Plays in alphabetical order |
420 Meteres Below sea level | ABDULRAZZAK Hassan | 20 min play |
Cook & Insurgent, The | ABDULRAZZAK Hassan | 10 min |
Pragmatic | ABRAHAMI Arnon | Play/Drama |
Nazi/Jew/Queer | ACHTMAN Michael | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Glad Tidings And High Waters | ADAIR Aaron | Ten minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Question Of Taste, A | ADE Andrew | Drama One act |
Lighting Up The Two Year Old | AERENSON Benjie | Comedy |
La Commedia E Finita | ALEX David | one act play |
Jerry's Girls | ALFORD Larry | Musical |
Complete Lost Works Of Samuel Beckett, The | ALLEN Greg | Play/Drama |
Precious Stone | ALLEN Morgan | 90 minutes, no intermission Play/Drama |
Get A Haircut | ALLISON Hugh | Comedy |
Staying In | ALLISON Hugh | dark comedy Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!) | ALVAREZ John K | 80-95 min Comedy |
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Guys | AMBERLEY Liz | short play |
Hypothesis One: A Compound Reaction from New Zealand Samoans | AMOASA Fasitua | piece |
Little Jimmy | ANDERSEN Dale | Drama One act |
Lysistrata | ANDERSON Dave | One act |
Thieves and Boy | ANDERSON Davey | short play |
Real World | ANDERSON Ken | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Fallout | ANDERSON Kyle | One act |
Rattle In The Dash | ANDERSON Peter | Comedic Drama One act |
What I Heard About The World | ANDRADE Jorge | piece |
Lost World, The | ANDREWS Vicky | Play/Drama |
Lesson, The | APOSTOLINA Steve | Drama Ten min |
Over There | APOSTOLINA Steve | Drama Ten min |
Really Hot Island Of Dr Moreau, The | ARAGON Clyde James | Comedy One act |
Song, The | ARAGON Clyde James | Comedy One act |
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Noble Savage, Savage Noble | ARMSTRONG Bob | One act |
Tutor, The | ARMSTRONG Dave | comedy |
Blue Dragons | ARMSTRONG Gordon | Play/Drama |
Connoisseur, The | ARNOLD Anthony | Comedy |
Triple Espresso | ARNOLD Bill | Play/Drama |
My Neck Is Thinner Than A Hair | ATLAS GROUP | Play/Drama |
Bondi Dreaming | ATWELL Sam | Play/Drama |
Title Fight, The | AUGUST Ian | Ten Min |
Intelligence | AUGUSTSON Scot | Gay, full length |
3 Way | AVERITT Dan | One act. - - Gay, full length |
Haunting Julia | AYCKBOURN Alan | One act |
Singleton, The Medal Winner | BABE Thomas | Ten Min |
Troubadour, The | BACKIEWICZ Sebastian | short play |
Coq Au Vin | BAITZ Jon Robin | 8-10 min Comedy/ |
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Say Sorry | BAKER Alex | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Beauty | BAKER Allan | Drama |
Aliens, The | BAKER Annie | comedy Drama |
Club Beautiful, The | BAKER John Roman | Gay, full length |
easy | BAKER John Roman | One act. - - AIDS, one act |
In One Take | BAKER John Roman | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Pornographic Wall, The | BAKER John Roman | Gay, full length |
War Fuck, The | BAKER John Roman | Gay, full length |
Poor Dirty Harry | BALDWIN Nigel | 50 min cabaret One act |
Bachelor Holiday | BALL Alan | Comedy One act |
Reasons For The Fall Of Emperors | BARKER Howard | genre unknown |
Always The Guns | BARLOW Peppy | Radio Play , 30 min |
We're All Doing Time | BARR Jimmy | Comedy, 90 min |
Three Dogs Barking | BARRY Frank | genre unknown |
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Drop | BARRY Pete | short play |
Crass Reunion | BATTOCCHIO Roy | Comedy |
Two Men Walked Into A Bar | BAUER Monica | One act |
Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines | BAURIEDEL Quinn | Piece |
Spades | BEAVER Jim | play Ten Min |
Truth, Justice And The Texican Way | BEAVER Jim | short play One act |
Deserter, The | BEIM Norman | comedy One act |
Tinsel On The Tree, The | BEIM Norman | Comedy |
Curve, The | BEISSEL Henry | adaptation One act |
