Plays in alphabetical order |
12 Metres from the Seabed (350 from the Shore) | MORTON-SMITH Tom | Short Play One Act |
626 Broadway | HAM Christina | full length Play/Drama |
8th Ditch, The | BARAKA Amiri | Play One Act |
After the Beautikill | SCOTT Eric | Play/Drama |
All Except Their Sun | WALLACE Edgar | genre unknown |
All Honorable Men | CHEPIGA Michael | Play/Drama |
Always A Part Of Me | KIN Jeffrey | Comedy |
American Jornalero | CARDONA, JR Ed | Play/Drama |
And Moran Makes Three | WILLIAMS Ted | Play/Drama |
And This Is Our Life | READY Stuart | P.O.W. Play |
And You Sang To Me | LOVETT Steve | Gay Romantic Comedy Comedy |
Antarctica | YOUNG David S | Play/Drama |
Aren't We All | GOLDBERG Sidney | Play/Drama |
Art And Eros | MURDOCH Iris | genre unknown |
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Auntie Mayhem | PUMO David | Comedy |
Baby Elephant, The | WILLETT John | Translation |
Balloon Shot | MANCHESTER Joe | Comedy One Act |
Bang Up | LUSTGARTEN Anders | short play |
Bedtime Stories: Tales from the Gay Cutting Edge | DELONG Chuck | Piece |
Benito Cereno | LOWELL Robert | Melodrama |
Betrayer, The | ANDRE Marion | One Act |
Big Sell, The | MROCZKA Paul | Play One Act |
Birdy | WALLACE Naomi | Adaptation |
Bishop's Sons, The [formerly >The Altar Boys' Picnic] | CANINO Frank | Play/Drama |
Bison | PHILPOTT Lachlan | 55 mins One Act |
Blood of the Bear | MCGRANAGHAN Maureen | Play/Drama |
Boardwalk Of Dreams - A Gay Trilogy | SWEENEY Roger | Dramedy with music |
Bottoms Up! | JAMES Richard | comedy One Act |
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Bound | BRITON Jesse | physical theatre, storytelling |
Brecht In '26 | DEWHURST Keith | Collage |
B-Team, The | HOLSTEIN David | Comedy |
Campfire Ghouls | NATHAN Richard | One act |
Car | O'CONNELL Chris | Short Play One Act |
Carnesky's Ghost Train | CARNESKY Marisa | installation/performance |
Casino | PARRA Angelo | drama, one-act |
Catch | MCDONALD Tony | Play/Drama |
Chicken Delight | GLINES John | gay farce Farce |
Chronicles of Long Kesh | LYNCH Martin | Play/Drama |
Clockin' Hen, The | HAIRE Wilson John | Play One Act |
Club, The | WILLIAMSON David | Play/Drama |
Clutter: The True Story of the Collyer Brothers Who Never Threw Anything Out | SALTZMAN Mark | Play/Drama |
Cockroach, Who? | WALTERS Jess | Play/Drama |
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Colonial Road | MUNCH Ken | Play/Drama |
Colquhoun and McBryde | BYRNE John | True Drama |
Comebacks | BROWN Arch | a search for spotlights One Act |
Counterfeit Skin | CHARLES Jason | Thriller |
Cut, The | CULLEN Mike | Thriller |
Dad's Army: The Lost Episodes Stage Production Of Television Scripts | CROFT David | Play/Drama |
Dad's Army: The Lost Episodes Stage Production Of Television Scripts | PERRY Jimmy | Play/Drama |
Dante | BARAKA Amiri | Play One Act |
Dante's Inferno | ARNOLD Andy | Adaptation |
Day The Whores Came Out To Play Tennis, The | KOPIT Arthur | One Act |
Dead, Dying or European | CLARK Craig J | One act |
Dealer's Choice | MARBER Patrick | Play/Drama |
Death And Resurrection Of Mr Roche, The | KILROY Thomas | Play/Drama |
Death Of A Cowboy | ARDEN John | One Act |
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Death without Shedding Blood in The Field of Flowers | CARDAZONE Rob | Drama/Comedy |
Defender Of The Faith | CAROLAN Stuart | Political Thriller Thriller |
Distant Fires | HEELAN Kevin | Play/Drama |
Double Crossed | RAY Roxanne | Comedy |
