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In the Name Of the Father
aldo and Rosemary are two real-life characters, but it is part of the game that the audience should discover, as we go along, who they really are . However, they belong to the two extremes of society. Rosemary is the daughter of a universally famous and powerful capitalist. aldo is the son of an exiled extreme leftist. they meet here in a mysterious place, a sort of limbo , a waiting room to the beyond. they are probably dead, but in order to attain eternal peace they must first free themselves of their past. To do so they must relive their lives by telling each other their experiences and give a full account of their problems. the most surprising thing about their stories is the analogy between their positions as "offspring": both have been crushed by the personality and ideals of their respective fathers, they have both been sacrificed on the altars of their father's respective ambitions. Rosemary's father's ambition (John Kennedy, Father of Jack and Robert) was to lead his children to dominate the world. aldo's Father (a european communist persecuted by Nazi-fascism ) dreamed to build a freer and fairer world. the text is neither it tragic or oppressive. the author describes it as a sentimental and optimistic comedy. the impact on audiences is strongly emotional and performances have been are always very well acclaimed.
1st Produced:
Milan, Italy 1998
1st Published:
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Our Fathers
as often happens in Lunari's plays, there are two levels of interpretation: one of personal events, which are immediate, gripping and moving, and another on the father/child relationship, poignantly described here in all its implications, and giving way to deeper considerations about the world we live in.
then New York, Beckett theatre, Broadway 42nd St
1st Produced:
athens (Ga -
1st Published:
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Senator Fox
the idea of "Senator Fox" comes from the basic situation of Ben Johnson's "Volpone, or the Fox". a powerful local politician from a provincial town, with fingers in a lot of more or less lawful pies, is struck by a heart attack; his polititcal colleagues, members of the same party, take advantage of this situation to "kick him upstairs" thus getting rid of him. This is done by getting him elected Senator and so having him sent to the capital away from his rackets. Fox is in fact completely cured, (has in fact completely recovered) but pretends he is dying in order to play the same trick on his competitors as in Ben Johnson's "Volpone" : they try to outdo each other in involving Fox into their swindles, each one in the hope of being named his political heir and successor. a subplot interwines with the main one: the love story - deliberately traditional and trite - between Fox's daughter Maria Vittoria and his secretaty Giacomo Colombo . the marriage reveals itself as impossible when we discover that Colombo is, in fact, Fox's natural son , but all ends well when we discover that it is Maria Vittoria who is not Fox's daughter. But this revelation is fatal for the Senator; in his corrupt political cynicism, he had kept faith with the purity and sanctuary of the family; when these values fail he has another heart attack and this time he dies . "He still had some feelings ", states Colombo "and a strange sort of faith in something: so he died: where real politicians die only of old age"
1st Produced:
Milan, Italy 1981
1st Published:
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Three On the Seesaw
Three men - a small factory owner, a captain and a professor - find themselves in the same place for three different reasons: the factory owner is tre to meet a lady friend, the captain to purchase war equipment, the professor to pick up the galley proofs of his latest book. But what exactly is the place? a discreet, comfortable hotel, a business location, or a publishing house? at first, one suspects that two of the three have got the address wrong, but that isn't the case. the address turns out to be right for all three of them. This strange situation grows more misterious, also because an alarm control, simulating a pollution emergency, prevents any of then from leaving. During the night that the men are forced to spend together, they come to suspect that the room could actually be a waiting room for the life beyond, and that they are already dead and awaiting final Judgement. the three characters react differently to this prospect, according to their respective ways of thinking and personal psychology: the factory owner is frightened and anxious, the captain doesn't find anything misterious in the situation and remains absolutely indifferent, the professor uses all his philosophical logic to explain everything as natural and explicable facts. the play is a very humourous dialogue between the three, centred on the important themes of life and death, destiny, predestination and free will, the existence of God and atheism. . . which at the same time are treated as stuff for small town gossip. Suddenly, a cleaning woman enters the room. She says so many ambivalent things that their doubts grow stronger: is she really a cleaner, or might she be the angel of Judgement? In the end, she leaves, without unravelling the mystery, and a loud siren indicates that the pollution control is over. the three get ready to leave. . . but the final moment is a last and amazing coup de theatre.
1st Produced:
Atlanta 2001
1st Published:
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Under A Bridge, Along A River
1st Produced:
Fire exit Theatre, Calgary, Canada 2005
1st Published:
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