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Allen Lyne lives in Adelaide, South Australia with his wife, Sandra. Performances of Allen's plays have taken place in most states of Australia and several other countries. Most of his plays have been written on commission or while he was part of a theatre company. Allen and Sandra currently own the Bearly Together Company, a comedy dinner-theatre company that tours Australia. Bearly Together also produces original children's shows.
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Ascot Eve
every year Lord Lavender invites his racing connections and close family to dinner on the eve of the famous race meeting at Royal ascot. This year is no different. Or is it? Shorty Leggup, Lord Lavender's jockey, who is due to ride the favourite, Trotsky, in the cup the following day, is found murdered in the rose garden. the horse is also murdered! Jeeves the Butler is accused of the murder, but is he really guilty? every person at dinner seems to have a motive and also to have the opportunity to have committed the foul deed. and what of the horse, Trotsky? Was he also murdered? Who is responsible for the murder? Is it the knife wielding Miss emerald? the pistol packing Banker Brown? Cosh carrying Baron Oxford Blue? Did Lady Rose deliberately turn on the gas and forget to light the flame? Or is it old Lord Lavender himself with his infamous blow pipe? What part does Miss Lemon play in all of this? Was it Jeeves the Butler after all? there are many tortuous twists and turns in this hilarious plot as the murderer is finally cornered. the audience will be on the edge of its collective seat as the clues begin to match up. Red herrings abound and any one of the cast might be guilty.
1st Produced:
The Hyatt Regency, Adelaide
commissioned by the Adelaide Casino
1st Published:
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90 min Play/Drama
Male: 6 Female: 5 Other: -
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Beyond the Piecart
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play One act
Male: 4 Female: - Other: -
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Clownsville High
a troupe of clowns at school try to save their littlest member from hard drugs. Clownsville High examines the way images from various media work to build expectations about what young people should be, how they should act, what they should consume. the play contains a lot of high energy routines and is ideal for an adventurous company that wants to tackle something a bit different to naturalistic theatre. School was never like this. Or was it? the young clowns at Clownsville High tumble their way through life as they attempt to save one of their own from the perils of booze and drugs. a comic play which examines serious questions about the way the world works, or doesn't work, for young people.
Clownsville high was written And produced on commission from the Department of Health, South Australia. Willunga council Also supported the project financially And in-kind. A number of community groups And organisations Also gave in-kind support. the play
1st Produced:
Adelaide, Australia
1st Published:
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Comedy drama 60 min
Male: 6 Female: 8 Other: -
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Dracula Down Under
Dracula comes to Australia because he is sick of biting Transylvanians on the neck and seeks other nationalities. On his tour, he invites the audience to attend to hear his lecture on 'work opportunities in Transylvania'. He cunningly drops a potion into the soup--guests do not discover this until after they have eaten it. the potion will cause everyone present to fall asleep at 11 o'clock. at this time Dracula, Lucy, Renfield and the Ghouls will bite everyone on the neck and take them all back to Transylvania. Dr. Van Helsing arrives from Germany to subvert this monstrous plot. the race is on for van Helsing to succeed before 11pm (or whatever time suits the production). Dr. Van Helsing can only succeed with the assistance of the audience. the show is hugely interactive with lots of business in the audience as well as on the stage. there is a very funny and surprising audience involvement piece towards the end of the play that leads to the defeat of the evil Count Dracula and his cohorts. there are a number of songs including solos, chorus numbers by the Ghouls and sing-a-longs for the audience. We have a tape of the original music of the show.
Music And Songs by Sandra Lyne
1st Produced:
The Old Adelaide Gaol
1st Published:
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Male: - Female: - Other: six principal characters and as many Ghouls as you wish
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Dragon Who Burped, The
the Dragon Who Burped is a wonderful story of a dragon that comes to a kingdom and annoys everyone by burping all the time. Merlin, the Wizard, has lost his magic wand and his book of magic spells and is unable to stop the dragon from burping. He is worried that if Queen Goodwash finds out, she will banish him from the Queendom. Merlin and his friend Prince Cutmorelunches search frantically for the missing wand and book as the dragon continues to annoy the Queen and keep her awake. they enlist the help of the children in the audience who fool the Queen by shouting out "excuse me" every time the dragon burps. Merlin also tries to remember some of his spells and succeeds in turning all of the fairies in the Queendom into frogs among other things. When the book of spells and magic wand are finally discovered, Merlin realises that dragons stop burping if children play games that make dragons laugh. the children do, the Dragon stops burping and Queen Goodwash allows the Wizard to remain in the Queendom and be Wizard for as long as he wants to. Dragon can appear or be a cut out appearing from wings.
with Sandra Lyne
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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2 x 45 minute acts for Children One act
Male: - Female: - Other: 3 actors with optional fairies
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Fight Back
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play 9 scenes
Male: 5 Female: 1 Other: -
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Green On Everything
the year is 2091. Fifteen High School students are on a two year school excursion to the planet Mars. While they are in space, life on earth is destroyed by a nuclear holocaust. they are the only people left alive. Should they return to earth and try to start over again? How can they organise a better world, one which has no chance of ever degenerating into the same mess? Before they can start, they must work out how to heal the divisions amongst their own small group. If they can't do that, then what hope is there? This is a play that examines deep questions of ethics and morality. It questions existing social structures and the way we organise ourselves. It questions individual and group power and the notion of 'leadership'. It examines, in a bouncy non-stuffy way, crucial questions about the way the world is organised by adults and whether young people could do it better if they had the chance to start over.
