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Christopher's plays have been produced in Washington, New York, Boston, and Columbus, Ohio. Two recent works include DUMPSTER DAN, which was published in Dramatics magazine in 2004 and again in "35 in 10: Thirty-Five Ten-Minute Plays" by Dramatic Publishing; and SHAKE AND BE SAVED!, a political farce developed at the Last Frontier Theatre Conference in 2006. His essays have appeared in The Saint Ann's Review and The Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, among other publications. His most recent essay, "Toaster In Three Parts," was cited as a Notable Essay of 2004 in this year's Best American Essays anthology. He has taught creative writing at Albertus Magnus College in New Haven and creative writing at a Wesleyan University summer program for high school students. He has a BA in English from Dartmouth, an MA in Creative Writing from Boston University, and an MFA from New York University. More information about his writing is available at www.christopherwall.org.
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Couldn't Say
What's the worst thing that can happen to a marriage on the edge? Ethan and Liz find out when they become stuck in a car one winter on a deserted highway. Forced to cooperate until help arrives, they confront the issues that have undermined their marriage: his long hours at work, her history of depression, their emotional and physical estrangement, and the recent death of their son and who, ultimately, is to blame for it. At times droll, at times savage, Couldn't Say shows two characters in a battle for their lives, trying to survive until help arrives.
Literary Prize, Washington Theatre Festival, 2001
1st Produced:
Charter Theatre, Washington, DC 2001
1st Published:
Excerpts published in Audition Arsenal: Monologues For Women in Their 30s and Audition Arsenal: Monologues For Men in Their 30s, Smith and Kraus, 2005 -
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Dreams of the Washer King
Caught in the space between the past and present, four people revisit one life-changing event in Christopher Wall's mind-bending new drama. Wall's unique vision unfolds among a field of capsized washing machines and a rainstorm of grass to reveal a haunting story of lost love and childhood dreams.
- nytheatre.com
1st Produced:
1st Published:
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Dumpster Dan
Sometimes you reach a point when you got to make a change. For Dan's father, it means getting rid of his possessions and living off the land. Too bad he lives in a city . . .What's Dan going to do? Mom's gone. He's got no friends. So he holds his nose and dives in. Some days you wake up to find dad with an orange rind on his head.
1st Produced:
NYU Festival of New Works 2003
1st Published:
35 in 10: Thirty-Five Ten-Minute Plays, Dramatic Publishing, 2005
Dramatics magazine, November 2004, -
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play Ten Min
Male: 2  Female: -  Other: -
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Elmo On the Halfshell
Joey knows he screwed up, and he's trying to make things right with his girlfriend. The problem, you see, isn't with him. It's with his brother Nate . . .Joey tries to explain how the trouble started, but the more he talks, the less sense it makes -- even to him -- until his life starts to unravel in front of him
Excerpts published in Audition Arsenal: Monologues For Men in Their 20s, Smith And Kraus, 2005
1st Produced:
18th Annual Washington Theatre Festival 1998
Source Theatre Company, DC
1st Published:
The Pacific Review, Volume 18, 2000 -
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Monologue Play/Drama
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Forks and Knives
an evening of scenes that take place in a cafe at three-hour intervals over the course of one day.
Nominated for Best Play, Washington Theatre Festival, 1997
1st Produced:
17th Annual Washington Theatre Festival 1997
Source Theatre Company, DC
1st Published:
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Related one-acts
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Head Games
Peggy and Stuart return home to find their son passed out after a party. They scold him. They blame each other for his upbringing. But something's wrong. They're enjoying themselves too much. Every barb. Every comeback saved up over the years. Confronted with an empty nest, they finally have the chance to say it.
1st Produced:
Act Out '97, Actor's Theater of Washington (reading) 1997
1st Published:
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play Ten Min
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No One Talks To The Mailman
It's never easy going home, but some families make it nearly impossible. After a 14-year absence, Will returns with his fiancee to find his mother doing laundry 24 hours a day and his father digging holes in the backyard. If that's not enough to spoil a homecoming, how about that mysterious child riding her bike through the house pretending to be the mailman? Everyone's got a secret to hide in this slightly scary, slightly campy backwoods comedy.
HD Lewis Award for Playwriting, Washington Theatre Festival, 1999
1st Produced:
19th Annual Washington Theatre Festival 1999
Source Theatre Company, DC
1st Published:
Excerpts published in The Best Men's Stage Monologues 1999 and The Best Stage Scenes 1999, Smith and Kraus, 2000 -
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Black Comedy Comedy
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Philip's Last Dream
It's the year 1192, and Richard the Lion-Heart has been imprisoned by the Holy Roman Emperor on his way back from his CrUSAde in Palestine. Philip, Richard's former lover and current nemesis, has an opportunity to prevent Richard from reaching home and resuming their constant wars. As Philip plans his next move - wondering if he can win Richard back, or keep him locked up for good - the integrity of his own mind and the safety of Europe hangs in the balance . . .
1st Produced:
Featured in New Play Gallery, Playwrights' Center 2005
1st Published:
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Male: 6  Female: -  Other: -
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Shake and Be Saved
A comedy about Homeland Security, nymphomania, and God. . ..Scared of dirty bombs? Weaponized anthrax? Benson sure is, and he's dedicated his company to eradicating these two terrors from America. After five years of research he's finally done it. By mixing his medication with table salt, all people have to do is shake some on their food and voila! Instant protection from two of the greatest threats we face. They don't have to rely on their instinct for self-preservation. They don't have to do much of anything. Salting fries has become a patriotic act. An hour before the product launch, Benson finds his dad unconscious, face down on a plate of deviled eggs, holding one of his salt shakers. It seems that his new Patriotic Salt has an unfortunate side effect, and Benson has less than an hour to figure out what's wrong before the product is released to the public.
1st Produced:
Last Frontier Theatre Conference 2006
1st Published:
- -
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Male: 4  Female: 2  Other: Gospel Choir
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Some Other Place
Two related monologues, Elmo On The Half Shell and Jello Shot. One warring couple . . .In the first piece, Joey tries to explain to his girlfriend how he screwed up their relationship, with hilarious and disturbing results. Now, seven years later, Sue decides to end things and walk out, only to realize that freedom may have come at too high a price.
Grant recipient, DC Commission on the Arts And Humanities And NEA, 2000
1st Produced:
DC Arts Center 2000
Black Dog Theatre
1st Published:
Excerpts published in Audition Arsenal: Monologues For Women in Their 30s, Smith and Kraus, 2005 -
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Related one-acts
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