Plays in alphabetical order |
Affairs Of Madame Parpot, The | CABROL Yves | Light Comedy One Act |
Alarm Call | HODGSON Sheila | One Act |
All Concerned | ASSINDER James | Play for Townswomen in this their Golden Jubilee Year |
All Concerned | ASSINDER Peter | Play for Townswomen in this their Golden Jubilee Year |
All Grace | LEYVA Chris | Play/Drama |
All My Juliets | DINNER William | Comedy One Act |
All My Juliets | MORUM William | Comedy One Act |
Always Marry A Bachelor | KELLY Tim | One Act |
Amanda Story, The | VERITY Elma | Play/Drama |
Amazonia, or Guard 8 | GLASS D | 60-90 min Anti-utopian tragicomedy |
Amazonia, or Guard 8 | GLASS Dimitri | Anti-utopian tragicomedy |
Angel Makers | KEMP Penn | Drama One Act |
Any Other Tuesday | MEAD Kathy | Comedy |
Approaching Storm | LAMB Evelyn | Play/Drama |
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At Scutari | HOLLAND Norman | Play One Act |
Bad Girls Jail House | KOHM Angus | Musical |
Before the Coronation | HOLLAND Norman | Play One Act |
Beggars Of Bordeaux, The | MURCH Edward | Christmas Play |
Beginners | WITTON Jane | Comedy One Act |
Betty & The Belrays | BLACK William Electric | Musical |
Bit Of Peace And Quiet, A | RATTRAY B | Comedy |
Blessed Event | BRUCE Nancy | One act Comedy |
Blessing, The | COSS Clare | Play/Drama |
Blushes | CONNOLLEY Bill | Youth short play Youth Audience |
Body Is All Yours: A Wild Improbability In One Act, The | BOOTH Tony | Farce |
Brandy In The Buckets | BARTLETT Joyce | Comedy |
Breaking The Ice | DINNER William | Comedy |
Brewed | BARSOTTI Scott T | Play/Drama |
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Bring Me My Spear | JONES Claire | Murder Mystery Mystery |
Bus Stop | SHIRLEY Rae | One Act |
Cafe Contentious and Public Speaking | KNIGHT Anne | Play - One Act, Drama |
Camberwell Crisis | TAPPENDEN Jean | Comedy One Act |
Camp Confidence | RAFFLE Diana | comedy One Act |
Candy Pink | COPPARD J A S | One act |
Case To Prove, A | HOLT D | Comedy |
Charity Begins At Christmas | EDWARDS F | genre unknown |
Cherry Brandy | READY Stuart | Thriller 1 act |
Christmas Crackers | HALL Willis | Childrens Youth Audience |
Christmas Spirit | BATE Sam | Festive Comedy One Act |
Cloak Of Courage, The | BRAMLEY-MOORE Z | Play/Drama |
Cloak Of Courage, The | GATTEY C Neilson | Play/Drama |
Club, The | MERRIAM Eve | musical diversion |
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Committee Meeting, The | SIMMONDS Hazel | Operetta' One Act |
Cracked Crown | ADAM Agnes | Scots Play |
Cracked Ice | MILLER Jennifer | Piece |
Crazy Pavement | DALTON Muriel | One act Comedy |
Crisis In Wimpole Street | HOLLAND Norman | Play One Act |
Crooked Tree, The | MORRIS T B | Thriller One Act |
Crossways | PARRY-DAVIES Jane | One Act |
Cuckoo In The Hedge | RAYNER Max | Farce |
Day To Remember, A | DAVIDSON Sylvia | Drama One Act |
Dissociates | DITTRICH Dorothy | genre unknown |
Do Let Us Go Away | STEIN Gertrude | One act |
Do You See What I'm Saying? | TERRY Megan | Play/Drama |
Dream, The | REES Phoebe M | Fantasy |
Early Girl, The | KAVA Caroline | Comedy |
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Eating Sandwiches | POPE Rena | Comedy One Act |
Edward | WOOD Margaret | Drama One Act |
Elizabeth the Third | AUSTIN Ian | comedy One Act |
En el tiempo de las Mariposas/In the Time of the butterflies | SVICH Caridad | Play/Drama |
Family Reunion | MACAULIFE Kay | comedy One Act |
Farewell Appearance | FOGGO John | Play/Drama |
Farewell, Pots And Pans | BRAMLEY-MOORE Z | Comedy |
Farewell, Pots And Pans | GATTEY C Neilson | Comedy |
Female Of The Species | MCMASTER Phyl | Comedy One Act |
Fire Burn And Cauldron Bubble | PEACH L du Garde | Play/Drama |
Five Minutes From The Sea | MURCH Edward | Comedy |
Five of Diamonds A Play in One Act for Seven Women KD 1961 | WITHAM Marjorie | play One Act |
Flesh Game, The | SHIRLEY Rae | One Act |
Flora Mcdonald's Mission | BATE Sam | Costume Play |
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for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf | SHANGE Ntozake | choreopoem, 2 acts |
Free For All | RATTRAY B | Comedy |
