
Words That Rhyme With Orange
Alien To Antiquity
Two corporate spokesmen set out to fire Lady Justice. Company front men, Walter Punshon and Herman Rewald, debating the need to fire an employee. a strange clanging knock is heard and Themis enters. She is a young woman donning a toga and blindfold and carrying a sword and scales. Walter gruffly expounds that they are no longer satisfied with her performance, while the more compassionate Herman defends her virtues. Herman leaves to take an emergency phone call, while Walter uses Themis's scales to visually demonstrate how the cons outweigh the pros of keeping her around. Herman returns in a rage, having just received word that his daughter has been killed. Now with fairness no longer favoring him, Herman turns on Themis and takes her hostage with her own sword. When she fails to promise the return of his child, Herman slices the throat of Lady Justice.
1st Produced:
Run of the Mill Theatre Company in Baltimore, Maryland May 2007
1st Published:
- -
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Ten-minute play
Male: 2  Female: 1  Other: -
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Author's Autopsy, The
Assisted by Dr. Shifflet, Dr. Owens performs an autopsy on a writer. The two extract his plot ideas, brainstorms, and unfinished drafts. The newcomer assumes that these cluttered and chaotic musings clogging up his brain must be what did him in. But the veteran Dr. Owens knows that this is par for the core with these creative types. The doctor soon discovers the cause of death. Pressing on his heart is the late novelist's magnum opus. The book is blank.
1st Produced:
South Simcoe Theatre in Cookstown Ontario, Canada Jun 2013
South Simcoe Theatre
1st Published:
- -
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Short Play
Male: 0-2  Female: 0-2  Other: 0-2 either gender
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Big Top Flop
A group of goofy clowns have come up with the most spectacular circus trick the world has ever known. The only problem is that they have not practiced this dangerous feat, they have stolen supplies from the other performers, and they have left a mess everywhere. With the help of their circus companions, these comical clowns learn a lesson in safety, respect, and responsibility. An entertaining interactive way to study school rules, this script is perfect for classroom performance!
Extremely flexible casting! Can be performed with an all female cast.
1st Produced:
South Connection Enrichment Program in Oakwood, Ohio Feb 2012
South Connection Enrichment Program
1st Published:
- -
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Children's Theatre:10 minutes
Male: 0-15 +  Female: 0-15 +  Other: All roles are gender neutral
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Bitches on Good Behavior
A guy offers to buy a lady a drink at a bar. When she turns him down, he calls her a bitch as he walks away. She refuses to let the comment slide and expounds on why women are only categorized as "nice girls" or "bitches". He belittles her impassioned outburst by telling her that she is hot when she is angry.
1st Produced:
New Workshop Theatre at Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, NY Jun 2012
Screaming Media Productions' Gone in Sixty Seconds
1st Published:
- -
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Short Play
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Boy Who Cried Wolf, The

In this reimaging of aesop's fable, a young boy named Roy is very bored as he tends to his family's flock of sheep. Pearl, a girl that Roy has a crush on, comes to visit and asks Roy to go get ice-cream with her. When Roy explains that he cannot leave the sheep, Pearl questions the importance of his job and begs to see his "wolf-crying" skills in action. Reluctantly, Roy agrees, despite the warnings from the sheep. Meanwhile, a wolf and her pup enter and watch from behind a tree. When Roy's family responds to the false alarm, they are none too pleased. Thoroughly amused by the antics, Pearl plans an elaborate presentation, dressing one of the sheep up as a wolf and hiding another sheep behind the tree where the real wolves are waiting. against his better judgment, Roy again "cries wolf". The family arrives, even more distraught. No longer willing to succumb to her peer pressure, Roy tells Pearl to leave. The wolves take this opportunity to emerge from their hiding place, as the sheep scatter in terror. Roy calls for his family, but they do not come to his rescue.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp or school performances
1st Produced:
Multi-Arts Summer Camp in Hadley, Massachusetts Aug 2009
1st Published:
http://www.pioneerdrama.com/searchdetail.asp?pc=BOYWHOCRIE (Feb 2013) -
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Children's theatre: 25 minutes
Male: 4  Female: 4  Other: 7 either gender
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Caged To Perfection
Imogene has the perfect boyfriend. He sends her flowers at work, dedicates songs to her on the radio, and writes her oh so many love poems. all of her friends are jealous. There's only one problem. He's imaginary. When he insists that her secret will be found out, she threatens to kill him off like she has with her past fantasies.
1st Produced:
eclectic Theatre Company at BackLot Theater in Sarasota, Florida Aug 2007
1st Published:
- -
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Short play
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Can't Count on Dracula
Dracula, Frankenstein and the Invisible Man meet at a twenty-four hour pancake house to figure out why no one- including their cheerful waitress- seems to be scared of monsters anymore. The Sand Witch, the bumbling terror of the beach, wishes to join the ranks of these legends of horror. As the Sand Witch shows off her not-so-menacing moves on the seashore, she is pranked by a child. The child turns out to be a victim of the Sand Witch's sandcastle-smashing shenanigans. With the tables turned, the Sand Witch is surprised to learn that scaring someone is not all fun and games. It can cause sadness. A late invitee to the monster meeting arrives. He is a doctor who strongly believes that there is good in everyone. He encourages the feuding witch and child to put aside their differences. As they reluctantly consider his proposition, the sensitive scientist, by the name of Dr. Jekyll, turns into Mr. Hyde. The two ban together to stop this force of beastly fury.
