Plays in alphabetical order |
Alterations | ABBENSETTS Michael | Play/Drama |
Love'Em And Leave'Em | ABBOTT George | Comedy |
Dracula's Daughters: A Family Comedy | ABLEY Sean | 50 min Comedy |
Remembrance Of Things Past | ACKLAND Rodney | play |
Nasty British And Short | ADE Andrew | 2 acts Farce |
Sleep | AKERHOLT May-Britt | Translation |
Tantrums | ALIANAK Hrant | Play/Drama |
Bikini Beach Blood Suckers | ALLEN Andi | Comedy |
Koala Capers | ALLEN David | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Little Family Business, A | ALLEN Jay Presson | adaptation |
It Falls Foul Of The Law | ALLISON Hugh | Gay, full length |
Mystery Cycle, Part Ii: Nativity , The | ANDERSON Peter | Mystery |
Sand , The | ANDRE Marion | Play/Drama |
Promise | ANGELSON Sophie | adaptation |
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Wrecked | ARDEN Andrea | genre unknown |
Filumena Martrano | ARDITO Carlo | Translation |
Puntilla And His Man Matti | ARNOTT Peter | adaptation |
Silver Darlings, The | ARNOTT Peter | adaptation |
Lunch Hour, The | ARONSTEN Chris | comedy satire |
Jack The Lad | ARTHUR Dave | Musical Celebration Musical |
Jack The Lad | ARTHUR Toni | Musical Celebration Musical |
Everyday Adventues Of Hannah Handleman, The (Super Genius) | ATKINS Greg | Childrens comedy Youth audience |
Seven In One Blow, Or The Brave Little Kid | AXIS THEATRE COMPANY | Youth audience |
Man Of The Moment | AYCKBOURN Alan | Black Comedy Comedy |
This Is Where We Came In | AYCKBOURN Alan | Childrens Youth audience |
Tons Of Money | AYCKBOURN Alan | adaptation |
We Call Her Benny | BACHNER Suzanne | Play/Drama |
Devil In The Hole | BADGER Justin | musical |
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Homage To Catalonia | BAKER Allan J | adaptation |
My Father's Father | BALODIS Janis | Play/Drama |
No Going Back | BALODIS Janis | Play/Drama |
Season Of Choice | BANKS Nathaniel | Play/Drama |
Abominable Snowman, The | BANNERMAN Kay | Comedy |
Home On The Range | BARAKA Amiri | absurd Comedy One act |
Daddy, Dear Daddy | BARASCH Norman | Domestic Comedy |
Cottage To Let | BARBER Mary | Play/Drama |
Ten Dilemmas In The Life Of God: The Incarcaration Text | BARKER Howard | Tragedy |
Dinner With The Mafia,1940 American Style | BARTEL Robert | Comedy/Mystery Comedy |
Dispute, The | BARTLETT Neil | Translation |
Barnaby And The Old Boys | BAXTER Keith | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Gutted | BEADLE-BLAIR Rikki | Play/Drama |
In The Club | BEAN Richard | Comedy |
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Metropolitan Mikado, The | BEATON Alistair | satirical operetta |
Lucky Guy | BECKHAM Willard | musical |
Rain From Heaven | BEHRMAN S N | Play/Drama |
Man In The Dog Suit, The | BEICH Albert | Comedy |
Cold Sweat | BELL Neal | Play/Drama |
On Relative Ground | BELLEAU Lesley | Play/Drama |
Travelling Skin | BELLUSO John | 100-110 min Play/Drama |
Flying Feathers | BENFIELD Derek | Farce |
Enjoy | BENNETT Alan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
God Of Laughter | BENNETT Gordon | Historical Drama, 2 act One act |
Marriage, The | BENTLEY Eric | adaptation |
Poor Murderer | BERGHOF Herbert | adaptation |
Meester Amerika | BERMAN Jennifer | musical comedy Musical |
Day The Marching Bands Went Wild, The | BERMAN Mark | Comedy drama Comedy |
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Jump, The | BERNABEI Alfio | Play/Drama |
Zorro: The Musical | BERNHARD Jim | genre unknown |
Wundmale | BIGUENET John | Radio Drama |
Dublin Bloom, A | BOLGER Dermot | adaptation |
It's A Fine Life! | BOND Chris | Musical |
Egg Play, The | BOONE Brian | 20-25 min absurd comedy |
Dead Man's Chest | BOOTH Jack | Comedy |
Satellite Story | BOOTH Tony | One act |
Drunkard's Lament, The , Or Time Gentlemen Please | BOSWELL Jack | Melodrama |
Inconceivable | BOSWELL Laurence | adaptation |
Done In Oils | BOTTING Bernard | genre unknown |
Endymion | BOUSEL Stuart | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Frankie Four Wheels: The Musical | BOWLIN Graham | Comedy/Musical Musical |
Tights On A Wire | BRANT George | Comedy with Music |
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Hound | BRAY John Patrick | Dark Comedy/Drama Play/Drama |
Queen Of The Leaky Roof Circuit, The | BRESLIN Jimmy | Two acts Play/Drama |
Margaret, The | BRETT Bev | Drama |
Into The Fire | BREVOORT Deborah | Play/Drama |
I Gelosi | BRIDEL David | Comedy |
Company Of Angels, The | BRODY Alan | Play with Music |
Abominable Snowman, The | BROOKE Harold | Comedy |
Magic Slingshot, The | BROOKS Hindi | Musical |