Full Steam Ahead | MACAULIFE Kay | Comedy One Act |
Gathering Of Doves | DAY Doris M | One Act |
Gentlewomen's Relish | PLOMLEY Roy | Comedy |
Georgian | KOMLOSY Mary | Farce |
Gideon and the Sea Witch | STAFF Enid | One Act |
Girl Is Born | MHAPSEKAR Jyoti | genre unknown |
Glass Castles | PRICE Lindsay | Play/Drama |
Godess Tour, The | GAGE Carolyn | Murder Mystery |
Grass Widows | TURNOCK Dorothy | One Act |
Grey Monk Walks, The | REED Graham | Thriller |
Hair Do | DRISCOLL Dennis | Comedy One Act |
Happy Day, The | AGG Howard | One Act |
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HATS! A Musical for the Rest of your Life | DODGE Anthony | Musical |
HATS! A Musical for the Rest of your Life | DODGE Marcia Milgrom | Musical |
Head Of The House | BATE Sam | One Act |
Henry | KAY Maxine A | Thriller |
Hillbilly Women | STEARNS Elizabeth | Play with Music |
House In Paris, A | NORTHE Maggie | Play One Act |
I Bequeath | ADAM Agnes | Scots Play One Act |
I Can't Keep Running In Place | SCHOTTENFELD Barbara | Musical |
If Sherlock Holmes Were a Woman | KELLY Tim | Comedy One Act |
If You Please, Ladies | PEACH L du Garde | Comedy |
In Cahoots | REEVES Melissa | 2 Act 40 mins comedy drama |
In Juliet's Garden | MCDONALD Judy Elliot | Youth Audience One Act |
In The Absence of Angels | ADAMS Johnna | Play/Drama |
Journey Of The Star, The | MURCH Edward | Nativity Play |
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Joy Division | DENFORD Harry | 60 min play One Act |
Kiss on the Bottom, A | VICKERY Frank | Comedy |
Lady And The Char, The | NORTHE Maggie | Comedy |
Lady And The Char, The | TAYLOR George (1) | Comedy |
Lady Geraldine's Speech | HARRADEN B | genre unknown |
Landlady's Brother, The | BRAMLEY-MOORE Z | Comedy |
Landlady's Brother, The | GATTEY C Neilson | Comedy |
Legacy Of Ladies | BATE Sam | Comedy for Women One Act |
Let It Begin with Me and You | MCINTYRE Betty | 5 min Skit |
Living Hell, The | BOOTH Anthony | Play/Drama |
Long Time Ago, A | REED Graham | Historical |
Love Me Slender | BROOKS Vanessa | Comedy |
Lucky One, The | EAST Donald F | Play/Drama |
Lunchtime | MCQUEEN Cilla | Youth play One act |
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Lush Life | SIRETT Paul | Musical |
Mademoiselle Departs | MORRIS T B | Comedy One Act |
Maid In Arms | FORMAN Joan | Play/Drama |
Manhattan Gran | HARDIE Cassie | genre unknown |
Manipulator, The | CAMPTON David | comedy for women One Act |
Memory of Frank Danby, A | MCCONNELL Jean | Play - One Act, Drama |
Mightier Than The Sword | BRAMLEY-MOORE Z | Comedy |
Mightier Than The Sword | GATTEY C Neilson | Comedy |
Mine Enemy My Friend | MORRIS T B | Drama One Act |
Miraculous Year, Or Dorothy Wordsworth In Somerset, The | REES Phoebe M | Historical Drama |
Miss Nightingale's Mission | HOLLAND Norman | Play One Act |
Moment On The Lips, A | GAVIN Jonathan | 2 Act 115 mins Play/Drama |
Mourning For Little Nestings | NEWTON Robert G | Comedy One Act |
Mrs Dooley's Table | BATE Sam | Comedy One Act |
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Mrs Hooper In The Round | PEACH L du Garde | Comedy |
Murderess | BERTRAM Anne | Dark comedy, historical |
My Gypsy Robe | KELLY Tim | Play/Drama |
My Matisse | GINSBERG Howard | Play/Drama |
Necessary Targets | ENSLER Eve | full length Play/Drama |
New Chairman | GAFFIKIN Nancy | Comedy |
New Choirmaster, The | BATE Sam | Farcical Comedy |
New Day | COOPER Dorothy S | Comedy |
Night Of The Dolls | AGNEW F E M | Fantasy Drama |
None the Wiser | BOOTH Anthony | Comedy |
Not As A Gift | MORRIS T B | Comedy One Act |
Not Far from the Gioconda Tree | KELLY Tim | Drama One Act |
On The Hill | MURCH Edward | Religious Drama in 1 Act |
Opera, The | CUNNING STUNTS | Entertainment |
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Operation Parpot | CABROL Yves | Light Comedy |
Oracle Oak | LANGHAM Mark | Comedy |
Outside In | BEATON Hilary | Play/Drama |
Oysters On A Cardboard Plate | DAY Doris M | Play/Drama |
Painkillers | BYERS Louise | Play/Drama |
Panel Games | BRANDON Eileen | Play/Drama |
Parish Pump | GLASER E D | Comedy |
