New York Theatre Experience Latest Plays

New York Theatre Experience
The New York Theatre Experience, PO Box 1606, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10156

Latest Plays - click on covers to see full Publisher's details

Plays and Playwrights 2009
New York Theatre Experience:

Hospital 2008 by Randy Sharp And Axis Company ; Linus & Alora by Andrew Irons; Sister Cities by Colette Freedman ; S/He by Nanna Nick Mwaluko ; Death At Film Forum by Eric Bland ; Traces/Fades by Lenora Champagne ; Nowhere On The Border by Carlos Lacamara ; American Badass, Or 12 Characters In Search Of A National Identity by Chris Harcum ; A Fire As Bright As Heaven by Tim Collins ; Conversation Storm by Rick Burkhardt ; Krapp, 39 by Michael Laurence

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Plays and Playwrights 2008
New York Theatre Experience:

The Telling Trilogy by Crystal Skillman; What Happened When by Daniel Talbott; Antarctica by Carolyn Raship; Cleansed by Thomas Bradshaw; Linnea by John Regis; . . . And We All Wore Leather Pants by Robert Attenweiler ; Marvelous Shrine by Leslie Bramm; In Our Name by Elena Hartwell; Universal Robots by Mac Rogers; Fall Forward by Daniel Reitz

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Plays and Playwrights 2007
New York Theatre Experience:

Lenz by Bluemouth Inc. ; Office Sonata by Andy Chmelko ; Kiss And Cry by Tom Rowan ; They're Just Like Us by Boo Killebrew ; Convergence by Bryn Manion ; Red Tide Blooming by Taylor Mac ; The Adventures Of Nervous-Boy by James Comtois; Another Brief Encounter by Stan Richardson; Corps Values by Brendon Bates ; Diving Normal by Ashlin Halfnight ; 'Nami by Chad Beckim

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Plays and Playwrights 2006
New York Theatre Experience:

E Top Ten People Of The Millennium Sing Their Favorite Schubert Lieder by Alec Duffy; Burning The Old Man by Kelly Mcallister; Self At Hand by Jack Hanley; The Expense Of Spirit by Josh Fox; Paradise by Glyn O'malley; Yit, Ngay (One, Two) by Michael Lew; Pulling The Lever by Rising Circle Theater Collective; The Position by Kevin Doyle; The Dirty Talk by Michael Puzzo; The First Time Out Of Bounds by P. Seth Bauer; Aurolac Blues by Saviana Stanescu; The Whore Of Sheridan Square by Michael Baron

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Plays and Playwrights 2005
New York Theatre Experience:

Vampire Cowboy Trilogy by Qui Nguyen And Robert Ross Parker ; Second by Neal Utterback; Bull Spears by Josh Chambers; Animal by Kevin Augustine; Odysseus Died From Aids by Stephen Svoboda; Maggie May by Tom O'brien; Elephant by Margie Stokley; Walking To America by Alberto Bonilla; The 29 Questions Project by Katie Bull & Hillary Rollins; Honor by thedrillingcompany; Kalighat by Paul Knox; Platonov! Platonov! Platonov!. Or The Case Of A Very Angry Duck by Eric Michael Kochmer

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Plays and Playwrights 2004
New York Theatre Experience:

Sugarbaby by Frank Cwiklik; Wtc View by Brian Sloan; United States: Work And Progress by Christy Meyer, Jon Schumacher, And Ellen Shanman; The Shady Maids Of Haiti by John Jahnke; Cats Can See The Devil by Tom X. Chao; Survivor: Vietnam! by Rob Reese; Feed The Hole by Michael Stock; Auntie Mayhem by David Pumo; The Monster Tales by Mary Jett Parsley; Sun, Stand Thou Still by Steven Gridley

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Plays and Playwrights 2003
New York Theatre Experience:

