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Back Street Stories
For teenagers, life is turbulent. It is the time of physical and emotional change. It is a time of rebellion and of the search for personal independence. the play is a collection of stories told by a group of close friends who have shared 'bread and salt'. In telling these stories, the boys are able to share with each other some of their dreams, secrets, embarrassments, and the difficulties of teenage life. these stories, sometimes painful, are always heartfelt. If they have a tough impact, it is because life is tough. the play has no particular story except for the stories themselves and the relation of the characters (the story-tellers) with each other. the play has an open end and thus gives teenagers room to add their own stories. If there is a message. . .it's this: You are who you are! Your life will pass through many stages and that while growing up friendship and communication are two of the most important human values that we have.
1st Produced:
TDP Gaza 1999
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragi-Comedy for Youth
Male: 5 Female: - Other: -
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Guernica Or Mom And I In the War
the play you will see is the result of combined ideas of different artists working over different times in history on the Dramatic theme of senseless military bombardments that target the innocent citizens of the world. the Basque town of Guernica was destroyed and thousands of its inhabitants killed when fascist armies bombed the town during the Spanish Civil War. theatre Day Productions has used the well-known painting of Pablo Picasso - titled "Guernica" - as the background for this theatre play for youth. the play follows the Dramatic line and style of Spanish playwright Fernando arrabal's play - also titled "Guernica" but has been rewritten for a youth audience. the painting was created in 1937 and the play was written in 1959. Here we are in the year 2001 and war is still all around us. as Palestinian artists working with and for children, we are deeply concerned about the effects that this violence is having on our audience. We ask ourselves, "If the children are living a war, should we make a play about a war?" We decided that yes, if the children are victims of war, then we should have the possibilities to discuss this war with them.
1st Produced:
TDP Gaza 2001
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragedy for Youth
Male: 3 Female: 3 Other: -
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Hafiza &Mtawa
Mtawa says, "Oh people! Oh gypsies! Oh Hafiza! Why can't you throw the garbage in the containers? Why out? What's up? eh!" Hafiza answers, "Oh Mtawa! You call this garbage? It's nothing. Just a little bit of dirt form the house! Would you like tea?" Two widows living next door to each other, he with a daughter, she with a son. and the garbage hasn't been collected in 7 years.
1st Produced:
TDP Gaza 1997
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Male: 2 Female: 2 Other: -
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Houses Of People
During the many Drama workshops we do, kids have the chance to tell or play out any story they want, any story that needs telling. For three years, the kids came up with stories about how difficult life has become at home. the more workshops we did, the more stories we heard: funny stories, sad ones, tragic ones, crazy ones. With this in our heads, we started to write. We came to the conclusion that no matter how hard people try to live normal lives, most people in Palestine are unhappy, insecure, uncomfortable, and fed up. We have no cure for this. What we can do is put the problem on a public stage and to let the people think, talk, reflect, and arrange ideas. In "Houses of People" we bring the troubles of the adults and of the kids under one roof.
1st Produced:
TDP Gaza 2004
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragi-Comedy for Youth
Male: 6 Female: 3 Other: -
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Im Abed And Her Children
a social comedy for school students! During the month of improvisations, we laughed as we have never laughed before. We filmed. We transcribed. We wrote text. and we laughed some more. We went on to create Im abed, her three children, and their hunter neighbour, all of whom meet around Im abed's kitchen table, a table the size of a stage. No one knows but all Im aded's family members are all in love: abed with the girl M, Mohammed with girl who stole his shoe, Raeda with the soap opera star, and Im abed herself with the hunter. Using the delicious tool of comedy, we bring forth the most taboo of subjects.
1st Produced:
TDP Hebron 1999
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Caught in the ugly routine of daily violence and occupation, we tend to forget about the beauty of our cultural roots. Bringing the story of Majnoon to the Palestinian stage can be seen as an act of cultural activism, an effort to fight all that is negative in our lives. the story of Majnoon touches one of the most basic conflicts in our culture: that of the individual and the society that surrounds him. For us, Qais (Majnoon) is a boy who believes deeply in his own ideas and who sticks to these ideas in spite of external pressures. He is called 'mad' because he is different.
1st Produced:
TDP Hebron 2002
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragi-Comedy for Youth
Male: 5 Female: - Other: -
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Qandil's Feast
It's the middle of the night. . . the country is sleeping. all of a sudden my small son is standing in front of me. Papa, he asks, who am I? This is the question put to one man at the start of "Qandil's Feast." Story-teller, singer, and actor, Qandil's attempts to answer the question by looking at his own life and the life of his ancestors. "Qandil's Feast" . . . . . a collection of true personal stories, stories from friends, literature, folklore, and fantasy gathered together to present one life, with all its fears, joys, pains, and discoveries . . . . . a play to touch hearts of all ages.
