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 Sweden, EUR
Theatres & Theatre Companies

Doollee ultimately aims to provide a complete listing of Theatres and Theatre companies throughout the world ( yes, I know, but you have got to start somewhere !! ). Websites are listed below and there are further links from individual Playwrights pages to the Theatre and Theatre Company where the first production took place.

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Åbo Svenska Teater, Sweden, EUR ÅkersbergaRevyn, Sweden, EUR Örebro: Teater Martin Mutter/Gamla Röda Kvarn, Sweden, EUR A T R, Sweden, EUR
Abellis Magiska Teater, Sweden, EUR Amatörteater i Falun, Sweden, EUR Atelierteatern, Sweden, EUR Backa Teater, Sweden, EUR
Blå Stället, Sweden, EUR Boulevardteatern, Sweden, EUR Boulevardteatern, Sweden, EUR Cirkus Tigerbrand, Sweden, EUR
Darling Desperados, Sweden, EUR Den Egentliga Sektorn, Sweden, EUR DramaDirekt, Sweden, EUR Folkoperan, Sweden, EUR
Folkteatern i Göteborg, Sweden, EUR Fria Teatern i Högdalen, Sweden, EUR Friteatern, Sweden, EUR Gävle: Folkteatern i Gävleborg, Sweden, EUR
Göta Lejon, Sweden, EUR Göteborg Dans & Teater Festival, Sweden, EUR Göteborgs Stadsteater, Sweden, EUR GöteborgsOperan, Sweden, EUR
Gotlands Teater, Sweden, EUR Grotteatern, Sweden, EUR Hagasällskapet, Sweden, EUR Helsingborgs Stadsteater, Sweden, EUR
IT-Teatern, Sweden, EUR Järvsö: Teater Allena, Sweden, EUR Judiska Teatern, Sweden, EUR Katharsis, Sweden, EUR
Komonq, Sweden, EUR Kompani Komedi, Sweden, EUR Kulturnät Sverige, Sweden, EUR Kungliga dramatiska teatern, Sweden, EUR
Kungliga Operan, Sweden, EUR Luleå: Norrbottensteatern, Sweden, EUR Luleå: Teater Scratch, Sweden, EUR Malmö Amatörteaterforum, Sweden, EUR
Malmö Dramatiska Teater, Sweden, EUR Malmö musikteater, Sweden, EUR Michael Anderson enmanstater, Sweden, EUR Musikteatergruppen Oktober, Sweden, EUR
NorrDans, Sweden, EUR Norrkökping: Östgötateatern, Sweden, EUR Norrkökping: Teater Cayenne, Sweden, EUR Orionteatern, Sweden, EUR
Panikteatern, Sweden, EUR Pantomim Teater, Sweden, EUR Pistolteatern, Sweden, EUR Polska Teatersällskapet i Sverige, Sweden, EUR
Revy Obscen, Sweden, EUR Riksteatern, Sweden, EUR Ryttargruppen, Sweden, EUR Särimner, Sweden, EUR
Skövde: Länsteatern i Skaraborg, Sweden, EUR Slagthuset, Sweden, EUR Stockholm University, Sweden, EUR Stockholms Improvisationsteater, Sweden, EUR
Stockholms Stadsteater, Sweden, EUR Svenska Teaterlänken, Sweden, EUR Teater Avalon, Sweden, EUR Teater Cyklon, Sweden, EUR
Teater Gazbazz, Sweden, EUR Teater Giljotin, Sweden, EUR Teater Halland, Sweden, EUR Teater K2, Sweden, EUR
Teater kaos, Sweden, EUR Teater Sagohuset, Sweden, EUR Teater Salieri, Sweden, EUR Teater Trixter, Sweden, EUR
Teater UNO, Sweden, EUR Teater Västernorrland, Sweden, EUR Teaterföreningen Dramatörerna, Sweden, EUR Teatermaskinen, Sweden, EUR
Teatertaket, Sweden, EUR Teatertidningen, Sweden, EUR The English Theatre Company, Sweden, EUR TryckeriTeatern, Sweden, EUR
Unga Riks, Sweden, EUR Urdarteatern, Sweden, EUR Växjö -- Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, Sweden, EUR Vadstena-Akademien, Sweden, EUR
Zornspelet, Sweden, EUR
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  comprises a comprehensive online searchable database for plays written in English since the production of Look back In Anger in 1956. Each play listing contains a playwright biography, synopsis, cast size, creative and production team for the premiere production, date and location of the first performance and much not only defines the World�s theatrical repertoire for the first time but also aims to revitalise that repertoire by reintroducing many lost scripts and providing a gateway for locating and clearing rights for a very large number existing scripts. We are delighted to receive information from users where our own research has been unable to locate details on the holder of a play's contains a comprehensive listing for each new play written in English produced by professional theatre companies, venues, festivals, commercial producers and once-off-producers from 1956 to the present. It includes adaptations, translations and new versions. The database also includes those plays produced by fringe (unsubsidised) companies and by semi-professional organisations, where the work is deemed to be of particular significance to the repertoire. Thus you will get help with playwright, dramatist, plays, biography, theatres, agent, synopses, cast sizes, production, published, dates, database, research.