Buchenwald | BEJAN Cristina | Drama One act |
Love | BELBER Stephen | 10-20 min Comedy |
Steve | BELBER Stephen | 45-60 min Comedy |
Fuck Off! | BELL David (2) | Play One act. - - Gay, one act |
Raw Youth | BELL Neal | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
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Black Cockerel, The | BELLO Ademola | Play/Drama |
Shakespeare: As You Write It | BENNETTS Brendon | TYA |
In Your Image | BENSON Rob | Play/Drama |
Associate, The | BENT Simon | Play/Drama |
Handsome Is | BERGMAN J Peter | Play One act |
Actor's Lament, An | BERKOFF Steven | comedy |
Badin The Bold | BERMEL Albert | Translation |
Pitiless Policeman | BERMEL Albert | Translation |
Skate It Off, Bobby | BERTO T | political Drama |
Gang, A | BETZ JR Edward L | 10 min. Comedy |
Company Along The Mile | BIDWELL Tom Dalton | Play/Drama |
Abraham Lincoln Goes To The Theatre | BILODEAU Chantal | Translation |
Marriage - The Gay Way | BISTRANSIN George | short play. - - Gay, one act |
Duty Honor Country | BITTRICH Stephen | Fifteen minute play |
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Mime In A Box | BITTRICH Stephen | One act |
Brighton 'til I Die! | BLAKE Dave | Play/Drama |
Trips, The | BLAKEMAN Dustin Robert | 20-30 min Dark dramedy |
Homeland | BLAKESON Ken | Play/Drama |
Mercenary | BLAKESON Ken | genre unknown |
Law Of Return, The | BLANK Martin | full length Play/Drama |
Going Down | BLAXLAND Dougie | Dark comedy Comedy |
Lake Street Extension | BLESSING Lee | Play/Drama |
Roads That Lead Here, The | BLESSING Lee | 10-15 min Comedy |
Not A Game For Boys | BLOCK Simon | Play/Drama |
Voices From The Mosque | BLYTHE Alecky | short piece |
In Sheep's Clothing | BOGARD Jerrod | Thriller One act |
Prisoner, The | BOLAND Bridget | Play/Drama |
Black Mass | BOND Edward | Short Play One act |
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Wolf Of Chungshan, The | BOOTH Roy C | Childrens Youth audience |
I Want To Be An Indian | BORDEN William | 30 min One act |
Ah! But It Sings, But It Sings, Luveena | BOUTILLIER Fabian | genre unknown |
Breast Men | BOZZONE Bill | Play One act. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Touch Black | BOZZONE Bill | One act |
Device Out Of Time, A | BRADBURY Ray | Play/Drama |
Flying Machine, The | BRADBURY Ray | genre unknown |
I, Undertow | BRADFORD Blake | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Well-Laid Desert | BRANDES Walter | Comedy One act |
2½ Jews | BRANDT Alan | genre unknown |
Puff 'N' Blow Boys, The | BRANDT Val | Show |
Three Men In A Boat | BRANT George | Comedy |
Good God Enters Flossing | BRANTLEY J Stephen | Short comedy. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
eleanor's Passing | BRAY John Patrick | 10-Minute Play |
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Play About A Guitar | BRAY John Patrick | One act |
Diaghilev's Bag | BREEZE Tony | Natural Drama |
Place Where We Stand, Spion Kop, The | BRENNAN Craig | one act play 55 min |
Dog_eat_Dogcom | BRENNAN Patrick M | One act |
Christie In Love | BRENTON Howard | Play 11 scenes |
Billy Holiday | BRIAN | Piece |
Jack | BRIDGES Peter | One act Play/Drama |
Margaret Thatcher, Queen Of Soho | BRITTAIN Jon | short play |
Strawberry Fields | BROFSKY Kevin | Play One act. - - Gay, one act |
Tops And Bottoms | BROFSKY Kevin | Gay, full length |
Transfers | BROMBERG Conrad | One act |
Armistice Day | BROUN Alex | Ten minute play |
Prince Of Brunswick East | BROUN Alex | Play/Drama |
Southern Cross Swastika | BROUN Alex | Ten minute play |
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Un-Australian Day | BROUN Alex | Fifteen minute play |
Wall, The | BROUN Alex | One act |
This Time Tomorrow | BROWDE Abigail | Piece |
Samson | BROWN Arch | a play in the third person One act. - - Gay, one act |