1st Produced:
TDP Jerusalem 1998
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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One-Man Show
Male: 1 Female: - Other: -
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Rami's Dream
This collective creation gives us Rami. He's just passed his high school graduation test and he's ready for life! What should he do. "I think I'll ask for around." Big mistake! Rami is advised from an assortment of people with an assortment of agendas about how to live life. Get Married! Get Money! Become a Teacher! Open a Shop! Rami cannot sleep. He cannot choose. Finally he makes up his mind. His own mind.
1st Produced:
TDP Gaza 1998
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragi-Comedy for Youth
Male: 5 Female: 2 Other: -
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Shaher &Falah
We set out to make a theatre performance that would be close to the daily life of Palestinian teenagers. . . a play that would stimulate young adults to ask themselves some basic questions. "What is waiting for me out there in the future?" Meet Shaher . . .Falah, best friends! the first can't say the letter R correctly and the second has a scar across the side of his face. their daily after-school routine takes place no place in particular. It is the routine of the radio shows, of mirrors and magazines, comparisons and conversations, hair styles and heights, school and soccer. It is on one of these ordinary routine days that two men pass. they are familiar. they know too much about the boys. Meet Shaher &Falah at 40 years old. Still stuck in the same routine. NO the boys shout. This can't be me. NO I am not him and I won't be him.
1st Produced:
TDP Nablus 1999
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 6 Female: - Other: -
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Story Of Kufur Shamma, The
We just arrived here this morning. This is Kufur Shamma. Fifty years ago, there was a village here. My village. I must tell you the story. I must tell you the story of Kufur Shamma because if I don't, then the story - like the village - will disappear. My name is Walid. My friends and I are waiting for you! the Story of Kufur Shamma is about Walid and his search for the people of his village. It is the story of his journey and of the friends he meets on his way. It is the story of 'home' and just what 'home' can mean. Kufur Shamma is a fictitious village and in performing "the Story of Kufur Shamma," theatre Day Productions is remembering the story of the 472 Palestinian villages that have been destroyed since the war of 1948 half a century ago.
the play was remade in Gaza by theatre Day Productions by the writer in 1997. the © of this play is J. Lubeck And F. Gaspar.
1st Produced:
el-Hakawati Theatre Company 1986
1st Published:
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Male: 4 Female: 2 Other: -
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Swing, The
Three. . .neighbours. . .in a courtyard. . .in a city. . .in Palestine. . .today. . .live a life-time&
Based on improvisations of M. Titi, I. Zahdeh, R. Shuikhi
1st Produced:
TDP Hebron 2007
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragi-Comedy for Youth
Male: 3 Female: - Other: -
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Utopians, The
It's an impossible project that takes energy, compassion, and motivation! But if you want to follow your dream. . . in our circumstances. . . a choice has to be made. . . and it is yours. Rani is fed up with life! His everyday problems and his love for music won't fit together. He wants to disappear. alone, with thoughts running through his head and music playing in his ears, Rani chooses. He begins his project. a music group. . . and a free concert of original music and songs that come from the heart and soul of the people. His group of friends, all with other jobs, to drop what they are doing to join the group. and it is during the rehearsals that the friends confront each other with their contrasting personalities, jealousies, egos, and the pile of arguments that arise from such a project. Can they do it? Can they put their personal problems aside for the good of the group? Can they make it in this situation that is anything but Utopian?
1st Produced:
TDP Hebron 2004
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
- -
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Comedy for Youth
Male: - Female: - Other: 8
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Walking Boy, The
the Walking Boy is about imagination! the story of Omar is told to you as if it was coming from his dreams, his memories, and his imagination. at the start of the play, Omar is shot. In his fever and in his shock, the details of his life pass before him. We have a chance to meet him, his family, and to hear about his dreams for the future. We also meet abu Sultan. Who is this strange man wearing a bizarre coat? Where does he come from and what is his role in Omar's life? Omar is accompanied on his trip to the hospital and his trip through his imagination by his best friend Majed. Together with abu Sultan, they cry, they laugh, they fight, they run, they discuss, they play, they fly.
1st Produced:
TDP Hebron 2001
Theatre Day Productions
1st Published:
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Tragedy for Youth
Male: 4 Female: 1 Other: -
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