Poor Mrs Pepys | BROOKS Vanessa | Historical Comedy |
Trip, The | BROUN Alex | Play/Drama |
Monsieur D'Eon | BROWNELL Mark | Comedy |
Almost Thirty | BRYSON Karen Mueller | Comedy |
Babes In The Wood | BUCKLEY David Joss | Pantomime |
Jack & The Beanstalk | BUCKLEY David Joss | Pantomime |
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No Alibi | BUCKLEY Donald | genre unknown |
Smitherens | BUCKLEY Sean | Play/Drama |
Fabulous Miss Marie, The | BULLINS Ed | Ritual Drama One act |
Cyrano | BURGESS Anthony | Musical |
Four On A Garden | BURROWS Abe | adaptation |
Room For Love | BURTON B J | Romantic Comedy - Full-length play |
Judith Of Bethulia | BUSCH Charles | comedy |
Person Unknown | BUTLER David | adaptation |
Loveliest Night Of The Year, The | BYRNE John | Play/Drama |
Exmagare | CAMARENO Joe | period drama. |
Pilgrim Project | CARBONE Dan | absurdist |
Friends In Transient Places | CAREN Jonathan | Comedy/Musical |
Best Laid Plans, The | CARMICHAEL Fred | Farce |
Robin Hood Caper, The | CARMICHAEL Fred | Comedy |
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In Circles | CARMINES Al | operetta |
Righteous Are Bold, The | CARNEY Frank | genre unknown |
Shadow And Substance | CARROLL Paul Vincent | Four act play |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | CARTER Anton | Play/Drama |
Little Lies | CARUSO Joseph George | a Comedy/Farce in Two acts adaptation |
Hyena In Petticoats | CAVALIERI Grace | full-length two acts Play/Drama |
Raising Cane: A Family Portrait | CEDARS Stephen | 55 min Piece |
Belz! | CERNY Pavel | Cabaret Musical Musical |
3 Kisses | CHAO Ray | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Dry Rot | CHAPMAN John | Farce |
Person Unknown | CHASE Olive | Mystery Thriller Mystery |
Cinderella | CHISHOLM Jimmy | Pantomime |
Another Season's Promise | CHISLETT Anne | Play/Drama |
Quiet In The Land | CHISLETT Anne | Play/Drama |
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Go Back For Murder | CHRISTIE Agatha | Mystery adaptation |
Verdict | CHRISTIE Agatha | Drama |
Give Thanks To Sarah | CICCHINI Emily Ball | Two act, 120 minutes Play with Music |
Candledancing: The Voice Of Julian Of Norwich | CIONGOLI-KOEPFINGER Coni | Play/Drama |
Death Of A Miner, The | CIZMAR Paula | Play/Drama |
Babes In The Wood | CLARK Steve | 2 act Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Burning Vision | CLEMENTS Marie H | Drama One act |
Meester Amerika | COLBY Michael | musical comedy Musical |
Songs Of The Valley | COLE Robert | Drama |
Colorful World | COMTOIS James | Play/Drama |
Let 'Em Eat Steak | CONKLING Louise | Comedy |
Homophobes, A Clown Show, The | COOK Susana | comedy. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Aladdin | COOKE Trish | Pantomime |
Red Riding Hood | COOKE Trish | Pantomime |
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Cash On Delivery | COONEY Michael | Farce |
Out Of Order | COONEY Ray | Comedy |
Woman In White, The | COOPER Beverley | Mystery/Romance |
Brief Encounter with MURDER, A | COOPER Peter John | Comedy murder mystery |
Tenth Floor, The | COOPER Sara | Musical |
Sunset Song | CORDING Alastair | adaptation |
Design For Living | COWARD Noel | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Wuthering Heights | COX Constance | Play/Drama |
Our Class | CRAIG Ryan | adaptation |
Soldier Soldier | CRANE Richard | Play with music |
Unspeakable Pleasures | CRONACHER Karen | Play/Drama |
I'm Getting My Act Together And Taking It On The Road | CRYER Gretchen | Musical |
Scouse (A Comedy Of Terrors) | CULLEN Andrew | Play/Drama |
Little Prince, The | CUMMINS Rick | adaptation |
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Hugely Entertaining | CURZON Daniel | genre unknown |
Mr Blandingsburg | DALGLISH Jim | Short film |
Graphic Nature | DAMIANO Daniel | Drama |
Who Goes Bare? | DARBON Leslie | Farce |
El Hajj Malik | DAVIDSON N R | 2 act Historic Ritual Historical |
My Piece Of Happiness | DAVIES Lewis | Play/Drama |
Barungin (Smell The Wind) | DAVIS Jack | Play/Drama |
Invisible Mending Company, The | DAVISON Philip | Play/Drama |
Wuthering Heights | DE ANGELIS April | adaptation |
Jenusia | DE OBALDIA Rene | Comedy |
Come Back Peter | DEARSLEY A P | Comedy |
Westbridge, The | DE-LAHAY Rachel | Play/Drama 110 min |
My Dearest Angel | DELDERFIELD R F | genre unknown |
We'll Be Home Tomorrow | DENFHY Wayne | Youth Play Youth audience |
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Lt. Deb Or The Man Who Loved Everybody | DENHAM John | Play/Drama |
Lords Of Creation | DENHAM Lilian | comedy 3 act |
