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Stephen Larsen started playwriting after travelling the world from Japan to Korea, England, Germany and Iraq as a journalist and video writer/producer for the U.S. Army. He has written numerous short and one-act plays.
Research: Member of the Dramatists Guild of America (as at 2015)
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Artist, The
Two adolescent young men meet in Linz, Austria in 1904. One wants to become a conductor, the other is certain he will be one of the greatest artists the world has ever known. Their shared love of the opera makes them fast friends, and by 1908, they live together in a one-room apartment in Vienna as they pursue their studies and their dreams in their chosen fields. One of them will indeed leave his mark on the world but not in the way either of them imagined.
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After hearing that her lover, Cassio, was promoted to be Othellos Lieutenant, Bianca, a Cortigiana (like a prostitute but in a nicer dress), follows Cassio to Cyprus after all, Cassio promised he would marry Bianca if he was ever promoted. But Bianca finds Cassio has been demoted after a drunken brawl provoked by a mysterious fop in a plumed hat. She is sure her former lover Iago is behind it and she sets out to find proof which she does, in the form of a handkerchief with red berries on it much like her own missing handkerchief. Can she convince Cassio that not only his position but also his life is in danger?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 12-20
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Breaking Balls
North Jersey mob boss T has agita. His crew is an "albacore" around his neck... his Consigliere wants to retire to a resisted-living facility in Florida. One of his top Captains has taken up modern dance. The two best meth cooks in all of America show up at Ts strip club but will everybody stop breaking Ts balls long enough for him to make a deal?
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Bright Metal On A Sullen Ground
In 1777, not ready to provoke War with England, France covertly provides financial support to Americas quest for Independence; but unless American Commissioners Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane can gain Frances full and open support including the backing of Frances Navy and Army the Revolution will fail. Franklin and Deane are helped by the arrival of Edward Bancroft, who is like a Son to Franklin and a Brother to Deane; but they are opposed at every turn by the third Commissioner, Arthur Lee who sees his real mission as being to thwart any real or imagined unscrupulous actions of Franklin and especially Deane who Lee sees as capable, and thus dangerous. Further danger is posed by the Spies throughout Paris possibly even in their midst. Echoing the language, themes and characters of HENRY IV, PART 1, the play BRIGHT METAL ON A SULLEN GROUND is a tragic story of Honor, Sacrifice, Friendship and Betrayal; of those who were like Fathers, and those who were like their Sons; and of Rebellion, Insurgents and War.
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Male: - Female: - Other: 12-35
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Carol Of Christmas, A
Dickie Charles, 198th in line to the British throne, has had his book ideas stolen by Charles Dickens for many years... could his Literary Assistant, Grimy Tim, be behind the literary thefts? Now, in the late fall of 1843, the race is on to be the first to finish writing a story for the lucrative Christmas market. A zany Monty Pythonesque romp, A CAROL OF CHRISTMAS tells the plausible comedic story of how the classic tale "A Christmas Carol" just might have been written.
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Male: - Female: - Other: 6-32
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FERRY is a one-act tragicomedy along the lines of WAITING FOR GODOT... but with teenagers, one evening, on the Staten Island Ferry. TOM and LISA go on a class trip to Manhattan to see a play. They have each secretly yearned to get closer to each other but, over three years of high school, neither of them has made a move to make this happen. TOM worries about the future: Soon they will graduate& maybe he will never see LISA again& he could be drafted and sent to Vietnam. LISA tries to get TOM to tell her how he feels about her but will she be able to get him to respond, to take action - or will he remain immobilized by fear?
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Last Temptation of Eve, The
In The Eternal Court of Small Claims, The Lord God Elohim had decreed that Eve and Adam violated their Tenant Agreement for The Garden of Eden by eating fruit of The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil and are thus being righteously evicted from said premises plus liable additional damages. Despite that Attorneys do not yet exist, The Judge agrees to allow the slick Zenas to represent them. Can Zenas convince the Court that there were extenuating circumstances or will they be evicted and suffer the eternal fate of being human? Its Monty Python-meets Mel Brooks-meets Samuel Beckett.
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Much Ado About Fake News
This play is a modern re-telling of Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing: In publishings new digital landscape, venerable The Republic magazine is floundering- but coming to save the day with a merger and an infusion of much-needed capital is Russian publishing oligarch Pyotr Ivanovich Volkov of Veritas Media Group International, who believes in truth, love and a free market economy. Complicating things, Beatrice of The Republic and Benedict of Veritas are former lovers who parted without too much sweet sorrow. Then Pyotrs illegitimate brother, Ivan, who seethes with resentment of his successful brother, throws a monkey wrench into the merger by planting fake news that destroys the journalistic integrity of Hope, The Republics young Pulitzer Prize-nominated reporter. Can Beatrice and Benedict stop squabbling long enough to save the merger and Hopes reputation or will all be undone by much ado about fake news...?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 11-15
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My Old Friend
November 5, 1980. John Lennon, alone in his apartment at the Dakota in New York city, is at a crossroads. He has been having recurring dreams of his own death. He is ready to make big changes in his life. . . if he can summon up the courage. Who should appear, unannounced at his door having charmed his way past the Dakota's gatekeeper? His old friend, Paul McCartney whom he hasnt seen for some four years. John is astounded glad and wary about the sudden appearance of his old friend. Can they mend fences? Can they come together? Or are they forever doomed to be bound by the strands and complications of their shared history. . .?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 4-6
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Order 17
In November 2004, on the last Blackhawk helicopter out of Victory Base, Baghdad, before the second invasion of Fallujah is unleashed, Tom, an Army Civilian Journalist, shares a ride on a with Boom-Pa, a shady former Special Forces Operator who is now a Security Contractor for an Other Government Agency. Tom is shocked by the devastation wreaked by his country in Iraq and just wants to get home with his hands clean and in one piece. . . while Boom-Pa is there. . . for what? Their cross purposes are revealed when they come face-to-face with Iraqis whose lives have been devastated by the War; Tom realizes that in Iraq you cant tell the wolves from the sheep. . . but thanks to Order 17, it doesnt matter.