China - The Whole Enchilada | BROWN Mark | 2h 15m, Musical, Comedy |
Croons, The | BROWN Nico | musical Theatre show for 4-6 year olds |
Gutenberg! The Musical! | BROWN Scott | Musical |
Groundswell | BRUCE Ian | Play/Drama |
Abandoned | BRUNELLE Jimmy | Short play |
Brotherhood Of Manns | BRUNN Kristian | genre unknown |
Soul Survivor | BRUNO Anthony | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Firebrand | BRYDEN David | Play/Drama |
Handling Bach | BRYER David | Play/Drama |
Human Button, The | BUCKINGHAM Geoff | 10 min play |
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Fuse | BUCKLAND Andrew | Physical Theatre Piece |
Artful Occupation | BUCKLEY Ian | 90 min Naturalistic Drama Play/Drama |
Influence | BUIE Paul | Play/Drama |
Salaam, Huey Newton, Salaam | BULLINS Ed | One act |
Smudge | BULMER Alex | Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Three Men In A Boat | BURBRIDGE Paul | adaptation |
Down Thru The Chimney | BURDINE II Warren | Fantasy one act |
Casting Shadows | BURGESS Mark | Play/Drama |
On Tour | BURKE Gregory | Play/Drama |
Great Hymn Of Thanksgiving | BURKHARDT Rick | One act |
Storm Still | BURKHARDT Rick | Play/Drama |
Three Pianos | BURKHARDT Rick | Piece |
Odd | BURN Garrick | comedy One act |
Rex | BURNINGHAM P | genre unknown |
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Loud Reports | BURROWS John | genre unknown |
Big Blue Bird, The | BUSHKOWSKY Aaron | Drama One act |
Melting Point | BUTLER Adam | Play - One act, Comedy |
Full Of Noises | BYE Daniel | piece |
Billy Holiday | BYRNE Grainne | Piece |
Writer's Cramp | BYRNE John | Play/Drama |
Krueger | CALHOON Zack | Suspense/Scifi Sci-Fi |
Match Play | CAMPBELL Chris | short play |
evening With Sylveste Mccoy - The Human Bomb, An | CAMPBELL Ken | Music hall entertainment |
Midnight Snack With Tom And Vincent | CAMPBELL Scottie | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
American Shih-Tzu | CAMPBELL Thomas Michael | Comedy |
Provisioning | CAMPTON David | One act |
One Giant Leap | CANNON Andy | Piece |
Hound Of The Baskervilles, The | CANNY Steven | adaptation |
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What I Heard About The World | CAPELA Jose | piece |
Dark Park | CARBAJAL Ruben | One act |
Sid Vicious Is Dead | CARBAJAL Ruben | Drama One act |
Henry Descending | CARDAZONE Rob | Dark Romantic Comedy/Gay One act. - - Gay, one act |
Recommendation, The | CAREN Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Death Blow | CARLAND Brian | Short play |
every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!) | CARLETON Michael | 80-95 min Comedy |
God Costume | CARROLL Daniel | One act |
Bernie And Clive | CARTOON DE SALVO | Devised Piece |
Irish Giant, The | CARTOON DE SALVO | 90 min piece |
Ladies And Gentlemen, Where Am I? | CARTOON DE SALVO | Devised Piece |
Meat And Two Veg | CARTOON DE SALVO | Devised Piece |
Cold Coming We Had Of It, A | CASNER Howard W | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Gentle Reader | CASNER Howard W | One act. - - Gay, one act |
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Little Lear And Laundry, A | CASNER Howard W | One act. - - AIDS, one act |
Waiting To Be Taken | CASSAVAUGH Ryan | Fifteen minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Rockin The Vote | CASSEL David | political comedy |
Security | CASTLE Mark | Drama Ten Min |
Orwell: A Celebration | CAVENDISH Dominic | adaptation |
Big Bro / Lil Bro | CENICEROZ Jonathan | Drama / comedy |
Bottle | CHAMBERS John | Play/Drama One act |
Coward | CHARLTON James Martin | Gay, full length |
Nanjing Race, The | CHEONG-LEEN Reggie | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Le Jeune Peintre | CHEQUER Brad | play One act |
Down And Alive On East One O Five | CHRISTOPHER Frank | Drama |