Dark Hammock | DENHAM Reginald | Melodrama |
Priest And The Prostitute, The | DEVA Ramachandra | translation of comedy |
Black Powder (Estevan, 1931) | DEVERELL Rex | Musical |
King Arthur | DEWHURST Keith | Play/Drama |
Wuthering Heights | DICK Paul | Musical |
Dracula | DIETZ Steven | adaptation |
Paragon Springs | DIETZ Steven | Play/Drama |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | DILLEY Rob | Play/Drama |
Nice Work If You Can Get It | DIPIETRO Joe | musical |
Notions In Motion | DOBRISH Jeremy | Comedy |
Devil In The Hole | DODD Stephanie | musical |
Cat On The Fiddle | DOLE John | Farce |
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Singular Man, A | DONLEAVY J P | Comedy |
Stone Soup - The Musical | DOUGLAS Scott | Childrens musical |
House Of Frankenstein!, The | DOWNING Martin | Comedy Horror Comedy |
Down The Hatch | DRISCOLL Dennis | Comedy |
Dogfight | DUCHAN Peter | musical |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | DUNN Meg | Play/Drama |
Does Your Mother? | DUNNE Lee | Play/Drama |
Mrs Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge | DURANG Christopher | Comedy |
Deadly Nightcap | DURBRIDGE Francis | Thriller |
Next Time Don't Invite Me! | ECKSTEIN Zac | genre unknown |
Aladdin | EDGAR Kate | Traditional pantomime Pantomime |
Stag Night | EDWARDS Darren | Comedy |
Johnno | EDWARDS Stephen | Brisbane Festival 2006 and La Boite Theatre Company adaptation |
Mornin' Vicar And Dinner Is Served, My Lady | EDWARDS Tony | Play - One act, Comedy |
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Aladdin | EILER Jim | Musical |
Alice In Wonderland | EILER Jim | Musical |
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? | EINHORN Edward | adaptation |
Idiot Box | ELAYNOW Michael | Comedy |
Sun Aso Rises, The (The Select) | ELEVATOR REPAIR SERVICE | adaptation |
Matter Of Grave Concern, A | ELLIS Julian Richdale | One act |
Red Star | ELLISON Leslie | Short Play One act |
Idiot Box, The | ELYANOW Michael | Comedy |
Tenth Floor, The | FABAL J Sebastian | Musical |
Bat Boy | FARLEY Keythe | comedy Musical |
Ruckus In The Garden | FARR David | short play One act |
Tin Star Over Tombstone, A | FARRELL Gordon | Comedy |
Shanghai Heart | FELDE Kitty | Play/Drama |
Magic Slingshot, The | FELDMAN Charles | Musical |
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Come Fly With Me | FELLOWS M S | Light Play |
Seagull, The | FEN Elisaveta | Translation |
Doctor Thomas Neill Cream ( Mystery At Mcgill) | FENNARIO David | Drama One act |
Great Expectations | FIELD Barbara | adaptation 90 min |
Marriage | FIELD Barbara | adaptation |
Princess T | FIELD Ivana Jilovcova | Translation |
Rhymes, Reasons & Bomb Ass Beatz | FINLEY Harold | Solo Play/Drama |
Make Me A Song | FINN William | Musical |
New Brain, A | FINN William | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Flint Street Nativity, The | FIRTH Tim | Christmas Comedy with music Youth audience |
Brief Connections | FLASKOVA Zuzana | Play/Drama Translation |
Bat Boy | FLEMMING Brian | comedy Musical |
Speaking To The Dead | FOGARTY Sharon | Musical One act |
Trophy Wife | FOGLINO Paul | Musical |
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Valentine's Day | FOOTE Horton | Play/Drama |
Uncle Vanya | FORNES Maria Irene | adaptation |
Lanarch - Castle Of Lies | FORSTER Michelanne | Play/Drama |
Artificial Intelligence | FRANKEL Robert | 2 act Farce |
Winter Son, A | FRANKLIN-YOUNG (A.K.A. IFE) Gail F | Play/Drama |
Paradise | FRASER Toa | Drama |
Noises Off | FRAYN Michael | Comedy |
Uncle Vanya | FRAYN Michael | adaptation |
Postville | FRIED Don | Comic Drama |
Uncle Vanya | FRIEL Brian | adaptation |
Things That Go Bump | FROST Rex | Play/Drama |
Venus Observed | FRY Christopher | "autumn" comedy in 3 acts in verse Comedy |
Trophy Wife | FULHAM Mary | Musical |
Bright One, The | FULTON J M | 3 act comedy |
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Minneapolis | GAJDUSEK Karl | Comedy |
Spud Ferret And The Case Of The Missing Hypergyrocopter | GALLAGHER Jeff | Youth thriller, 40 min Youth audience |
Claudius | GASS Ken | adaptation |
Uncle Vanya | GEMS Pam | adaptation |
Currency Lass, The, Or, My Native Girl | GEOHEGAN Edward | musical play |
Something's Afoot | GERLACH Robert | Musical Spoof Musical |
Train Ride Away, A (A Holocaust Journey) | GIBBONS Frank | youth play One act |
Butterfingers Angel, Mary, Joseph, Herod The Nut, And The Slaughter Of 12 Hit Carols In A Pear Tree, The | GIBSON William | Christmas entertainment Comedy |