A fun Halloween show! Can be performed with a small cast of puppeteers.
1st Produced:
- -
1st Published:
- -
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Children's Theatre: 45 minutes
Male: 4 - 9  Female: 1-2  Other: Double casting possible
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Checkered Past
Two ants delightfully feast on a huge strawberry, while expounding the joys of slipping away from the colony to invade a picnic. The third ant bitterly reminds them of their ant friends whose lives have been lost to picnic escapades. The pleasure-seeking ants point out that striving for a better quality of life has its causalities, while the cautious ant feels the risks do not outweigh the rewards. Their debate is interrupted when a little girl spots the ants on her strawberry. Her mother prepares to take care of the situation, as the lights go down.
1st Produced:
Shubin Theater in Philadelphia, PA Apr 2011
Act for Charity
1st Published:
Feast or Famine with The Quotable (Nov 2012) -
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Short Play
Male: 0-3  Female: 0-3  Other: 3 either gender: 2 female voice overs
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In this short comedy, a lovesick young man sneaks into his girlfriend's home and licks her phone. The girlfriend, who is suffering from a bad cold, catches him in the act. He confesses that he is trying to catch her germs so that she will allow him to be close to her while she is ill.
1st Produced:
eclectic Theatre Company at the Players Theatre in Sarasota, Florida 39692
1st Published:
Sterling 3 with Sterling Magazine (Fall 2012) -
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Short Play: Comedy
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Commotion In The Ocean

Under the sea, a dorky dolphin is sad that no one has shown up to his birthday party. He pretends to have a party using the seashells on the ocean floor as his guests. When he accidentally uses an occupied shell as his puppet, he befriends a happy clam and a goofy hermit crab. When a shark swims by, the dolphin is in love, but the shellfish are terrified and scuttle away. a fierce storm begins and the dolphin and his new crush seek shelter in an abandoned pirate ship. also seeking shelter from the storm, a squirrelfish swims in and is trapped when a large old box tips over on to her tail. When the sea creatures try to save her, they learn that the old box is actually a treasure chest. Greed takes over as the seas creatures fight over necklaces, bracelets, gold coins, and finally a royal crown. Friendships are destroyed. The kind-hearted rabbitfish convinces the others that they are better off without the treasure. The sea creatures return their finds to the treasure chest. The snobby starfish dives into the treasure chest to get it all. a wave slams the treasure chest shut, trapping the starfish.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp or school performances
1st Produced:
CityFolk Festival in Dayton, Ohio Jul 2010
Zoot Theatre Company & CultureWorks
1st Published:
http://www.shop.nextstagepress.net/product.sc?productId=141&categoryId=5 (May 2013 -
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Children's theatre- 20 minutes
Male: 1-12  Female: 2-13  Other: 11 either gender
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Dirty Laundry
allegations and confessions fly, when a young woman finds something small, but incriminating, in a jeans pocket. after one too many Mojitos and a night on the town, Jillian finds a napkin with a man's phone number in a jean pocket while doing late night laundry in her cramped apartment. When her roommate Paige refuses to come clean and admit that the she was hitting on the same guy as Jillian at the bar, Jillian divulges that she slept with Paige's boyfriend. after her damning confession, the drunken Jillian realizes the jeans in her hands are her own and the note is actually the one that the man at the bar gave her.
1st Produced:
Theatre Vertigo in Portland, Oregon Aug 2007
1st Published:
- -
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Short play: Comedy
Male: -  Female: 2  Other: -
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Goddess of Grey
A self-conscious woman clad in lingerie poses seductively for a sketch. She plans to present the drawing to her husband as an anniversary gift. She requests that the artist make some improvements to her physique. The artist eagerly agrees to these standard revisions and even suggests a few more, making the model's insecurities intensify. Upon viewing the finished piece of art, the subject no longer recognizes herself.
