Click on a Theatre/Theatre Company link below to visit their website: |
Abo Svenska Teater, Finland |
AHAA-teatteri, Finland |
Espoon Teatteri, Finland |
Hämeenlinnan kaupungin teatteri, Finland |
Hämeenlinnan Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Joensuun Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Jyväskylän Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Kangasala: Ramppi Teatteri, Finland |
Kemin Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Kesäteatteri Sotkanpesä, Finland |
Kokkolan Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Komediateatteri Arena, Finland |
KOM-teatteri, Finland |
Kotkan Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Kouvolan teatteri, Finland |
Kuopion Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Lapin Ylioppilasteatteri, Finland |
Lappeenrannan Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Lilla Teatern, Finland |
Nukketeatteri Sampo, Finland |
Oulun Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Paimion kesäteatteri, Finland |
Porin Teatteri, Finland |
Q-TEATTERI, Finland |
Raseborgs sommarteater, Finland |
Rauman Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Riihimäen Teatteri, Finland |
Ryhmäteatteri, Finland |
Savonlinnan kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Seinäjoen Kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Suomen Kansallisooppera, Finland |
Suomen Kansallisteatteri, Finland |
Svenska Teatern, Finland |
Tampereen teattereita, Finland |
Tampereen Teatteri, Finland |
Tampereen Työväen Teatteri, Finland |
Tanssiteatteri Raatikko, Finland |
Teatteri Apollon, Finland |
Teatteri Eurooppa Neljä, Finland |
Teatteri Hevosenkenkä, Finland |
Teatteri Imatra, Finland |
Teatteri Jurkka, Finland |
Teatterin tiedotuskeskus, Finland |
Telakka, Finland |
Tukkateatteri, Finland |
Turun kaupunginteatteri, Finland |
Unga Teater, Finland |
Viirus, Finland |
Wasa Teater, Finland | comprises a comprehensive online searchable database for plays written in English since the production of Look back In Anger in 1956. Each play listing contains a playwright biography, synopsis, cast size, creative and production team for the premiere production, date and location of the first performance and much not only defines the World’s theatrical repertoire for the first time but also aims to revitalise that repertoire by reintroducing many lost scripts and providing a gateway for locating and clearing rights for a very large number existing scripts. We are delighted to receive information from users where our own research has been unable to locate details on the holder of a play's contains a comprehensive listing for each new play written in English produced by professional theatre companies, venues, festivals, commercial producers and once-off-producers from 1956 to the present. It includes adaptations, translations and new versions. The database also includes those plays produced by fringe (unsubsidised) companies and by semi-professional organisations, where the work is deemed to be of particular significance to the repertoire. Thus you will get help with playwright, dramatist, plays, biography, theatres, agent, synopses, cast sizes, production, published, dates, database, research. |