Plays in alphabetical order |
June Groom | ABBOT Rick | Comedy |
Italiano Paradision And Pizza Joint | ABRAMS Jules | 30 min Comedy |
Farewell, Farewell, Eugene | ACKLAND Rodney | adaptation |
Plot Twenty-One | ACKLAND Rodney | play |
Composing Venus | ACWORTH Elaine | Narrative |
Swan's Nest, The | ADDYMAN Elizabeth | genre unknown |
Christmas Carol Rag, The | ALLEN Norman | 90-100 min Musical Comedy |
Moliere's Misanthrope: A Gender Inverted Hollywood-North Adaptation | ANGEL Leonard | Comedy |
Wade The Bird | BALDWIN Trista | 30-40 min Play/Drama |
Chicks In Space | BALLESTAD Amy | Comedy |
To Know Know Know Me | BARON Courtney | 25-30 min Comedy/Drama |
Heritage | BARRY P J | Play/Drama |
Crucible, A / John Fucking Proctor | BAUMAN Brian | Play/Drama |
Scenes From A Marriage | BERGMAN Ingmar | Play/Drama |
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Chicks In Space | BERTRAM Anne | Comedy |
Dumbbell People In A Barbell World | BLUE Dan | Comedy |
Little House By The Shores Of Silver Lake | BLUE OWL HOOSER Philip | Play/Drama |
Wild Blue Peaks | BOUSEL Stuart | Satire/Parody Fifteen minute play |
Chance - And Mrs Buffington | BRAMPTON Joan | Costume Comedy |
Wolves | BREWER Delaney Britt | Play/Drama |
Fat Kids On Fire | BRUNSTETTER Bekah | 120 min Comedy/Drama |
Let's Be 'Avin' You! | BUCKINGHAM Geoff | One act Comedy 50 min |
First Stone Thrown, The | BUFFONI Clayton | Play/Drama |
110th Street Station | BUMGARNER Burton | Play/Drama |
Danger Inside | BUTLER Ivan | Comedy Thriller Thriller |
Paper Chain, The | BUTLER Ivan | genre unknown |
Un-Presidential; Or, What Needs To Be Done | CALDWELL Ben | Drama One act |
Jane Eyre | CALVIT Christina | 135 min Play/Drama |
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Kiss For The Prince, A | CAMPBELL Derek | Jacobite Drama |
Smells Like Impulse | CARLETON Stephen | 60 min Comedy/Music/dance |
Luxury Cruise | CARMICHAEL Fred | Comedy |
Mother Ginevra | CARVER Sidney | Play/Drama |
Danger Inside | CARY Falkland L | Comedy Thriller Thriller |
Paper Chain, The | CARY Falkland L | genre unknown |
Tragedia Endogonidia | CASTELLUCCI Romeo | Play/Drama |
Travis' Prophecy | CASWELL-ROBINSON Amanda | Play/Drama |
Epona's Labyrinth | CATANESE Ivana | surrealist psycho-sexual drama |
Vinegar Tom | CHURCHILL Caryl | Play with Music |
1001 Arabian Nights And A Matinee | CLARK Steve | 2 act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Night Among The Hunters | COCKEY Bernadine | Mystery-Comedy Comedy |
Miss Merleen | COLE Robert | Historical drama |
Murder At The Bugginses | CONSTANDUROS Mabel | One act |
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Mystery Of The House Of The Seven Gables, The | CONTI Nicholas | Eerie comedy |
Vampire Or The Bride Of Death, The | COX Constance | One act |
No. 11 (Blue And White) | CUNNINGHAM Alexandra | 120-150 min Play/Drama |
Mary Trilogy | DAWES Adrienne | Play/Drama |
That Ilk | DEAN Nancy | Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Rich Full Life, The | DELMAR Vina | Drama |
Girls Room, The | DI MAMBRO Daniella | Comedy |
Rock Shore | DILLMAN Lisa | Play/Drama |
Britanjous Rex | DRESSLER Leslie Anne | three-act musical drama, 180 minutes |
Circumvention | DUDLEY Anton | 35-45 min Comedy/Drama |
Grimms' Tales | DUNLAP Bridgette | Children's, Fairytale, five short plays |
Such A Beautiful Voice Is Sayeda's | EL GUINDI Yussef | Play One act |
Magda And Josef | ELIET David | One act |
Spirit Of Life, The | ELIET David | One act |
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Keep Smiling Through | EVANS Lisa | comedy with songs |
Cold Duck | FITZGERALD Jack | Comedy |
Harbour Nights | FLITTON Sheila | Play/Drama |
Mulligan's Wake | FLYNN Don | Comedy |
Young Lady Of Property, A | FOOTE Horton | Drama One act |
Girls Room, The | FOX Karen | Comedy |
Usherettes | FOX Karen | Comedy |
Snizzlematizzle | FRATER Scott | Comedy. Youth |
Coming About | GAGE Carolyn | Play/Drama |
Whatever Happened To The Villa Real | GEORGE Jeannette Clift | Comedy/drama |