All female cast
1st Produced:
- -
1st Published:
- -
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Short Play
Male: -  Female: 2  Other: -
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Goose That Laid The Golden Egg, The

a bitter old chicken farmer frets about her future when a wet and distressed traveler arrives. The young boy explains that he lost all his possessions, except his goose, when he dove into the river to save a mysterious winged woman in gold. The selfish old woman agrees to provide the poor boy with food and dry clothing only if he will part with his beloved goose. The old woman is delighted when she discovers that the goose lays golden eggs. She showers the gifted goose with praise and special treats, while she neglects her chickens. She spends her golden eggs as fast as she can collect them on frivolous fashion accessories as she strives to become a fine lady. When she decides she will not be happy until she obtains a certain over-priced gown, the old woman becomes impatient and unsatisfied with the goose's one egg a day. She determines that if she cuts the goose open, she will obtain more gold more quickly. Just in the nick of time, the fabled winged woman in gold makes an appearance. She changes the goose back into a regular egg layer and helps the birds escape from the crazed old woman.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp, school performances, And youth theatres
1st Produced:
London Youth Theatre education with London Community Players in Ontario, Canada Jul 2010
1st Published:
http://www.pioneerdrama.com/searchdetail.asp?pc=GOOSETHATL (Feb 2013) -
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Children's theatre: 45 minutes
Male: 2  Female: 10  Other: 4 either gender
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Great Bellied Women
Widow agnes Moulsworth, a respected elizabethan midwife, and her high-spirited daughter Margery return from a successful delivery to interview a prospective apprentice, Jane Cobbe. The pious Mistress Cobbe boasts that her natural instincts, her calling from God, and her own four healthy births qualify her to be a midwife, despite her lack of training. Mistress Moulsworth wishes to test this bold claim and Margery enthusiastically volunteers to pretend to be in labor. Stealing the hat off of Mistress Cobbe's head, young Margery thrusts it under her skirt and whole-heartedly reenacts an arduous birth. Under Mistress Moulsworth's watchful eye and shrewd guidance, Mistress Cobbe delivers the hat and learns that she still has much to learn. This comedic period piece illuminates the peculiar practices of Renaissance childbirth, while celebrating the bond of women rising above their oppression in this sacred exclusively female arena, the elizabethan birthing chamber.
* Perfect for Renaissance faires!
1st Produced:
New Haven, Connecticut Aug 2010
New Haven Theater Company
1st Published:
- -
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One-act period piece: 30 minutes
Male: -  Female: 3  Other: -
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The Planet Princess and her frog friend are on their way to the recycling center when the Garbage Goblin stops them. He threatens to spray paint the frog gray because he hates all green things. The Garbage Goblin agrees to let the frog go, if the Planet Princess can prove that kids can save the earth. The Planet Princess encourages children to practice the Three Rs- "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle". Through group participation and individual volunteers, the kids in the audience defeat the Garbage Goblin. This short interactive play empowers children by showing them that they can help the environment and overcome bullies.
*environmental theme: Well-suited for in-school tours
1st Produced:
DC Convention Center in Washington, DC Jan 2008
Mascot Organization.
1st Published:
http://www.shop.nextstagepress.net/product.sc?productId=141&categoryId=5 (May 2013) -
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Children's theatre- 20 minutes
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: 1 either gender
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an over-confident teenager waits for her turn in a speech contest when she develops a bad case of hiccups. Her brother and the contest facilitator work to find ways to cure her before time runs out and she must go to do her speech. When traditional and not-so traditional cures fail, her brother scares the hiccups out of her by telling her that their mother has been hospitalized.
1st Produced:
Run of the Mill Theatre Company in Baltimore, Maryland Aug 2006
1st Published:
SLOLT's Short Play Collection published by San Luis Obispo Little Theatre (Nov 2008) -
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Ten-minute play: comedy
Male: 1  Female: 2  Other: -
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Hundred Dollar Hug, The
a man taunts the audience with a hundred dollar bill, claiming that he will give it to the first audience member who comes up on stage and hugs him. The man invites his spectators to ponder what would drive a human being to give away a hundred bucks for a simple hug. at first, he enjoys this game that he has created, but as time rolls on and no one comes up to claim his prize, the man turns bitter and his possible reasons for needing a hug become more and more alarming. Finally, someone from the audience (a plant) comes up on stage and hugs the lonely man, providing him with the human interaction that he has been desperately craving. He hands the audience plant the money and solemnly exits without looking back.
1st Produced:
SceneShop in Forth Worth, Texas Aug 2007
1st Published:
in "interJACtions: Monologues at the Heart of Human Nature (Volume II)" http://www.jacpub.com/Books/interJACtions/interJACtions_Vol.2.php (Oct 2012) 160513175X
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Male: 1  Female: -  Other: -
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Itch This
A mother is enjoying a pleasant afternoon in the park, watching her daughter play on the playground, when a sweaty jogger approaches her. He has an itch on his back that he just can't reach. First he asks to borrow her newspaper to try to stop the stubborn itch. When that fails to do the trick, he asks for her assistance. Appalled, the woman refuses to touch a stranger and then scolds her daughter for kissing the boo boo of an unfamiliar child.
1st Produced:
Royal British Legion in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Nov 2010
Ink Festival
1st Published:
- -
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Short comedy
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Kissing Boo Boos
A child cries over a scraped knee. With no parent in sight, the child is comforted by a male passerby. The mother rushes over and is distrustful of the strange man holding her kid. The same scene plays out again, but this time the good Samaritan is a woman. The mother is thankful that the kind lady helped out. This short play explores the hypocrisy of gender roles in childcare.
