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Carl Morris



Nationality:    British
email:    n/a     Website:    n/a

Literary Agent:    n/a

Carl Morris's plays including biography, theatres, agent, synopses, cast sizes, production and published dates

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below is a list of Carl Morris's plays - click on a Play Title for more information

        On the Beach

On the Beach

the Beach is a new theatre game, commissioned by National theatre Wales in partnership with Hide&Seek, one of the leading designers of theatre games. theatre games are interactive events in which the audience's experience is determined by their own choices. Participants are given set aims, which they must achieve within the rules of the game. Playfulness and spontaneity are the watchwords. the game will start and end on the beach in Prestatyn. the audience will form teams of six, each with its own identity, and each member will be given an identity card giving details of their own role. the teams will be asked to complete six tasks, each in a separate zone in and around the beach. the tasks will be an test of memory, logic, speed and perception. For example, they might be asked to mix cocktails at a silent disco, compete in a race or match famous faces from the town to their descriptions. the name of the game is to bring back Prestatyn's missing generation, and to answer the question 'what would bring them back'? the team with the most points at the end of the game will be given a chance to make their pitch.
- British theatre Guide

the show has been created by Rhiannon Cousins, Bethan Marlow And Carl Morris, And is directed by Catherine Paskell

1st Produced:
Prestatyn, North Wales    27 Jul 2010

National Theatre Wales in partnership with Hide&Seek

1st Published:
-   -


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