Timekeepers, The | CLANCY Dan | Play, 100 min One act. - - Gay, one act |
HeArts And Souls Bar, The | CLARK China | Play/Drama |
Dry Running | CLARK Craig J | One act |
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In A Pickle | CLARK Craig J | One act |
Black/White | CLARK Sharon | Play/Drama |
Pick Up Ax | CLARVOE Anthony | genre unknown |
Friday | CLAUSE Hugo | Play/Drama |
Virilogy, The: A Drinking Game | CLAWSON Ben | one act comedies |
Three Clowns In Towns | CLAYTON Syd | experimental Theatre |
Jerry And Tom | CLEVELAND Rick | One act |
Bazaar | CLIFFORD Jo | adaptation |
Gurus | CLIFTON Michael | ten min play |
Redeemers, The | COEN Ethan | 10 min |
Picture Of Dorian Gray, The | COGHLAN Alice | adaptation |
Tanglewood | COHEN David | One act |
Safeguard | COHEN Harold | 5 min Skit |
Medal Of Honor Rag | COLE Tom | Play/Drama |
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Rub A Dub Dub | COLE William R | Ten minute play |
Three Guys Naked From The Waist Down | COLKER Jerry | Musical |
Hackney Office, The | COLLINS Michael | Play/Drama |
Third Street | COLMAN Richard | genre unknown |
Will And The Ghost | CONDREN Conal | 50 mins One act |
Traveler, The | CONNELLY Marc | Comedy One act |
extrapolation Of Passion | COOPER Cynthia L | Ten minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Complete History Of World Rugby (Abridged), The | COOPER Greg | Comedy |
Death And Javier Miguel Lopez Guadalajara Asante | COOPER M Thomas | short play |
North Pole Winter Woes | COOPER M Thomas | short play |
Honest Abe Mazulu | COOPER Stephen | 10 min play |
Tree Boy | COPPEN Neil | multi media |
Complete History Of World Rugby (Abridged), The | CORBIN Jarid | Comedy |
Double Walker | CORNELL Mark | Suspense, 12 min. |
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Fan's Club, A | COUPER Matthew | Play/Drama |
election Night | COURTNEY Donal | Play One act |
Three Theatrical Dames | COWARD Noel | Musical Sketch |
Dwarfs, The | CRABBE Kerry Lee | adaptation |
Platformation | CRAWSHAW Tom | Comedy |
After Luke | CREEDON Conal | One act |
Guy Walks Into A Bar | CREEDON Don | Play/Drama |
Spirit | CROUCH Julian | Show |
For Reasons That Remain Unclear | CROWLEY Mart | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Writers Block, The | CRUZ Bob | genre unknown |
elephant Room | CUIFFO Steve | 75 min Comedy |
Anthems | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Bordertown | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Bowl Of Beings, A | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
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Mission Magic Mystery Tour | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Mission, The | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Nuyorican Stories | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Radio Mambo | CULTURE CLASH | Play/Drama |
Anthropos Or The Future Of Art | CUMMINGS e e | genre unknown |
Cruise , The | CURTIS Doug | Rock 'n' Roll Story Telling One act |
Celebrities In Hell | CURZON Daniel | Ten minute play. - - AIDS, one act |
Fool's Audition, A | CURZON Daniel | One act |
Last Call | CURZON Daniel | Twenty minute play. - - Gay, one act |
One Man's Opinion | CURZON Daniel | Twelve minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Streetcar Named Viagra, A | CURZON Daniel | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Tasteful Transvestite And The Three Bullies, The | CURZON Daniel | Ten minute play |
Buddy Pals | CUTHBERT Neil | 35 min One act |
Tinsel Man, The | CUTLER Harriet | 55 min One act. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Pint Of Stout, A | DAIRMAN Tara | Ten Min |
What Play? | D'ALESSANDRO Franco | Play/Drama |
Consequences And Their Side Affects | DALGLISH Jim | One act |
Surf's Up Guantanamo | D'AMARIO Dan | One act |