1st Produced:
- -
1st Published:
- -
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Short Play
Male: 1  Female: 2  Other: 1 child of either gender
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Lucy Dreaming
Lucy Dreaming explores the psychological landscape of that place between awake and asleep. Set inside the troubled mind of an insomniac, Lucy 1 tries to lull herself to dreamland with relaxation exercises. Lucy 2 interrupts with disjointed anxiety and a desperate plea to stay awake to avoid the beasts that feast that are waiting in her dreams. Finally, succumbing to exhaustion, Lucy 1 leaves Lucy 2 to fend for herself in her nightmare world.
1st Produced:
Littleton High School in Littleton, Massachusetts 39783
1st Published:
- -
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Ten-minute play: experimental
Male: -  Female: 2  Other: -
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My Dog Ate the Constitution
Studying for a test on the U.S. Constitution is boring enough to make you fall asleep! In this audience-participation adventure, a young girl does just that and is surprised to meet George Washington and Ben Franklin in her dreams. Even more surprising is that her dog is now wearing a powdered wig and claiming to be James Madison. My Dog Ate the Constitution utilizes puppets, songs, and games to teach elementary school students curriculum-based U.S. History in a memorable and interactive manner. Perfect for in-schools tours, this script can be performed with a cast of four and minimal or no set.
Can be performed with a cast of four: Perfect for in-school tours. This script can be read or presented to fulfill the "Constitution Day" (September 17) requirement for publicly funded schools The play covers elementary-school history curriculum. http://www.brookpub.com/default.aspx?pg=sd&st=MY+DOG+ATE+THE+CONSTITUTION&p=2839
1st Produced:
Victoria Theatre in Dayton, Ohio Oct 2011
Zoot Theatre Company
1st Published:
Brooklyn Publishers (Apr 2013) 978-1-60003-689-7
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Children's Theatre: 1 hour
Male: 3-23  Female: 1-9  Other: 0-8 either gender
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Naked Holidays
Naked Holidays is darkly comic Yuletide bacchanalia, a gleeful pageant filled with indulgent tidings. Originally conceived by the Sacred Fools Theater Company of Los Angeles, this boisterous holiday celebration puts a comic spin on some of our best-loved winter traditions. It is a multicultural melange which climaxes in a scantilyclad routine that looks a lot like Christmas. Highlights include a medley exploring deadly plots by Santa's eight angry reindeer against Rudolph and the lesser-known Rudnick The Reindeer, a traditional Jewish nativity scene, a wholesome dad who hides a suspiciously jolly body bag, and a belligerently randy hooker working the North Pole. TheNaked Holidays Orchestra adds a musical flair to the show, and eggnog will be served.
- nytheatre.com
written by Stacey Lane, Steve Strangio, Leah Dashe, Leal Vona, David Dannenfelser, Steve Lewis, And eric R. Pfeffinger
1st Produced:
ace of Clubs, 9 Great Jones Street, NY 40522
endTimes Productions
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 7  Female: 11  Other: -
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Naked Holidays '09
Originally conceived by the Sacred Fools Theater Company of Los Angeles, Naked Holidays is a darkly comic Yuletide bacchanalia fit for Samson himself. George Larkin's opening is a boisterous reaction to some of the most popular holiday images; delving into the hilarious customs of our best loved winter holidays, and the pagan traditions celebrated nowadays as Christmas. Yet not even the Olympics delivers like this multicultural melange which climaxes in a scantily clad routine that looks a lot like Christmas. This year's medley showcases new works that explore deadly plots by Santa's eight angry reindeer against Rudolph and Rudnick (oh yes, Rudnick), a traditional Jewish nativity scene, a wholesome dad hiding a suspiciously jolly body bag, a belligerently randy hooker working the North Pole, and a bone-crunching table-smashing romp with everybody's favorite rotund holiday hero THe aNNIHILaTORRRR*8212;yes, all in one evening of theater.
- nytheatre.com
created by George Larkin, Stacey Lane, Brad Mcentire, Steve Strangio, Benjamin Thornton, Oliver Thrun
1st Produced:
ace of Clubs, 9 Great Jones Street, NY 40149
1st Published:
- -
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Male: -  Female: -  Other: -
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Naked People Play, The
Jon, a nervous if not neurotic, young man, arrives at his emotionally needy ex-girlfriend's apartment to confront her about their recent break-up. He finds that Margaret is not alone, but has a naked man and a naked woman with her. She provides a perfectly innocent explanation: the naked people are there to symbolize Jon and Margaret's vulnerability in this crucial break-up scene. as Margaret and Jon attempt to discuss the future of their relationship, Margaret finds herself vying for Jon's attention, He cannot seem to take his eyes off the silent and still nudes. Frustrated and hurt that not only her boyfriend, but also the entire audience, is paying more attention to the inactive naked people that they are to her, Margaret decides to strip in a desperate plea for attention. However, she soon realizes that she can't do it. Dejected she exits, taking Jon with her, leaving the audience alone with the object of their interest.