Extreme Unction - The Sublime Comedy | GILLARD-BENTLEY Paddy | 90 min. Historical Comedy |
Moving Bodies | GIRON Arthur | Play/Drama |
To Comfort Ghosts | GLASS Simon | modern parable Piece |
Beauty And The Beast | GLENNON William | Childrens play |
Hologram Theory, The | GOLDBERG Jessica | Thriller |
Turn The Gas Back On! | GOLIGHTLY Max C | Musical |
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Harvest Moon | GONZALEZ Jose Cruz | Play/Drama |
Jealous Cellist , The | GONZALEZ-RISSO Kico | genre unknown |
Will Wat; If Not, What Will? | GOOCH Steve | Historic |
Mandrake, The | GOODALL Howard | adaptation |
Portrait Of Elmbury, A | GOODLAND David | Play/Drama |
Irena's Vow | GORDON Dan | Play/Drama |
Doctor In Love | GORDON Richard (1) | Comedy |
Lend Me Five Shillings | GORING Marius | adaptation |
Away | GOW Michael | Play/Drama |
Curiosity Cat | GRABENSTEIN Chris | Youth audience |
Dracula | GREEN L A | adaptation |
Bad Seed | GREENBERG David | Drama |
Complaisant Lover, The | GREENE Graham | Comedy |
Speculator, The | GREIG David | Play/Drama |
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Cinderella | GRIEVE Ian | Pantomime |
House Of Baxter | GRIFFITHS Ridley R | Stage play 2 acts |
Marcus In The High Grass | GUNN Bill | full length Melodrama |
Wayside Motor Inn, The | GURNEY A R | Play/Drama |
High School Hindsight | HAAN Scott | comedy One act |
Case Of Alex Hansen, The | HAEHNEL Alan | 35-55 min Play/Drama |
Love's Old Sweet Song | HALE John | Play/Drama |
From Garden To Tomb | HALITZKA George | Drama - Interactive Theatre - Religious |
Dream Of Sussex Downs | HALL Roger | Drama |
Public Service, The | HAMILTON John James | Comedy |
Here We Go Again: 6 More Plays | HAMMOND Alaina | comedy drama |
Party Continued, The | HAMMOND Alaina | short play |
Stone Flower, A | HANLEY James | Play/Drama |
Castle Rackrent | HANRAHAN Johnny | adaptation |
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Nest, The | HARDIE Benedict | Contemporary Naturalism 90 min |
Changelings | HARDY Reina | Full Length Dramatic Comedy Fantasy |
Who Goes Bare? | HARRIS Richard | Farce |
Bartered Bride, The | HARRISON Tony | adaptation |
Curse Of The Spakhultum Mummy, The | HARTER Charles | Spoof |
Craic | HARVEY Kerric | Drama |
Miss Nelson Is Missing! | HATCHER Jeffrey | 60-75 min Comedy |
Rosie | HATHERLEY Frank | Musical |
Sherlock Holmes And The Curious Adventure Of The Clockwork Prince | HAUBOLD Cleve | Victorian romp with music |
White Sheep Of The Family | HAY Ian | genre unknown |
Missing Data | HEEBNER Amy L | Romantic drama / comedy |
Little Foxes, The | HELLMAN Lillian | Play/Drama |
Sky's The Limit | HELSBY Arnold | Farce |
Month Of Sun Days, A | HENHAM Peter | Full Length Comedy |
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Amityville - The Defeo Murders | HEPWORTH Craig | Play/Drama |
Me And The Man In The Moon (With Robert Page) | HEWETT Dorothy | 2 acts musical theatre |
Wire Fences Of Jarrabin, The | HEWETT Dorothy | Two acts Play/Drama |
Three To Get Married | HILL Kay | Comedy |
Day Of The Doodlebug | HILLIARD Doris | Play - Full-length, Drama, Romantic |
Enemy Of The People | HILLMAN Barry L | Play/Drama |
Our Davy | HILLS Richard | Play - Full Length, Drama |
La Bete | HIRSON David | Comedy in verse Comedy |
Second Death | HOLLOWAY Nigel | two acts Play/Drama |
Baby Farmer, The | HOOD Lynley | Play/Drama |
It Must Be Love | HOPKINS Raymond | Farcical Comedy |
Very Sad Story Of Ethel & Julius , The | HOREIS Vit | Play/Drama |
No Secrets, No Lies | HORTON Geralyn | full length drama |
In Transit | HOVERMAN Matt | Evening of 7 linked comic shorts |
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Balloon Goes Up, The | HOWARD Desmond Warwick | Farce |
Cabin With A View, A | HUDSON Dave | Musical |
Day By The Sea | HUNTER N C | 3 act play |
Picture Of Autumn, A | HUNTER N C | Comedy Three acts |
Red Riding Hood | HYMAN Robert | Pantomime |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | IFOPO Erolia | Play/Drama |
Tattoo Girl | IIZUKA Naomi | 70-80 min Seriocomedy |
Opera Comique | JACKSON Nagle | Farce |
Bell Witch | JACOBSON Tom | genre unknown |
Mr Thumley Takes A Trip | JAEGAR C K | Comedy |
Investigation | JAMES J W | 3 act Translation |
Yes Minister | JAY Anthony | Situation Comedy Comedy |
Dark Ride | JENKIN Len | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Uncle Vanya | JOHANSON Lynn-Steven | adaptation |
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Somewhere | JOHNSON Judith | Play/Drama |
Cries From The Mammal House | JOHNSON Terry | Play/Drama |
Second Prize: Two Months In Lennigrad | JOHNSON Trish | Comedy/Dram, full length Comedy |
