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Last Updated: 19-Nov-13



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Guiseppe Manfridi


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Adaptation / Translations of Plays by Guiseppe Manfridi



1st Produced:

Gate Theatre, Notting Hill, London, EUR >>>



RNT Studio

1st Published:

Oberon Books, London >>>, 2000





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Original Playwright - Guiseppe Manfridi


A younger man and older woman are discovered in the improbable dilemma of being stuck together during anal sex and call in his gynaecologist father to help remove tab A from slot B. The two older people recognise each other, leading, after a few fresh twists and turns, to the inevitable evocation of Oedipus and, in a sudden shift of mode characteristic of Manfridi, a bloody conclusion

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Apart from very popular and world touring productions, many performing arts events are largely forgotten about in a matter of months. Traces may remain in various collections, but few collecting agencies, such as libraries, catalogue each flyer or program individually. Hence, unless one knows that an event took place at a certain time in a certain place, tracking down such an event as part of a research project is often a matter of chance. Where research needs to be carried out on high profile and well-documented productions only, this is not a problem. However, both the historian and the analyst will attest that the cultural, political, or sociological context in which a performing arts event takes place is also of major importance, as are the other events that took place in close proximity, either in place or time. A good overview of such productions provides us with a 'social document' that can greatly enhance cultural studies in ways that extend far beyond the narrow confines of theatre history. For instance, data such as this can be used to monitor the health of communities, particularly when used in association with data obtained from other social science disciplines. When one researches a particular playwright one might want to know about all the productions of plays by that author; if one wants to investigate what choices a particular audience had over a period of history and compare this to, say, an ethnic breakdown of the population, one would need to know broadly all the events that took place during that time. If one wanted to do a statistical analysis on the shift in popularity of a genre over one or more generations, it is important to have knowledge of most of the relevant major and minor performance events that took place. In this context, issues of aesthetic quality and the professionalism of a production - which will of course have an impact on such studies - are not the determining factors when deciding to include or exclude events, since all events are the raw material for such research.