Parpot Assassination, The | CABROL Yves | Light Comedy |
Party Spirit, The | SCOTT Eric | Thriller |
Pawn To Move | MORRIS T B | Costume Drama One Act |
Pax Pacata | LUCAS Ken | Period Drama |
Peaceful Days, The | GREEN Marjorie | Comedy |
Pretty Business, A | SENGUPTA Poile | Play/Drama |
Prodigal Daughter, The | BROOKS Patricia | Drama One Act |
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Question Of Colour, A | BATE Sam | Play/Drama |
Quiet Places, The | BATE Sam | Play One Act |
Quilters | DAMASHEK Barbara | Musical |
Quilters | NEWMAN Molly | Musical |
Rattle | WATTS Jan | Play/Drama |
Ravers | WINTER Jack | full-length drama |
Red Feather Ladies Get Their Man, The | HOLMGREN Maxine | comedy One Act |
Remembrance | CORRIE Joe | Play/Drama |
Repent At Leisure | VOOGHT Cherry | Play One Act |
Revenge of the Red Feather Ladies | HOLMGREN Maxine | comedy One Act |
Right Of Way | BATE Sam | Comedy |
RIP | SELBY Kathy | Comedy |
Roma | MCDONALD Jan | Play One Act |
Roma | WOMEN-ESSENDON | Play One Act |
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Sally's Shorts | NEMETH Sally | Short Play Collection One Act |
Saskia's Version | BETTS Jean | Youth Drama One Act |
Saturday Morning At The Salon | THELANDER Barbara K | Play One Act |
Second Easter | HOLLAND Norman | One Act |
Set A Thief | ROBINSON Ruth | Comedy One Act |
Seven | CIZMAR Paula | Documentary |
Seven | FILLOUX Catherine | Documentary |
Seven | KRIEGEL Gail | Documentary |
Seven | MACK Carol K | Documentary |
Seven | MARGRAFF Ruth | Documentary |
Seven | SMITH Anna Deavere | Documentary |
Seven | YANKOWITZ Susan | Documentary |
Seven Standing | DRYLAND Gordon | One act |
Ship's Company | GAFFIKIN Nancy | Comedy |
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Shop Till You Drop | YAWNEY Michael | Comedy/Mystery |
Siddhartha Becomes The Buddha | CHINMOY Sri | Short plays One Act |
Sisters | MONTLEY Pat | Full-length dramady |
Six Seeds: The Persephone Project | LEVY Annie G | Piece |
So Nice Not To See You | CARMICHAEL Fred | Social Comedy Comedy |
Someone Else's Pretty Toys | BATE Sam | Play/Drama |
Someone To Sit Next To | BRANDON Eileen | Comedy One Act |
South Seas Sighting | BATE Sam | Comedy One Act |
Spanish Lady, The | MORRIS T B | One Act |
Strange Chronicles, The | MASON Judi Ann | Comedy |
Suitcase, The | BOOTH Anthony | Play/Drama |
Swan, The | PHELPS Barry | Play/Drama |
Talking To, The | BENSON Fi | play consisting of two monologue sequences One Act |
Tapestry At Bayeux | PEACH L du Garde | Play One Act |
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Tell It To The Wind | MURCH Edward | Nativity 1 Act |
They Made Her Wild | MORRIS T B | Comedy |
They Were Doin' a Jig But Mr Bones Didn't Feel Like Dancin' | DEANDA Peter | Radio Play |
This Marriage Business | MORRIS Colin | Comedy |
Tittle Tattlers | LANGHAM Mark | Comedy |
Tokens Of Affection | LAWRENCE Maureen | Play/Drama |
Top Girls | CHURCHILL Caryl | Play/Drama |
Twenty-Forty | MORLEY Michael | Drama One Act |
Villanelle | GIANNUNZIO Mitchell | Play/Drama |
Volcano | GREGORY R G | verse play One Act |
Waltzing Matilda | VAN KAMPEN Barbara | Comedy for Women One Act |
Ward Four | STEVEN Phyl | Drama One Act |
Washing Day Welcome | BATE Sam | Comedy |
Wedding Crisis | BATE Sam | Comedy One Act |
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Wedding Presents | ADAM Agnes | Scots Play One Act |
Welcome to Television | JOHNSON Christine Toy | Comedy/One Act |
When Queens Were Pawns | MORRIS T B | Historical Drama 1 Act |
Where There's A Will There's Relations | HARDIE Cassie | genre unknown |
White Blackmail | PERCY Edward | Play One Act |
Will | NAWROCKI Lila Louise | 45-60 min Play/Drama |
Women Against The World | HOLLAND Norman | One Act |
Women Must Weep | ORR Mary | Drama One Act |
Women of the Mahabharata, The | DORIAN Wallace | Play/Drama |
Women Still Weep | ORR Mary | Drama One Act |
Women! Live On Stage! | BERTRAM Anne | One Act |
Women! Live On Stage! | COULOMBE Jeannine | One Act |
Women! Live On Stage! | HOCKADAY Lindsay | One Act |
World Without Men | JOHNSON Philip | One Act |
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