A Queer Carol by Joe Godfrey; Pumpkins For Smallpox by Catherine Gillet; Looking For The Pony by Andrea Lepcio; Black Thang by Ato Essandoh; The Ninth Circle by Edward Musto; The Doctor Of Rome by Nat Colley; Galaxy Video by Marc Morales; The Last Carburetor by Leon Chase; Out To Lunch by Joseph Langham; Ascending Bodily by Maggie Cino; Last Call by Kelly Mcallister

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Plays and Playwrights 2002
New York Theatre Experience:

The Death Of King Arthur by Matthew Freeman; Match by Marc Chun; Woman Killer by Chiori Miyagawa; The Wild Ass's Skin by J. Scott Reynolds; Halo by Ken Urban; Shyness Is Nice by Marc Spitz; Reality by Curtiss I' Cook; The Resurrectionist by Kate Chell; Bunny's Last Night In Limbo by Peter S. Petralia; Summerland by Brian Thorstenson

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Plays and Playwrights 2001
New York Theatre Experience:

Washington Square Dreams by Gorilla Repertory Theater; Fate by Elizabeth Horsburgh; Velvet Ropes by Joshua Scher; The Language Of Kisses by Edmund De Santis; Word To Your Mama by Julia Lee Barclay; Cuban Operator Please. . . by Adrian Rodriguez; The Elephant Man - The Musical by Jeff Hylton and Tim Werenko; House Of Trash by Trav S.D.; Straight-Jacket by Richard Day

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Playing with Canons
New York Theatre Experience:

Want's Unwisht Work by Kirk Wood Bromley; La Tempestad by Larry Loebell; Titus X by Shawn Northrip; Genesis by Matthew Freeman; The Eumenides by David Johnston; Principia by Michael Maiello & Andrew Recinos; Uncle Jack by Jeff Cohen; Story Of An Unknown Man by Anthony P. Pennino; The Brothers Karamazov, Parts I And Ii by Alexander Harrington; Bel Canto by Reneé Flemings; Salem by Alex Roe; Bartleby The Scrivener by R. L. Lane; Frankenstein by Rob Reese; Northanger Abbey by Lynn Marie Macy; The Man Who Laughs by Kiran Rikhye; Bald Diva! by David Koteles, Conceived by Jamee Freedus And Jason Jacobs; Fatboy by John Clancy; The Persians by Waterwell

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Mario Fratti
Unpredictable Plays
New York Theatre Experience:

Dry, sly, provocative plays from the internationally acclaimed MARIO FRATTI - best known for the musical Nine (winner of seven Tony awards). Witness the master of unpredictability at work. Complete script of: The Friday Bench; Suicide Club; Alessia; The Piggy Bank; The Fourth One; Dolls No More; Porno; Dina and Alba; The Bridge; Confessions; The Coffin; A.I.D.S.; Brothel (The Doorbell); The Letter; Mothers and Daughters; Beata, the Pope's Daughter; The Wish; Erotic Adventures in Venice (Promises); The Academy; Friends; Terrorist; The Return; The Seventy-fifth; Iraq (Blindness); "Che"; Anniversary; Missionaries; Sincerity

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 comprises a comprehensive online searchable database for plays written in English since the production of Look back In Anger in 1956. Each play listing contains a playwright biography, synopsis, cast size, creative and production team for the premiere production, date and location of the first performance and much not only defines the World’s theatrical repertoire for the first time but also aims to revitalise that repertoire by reintroducing many lost scripts and providing a gateway for locating and clearing rights for a very large number existing scripts. We are delighted to receive information from users where our own research has been unable to locate details on the holder of a play's contains a comprehensive listing for each new play written in English produced by professional theatre companies, venues, festivals, commercial producers and once-off-producers from 1956 to the present. It includes adaptations, translations and new versions. The database also includes those plays produced by fringe (unsubsidised) companies and by semi-professional organisations, where the work is deemed to be of particular significance to the repertoire. Thus you will get help with playwright, dramatist, plays, biography, theatres, agent, synopses, cast sizes, production, published, dates, database, research.