1st Produced:
Run of the Mill Theatre Company in Baltimore, Maryland Jul 2005
1st Published:
"The Best Ten-Minute Plays of 2007: 3 or More actors" with Smith and Kraus (Jun 2008) 157-5255901
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Ten-minute play
Male: 2  Female: 2  Other: -
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Non-Stop Aesop
Non-Stop aesop re-imagines The Boy who Cried Wolf, The Tortoise and the Hare, and The Goose that Laid the Golden egg.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for school performances And youth theatres
1st Produced:
Reading at South Connection enrichment Program in Oakwood, Ohio 2009
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 8  Female: 19  Other: 8 M, 19 F, 18 M or F or 4 M, 10 F, 2 M or F w/ double casting)
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Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe, The
You know that the old woman who lived in a shoe had so many children she didn't know what to do. But did you know that her children were Jack, Jill, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Hansel, Gretel, and Mary? The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe weaves together beloved nursery rhymes and fairy tales into an energetic romp through an enchanted forest.
aka Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue. * Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp, school performances, And youth theatres
1st Produced:
Human Race Theatre Company's Summer Stock Kids in Dayton, Ohio Jun 2010
1st Published:
- -
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Children's theatre: 1 hour
Male: 4  Female: 11  Other: 1 m voice, 5 either gender
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In this short comedy, a gift tempts a man to take a look inside while his girlfriend is in the other room. Initially the boyfriend is hesitant, but the gift charms him into giving her a shake. He hears nothing, so he still has no clue what the gift bag might contain. The gift taunts him further. She points out that without peeking, he will not know how much his girlfriend expects him to spend on her present. The boyfriend succumbs to his curiosity and pulls down the gift's tissue paper to have a look. He finds an appalling sweater. Her poor present selection leads him to believe that his girlfriend doesn't really know him at all.
1st Produced:
Toy Boat Productions at the Coho Theater in Portland, Oregon 39417
1st Published:
- -
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Short play: Comedy
Male: -  Female: -  Other: -
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Pet Names
a doting couple attempts to capture the perfect picture of their little darling on the easter Bunny's lap at the mall. The unseen photo subject is uncooperative. She won't look at the camera. She can't keep her eyes open. She licks the easter Bunny in inappropriate places. She humps his leg. She pees all over him. The husband finally exclaims "Bad dog!" There is also a Christmas version of Pet Names with a Santa photo shoot.
1st Produced:
Spare Change Theatre in New York Jun 2010
1st Published:
In "Awkward Moments" with Freshwater Press (Aug 2011) 615-510302
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Short play: Comedy
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Clara dolefully recounts the death of her best friend, when a cell phone rings in the audience. She tries to preserve, but the ringing does not cease. When it becomes clear that the owner of the phone is not going to silence it, Clara enters the audience. She locates the purse that contains the phone, empties it onto the stage, and stomps on the phone until it will ring no more. Collecting herself, she restarts her monologue, only to once again be interrupted by a cell phone going off in the theatre.
1st Produced:
at Hand Theatre Company in Buffalo, New York May 2008
1st Published:
in "interJACtions: Monologues at the Heart of Human Nature (Volume II)" http://www.jacpub.com/Books/interJACtions/interJACtions_Vol.2.php (Oct 2012) 160513175X
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Male: -  Female: 1  Other: -
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Rainbow Sprinkles
Rainbow Sprinkles tells the tale of a kind-hearted, elderly clown and the politically-correct, uptight lawyer who interviews him for her son's birthday party. Miranda Giles-Hampton has set up an appointment during her lunch break to interview Rainbow Sprinkles to see if he is suitable to perform a clown act at her ten-year old son's upcoming birthday party. When the clown arrives, dressed in full costume and make-up, Miranda probes and prods at him, finding a reason that each of the most innocent parts of his act could be deemed inappropriate or politically incorrect. Sprinkles sadly agrees to the cuts and changes to his long-standing act, until Miranda insists that he change his rainbow-themed make-up, as it could be construed as homosexual propaganda. With his very clown identity called into question, Sprinkles has had enough and refuses to perform at the party.
1st Produced:
Playwright's Round Table in Orlando, Florida Jul 2001
1st Published:
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Ten Min
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: 1 female pre-recorded voice over
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Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin
Two fairytale classics collide in this fast-paced comedy for all ages. Dame Gothel prepares for a ball with the assistance of her magical minions, Rumpelstiltskin and Hob. Her young daughter Rapunzel ruins the festivities when she cuts her own hair. Dame Gothel banishes her to the tower until her hair looks normal again. Helpful Hob places a spell on Rapunzel to make her hair grow faster. Her hair keeps growing, but her social-climbing mother keeps finding reasons to keep her locked up. Freedom seems out of reach, until the King issues a proclamation that whoever can create gold can marry his son. Rumpelstiltskin uses a spinning wheel to turn Rapunzel's hair into gold. But Rumpelstiltskin's help comes at a high price.