Standard Time | DAMIANO Daniel | One act |
Pier Pressure | DANE John | Play/Drama |
70 Hill Lane | DARTNELL Guy | Piece, 85 min Piece |
Caramba | DARWISH Adel | adatation |
He Ain't Heavy | DASHOW Ken | Comedy Drama One act |
Time Out | DASHOW Ken | Comedy Drama One act |
Current Season | DAVID Vanessa | play Ten Min |
Short Fun | DAVIDSON N R | Comedy One act |
Brotherhood Of Manns | DAVIES Luke | genre unknown |
Little Class, A | DAVIS Matthew ethan | One act. - - Gay, one act |
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Drown | DAVIS Stephen (2) | One act |
Mr Braithwaite Has A New Boy | DAWSON Steven | Gay, full length |
Drop | DEANGELIS J Michael | short play |
Legacy | DECESARIS Janet | Translation. - - Gay, full length |
Can I Touch You | DEFAZIO Alex | 10-minute, Drama, Gay Ten Min. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Word For Snow, The | DELILLO Don | one act play 20 min |
Finding Fossils | DEMARTINO Ty | Play/Drama |
Three Men In Search Of A Pair Of Shoes | DENTE Eric C | Comedy |
Brothers Of Thunder | DI MAMBRO Anne Marie | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Crescent Moon, Yellow Star | DI SUVERO Henry | Drama/social commentary with a twist |
Blue Hen | DILLON Des | Play/Drama |
Singin' I'm No A Billy He's A Tim | DILLON Des | Comedy |
Trad | DOHERTY Mark | Play/Drama |
Auto Auto! | DOLAN Mark | Play/Drama |
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Triple Espresso | DONLEY Michael Pearce | Play/Drama |
Mudlarks | DONOGHUE Vickie | Play/Drama |
Ticking (Fka Pot Play) | DORF Jonathan | Dramedy One act |
Pisces - The Cod | DOUGLAS James | Play One act |
Tricks Of The Trade | DOWGIN John P | short comedy |
Borderland | DOYLE Andrew | Play/Drama |
Mighty Carlins, The | DOYLE Colin | Play/Drama |
Kiss Me Nate | DOYLE Jim | One act. - - Gay, one act |
easter Eggs | DRADER Brian | One act. - - AIDS, one act |
Below The Belt | DRESSER Richard | Comedy |
Croons, The | DRURY Martin | musical Theatre show for 4-6 year olds |
Plague | DUCKWORTH Colin | Drama (100 minutes, 2 acts) adaptation |
Three Pianos | DUFFY Alec | Piece |
Waterproof | DUFFY Andy | One act |
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Monged | DUGGAN Gary | full length Play/Drama |
Burke | DUNFORD Caroline | Play/Drama |
League Of Gentlemen Are Behind You!, The | DYSON Jeremy | Pantomime |
League Of Gentlemen, The | DYSON Jeremy | Local Show For Local People |
White, The Gold And The Gangrene, The | EAGLETON Terry | Play/Drama |
Horizon | ECKERT Rinde | Play with Music |
Props | EDEN Mark | One act |
Ball Boys | EDGAR David | One act |
Concerning Faith | EDGAR David | piece |
Spinach And Chips | EGRESSY Zoltan | genre unknown |
Training Horses | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy |
einstein | ELISHA Ron | 2 acts Biographical |
Culture Shock | ELLIOTT Chris Lorne | Comedy |
Ledge, Ledger And The Legend | ELLIOTT Paul | One act |
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Jew Meat | ELLIS John (1) | Gay, full length |
Iz | EMANUEL Oliver | Play/Drama |
Commentaries Of Death | ENGLISH William S | One act |
exact Change | EPSTEIN David | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Punchline | ERICSON Ross | one act |
Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Cubs Win! | EROCK Mister | One act |
Running Funny | EVERED Charles | genre unknown |
Digging For Mercury | FABRY Andrew M | Ten minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Friendship Experiment, The | FARQUHAR Robert | piece |
God's Official | FARQUHAR Robert | Comedy |
Sink or Swim | FARQUHAR Robert | piece |
Get The Guest | FARRAR Robert | short play - twisted farce One act. - - Gay, one act |
Aeroplane Bones | FARROW Toby | Play/Drama |
Martinis And Midnight | FEEHAN Brian | One act |
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Popiscle | FELDER Louis | One act |