Any Body For Tea? | GILFORD C B | Mystery Comedy, 30 min Mystery |
Duel Engagement | GLASS Harry | comedy One act |
Foreign Affairs | GLASS Harry | comedy One act |
Departures | GODBER John | Play/Drama |
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Happy Families | GODBER John | Play/Drama |
Heiress, The | GOETZ Augustus | adaptation |
Heiress, The | GOETZ Ruth | adaptation |
River Street | GOLDFINGER Jacqueline Pardue | Play/Drama |
Secondary Cause Of Death | GORDON Peter | Spoof Thriller |
Darling Mr London | GRANT Bob | Farce |
Gibson Girl, The | GREENIDGE Kirsten | drama |
Strike Happy | GREENWOOD Duncan | Farcical Comedy Comedy |
Happy Days | GREENWOOD Walter | Comedy |
Readers Theatre Karaoke: Love Conquers The Wild West | GUSTAFSON James A | melodrama, 15 minutes |
Shakespeare Unbound | HAAS Claudia | Youth Theatre Youth audience |
Passage, The | HAENKE Helen | 3 act Play/Drama |
Water Babies, The | HALL Willis | Childrens musical play Youth audience |
Where Angels Fear To Tread | HART Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
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Secret Pool, The | HAZELL Sheila | Play - Full-length, Drama, Youth/Junior |
Mother Goose | HEATHER Bob | 2 act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Camel's Back, The | HELSBY Arnold | Comedy |
Murder At The Bugginses | HOGAN Michael | One act |
Twilight | HOLLAND Norman | Play One act |
Love Begins At 50 | HOPKINS Raymond | Farce In The arts |
And This Was Odd | HORNE Kenneth | Three act Light Comedy |
Wasn't It Odd? | HORNE Kenneth | Three act Light Comedy |
Art Of Dining, The | HOWE Tina | Comedy |
Adventures Of Royston Cockfosters, The | HUNT David | Comedy |
Passion Of Henrik Ibsen, The | HUNT David | Biographical |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | HUNT David | Modern classic |
She Like Girls | HUTCHINSON Chisa | Play/Drama |
Carrie | JACKSON Erik | adaptation |
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Popeye The Sailor | JACKSON R Eugene | Musical |
About Face | JANACZEWSKA Noelle | Youth Theatre 65 min Youth audience |
Young Wives Tale | JEANS Ronald | Comedy |
Say Ginger Ale | JOHNSON Marcia | Radio drama - comedy |
Happy Couple, The | JOHNSON Sherrie | genre unknown |
Remarkable Journey, The | JONES Helena | Scientific Comedy |
Waffle King Murder, The | KELLY Mat | Thriller |
Animal Grab | KENNA Peter | 3 act Comedy |
Janus Case, The | KING H | Play/Drama |
I'll Show You Yours (Formerly: South Of The Border) | KRUCKEMEYER Finegan | Teenage Drama |
Her Master's Voice | KUMMER Clare | Comedy |
Mother Goose | LAMB Roger | 2 act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Peep Show - Girl Version | LARSEN Ronnie | genre unknown |
Keira & Isabella | LAURA Anthony Michael | Play/Drama |
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Seduction Of Edgar Degas, The | LE WILHELM | Play/Drama |
Brimful Of Push | LIEBMAN Wayne Peter | Play/Drama |
Cinderella Story, The | LILLINGTON Kenneth | Youth one act |
1001 Arabian Nights And A Matinee | LOVESY David | 2 act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Murder At The Festival | LUCAS Victor | Thriller |
Strangers In The House | LUCAS Victor | Mystery Comedy Mystery |
Balance, The | LYNN Stephen | genre unknown |
Travellers, The | MACCOLL Ewan | 2 act play |
Murder Weekend | MANKTELOW Bettine | Play/Drama |
Darling Mr London | MARRIOTT Anthony | Farce |
Life Of The Party, The | MATHEW Ray | 3 acts Play/Drama |
Life That I Gave You, The | MAY Frederick | Adaptation |
Guest Cottage, The | MCCLEERY William | Farce |
Overnight Treatment, The | MCCONNELL Jean | Play - Full Length, Comedy |
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Letter From The General, A | MCLOUGHLIN Maurice | Play/Drama |
Largon | MCPHERSON Eddie | Approx 30-40 mins, farce One Act |
Winter Ballet, The | MECKLE Beverly | Musical |
Big Love | MEE Charles L | Short Play One Act |
Chicken Grease Is A Nasty Business | MILLER Michael | genre unknown |
From Dawn till Night (The Earth is Uninhabitable Like the Moon) | MIRESCU Doris | Piece |