Double, The | HANRAHAN Johnny | Adaptation |
Doubletalk | BROWN Arch | Farce One Act |
Enough Rope | GASPARINI Len | Play One Act |
Eugene Flockhart's Desk | OAKLEY Barry | Grotesque comedy One Act |
Family Business | GOLDBERG Dick | Play/Drama |
Family Comes First | SPANO Jon | Short Play |
Five Guys Named Mo | JORDAN Louis | Musical |
Five Guys Named Mo | PETERS Clarke | Musical |
Five Visits From Mr Whitcomb | BAYS Carter L | Comedy |
Four Ways 'Til Rain | BERTO T | Play/Drama |
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Fourth Prisoner, The | WILSON David Henry | One Act |
Frank Lee, My Dear | BROWN Arch | Comedy of Violence and Vaporub One Act |
Friends Are Forever | KELLY Tom W | gay comedy |
Gallipoli | MAUNDER Paul | genre unknown |
Gents, The | LEVESON Brian | Comedy |
Gents, The | RUSSELL Rebecca | Comedy |
Gleam Machine | WALKER David | genre unknown |
Glee Club, The | CAMERON Richard | Play/Drama |
Gulliver's Travels | LAUER Rob | Musical |
Gulp! | GLINES John | Musical |
Gulp! | GRECO Stephen | Musical |
Gulp! | HAMILTON J B | Musical |
Gulp! | JONES Robin | Musical |
Gyroball | BAUER Tim | Drama |
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Helping Harry | GUINESS Valentine | Play/Drama |
High Jumpers | KEMPINSKI Tom | Play/Drama |
Home Of The Brave | LAURENTS Arthur | Play/Drama |
Hot Godly Wind, A | DYER Charles | Modern Morality |
House Divided | LOEBELL Larry | Play/Drama |
Human Heart, The | COLBY Michael | Serio-comic musical Musical |
In The Company Of Men | BOND Edward | Satire |
Inexpressible Island | YOUNG David S | Play/Drama |
Infallibility | BARBOT Mark | Play/Drama |
JJ Farr | HARWOOD Ronald | Play/Drama |
Judy at the Stonewall Inn | O'NEILL Thomas | genre unknown |
Justice | MURPHY Hugh | Play/Drama |
Key West | HEIFNER Jack | Comedy |
Leonardo | FIORILLO John | Play/Drama |
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Life On The Mississippi | HALL Philip | Musical (Cabaret) |
Lovers | DEL VALLE Peter | Musical |
Man Drake Duck | CLAYTON Syd | Experimental Theatre |
Man Who Would Be Bing, The | BURKE Jim | Comedy |
Marionettes, The | RICHTER Carolyn | genre unknown |
Mary Kelly's Bed | MORRIS Ade | psychological thriller |
Medea, Queen of Colchester | MCDONALD Marianne | Adaptation |
Men Like Trees | BARRON Craig | One act |
Men of Manhattan (Scenes of New York City Gay Life) | GLINES John | Gay comedy Comedy |
MENS | SMITH Tom | Musical |
Message To Michael | PINCKNEY Tim | Comedy |
Mighty Gents, The | WESLEY Richard | Drama One Act |
Missed Connectios | GARCIA Mark Eugene | Drama, Play, Full Length |
Mojo | BUTTERWORTH Jez | Play/Drama |
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Mr Rickey Calls A Meeting | SCHMIDT Ed | Play/Drama |
My Night With Reg | ELYOT Kevin | Comedy |
Naked Truth - a Musical | BECKER Bill | Musical |
National Diet of Japan | WIMPEE Casey | Kabuki/Noh/Butoh |
Nothing but a Nigger | PERKINS Eugene | drama One Act |
Nothing In Between | SCHERRER Jeanette | Ten minute play |
Oh, Danny Boy | MORRIS Sidney | Comedy |
On The Line | HOLZKNECHT G K | Play 9 scenes |
Once I Saw A Boy Laughing | MANSFIELD Scott | genre unknown |
Other Side of The Ocean, The | O'GRADY Desmond | Play/Drama |
Our Boys | FOSTER Miranda | Tender Comedy Comedy |
Our Boys | LEWIS Jonathan | Tender Comedy Comedy |
Our Father | STEPHENS Mick | Play/Drama |
Our Man | CLUCAS Daniel | Play One Act |
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Paradise | COYLE Padraig | Musical Theatre Musical |