Belonging Place, A | JONES C Robert | Play with Music |
Heart Of The Tiger | JONES C Robert | Play/Drama |
Spectators, The | JONES Evan | genre unknown |
Endless Adventures Of M C Kat, The | JONES Jeffrey M | genre unknown |
Prank | KALINOSKI Richard | Play/Drama |
Atmosphere Of Memory, The | KATZ David Bar | Play/Drama |
Fancy Meeting You Again | KAUFMAN George S | 3 act Comedy |
Labors Of Hercules Fitch | KAUFMANN Mark D | Comedy |
Ghost Story | KELLY Paddy | Comedy |
Laird O' Grippy, The | KEMP Robert | adaptation |
Bad Girls Good Writers | KEMPSON Sibyl | comedy |
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Tatau:Rites Of Passage | KIGHTLEY Oscar | Play/Drama |
Safeword | KIMBALL Callie | Drama/Dark Comedy |
Without The Prince | KING Philip | Country Comedy in Three acts |
Pendulum | KINGSLAND Ben | Comedy, Dramedy, Sci-Fi, Full-length |
Techies | KNIGHT Jonah | full length Farce |
Midsummer Vacation's Nightmare (One-Act), A | KOCHENDERFER Tim | 35-45 min Comedy |
Happiness | KORIE Michael | Musical |
Master And Margarita, The | KRAMER Sherry | adaptation/Music Theatre Piece with full score |
Company I Keep, The | KRUCKEMEYER Finegan | Integrated dance theatre |
This Much Of Me | KRUCKEMEYER Finegan | Integrated dance theatre |
Pity In The Clouds | KUHN Donald | Play/Drama |
Home Body/Kabul | KUSHNER Tony | Play/Drama |
Sir Dabney | LABOUNTY David | One act play (20 minutes - Middle Grades) Comedy |
Hello Again | LACHIUSA Michael John | Drama Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Wild Geese | LAKEVOLD Dale | Romantic drama |
Donalbain | LALLY Soinbhe | comedy One act |
Toad's Revenge | LANDAU Helen | Full Length Comedy |
Toad's Revenge | LANDAU John | Full Length Comedy |
Trial Of Marie Antoinette, The | LANGDON Peter | Play/Drama |
Faust, Part I And Ii | LANGWORTHY Douglas | Translation |
New Brain, A | LAPINE James Elliot | Gay/Lesbian, musical |
People Of The Empire | LARANGEIRA Crispin | full length Play/Drama |
Rent | LARSON Jonathan | 150 min Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Beehive State, The | LAUER Rob | Comedy/Drama |
Southern Christmas Carol, A | LAUER Rob | Musical |
Tom And Penny's Yard Party | LAUER Rob | Comedy |
Duck Hunting | LAW Alma H | Translation |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | LELISI Shimpal | Play/Drama |
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Little Birds Fly, The | LEMAY Harding | Drama 3 acts |
Great Gatsby, The | LEVY Simon | adaptation |
Relations Are Best Apart | LEWIS Edwin | genre unknown |
Cyrano | LEWIS Michael J | Musical |
Don Quixote | LEY Pablo | adaptation |
Homage To Catalonia | LEY Pablo | adaptation |
Something's Afoot | LINDERMAN Ed | Musical Spoof Musical |
Old Man Joseph And His Family | LINNEY Romulus | Play/Drama |
Unchanging Love | LINNEY Romulus | Play/Drama |
Dreaming Of Aloysius In His Search For God, The | LIPPA Louis | Drama |
True Adventures Of Pinocchio | LIPPA Louis | Childrens play |
Little Mrs Foster Show, The | LIVINGS Henry | genre unknown |
Blacken The Bubble | LOCKLEY Eric | Play/Drama |
Babes In The Wood | LOVESY David | 2 act Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
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Drac In The Saddle Again | LOVETT Steve | Vampire Western Spoof Spoof |
Prometheus Bound | LOWELL Robert | adaptation |
Friends Of Icarus | LUCKHURST Simon | Play/Drama |
Poor Murderer | LUCKINBILL Laurence | adaptation |
Bourgeouis Avant-Garde, Le | LUDLAM Charles | genre unknown |
All You Need | LYNCH John | Play/Drama |
Yes Minister | LYNN Jonathan | Situation Comedy Comedy |
Feathered Serpent, The | MABLEY Edward | Murder Mystery, full length |
Aphrodite/The Witch Play | MACER-STORY Eugenia | Play/Drama |
Double Or Nothing | MACER-STORY Eugenia | Play/Drama |
Fancy Meeting You Again | MACGRATH Leueen | 3 act Comedy |
God Wept And The Devil Laughed | MACGREGOR Justin | Play/Drama |
In The Eye Of The Hurricane | MACHADO Eduardo | Two acts Play/Drama |
Look In The Looking Glass | MACKEN Walter | Play/Drama |
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Traveller's Joy | MACRAE Arthur | Comedy |
Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 | MALLOY Dave | musical |
Shakedown Street | MANN Michael Norman | Musical |
Axedowne Mystery, The | MARSH Michael | Full Length Play/Drama |
Endangered Species | MARTIN Jason D | Play/Drama |
Awatea | MASON Bruce | Play/Drama |
Time Out Of Time | MASON Clifford | Play/Drama |
Playboy Of The West Indies, The | MATURA Mustapha | Play/Drama |
