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John Medberry


  (1967 - )

Nationality:    USA
email:    Click here to contact     Website:    n/a

Literary Agent:    n/a

Mr. Medberry writes plays about social issues that do not seem to make sense, generally poking fun in subtle ways. He has an MS in Physics from Wyoming. He currently resides with his wife and director, Tracy.

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below is a list of John Medberry's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        Reality Check

Reality Check

A reality gameshow based on the justice system shows the degradation of the mind and character of Miles Cartwright the host and Judge. As Miles slowly loses control of himself throughout the gameshow to hate and cocaine, it becomes apparent that all is not fun and games. the madman behind this mental assault will use all in his power to conquer Miles Cartwright and get him to execute an innocent man.

Play is ~75 Minutes of one continuous scene.

1st Produced:
Fronterafest 2009, Austin TX, Blue theater    2009

Green Room Theatre, Austin TX

1st Published:
-   -


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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies



Male:  6            Female:  4            Other:  Disembodied Head

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