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" are the snake I bore and nourished..." The House of Atreus is rotting under the weight of atrocities committed by the family. Orestes has arrived home to avenge his father's murder and reverse the curse of his ancestors. But can he justify killing his mother? Even in the name of God? A physical adaptation of Aeschylus' The Libation Bearers updated to 2012. It's 2012 and Orestes, the last son of the Atreus dynasty, arrives home with revenge in his heart. According to God, he must now kill his mother in order to avenge his fathers death and reverse the curse on his house. Along the way he meets his sister Electra who has been praying for his return. Orestes is torn between obligation to his religion and family and his individual morals. When he finally confronts his mother in the flesh, will he be able to shed her blood? Will he end the curse of the House of Atreus? What are the consequences of such an atrocious act as matricide? In this highly physical adaptation, we explore Orestes' internal conflicts and the influence of organized religion, as relevant now as it was in 458 BC. "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious convictio" -n Pascal 1623-1662
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