CowTown | MOORE Allison | 30-40 min Play/Drama |
Uncool | MORREALE JR Vin | Youth play |
Who Let The Dogs Out? | MORRIS Deepak | 45 min One Act |
Damask Cheek, The | MORRIS Lloyd | comedy |
Hag | MORRISON Sally | 3 acts Play/Drama |
Folding Green, The | MOSS Howard | Comedy |
Gossip, The | MURPHY Gerald P | Children's 10 Min Rhyming Comedy Youth Audience |
Third Richest Man In The World, The | MURRAY John | Youth one act |
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Mrs Worthington, You Were Warned | MURRAY Wendy | Songs Only Play/Drama |
Fracturing | NEIL Deanna | Play/Drama |
Shape Shifter, The | NESVET Rebecca L | Play/Drama |
She Kills Monsters: Young Adventurers Edition | NGUYEN Qui | dramatic comedy |
Perrichon's Travels | NICHOLSON David | Comedy Translation |
November | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Jezebel Ain't Dead | NONIE Elizabeth | Comedy |
Fresh Fields | NOVELLO Ivor | genre unknown |
Queen of Dreams, The | OLSEN Michael | One Act, Youth, Fantasy-Drama |
Degas In New Orleans | O'NEILL Rosary | Full Length, Drama |
Ruby's Story | OSBORNE Ron | 90 min Play/Drama |
Hansel and Gretel in Foster Care | RABUSHKA Jerrold | Comedy |
Bug Boy Blues | RAILSBACK Lisa | Youth Audience |
Love In Idleness | RATTIGAN Terence | 3 act Comedy |
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Twisted Loaf, the | RAVEL Aviva | Drama One Act |
Gramp | RAYNER Max | Play/Drama |
Spin, A Musical Myth | REEDY M Kilburg | Musical |
Jeannie Once | RENEE | genre unknown |
One Of Those Days | RICHARDS K | Farce |
Where there's a Will . . . | ROBBINS Norman | Play - Full Length, Comedy |
Just One Thing On Top Of Another | ROBINSON M | Comedy |
School of Jesus Fish | ROBINSON Rick | Play/Drama |
Running from the Horizon | ROSIELLO Rob | Play/Drama |
Kerry Dance, The | RUSHFORTH Tony | Play/Drama |
Long Shadows | RYE Kevin Edward | Murder Mystery |
Basinful Of The Briny | SANDS Leslie | Comedy |
Beside The Seaside | SANDS Leslie | Comedy |
Famous Last Words | SCOTT James | Play/Drama |
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To Stand And Stare | SEDDON Norah | genre unknown |
Mrs Worthington, You Were Warned | SELL Colin | Songs Only Play/Drama |
Vampire Reflects, A | SEMERANO Frank | Comedy |
Every Day in Fairy Land | SHACKERLEY-BENNETT Martine | Children's Youth Audience |
Pillars | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
Unville Brazil | SHAW Patrick | musical |
New Science | SLOTE Jessica | Play/Drama |
Evening of Culture: Faith County II | SMITH Mark Landon | Comedy |
Faith County | SMITH Mark Landon | Comedy |
Princess and the Pea, The | SMITH Noah | Childrens play |
Baby Talk | SNYDER Clint | genre unknown |
Song For St Michael's, A | STALLINGS David | genre unknown |
Pornography | STEPHENS Simon | Play/Drama |
Southern Surrender - or - The Twain Shall Meet | SWEEN Joan | Melodrama |
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Beware Of The Storybook Wolves | SWIFT Tom | TYA |
Slip Road Wedding | TERSON Peter | Play/Drama |
Christmas Tale, A | THEATRE WORKSHOP | Christmas Show |
1001 Arabian Nights and a matinee | TLC CREATIVE | 2 Act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
1001 Arabian Nights and a matinee | TRASLER Damian | 2 Act Musical Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
En Pieces Detachees | TREMBLAY Michel | genre unknown |
Trial, The | TRIPLETT Lori Lee | Play/Drama |
Damask Cheek, The | VAN DRUTEN John | comedy |
Farewell, Farewell, Eugene | VARI John | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Yin Yang | WALKER Joseph A | Ritual |
Lucky People | WALKER Peter Lancaster | One act |
More Than Wearing A Bone Carving | WALSH Denise | Youth play |
House on Fire | WILLIAMS Jamal | comedy |
After the Ball | WILLIAMSON David | Play/Drama |
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Food For Thought | WISE Rob | Comedy |
My Dear Evans | WOOD Margaret | Play/Drama |
Dish of the Day | WOODHEAD Christine | Full Length Comedy |
Self Portrait | YEGER Sheila | Play Biographical |