1st Produced:
Victoria Theatre in Dayton, Ohio Nov 2012
Zoot Theatre Company
1st Published:
http://www.histage.com/playdetails.asp?PID=2504 (Apr 2013 -
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Children's Theatre: 1 hour
Male: 2-3  Female: 2-3  Other: 0-1 either gender
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In this absurdist comedic one act, eleanor has a nightmare that she is being attacked by a lion. When she recognizes that she is dreaming and that the lion is simply a man in a costume, her attacker turns into her lover. In order to continue to meet up with Leon, the man of her dreams, eleanor pursues the study of lucid dreaming. While she seeks to create and control her dream world and her dream man, this unhappily married woman finds that she cannot conquer her insecurities and guilt over her imaginary infidelity.
1st Produced:
Bowl Cabaret Theatre in Minneapolis, Minnesota Jun 2008
Theatre Limina
1st Published:
- -
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Dark comedic one-act: 25 minutes
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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a losing instant lottery ticket envies the limitless potential of its not-yet scratched-off companion. The little ticket that has been scratched feels worthless and reminisces about how it used to believe it could amount to something big. The scratched-off ticket puts all its hopes and dreams in the belief that the other ticket could be a winner. When a trucker purchases the unscratched ticket, the ticket must quickly come to terms with the fact that soon its value will no longer be a mystery.
1st Produced:
eclectic Theatre Company at the Players Theatre in Sarasota, Florida 40057
1st Published:
- -
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Short play
Male: -  Female: -  Other: 2 either gender, 1 male voice over
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Shelter Skelter
Trudy tries to pick out a feline companion at an animal shelter, when she is haunted by the ghost of Mr. Whiskers, her recently deceased cat. Mr. Whiskers is none-to-pleased that he is being replaced so quickly and painlessly. After Mr. Whiskers warns her that she will never get over him, Trudy decides to get a dog instead.
1st Produced:
Spare Change Theatre in NYC, NY Apr 2011
Spare Change Theatre
1st Published:
- -
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Short comedy
Male: 1  Female: 2  Other: -
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alone center stage sits a shoebox. Like loved ones at a funeral waiting to pay their respects, the cast solemnly lines up behind the box. One by one, they step forward into the light, read a greeting card, and then drop it into the shoebox. a woman's journey from cradle to grave is documented in the cards she received. There are birthdays, an engagement, a wedding, a baby shower, a promotion, a new home, a retirement, more birthdays, get well wishes, and finally condolences.
1st Produced:
Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York Jun 2007
1st Published:
in Poydras Review Issue 2 (Nov 2012) 148-0186465
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Short play
Male: -  Female: -  Other: 2 - 20 either gender
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Sleeping Beauty
In this twist on the beloved fairy tale, a traditional storyteller reading from his all too well-known book of Sleeping Beauty is quickly usurped by the story's feisty villain, the evil Griselda. With a magical spell, she literally turns back the hands of time to show what really happened to "Sleeping Betty." Fortunately, two good fairies and a magical frog help set the story straight, and make sure everyone lives happily ever after.
1st Produced:
Classika Theatre (arlington, Va, United States) 2004
1st Published:
http://www.playscripts.com/play/1372 -
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50-60 min Comedy for young audiences
Male: 4  Female: 5  Other: 4 males, 5 females (4-9 actors possible: 1-4 males, 3-5 females)
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Snow Queen, The
The flurries, the icy imps of the Snow Queen, conjure up a cruel spell to make a magical mirror that reflects the ugly side of humanity. Less than impressed, the Snow Queen smashes the mirror to set in motion her more dastardly plan. While cousins Gerda and Kay play tag, Kay gets a shard of the mirror stuck in his eye. It turns him into a rotten brat. The Snow Queen kidnaps the boy and takes him to her Ice Castle. On her journey to rescue her best friend, timid Gerda encounters a cursed gardener, talking flowers, a mischievous fox, giggle-inducing snickerdoodles, a know-it-all crow, a generous princess, rowdy robbers and a gypsy's jar of warm wishes. Once at the castle, Gerda uses the jar of warm wishes to melt the flurries and the magical cookies to warm Kay's heart. The Snow Queen calls for her flurries to stop Gerda and Kay, but the flurries do not come. Gerda apologies for melting the Snow Queen's faithful friends and gives the saddened villain a hug. That hug fills the Snow Queen with warmth. Her flurries return, now as sunbeams and transform the Snow Queen into the Sun Queen.
The Snow Queen makes a great winter holiday play for all family audiences because it celebrates the holiday season without references to Christmas or religious affiliations. Extremely flexible casting. Double casting may be used for smaller cast or additional "flurry" roles may be added for a larger cast.
1st Produced:
- -
1st Published:
- -
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Children's Theatre: 1 hour
Male: 2-19  Female: 8-25  Other: 0-17 either gender
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a day old doughnut and a cinnamon roll await their fates at an airport food kiosk. They watch others who are really going places. Yet they are stuck sitting on the shelf, knowing that soon they will be past their shelf life. The doughnut believes it has found salvation in a plump patron. a final boarding call sends the potential customer dashing away, dashing the doughnut's dreams.