Wolfpit | MAXWELL Glyn | Comedy |
Horror! The Horror!, The | MAYHEW Jeffrey | 75 min horror piece |
Parlor Story | MCCLEERY William | Drama |
Tragedy of Clownbeth, The | MCCLELLAND Cliff | Comedy |
Tam Lin | MCCLERNAN Nancy G | Full-length comedy-romance Comedy |
Coming of Gowf, The (And Other Golfing Tales) | MCCLYMONT Ken | Adaptation |
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Something's Afoot | MCDONALD James | Musical Spoof Musical |
Round Jamie's | MCGILL Rachael | Play for young people |
Tartuffe | MCGOUGH Roger | Adaptation |
Morning, Noon and Night | MCGREGOR Jen | Comedy |
You Blew It! | MCKENZIE Piper | piece |
As I Lay Dreaming | MCKINNON Catherine | 70 min poetic realism |
Misanthrope, The | MCLUCAS Rod | genre unknown |
What An Exhibition! | MCNEILL Brian | Musical Comedy Musical |
Marvin's Room | MCPHERSON Scott | Play/Drama |
Reality Check | MEDBERRY John | Absurdism |
Everything Happens On Friday | MELVILLE Alan | genre unknown |
Love And Kisses | MELVYN Glenn | Comedy |
Lawsons, The | MEREDITH Gwen | 3 acts Play/Drama |
Heddatron | MERIWETHER Elizabeth | 65-75 min Comedy/Drama |
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Top Story | MICHAEL Sebastian | Apocalyptic Comedy |
All My Sons | MILLER Arthur | Play/Drama |
Consequences | MILLER Jim | Drama One Act |
Digital NDA | MILLER Jodi | One act |
Sneakers | MILLER Sunnie | Musical |
Devils Of Loudun | MITLER Matt | Adaptation |
Class A | MOIR Cameron | Play/Drama |
Visiting House, The | MOLLOY M J | Play/Drama |
Bat, The | MONKS Chris | Comic Opera Adaptation Opera |
Daddy, Dear Daddy | MOORE Carroll | Domestic Comedy |
Don't Bank On It | MORRIS Colin | genre unknown |
Wooden Dish, The | MORRIS Edmund | Play/Drama |
Rose and the Ring, The | MORRIS Peter Charles | Musical |
Roger (A Busker) | MORSE Ralph | True life drama with music |
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Trial - Part One, The | MORTIMER Felix | adaptation |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | MUAGUTUTI'A Mishelle | Play/Drama |
Uncle Vanya | MULRINE Stephen | Adaptation |
Explosion at the Happiness Factory | MUNCH Ken | Comedy/Drama |
Case For Two Spies | MURRAY John | Short play |
Uncle Vanya | MURRELL John | Adaptation |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | NANTSOU Stefo | Play/Drama |
My Flesh, My Blood | NAUGHTON Bill | genre unknown |
Trial - Part One, The | NAWRAS Joshua | adaptation |
Turn The Gas Back On! | NEWELL Neil K | Musical |
Poppy | NICHOLS Peter | Musical Parody |
Oscar | NISSEN Brian | genre unknown |
No Mean City | NORTON Alex | Play/Drama |
Spellbound | NOWRA Louis | Play/Drama |
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22 Anxiety Street /Stisnena 22 | NYKL David | Translation |
Pecker Dunne -Last of the Travellers | O'BRIEN Tom (1) | Biographical Play with music |
Departed | O'BYRNE Joe | full length Play/Drama |
Enjoy | OGAWA Aya | Translation - Experimental, Dark Comedy |
Bat Boy | O'KEEFE Laurence | comedy Musical |
Hughie On The Wires | O'KELLY Donal | full length Play/Drama |
Secret Garden | OLSON Thomas W | Childrens play Adaptation 90 min |
Oy Vay Maria | O'MALLEY Mary | Comedy |
Collected Works of Billy the Kid, The | ONDAATJE Michael | Play/Drama |
Beyond the Horizon | O'NEILL Eugene | play in three acts |
Secret of the Island, The | O'NEILL Seamus | Play One Act |
Dark Hammock | ORR Mary | Melodrama |
Stories In The Dark | OSWALD Debra | TYA |
Nightshade | PARKER Stewart | Black Comedy Comedy |
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Room With A View, A | PARSLEY Roger | Play/Drama |
Dogfight | PASEK Benj | musical |
It's Been Wonderful | PATRICK John | Comedy |
Awful, Horrible Tragedy of Enrico, The | PATTERSON Jeanette | 20-30 min Comedy |
Dogfight | PAUL Justin | musical |
White Sheep Of The Family | PEACH L du Garde | genre unknown |
Down To Earth | PEGG Eric | Comedy |
Lords Of Creation | PERCY Edward | comedy 3 act |
Killers | PERNAK Adam | Play/Drama |
Snow White and the Miracle | PERRY C Michael | Family Musical |
Turn The Gas Back On! | PERRY C Michael | Musical |
Lanterns on Lamar | PERRY Warren | Comedy |
Birth Of A Notion | PERTWEE Michael | Farce |
Lucy Parsons: Anarchist | PFLANZER Howard | genre unknown |
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Silver Dollar | PHILLIPS Mary Bracken | Musical |
Nickitos Kiss | PHOENIX Grayian | Gay/Lesbian. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
LIT401: A School Shooting in One Act | PIATEK Drew Derek | One Act |
Going Home | PLATER Alan | Play/Drama |