Fifty Year Game Of Gin Rummy, The | FELDMAN David | Drama One act |
Letter to Heiner Muller, A | FERCEC Goran | Play/Drama |
Riff Raff | FISHBURNE Laurence | Play/Drama |
Clay Continent | FISHER Bob | genre unknown |
every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!) | FITZGERALD James | 80-95 min Comedy |
Papar, The | FITZGIBBON Brian | Dramatic with touches of wry humour One act |
Slice Of Heaven, A | FLACKS Diane | Short play |
Boys | FLORENCIANI | Comedy |
Clocked | FLYNN Neil | Play/Drama |
One-Armed Man, The | FOOTE Horton | Drama One act |
Brotherhood Of Manns | FORBES Alastair | genre unknown |
Open Spaces | FORTSON Leigh | One act |
Chemical Reactions | FOSTER Andy | One act |
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Three Men In A Boat | FRANCIS Clive | adaptation |
Vert Galant | FRASER Jon | Drama One act |
Bridge, The | FRATTI Mario | One act |
Stitch In Time, A | FREDERC Barnaby | ten min play |
Feel Felt Found | FREDRIC Barnaby | 60 min Piece |
Patient 1 | FREED Donald | Play/Drama |
Veterans Day | FREED Donald | Play/Drama |
Americans, The | FREEMAN Matthew | Drama One act |
Prison Poetry | FREEMAN Papi Kymone | Play One act |
Writer's Block | FRENCH Samuel | Dark Comedy, High School, all Groups |
Hard-Boiled | FROCKT Deborah Lynn | Ten Min |
Master Harold And The Boys | FUGARD Athol | autobiographical play |
Sizwe BANZi Is Dead | FUGARD Athol | play One act |
All Things Chicken | GALACKI Julius | Comedy |
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Two-Man Kidnapping Rule | GALLO Joseph | Play/Drama |
Midsummer's Night | GAMBERONI Elizabeth | genre unknown |
Sandlot Ball | GARCES Michael John | 10 min comedy |
Aberrations Du Documentaliste | GARCIA-ROMEU Ezechiel | Puppet |
Follow | GARNETT Dameon | Play/Drama |
League Of Gentlemen Are Behind You!, The | GATISS Mark | Pantomime |
League Of Gentlemen, The | GATISS Mark | Local Show For Local People |
All About Men | GAVRAN Miro | Gay, theme/character, full length comedy |
Night Of The Gods | GAVRAN Miro | One act Drama |
Breaktime | GAWTHORNE Philip | short comedy/Drama One act |
Final Performance, Or, The Curtain Falls | GEORGE Charles | Drama One act |
Dreamland Waits For You | GERRITY Dan | 15 min One act |
Pitter-Patter | GIANAKOS Michael | absurd |
These Are Not Political Pieces | GIANAKOS Michael | Play/Drama |
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Three Flights Up | GIARNIERO Richard P | Play/Drama |
Clemenza And Tessio Are Dead | GIBSON Kate erin | 1h 30m Comedy |
Three Men in a Boat | GILBERT Craig | adaptation |
By Order Of Ignorance | GILBERT Robert | genre unknown |
Drag Queens On Trial | GILBERT Sky | Comedy |
My Night With Tennessee | GILBERT Sky | Play/Drama |
Ten Ruminations On An Elegy Attributed To William Shakespeare | GILBERT Sky | Play/Drama |
Men's Singles | GILLES D B | Comedy. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Mr And Mrs X | GILMORE Christopher | One act |
Heart Of Darkness | GIVE IT A NAME | Piece |
In The Penal Colony | GLASS Philip | chamber opera |
Fickle Fingers | GLINES John | autobiography One act. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Home Section | GLOWACKA Zuza | Translation |
execution At Paradais Island | GOLD Jeffrey | Play/Drama |
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Black & Decker | GOLDBERG Jason Aaron | Ten Min |
Dear Father | GOODFRIEND Michael | genre unknown |
Terminal Exit | GOODRICH Joseph | 30 min Play/Drama |
Untitled 2 | GORDON Jim | comedy One act |
Washington Schlepped Here | GORDON Jim | Comedy |
Andrew | GOSS Clay | Drama, 2 acts |
Homecooking | GOSS Clay | Drama One act |
Of Being Hit | GOSS Clay | Protest Drama One act |
Mozart And Salieri | GOSS John | Drama with music/translation, 15 min Play with Music |