Paradise | GRIMES Conor | Musical Theatre Musical |
Paradise | MCKEE Alan | Musical Theatre Musical |
Peace by Peace | BROWN Arch | One Act |
Pete And Dud: Come Again | AWDE Nick | Play/Drama |
Pete And Dud: Come Again | BARTLETT Chris | Play/Drama |
Philip's Last Dream | WALL Christopher | Play/Drama |
Pig Night | WILSON Snoo | Bizarre Fantasy Fantasy |
Prairie du Chien | MAMET David | Play One Act |
Prayer, The | DEPOTTIE Gordon | One act |
Puckoon | HIGGINS Vincent | Adatation |
Punishment Stories, The | LUSTGARTEN Anders | Play/Drama |
Quiz, The | HALL Roger | One act Drama |
Race Across Antarctica | LEACH Norman | Play/Drama |
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Ratings Sweep, The | JASSPE Arthur | genre unknown |
Scouts In Bondage | CHANDLER Glenn | Comedy |
'S'dim Ots Gen I | VOOGHT Cherry | dramau fer |
Shadowdance | ROSEN Sheldon | Play/Drama |
Shaher &Falah | LUBECK Jackie | Comedy |
Shoeshine | MAMET David | Play One Act |
Siamese Twins | MACKEITH Gwen | translation |
Sir Richard Wadd, Topographer | POSTOFF Shawn | genre unknown |
Slap and Tickle | PARR David | Play/Drama |
Smokey | PAWLEY Thomas | Protest Melodrama One Act |
So Young, So Gay, So Many Men | SWEENEY Roger | Comedy with music |
Soldier's Tale, The | KASIM Abdulkareem | music theatre piece |
Soldier's Tale, The | LENKIEWICZ Rebecca | music theatre piece |
Some Love | MACH Henry | Musical |
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Some Love | MARTUS Darien | Musical |
Something To Die For | JAMES J W | drama One Act |
Speak Out | SCIME Don | Comedy One Act |
Stone Pickers, The | GOWEN Peter | Youth Audience |
Strands | WILSON Eric L | Play/Drama |
Suicide Incorporated | HINDERAKER Andrew | Drama |
Suicide Show, The | HOLLOWAY Tom | Piece |
Suicide Show, The | JONES Mark | Piece |
Suicide Show, The | TABERNER Stephen | Piece |
Suicide Show, The | WHITE Martin | Piece |
Them | COCHRANE Chris | Piece |
Them | COOPER Dennis | Piece |
Them | HOUSTON-JONES Ishmael | Piece |
Thief River | BLESSING Lee | Play/Drama |
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Thieves, The | OYAMO Ujamaa | Morality |
Third Ascent, The | MOHER Frank | Play/Drama |
Top Secret; or, A Few Million After BC | CALDWELL Ben | Drama One Act |
Tricks of the Trade | CAPO John | comedy-drama Comedy |
True Confessions | ADOFF George | genre unknown |
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea | MORRIS Ade | Adaptation |
Two Bottles Of Relish | PLOMLEY Roy | Play/Drama |
Two If By Sea | DEWEY Priscilla B | Historical Romp |
Unsinkable Bismarck, The | FOLSCHINSKY Jeff | One Act |
Vint | MAMET David | Adaptation |
Virgin Molly, The | LONG Quincy | 80-90 min Comedy |
Vitamin Q | BARNES Eric Lane | Revue |
Waiting for the Dream | BROOK Irina | Adaptation |
Waiting for the Dream | RAMO Marie-Paule | Adaptation |
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We Commit This Body | DACE Wallace | Short Play One Act |
Welcome Home | MARCHANT Tony | Play/Drama |
Welcome To Group | SOETE George | One act |
Whatever Happened To Realism | ROMERIL John | Play/Drama |
White Woman Street | BARRY Sebastian | Play/Drama |
Why Black Men Die Younger | HOOKS II Ulyses B | Drama One Act |
Wind In The Willows | GRANT Diane | Musical |
Wolves At The Spaceship Door, The | YANCEY Dwayne | Play/Drama |
Young Elizabeth, The | LETTON Francis | Historical |
Young Elizabeth, The | LETTON Jenette | Historical |