Little Donkey Rumba | POOLE Roger | Youth play, 30 min Youth Audience |
Parker | PORTER Hal | Play/Drama |
Digging Up The Past | PORTER Willie | Comedy |
Everyman | POST Douglas | Musical |
Gethsemane | POST Douglas | Musical |
Glass Cage, The | PRIESTLEY J B | play 2 act |
Horror! The Horror!, The | PRINGLE Stewart | 75 min horror piece |
Mr Slater's Parrot | PUGSLEY Julian | genre unknown |
Stand By Your Man | QUILTER Peter | musical |
Righteous Are Bold, The | QUINLAN Jack | genre unknown |
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Man-Child, The | RABIN Arnold | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Simas, in Chains! | RABORG JR Frederick A | genre unknown |
Skylark | RAPHAELSON Samson | Comedy |
Stone Cold Dead Serious | RAPP Adam | Play/Drama |
King Arthur | REAKES Paul | Pantomime |
Petticoat Fever | REED Mark | Comedy |
Carrie's War | REEVES Emma | Adaptation |
Linnea | REGIS John | Play/Drama |
Evil Dead: The Musical | REINBLATT George | Musical |
Seagull, The | REISS Anya | adaptation |
Hot And Cold In All Rooms | REITMANN Max | Comedy |
Le Lycanthrope | REYNOLDS Timothy McCown | Verse play |
Horror! The Horror!, The | RICHARDS Tom | 75 min horror piece |
Nicht o' the Blunt Claymore | RICHARDSON Alan | Full Length Scots Comedy Comedy |
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Matter Of Grave Concern, A | RICHDALE-ELLIS Julia | One Act Black Comedy |
Hinkemann | RITCHIE J M | Adaptation |
Angelica!. . .And The Monstrous Monster Of The Deep | ROBERTS Belinda | Childrens Youth Audience |
Hullawerr | ROBERTSON Kelso | genre unknown |
Phantom of the Opera, The | ROBINETTE Joseph | Musical |
Nicht o' the Blunt Claymore | ROBINSON Alan | Scottish Comedy |
Advance Man | ROGERS Mac | Play/Drama |
Universal Robots | ROGERS Mac | Play/Drama |
Absolute Clarity | ROMMA Sophia | Play/Drama |
Taste Of Freedom | RONALD Rolanda | 3 Acts Play/Drama |
Blood Wedding | RONDER Tanya | Adaptation |
Filumena | RONDER Tanya | adaptation |
Operation Knockout | ROTHSCHILD Kate | 80 min Comedy |
Gods Are Not to Blame, The | ROTIMI Ola | genre unknown |
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Parade Day | ROUECHE Terry | Comedy |
Another Season's Promise | ROULSTON Keith | Play/Drama |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | SAMS Jeremy | musical comedy |
Scapino, Or The Trickster | SAMS Jeremy | Adaptation |
Time And The Room | SAMS Jeremy | Translation |
Big Noise, The | SAMSON Leonard | Play/Drama |
Nest, The | SARKS Anne-Louise | Contemporary Naturalism 90 min |
Double, Double | SAUNDERS James A | One Act |
Little Something Before You Go, A | SCHAPIRO Herb | 2 acts Comedy |
Terezin | SCHIFF Len | Musical |
Burning Question, The | SCOTLAND James | Scottish / Black Comedy One act |
Holy Terror, The | SCOTLAND James | Scottish Historical Comedy Comedy |
Little Prince, The | SCOULLAR John | Adaptation |
6969 | SEAVEY Jordan | Play/Drama |
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Love And Intrigue | SETTZER Johanna | Adaptation |
Evaline | SHAHAN Harvey | Play with Music |
Christmas Carol, A | SHARKEY Stephen | Adaptation |
October | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
Seven In One Blow, or The Brave Little Kid | SHARP Randy | Youth Audience |
Mandrake, The | SHAWN Wallace | Adaptation |
Aristo | SHERMAN Martin | Play/Drama |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | SHERMAN Richard | musical comedy |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | SHERMAN Robert | musical comedy |
Metropolitan Mikado, The | SHERRIN Ned | satirical operetta |
Come Back after the Fire | SHINE Ted | Play/Drama |
Epitaph for a Bluebird | SHINE Ted | Comedy/Fantasy Comedy |
Bow-Wow Club, The | SIMON Levy Lee | Play/Drama |
Home and Heart | SISSON Rosemary Anne | Play/Drama |
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Musical Scottish Play, The | SIVITER Bill | Children's 1 Act Rhyming Musical Youth Audience |
Scottish Play, The | SIVITER Bill | Children's 1 Act Rhyming Play Youth Audience |
Second Class | SLAIGHT Brad | Full length play runs about 90 minutes |
Dick Whittington | SMITH Ethan | Pantomime |
Rubicon | SMITH Gene Franklin | Drama/Gay. - - Gay, full length |
Lazybed | SMITH Iain Crichton | Play/Drama |
Sweet Love Adieu | SMITH Ryan J-W | Elizabethan-style romantic comedy 120 min Comedy |
Sneakers | SOMERS Arnold | Musical |
My Three Angels | SPEWACK Bella | Musical |
My Three Angels | SPEWACK Sam | Musical |
Union Of San Franciscans, A | STAAB R C | Comedy |
On the Shore of the Wide World | STEPHENS Simon | Play/Drama |
Haunted Major, The | STEVEN Phyl | Adaptation |
