New York Theatre Experience Latest Plays
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Latest Plays - click on covers to see full Publisher's details
| Plays and Playwrights 2009 |
: | Hospital 2008 by Randy Sharp And Axis Company ; Linus & Alora by Andrew Irons; Sister Cities by Colette Freedman ; S/He by Nanna Nick Mwaluko ; Death At Film Forum by Eric Bland ; Traces/Fades by Lenora Champagne ; Nowhere On The Border by Carlos Lacamara ; American Badass, Or 12 Characters In Search Of A National Identity by Chris Harcum ; A Fire As Bright As Heaven by Tim Collins ; Conversation Storm by Rick Burkhardt ; Krapp, 39 by Michael Laurence |
| Plays and Playwrights 2008 |
: | The Telling Trilogy by Crystal Skillman; What Happened When by Daniel Talbott; Antarctica by Carolyn Raship; Cleansed by Thomas Bradshaw; Linnea by John Regis; . . . And We All Wore Leather Pants by Robert Attenweiler ; Marvelous Shrine by Leslie Bramm; In Our Name by Elena Hartwell; Universal Robots by Mac Rogers; Fall Forward by Daniel Reitz |
| Plays and Playwrights 2007 |
: | Lenz by Bluemouth Inc. ; Office Sonata by Andy Chmelko ; Kiss And Cry by Tom Rowan ; They're Just Like Us by Boo Killebrew ; Convergence by Bryn Manion ; Red Tide Blooming by Taylor Mac ; The Adventures Of Nervous-Boy by James Comtois; Another Brief Encounter by Stan Richardson; Corps Values by Brendon Bates ; Diving Normal by Ashlin Halfnight ; 'Nami by Chad Beckim |
| Plays and Playwrights 2006 |
: | E Top Ten People Of The Millennium Sing Their Favorite Schubert Lieder by Alec Duffy; Burning The Old Man by Kelly Mcallister; Self At Hand by Jack Hanley; The Expense Of Spirit by Josh Fox; Paradise by Glyn O'malley; Yit, Ngay (One, Two) by Michael Lew; Pulling The Lever by Rising Circle Theater Collective; The Position by Kevin Doyle; The Dirty Talk by Michael Puzzo; The First Time Out Of Bounds by P. Seth Bauer; Aurolac Blues by Saviana Stanescu; The Whore Of Sheridan Square by Michael Baron |
| Plays and Playwrights 2005 |
: | Vampire Cowboy Trilogy by Qui Nguyen And Robert Ross Parker ; Second by Neal Utterback; Bull Spears by Josh Chambers; Animal by Kevin Augustine; Odysseus Died From Aids by Stephen Svoboda; Maggie May by Tom O'brien; Elephant by Margie Stokley; Walking To America by Alberto Bonilla; The 29 Questions Project by Katie Bull & Hillary Rollins; Honor by thedrillingcompany; Kalighat by Paul Knox; Platonov! Platonov! Platonov!. Or The Case Of A Very Angry Duck by Eric Michael Kochmer |
| Plays and Playwrights 2004 |
: | Sugarbaby by Frank Cwiklik; Wtc View by Brian Sloan; United States: Work And Progress by Christy Meyer, Jon Schumacher, And Ellen Shanman; The Shady Maids Of Haiti by John Jahnke; Cats Can See The Devil by Tom X. Chao; Survivor: Vietnam! by Rob Reese; Feed The Hole by Michael Stock; Auntie Mayhem by David Pumo; The Monster Tales by Mary Jett Parsley; Sun, Stand Thou Still by Steven Gridley |
| Plays and Playwrights 2003 |
: | A Queer Carol by Joe Godfrey; Pumpkins For Smallpox by Catherine Gillet; Looking For The Pony by Andrea Lepcio; Black Thang by Ato Essandoh; The Ninth Circle by Edward Musto; The Doctor Of Rome by Nat Colley; Galaxy Video by Marc Morales; The Last Carburetor by Leon Chase; Out To Lunch by Joseph Langham; Ascending Bodily by Maggie Cino; Last Call by Kelly Mcallister |
| Plays and Playwrights 2002 |
: | The Death Of King Arthur by Matthew Freeman; Match by Marc Chun; Woman Killer by Chiori Miyagawa; The Wild Ass's Skin by J. Scott Reynolds; Halo by Ken Urban; Shyness Is Nice by Marc Spitz; Reality by Curtiss I' Cook; The Resurrectionist by Kate Chell; Bunny's Last Night In Limbo by Peter S. Petralia; Summerland by Brian Thorstenson |
| Plays and Playwrights 2001 |
: | Washington Square Dreams by Gorilla Repertory Theater; Fate by Elizabeth Horsburgh; Velvet Ropes by Joshua Scher; The Language Of Kisses by Edmund De Santis; Word To Your Mama by Julia Lee Barclay; Cuban Operator Please. . . by Adrian Rodriguez; The Elephant Man - The Musical by Jeff Hylton and Tim Werenko; House Of Trash by Trav S.D.; Straight-Jacket by Richard Day |
: | Want's Unwisht Work by Kirk Wood Bromley; La Tempestad by Larry Loebell; Titus X by Shawn Northrip; Genesis by Matthew Freeman; The Eumenides by David Johnston; Principia by Michael Maiello & Andrew Recinos; Uncle Jack by Jeff Cohen; Story Of An Unknown Man by Anthony P. Pennino; The Brothers Karamazov, Parts I And Ii by Alexander Harrington; Bel Canto by Reneé Flemings; Salem by Alex Roe; Bartleby The Scrivener by R. L. Lane; Frankenstein by Rob Reese; Northanger Abbey by Lynn Marie Macy; The Man Who Laughs by Kiran Rikhye; Bald Diva! by David Koteles, Conceived by Jamee Freedus And Jason Jacobs; Fatboy by John Clancy; The Persians by Waterwell |
Mario Fratti | Unpredictable Plays |
: | Dry, sly, provocative plays from the internationally acclaimed MARIO FRATTI - best known for the musical Nine (winner of seven Tony awards). Witness the master of unpredictability at work. Complete script of: The Friday Bench; Suicide Club; Alessia; The Piggy Bank; The Fourth One; Dolls No More; Porno; Dina and Alba; The Bridge; Confessions; The Coffin; A.I.D.S.; Brothel (The Doorbell); The Letter; Mothers and Daughters; Beata, the Pope's Daughter; The Wish; Erotic Adventures in Venice (Promises); The Academy; Friends; Terrorist; The Return; The Seventy-fifth; Iraq (Blindness); "Che"; Anniversary; Missionaries; Sincerity |