1st Produced:
eclectic Theatre Company at BackLot Theater in Sarasota, Florida 38961
1st Published:
- -
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Short play
Male: -  Female: -  Other: 2 either gender, 1 pre-recorded voice over of either gender
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Steal Down Memory Lane, A
A befuddled woman asks a passerby for directions. The stranger pulls a gun on her and demands her purse and wedding ring. As she hands over her possessions, she recognizes her assailant as an old friend from high school. She invites the mugger to grab a cup of coffee and catch-up on old times. Gun and stolen purse still in hand, the robber agrees to the reunion and quips that her victim will be buying.
1st Produced:
Changing Scene Theatre Northwest in Bremerton, WA Aug 2011
Changing Scene Theatre Northwest
1st Published:
in "Austerity/Touching" with Steel Bananas Quarterly (Summer 2013) -
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Short Comedy
Male: -  Female: 2  Other: -
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Storms, Sheets, And Show Tunes
Spirited theatre ghosts conduct late night auditions to replace the current ghost who wishes to retire from haunting. The first ghost to audition throws a sheet over his head and bellows uninspiring "boos". The second audition consists of off-key show tunes, Shakespeare, and tap dances by a ghost who makes up for what she lacks in talent in true love of the theatre. The final ghost to audition chooses more traditional ghoulish tactics, as he conjures up a storm that rattles the entire building. While the overbearing director and his eager-to-please assistant debate casting, a live girl enters in tears. She holds a newspaper article that informs the ghosts that the theatre is going to be torn down. While the rest of the ghouls leave in a huff, the theatre-loving ghost stays to comfort the girl.
* Well-suited for Halloween shows
1st Produced:
Renaissance Guild in San antonio, Texas Oct 2008
1st Published:
The Best 10-Minute Plays Of 2012. Published by Smith and Kraus, Inc. (Jun 2013) 157-5257939
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One-act: 15 minutes
Male: 3  Female: 3  Other: -
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Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue
You know that the old woman who lived in a shoe had so many children she didn't know what to do. But did you know that her children were Jack, Jill, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Hansel, Gretel, and Mary? The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe weaves together beloved nursery rhymes and fairy tales into an energetic romp through an enchanted forest.
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe has been retitled "Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue" and published. * Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp, school performances, and youth theatres
1st Produced:
Human Race Theatre Company's Summer Stock Kids in Dayton, Ohio Jun 2010
Human Race Theatre Company
1st Published:
http://www.dramaticpublishing.com/p3607/Story-Stew:-A-Fairy-Tale-Revue/product_info.php (Nov 2012) 158-3428224
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Children's theatre: 1 hour
Male: 4-9  Female: 11-16  Other: 1 m voice, 5 either gender
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Thirteen Little Pigs, The
Folktale history forgot ten very important little pigs. Overwhelmed by their large litter of piglets, new parents Boris Boar and Sally Sow name only their first three pigs Curly, Pinky and Lucky before running out of ideas and time. As they grow, the favorite named piggies pick on their nameless siblings. Time comes for the pigs to make their own way in the world and make their own house. The three spoiled little pigs plot to keep the big brick house all for themselves by hiring a dog to impersonate a big bad wolf.
1st Produced:
- -
1st Published:
- -
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Children's Theatre: 45 minutes
Male: 2-15  Female: 2-15  Other: 0-13 either gender
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Thousand Variations On A Lie Told Once, A
Three grown daughters return to their childhood home to confront their mother and her new fiance about the farewell letters that they believe their deceased father has left for them, but that twenty years later they still have not received. The daughters' burning drive to connect with the father they never truly knew prevents them from pursuing a relationship with the mother they have always known, but failed to understand. When the tension peaks and the daughters' accUSAtions become too much for her, the mother convinces her fiance to forge the missing goodbye letters. The youngest daughter eagerly clings to her long-anticipated letter and decides to move back home. The middle daughter receives the letter with anger, as she feels betrayed by her mother's insistence over the years that the letters did not exist. The oldest daughter recognizes that the letters are falsified and admits that she thinks that, in her childhood, she made up the fact that her dad promised them letters. In the course of one evening, alliances are formed and broken, as the family struggles to reconnect with their bittersweet past and separate the truth from the fantasy.
*Nominated for "Outstanding Playwriting for A New Script of A Play or Book of A Musical" At the Midtown International Theatre Festival
1st Produced:
Women Playwright's Initiative in Orlando, Florida 38961
1st Published:
- -
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Full length comedic Drama
Male: 1  Female: 4  Other: -
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Three Billy Goats Gruff, The
Tough Gruff and Huff Gruff complain about the grass they are dining on. Rough Gruff tells them of a field of the richest and greenest grass. But there is a catch. In order to get there, the goats must cross a bridge rumored to be inhabited by a foul-tempered troll. egged on by the others, Huff Gruff, the smallest, hesitantly begins to cross the bridge. Huff chickens out and runs back to Rough and Tough with exaggerated tales of woe. Rough Gruff, the middle goat, next tries to make it across the fated bridge. The supposed troll assures the nervous goat that there is no threat, but this only scares away Rough. Tough Gruff, the biggest goat, steps onto the bridge. Tough discovers that the source of their anxiety is not a troll at all, but a harmless little frog. The hungry goats feast, while the real troll returns to its hideout and the frog flees with fright. The three goats soon discover that the grass is not greener on the other side and long for home. Confident and cocky, they cross the bridge as the lights go down.