Reunion at MT. Sanguine | STEWART Doug | 15 min Comedy |
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Crime Game, The | STEWART Maurice | genre unknown |
Contrast, The | STIMAC Anthony | Musical |
North Atlantic | STRAHS James | Play/Drama |
Toad's Revenge | SWAFFER Ben | Full Length Comedy |
Paka | SWIFT Tom | Devised Piece |
LIT401: A School Shooting in One Act | TASHJIAN Gordon | One Act |
Doctor Faustus | TEEVAN Colin | adaptation |
Don Quixote | TEEVAN Colin | Adaptation |
Sessions | TEPPER Albert | Musical |
Harbour | THOMSON Katherine | 2 Acts Play/Drama |
Babes in the Wood | TLC CREATIVE | 2 Act Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
Salvage Yard Revisited | TOSSMANN Juergen K | Play/ Comedy Comedy |
Womberang | TOWNSEND Sue | One Act |
Babes in the Wood | TRASLER Damian | 2 Act Christmas Pantomime Pantomime |
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Family Of Man | TRAV S D | comedy/drama with music |
Bring Back Doris Day | UDOFF Yale | Play/Drama |
Terezin | ULLIAN Peter | Musical |
Halo | URBAN Ken | genre unknown |
Tatau:Rites Of Passage | VAELE Joy | Play/Drama |
Love Song Dedication | VAGG Stephen | genre unknown |
Lost Illusions | VALENTINE Alana | adaptation |
Run Rabbit Run | VALENTINE Alana | 2 Act 150 mins Play/Drama |
Wuthering Heights | VANCE Charles | Adaptation |
April Is the Cruelest Month | VANE Norman Thaddeus | Play/Drama |
Crystal Chandelier | VER BECKE W Edwin | 3 acts Play/Drama |
Something's Afoot | VOS David | Musical Spoof Musical |
In Conflict | WAGER Douglas C | 130-150 min Docudrama |
Aladdin | WAKEFIELD Colin | Traditional pantomime Pantomime |
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Grave Case Of Murder, A | WALKER Aubrey Danver | genre unknown |
Fall Off The Ceiling | WALSH Denise | Youth play |
My Three Angels | WARRACK David | Musical |
On Track for Murder | WATSON Marion | Full Length Play/Drama |
Wedding Guest Stood Still, The | WATSON Marion | Full Length Play/Drama |
Love'em And Leave'em | WEAVER John V A | Comedy |
Be Good, Sweet Maid | WEBBER C E | Play/Drama |
Mortal Bard, The | WEBBER C E | Play/Drama |
GSOH! | WEEDALL David | Absurd Comedy |
Happiness | WEIDMAN John | Musical |
Sneakers | WEINSTEIN Judith | Musical |
Come Tu Mi Vuoi | WERTENBAKER Timberlake | Translations |
Diameira | WERTENBAKER Timberlake | Play/Drama |
Dispute, La | WERTENBAKER Timberlake | One Act |
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Hecuba | WERTENBAKER Timberlake | Translations |
Chicken Soup With Barley | WESKER Arnold | Play/Drama |
Motel | WEST Don | Play/Drama |
Barber Of Seville, The | WHEATON C Edward | Comedy, 30 min One Act |
Heaven Sent | WHELAN Rick | Play/Drama |
Ham Funeral, The | WHITE Patrick | Tragical farce Tragedy |
Cat And the Canary | WILLARD John | Melodrama |
Elvis and Juliet | WILLARD Mary | Play/Drama |
Family Dinner | WILLENS Michele | 100 minutes Play/Drama |
Under A Cowboy Moon | WILLIAMS Carl L | Comedy |
Country Dancing | WILLIAMS Nigel | Documentary Play Documentary |
Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore, The | WILLIAMS Tennessee | Comedy about death |
Face To Face | WILLIAMSON David | One Act |
Mulberry Bush, The | WILSON Angus | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Lion Who Wouldn't, The | WINGATE Gifford W | Musical |
Ten Lost Years | WINTER Jack | full-length musical adaptation |
Abdication, The | WOLFF Ruth | genre unknown |
Jack The Lad | WOOD David | Musical Celebration Musical |
Plotters Of Cabbage Patch Corner, The | WOOD David | Musical Play Musical |
Home Is The Sailor | WOOD Margaret | One Act |
Primrose Path, The | WOOD Margaret | One act |
Dear Miss Hope | WOODFORD Dennis | genre unknown |
Many Happy Returns | WOODS Jill | Full Length Comedy |
At The Black Pig's Dyke | WOODS Vincent | Play/Drama |
Old Poisoner, The | WORKMAN James | 2 Act Play/Drama |
Ruthie | WRIGHT David Anthony | Play/Drama |
Marvellous Party | WYNNE-TYSON John | Comedy. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Laurette | YOUNG Stanley | genre unknown |
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Uncle Vanya | YOUNG Stark | Adaptation |
Banished Children of Eve | YOUNGER Kelly | Play/Drama |
Maximilian Beetle | ZACHARKO Larry | children's play One Act |
Reverend Tartoofe, The | ZARKO David | Play/Drama |
City of Dreams | ZELLNIK David | Musical |
Metamorphoses | ZIMMERMAN Mary | Adaptation |
Bright Swarm of Beetles | ZOLIDIS Don | drama 115 min |
Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon, The | ZOLIDIS Don | full length comedy |