The Playwrights Database
OLAF PYTTLIK (1968 - )
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Olaf Pyttlik has worked at DACAPO Production since 1998. He has written, recorded and produced original music for television (including Noonbory and the Super Seven, Till' Debt Do Us Part and Guinea Pig), theatre, and advertising. Olaf moved to Canada from Germany in 1991 to complete his education in musical composition. He received a Bachelor of Music in April, 1995 with a major in composition. In addition to composing, Olaf has produced and recorded Juno and Grammy nominated recording artists, has taught music at The University of Winnipeg, and the University of Manitoba, and created the musical 'The Wave' which has been performed in Canada, the usa, Germany and the Netherlands.
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below is a list of Olaf Pyttlik's plays - click on a Play Title for more information
Wave, The
Timm is a virtuoso skateboarder who trades his laughter for fame and money. Ri¢h challenges teens to consider the impact of advertising and media on our identity in the age of Canadian Idol, as well as their life choices. The hot music and DJ speak directly to teens, and the play will launch passionate dialogue about self esteem, the power of marketing and personal goals.
Based on the novel Timm Thaller by James Kruss. Music And Lyrics by Olaf Pyttlik, book by Vern Thiessen.
1st Produced:
Canwest Performing Arts Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 2008
Manitoba Theatre for Young People
1st Published:
DACAPO Productions, 2009 -
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Rock Musical for Teenagers Musical
Male: 5  Female: 5  Other: 1
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Wave, The
'The Wave' is an original rock musical based on a frightening true event. A teacher, Dr. Berg, struggles to instill in his students an understanding of how a dictator like Hitler could win the support of an entire nation. He initiates an experiment based on a classroom protocol of unity, discipline and action which becomes so powerful that it disrupts the entire school. Unpopular students find acceptance and those who resist the Wave risk being ostracized and the threat of violence. During the course of this experiment the students and their teacher learn a powerful lesson. The Wave is a relevant and timeless story about the forces of fascism and social pressures. Even though it is set in a high school classroom, it speaks to all ages.
To date it has been produced in Canada, USA, the Netherlands, And Germany And translated from English into German And Dutch
1st Produced:
Manitoba Theatre Centre
1st Published:
DACAPO Productions, 2001 -
To Buy This Play:
If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Rock/Pop Musical Musical
Male: 3  Female: 2  Other: class, chorus
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