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Other Side Of The Jordan
Summer, 1851. Recently-escaped fugitive slave Harriet Tubman is working as a cook at the Mansion House, the finest hotel in Cape May, New Jersey, to finance bringing her other kin North especially her husband, who she misses, desperately. All she wants is to restore her family, and live with them in peace in the Promised Land of the North. But that dream is jeopardized by the new Fugitive Slave Law, which requires average citizens to help Slave Catchers re-capture fugitives; the below-the-Mason-Dixon-Line resort town is crawling with the bounty hunters along with operatives of the whispered-about Underground Railroad. Pulled from all sides, can Harriet safely stay out of the fray and reunite her own family on the other side of the Jordan. . .?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 8-15
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Rest. . . Is Silence, The
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is having a rough time of it. He thinks his Stepfather, Claudius, killed his Father, The King but he needs proof. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Ophelia, is clinging to him shes so needy. He accidentally kills Ophelias father is banished to England, where he evades a murder plot but on his return is attacked by Pirates and stripped naked. Now, back in Denmark, he finds Ophelia has gone bonkers and committed suicide and therefore shall, according to Common Law and Ecclesiastical Law, be interred in a crooked burial her body will rest on unsanctified ground until the last trumpet! So, he goes to Court to prove her death was not suicide, but an accident, so her soul will not be damned for all eternity and that for her, the rest... is silence.
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Siege Of Robert D James, The
Aging former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer lives in exile in Reykjavik, Iceland using the alias Robert D. James. Deemed a criminal, he can never return home to the United States his crazy, paranoid rants have driven away nearly everyone who has tried to help him since his exile in Iceland and now his health is rapidly deteriorating. Lonely, he agrees to have lunch as long as she pays with an attractive young American woman from his hometown of Brooklyn who just happens to run into him at his favorite bookstore. Each is after something from the other but whos zooming who? The aging genius who can see thirty moves ahead on the Chessboard? Or the attractive young woman who shows up just as Bobby is facing that, no matter how smart he is, he cant escape the human condition?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 6-12
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Suspicious Minds
Jimmy Schuster did what no man before him had ever done he quit the Memphis Mafia, the crazy whirlwind of life with the King of Rock and Roll, to pursue a career in film editing along with a normal life with his wife in Los Angeles and still managed to stay on good terms with Elvis. Then, in December 1970, he is awakened by a phone call from Elvis. The King, for the first time in his life, is travelling alone and needs Jimmy to pick him up at the airport, when his flight from Washington D.C. through Dallas lands. Despite the misgivings of his wife, Jimmy agrees to pick Elvis up at the airport only to find himself, two days later, standing in the Oval Office with Elvis and President Nixon. But what is Elvis& really after?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 7-10
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Time To Speak, A
Some 100 years after President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, the struggle for Civil Rights for all Americans is coming to a head. Just before the 1960 Presidential election, John and Robert Kennedy pull strings behind the scenes to get Martin Luther King Jr. out of prison. When word leaks, the election is tilted in JFKs favor. Now, Civil Rights leaders - including King clamor for JFK to take action to ensure full constitutional rights for all Americans. But JFK sees saving the world from nuclear destruction as his most urgent task plus, he was elected by the slimmest of majorities so he tries to delay taking Civil Rights actions until his administrations accomplishments can earn him the mandate to call for Civil Rights legislation. But King and the Civil Rights leaders are tired of waiting. They try to break the back of segregation through Freedom Rides, sit-ins and enrolling Negro students at Southern Universities nonviolent actions that incites violent reactions. The Civil Rights leaders know the Bible says there is a time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot. But will they live to see President Kennedy realize that is the time to speak about full constitutional rights for all Americans?
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Male: - Female: - Other: 14-30
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An attractive blonde Woman in a red cape and hood, carrying a picnic basket with a cake, gets a ride home from a bar from suave Tony Wolfe. She needs to tinkle, so they stop at his stylish bachelor pad, which affords a breathtaking view of the woods at the edge of which Grandmother lives. The short rest stop takes an unexpected turn as each makes assumptions of the others intent; fear can things appear larger than they are.
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