the play was written from workshops with the young Actors from the company
1st Produced:
From Bac Kstairs Theatre, Port Noarlunga, South Australia
1st Published:
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TYA fantasy 60 min
Male: 6 Female: 10 Other: -
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the Silvertails and the Deadbeats are the two gangs in town and they are at war. Having access to plastic and territorial rights is the two main issues. adults and adult societal structures are viewed through the eyes of the gangs. Will the Silvertails share their plastic? Will the deadbeats allow Silvertail access to their beach? Who is the best rumbler amongst he gangs? Can Sergeant Schmertz, his two constables and the city council avert the threatened gang war? Noaralot looks at youth culture in a humorous way. It takes as a starting point the fact that there are haves and have-nots in society. the play goes on to look at the issues of identity and of territory. the play is often hilariously funny, but it does examine underlying issues that affect all teenagers.
Noaralot was written on commission from Backstairs theatre, Port Noarlunga. This company in Christies Beach, South Australia, first produced the play. the play was written And then extensively workshopped by the company's young Actors. Noaralot has been
1st Produced:
From Bac Kstairs Theatre, Port Noarlunga, South Australia
1st Published:
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play for young people
Male: - Female: - Other: Cast 13 ( more if required. there is much doubling)
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Seven Deadly Sins, The
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play 10scenes
Male: 10 Female: 8 Other: -
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Silicon Chip On Your Shoulder Show, The
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play One act
Male: 5 Female: - Other: -
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Super Shit And Sunshine Show, The
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play One act
Male: 4 Female: - Other: -
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Tears Of Blood
Tears Of Blood is a very funny parody of a 19th century meloDrama. It is a dinner theatre or straight theatre show. In dinner theatre mode, the action takes place between the courses. Tears Of Blood was first produced at theatre 62 in adelaide. It had a highly successful season and then followed this with an extensive sell out tour of country South Australia. the action takes place in the home of the dysfunctional Marmaduke family. Old Sir Marmaduke Marmaduke is in an alcoholic haze most of the time, which is made worse by fast approaching senility. His wife, Lady Gertrude, is scheming with Sir Marmaduke's evil brother, Sir Darkly Threatening Marmaduke, to murder the patriarch and inherit the family fortune. the only obstacles in the way of their wicked plot are Sir Marmaduke's two sons by his first marriage. the eldest son, Humphrey, is in line to inherit the family fortune. the second son, algernon, will inherit in the event of Humphrey's early demise. algernon falls in love with Belle Stone while on a day trip to the beach at Brighton. He brings her home to meet mama and papa. Belle is a young girl from the wrong side of the tracks. She is sweetness and light as becomes the heroine in a meloDrama. Lady Gertrude and Sir Darkly scheme to take advantage of her unspoilt nature. the gormless hero, algernon, declares his love for Belle and tells his parents that he has asked for her hand in marriage. When Belle's background is revealed, Sir Marmaduke threatens to disinherit algernon if he continues with his marriage plans. Sir Marmaduke also tells his son that his photograph will be 'turned to the wall'. Lady Gertrude and Sir Darkly seize their opportunity and murder algernon's older brother, the son and heir, Humphrey. We never see Humphrey. He is upstairs. Sir Darkly carries out the murder with Belle's hatpin, which has been cunningly stolen by Lady Gertrude. With Humphrey dead and algernon banished, Lady Gertrude will be the only surviving heir to the fortune. algernon is banished forever from the family and disinherited. Belle is framed for the murder of Humphrey. the evil Sir Darkly offers Belle his protection from the forces of Law and Order. He suggests that there is a certain trade-off for this protection. In fact, he would like to 'ring her chimes'. Belle finally realises what Sir Darkly proposes, and tells him in no uncertain terms that she would rather be hung by the neck than give in to his wicked entreaties. there are many twists and turns and many boos and hisses from the audience as this interactive meloDrama plays to its final shocking conclusion. there is also a wonderful recurring chant for the audience. Overall it is a jolly night, which parodies the olde tradition of this style of entertainment.
1st Produced:
Theatre 62, Adelaide
1st Published:
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parody meloDrama 90 min
Male: 3 Female: 2 Other: -
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Who Killed Cock Robin ???
1st Produced:
1st Published:
Script in the Hanger Collection, Fryer Library, University of Queensland, Australia. http://www.Austlit.edu.au, http://www.Austlit.edu.au >>>,
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play 14 scenes
Male: 7 Female: 1 Other: -
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Winds Of Change, The
Winds of change is a black comedy written to be performed in a larger than life style. It is a comedy with a difference, for underneath the absurd humour and the larger than life form, the play has a serious intent. WINDS OF CHaNGe asks questions about the nature of twentieth century society, the arms race, the military mind and biological/chemical warfare. the key question the play asks is whether or not scientists are ultimately responsible for what they produce. WINDS OF CHaNGe is written to make people laugh, to give people a good night's entertainment, but hopefully to lead people to question after the laughter. the plot is horribly complex and difficult to explain, yet simple to understand in performance. Warning: there are more farts in this play than in any other play in the history of theatre.
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Black Comedy Comedy
Male: - Female: - Other: -
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