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Ji Hyun Lee



Nationality:    USA
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Literary Agent:    n/a

Ji Hyun is a playwright moonlighting as investigative reporter. She has covered the University of Michigan's affirmative action trials for Asian Diversity and the recent sweatshop cases in California for Hyphen magazine. She is a graduate of Columbia University.

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below is a list of Ji Hyun Lee's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        Superfirends Of Flushing Queens, The

Superfirends Of Flushing Queens, The

Picture four Asian friends: a Korean, a Chinese, a Japanese and a Vietnamese, who struggle for the perfect grade in the academically advanced Flushing High School. But what you see isn't always what you get. Underneath all the ethnic stereotypes, the girls endure some pretty dysfunctional home lives. they long to escape from their oppressing families and see the scholarship to Harvard as a means of freeing themselves. and through all their struggles, Linda, eve, Michelle and Liat learn that good friends always stand together. as soon as one friend is in trouble, they morph into their altar egos Wonder Girl,, Slut Girl, Dyke Girl and Nerd Girl and jump into their Invisible BMW to rescue those friends in need. Because whatever may ail them at home, when they're together and in school, they will always be the Superfriends of Flushing Queens.


1st Produced:
Asian American Theatre Company, San Francisco, California    1999


1st Published:
-   -


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