1st Produced:
KidStage in Springfield, Ohio May 2010
1st Published:
- -
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Children's theatre: 10 minutes
Male: -  Female: -  Other: 5 either gender
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Meredith Mull and Midge Mobley, an awkward pair of M&M munching reclusive childhood best friends, call upon the assistance of the flamboyant Drina Dynasty and her self-made business, "A New You", to create new and improved identities for them for their approaching ten year high school reunion.In this full-length real-time play, we witness Meredith and Midge's consultation process as they work with the self-proclaimed mastermind, Drina Dynasty, a greedy businesswoman with a God complex, to rid themselves of the less socially appealing constraints of being husbandless, childless, jobless, and friendless. Make-overs, photo sessions, and doctored personal histories complete with phony husbands and children are only the beginning of the lengths that will be pursued in a failed attempt to transform these two outcasts into publicly-adored stars of their class reunion and to fuse meaning into their meaningless lives. Trappings questions the manufacturing of the illusion of the American dream and the desperate and bitterly comical lengths that individuals will go through to try to achieve it or at least make those around them believe they have.
All female cast
1st Produced:
Philadelphia Fringe Festival in Philadelphia, PA Aug 2011
Crack the Glass Theatre Company
1st Published:
- -
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Full-length: comedic drama
Male: -  Female: 3  Other: -
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Tummy Tirade
a woman on a diet competes in a battle of willpower with her talkative tummy. as she aims to make her stomach smaller, her angry abdomen responds by cramping up and complaining. This short comedy begins with Tammy's tummy making a loud gurgling noise. embarrassed, she lifts up her shirt to reveal a face painted on her stomach. Her tummy disputes Tammy's extreme desire to rid herself of her belly fat. The tummy ultimately wins out and demands a sacrifice of chocolate.
1st Produced:
Viaduct Theatre in Halifax, United Kingdom Jun 2009
1st Published:
- -
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Short play: comedy
Male: -  Female: 1  Other: 1 male voice over
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Turtle And The Bunny, The
a class of woodland animals looks forward to "Ribbon Day", the last day of school, in which awards are given. When Tory Turtle wins both the science fair and the short story contest, Barnaby Bunny steals her ribbons and refuses to return them unless she can beat him in a race. Tory Turtle, Cathy Caterpillar, the only one in her class who hasn't turned into a butterfly yet, and Billy Blue Jay, a determined little bird with a broken wing, trail behind their faster classmates. Once the race has already been won by speedy Carey Cardinal, some bigger animals invite Barnaby Bunny to help their team win at kick ball. The overconfident bunny leaves the race and the turtle who is still struggling to catch up. He returns from the game to find Tory Turtle crossing the finish line.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp, school performances, And youth theatres
1st Produced:
KidStage in Springfield, Ohio May 2009
1st Published:
- -
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Children's theatre: 20 minutes
Male: 2  Female: 5  Other: 7 either gender
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Unwelcome Mat, The
a young lady arrives at her date's home. Before she can even ring the doorbell, she is welcomed by a worn out doormat. When she does not return his greeting and wipes her feet on him, the welcome mat becomes inhospitable. He informs her that she has worn out her welcome and that his home's owner answered the door much more quickly last night when a hotter date came calling.
1st Produced:
New Workshop Theatre at Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York Jun 2009
1st Published:
- -
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Short play: comedy
Male: 1  Female: 1  Other: -
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Words That Rhyme With Orange
On a dull grey island, a group of spiders all named Bob live a monotonous life of uniformity. a strange one-of-a-kind creature who identifies herself a "lamadodacada" crashes onto their island and shakes up their way of life. This happy-go-lucky oddity brings with her tales of the outside world. She praises the spiders' differences, despite their claim that they are all the same. When the spiders' eggs hatch, the baby spiders believe the lamadodacada to be their mama and want to be fed. She offers them her favorite food, strudels, which they enthusiastically accept. The leader of the spider tries to win them back with muddy leaves to eat and cautionary tales of the evils of anyone who is different. With the help of the lamadodacada and the trusting young, the spiders learn to recognize and even celebrate their individuality.
* Flexible casting, well-suited for summer camp, school performances, And youth theatres
1st Produced:
CityFolk Festival in Dayton, Ohio Jul 2010
Zoot Theatre Company & CultureWorks
1st Published:
http://www.hitplays.com/default.aspx?pg=sd&st=WORDS+THAT+RHYME+WITH+ORANGE&p=4303 (Sep 2012) -
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Children's theatre: 20 minutes
Male: 0-11  Female: 1-12  Other: 0-11 either gender
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