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Born in Luxembourg in 1973, Chantal Schaul grew up in a remote northern village, surrounded by steep wooded hills sitting atop an ancient antimony mine. She was raised on a steady diet of Grimm's tales and began spinning her own at the age of six, at the encouragement of the village priest, who often regaled the local children with his ghost stories. When 20, Chantal fled her idyllic but claustrophobic surroundings to drink in the centuries of English history and tradition across the Channel and studied Media Arts at Royal Holloway University. There she wrote and directed the short film "Dwarves", starring Evie Garratt (Little Britain). After a brief stint working in the Luxembourg film industry, she returned to the UK to study the prestigious Creative Writing Masters Program at UEA. Chantal has completed a play, two novels, a full-length, and a number of short, screenplays, as well as a multitude of short stories. Her story "Of Noses and Feet" was selected for the UEA Creative Writing Anthology 2003. She has written two three-act plays and a shorter, one-act play. Currently, she is working on a play involving a gay time-machine, to be performed at the Norwich Pride 2011.
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Gay Play
'Gay Play' irreverently explores the possibility of a gay cure. This "camp, medieval romp" (as described by Norwich Pride Poet Laureate Vince Laws) takes us on a journey from doctor's surgery to erotic garden and on to medieval torture dungeon.
1st Produced:
St Gregory's Centre for the Arts, Norwich 23 Jul 2010
Crude Apache
1st Published:
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Comedy One Act. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest
Male: 3  Female: 2  Other: -
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Mince Pie Murder
Following only some of the usual conventions of the murder mystery, Chantal Schaul's new play comes with a twist. It infuses Agatha Christie-style sleuthing with a dash of Victorian ghost story and sprinkles some curiously customised carols into the mix. Fed up with their rich and eccentric Aunt Myrtle's Christmas antics, the Grobbenthwaites don't bat an eyelid when she is suddenly killed by a poisoned mince pie. They don't expect, for a moment, that the overbearing but inept Inspector Fumblequinn will solve the mystery. And who cares? However, things start to spiral out of control when Aunt Myrtle returns as a ghost to solve her own murder case!
1st Produced:
St Gregory's Centre for the Arts 16 Dec 2010
Crude Apache
1st Published:
- -
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Comedy; Murder Mystery
Male: 4  Female: 4  Other: -
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Mirror Magic Market Tales
through the doors of the Riverside Studios you'll find a magical world where a lady gives away gingerbread from a house made of sweets and a market stall that sells smelly-feet flavoured jam. This is the land of Mirror Magic Market Tales, a fantasy world in which mirrors are far more than a reflective surface to look at. Visually this world is stunning, as you wander amongst the stalls, you literally do feel like a child in a candy store, taking in the multi coloured jams for sale, and a strange array of bric-a-brac. The characters that inhabit this world are just as unusual with their interesting approach to selling.
- Rachel Sheridan , British Theatre Guide
1st Produced:
Love & Madness
1st Published:
- -
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If Publisher (above) is underlined then the play may be purchased by direct click from the Publisher, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks for secondhand, signed & 1st eds and other Booksellers for new copies
Magic Realism
Male: 5  Female: 1  Other: -
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