I Told You, It's Morning | GRABER Sam | Drama ten min |
ernst | GRAHAM David Wesley | One act Drama |
Survivors | GRAHAM Richard | Ten minute play |
I Left My Heart - A Salute To The Music Of Tony Bennett | GRAPES II David | Musical Revue Revue |
Villainous Company | GRAY Amlin | Drama One act |
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Being Tommy Cooper | GREEN Tom | biographical Drama |
Clemenza And Tessio Are Dead | GREENBERG Gregg | 1h 30m Comedy |
Prime Angus Buttock | GREENLAND Gerry | Noir 10 mins Ten Min |
Betrayal, The | GREER Herb | Full Length Play/Drama |
Fun And Art Theatre, The | GREER Herb | One act |
That Other Thing On My Mind | GREER Herb | One act |
Coats | GREGORY Lady | one act comedy |
New Fire, The | GRELLONG Paul | 20-25 min Comedy |
Storm Still | GRICEVICH Andy | Play/Drama |
Yr Arch | GRIFFIN Helen | Dramau fer |
Wages Of Thin, The | GRIFFITHS Trevor | genre unknown |
Scrabble, Stamps And Goldfish | GRIM Johnny | Short play |
Stairway To Heaven | GRIM Johnny | Short play |
Thick And Thin | GRIM Johnny | Short play |
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History Of The Troubles, The (Accordin' To My Da) | GRIMES Conor | Play/Drama |
Black Aspirins | GRIMWOOD Darrin | Play/Drama |
Grand Divorce, The | GROENVELD Garret Jon | Comedy |
Superstition Mountain | GROSE Carl | Play/Drama |
Man In 605, The | GROSS Alan | Play/Drama |
Desire Lines | GURR Michael | Play/Drama |
Bedford's Sty | GUYTON Daniel | Ten minute play |
Auto Auto! | GWILDIS Stefan | Play/Drama |
Picture | HAILEY Oliver | play One act |
Divil Era | HAIRE Wilson John | Play One act |
Among The Oats | HALF Jason | Comedy |
Prisoner Of Love | HALL Richard (1) | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Danny And The Lions | HAMM Giles | Stage play One act |
Active Healthy Bonding | HAMMOND Alaina | comedy One act |
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Where The Mangrove Grows | HAMMOND Joe | Play/Drama |
Beautiful Deeds/De Beaux Gestes | HAMMOND Marie-Lynn | Play/Drama |
Art | HAMPTON Christopher | adaptation |
Hector And Harry In Helsinki | HANAGAN Jay | Ten minute play |
Misadventures Of Pope Awesome The Great, The | HANSEN Josh | genre unknown |
Loud Reports | HARDING John (1) | Play with Music |
Sick | HARRIS Christopher T | Drama |
When Harry Met Harry | HARRIS Larry Dean | Comedy One act. - - Gay, one act |
Flowers For Terry | HARRIS Paul | One act |
From Elsewhere: The Message. . . | HARRIS Zinnie | short play |
Great Macdaddy, The | HARRISON Paul Carter | Musical |
Snack Attack | HARVEY Lynne | Play/Drama |
In The Name Of The Father | HAVARD Lezley | Full Length Play/Drama |
Two Tribes | HAWORTH Steven | Tragicomedy |
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Hard Scrambled | HAY David Scott | genre unknown |
Immaculate Pedophiles, The | HAYDEN Bob | short comedy One act |
Killing Christopher Rhone | HAYDEN Bob | Full Length |
Play About The Boys And The Dog, The | HAYDEN Bob | Tragi-Comedy One act |
West Farms | HAYES Joseph Reed | One act |
Butcher Of Distinction | HAYES Rob | Play/Drama |
Lord Of The Burgeoning Lumber | HAYES Tom | Comedy |
Only Sing For Me | HAYES Tom | Play/Drama |
Drawer Boy , The | HEALEY Michael | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Game Of Two Halves, The | HEATH Mike | 80 min comedy. - - Gay, one act |
Necessary Sacrifices | HELLESEN Richard | biographical Drama |
Robinson Crusoe | HELSINGER Jim | 80-100 min Play/Drama |
Thyestes | HENNING Thomas | piece 90 min |
Hallo Hilary Mcnaff | HEPPEL Nick | One act |
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Bad Bad Jo-Jo | HERLIHY James Leo | One act |
Jerry's Girls | HERMAN Jerry | Musical |
Slam Dunk | HIBBERD Jack | One act |
Three Old Friends | HIBBERD Jack | Stage play One act |
Who? | HIBBERD Jack | Play/Drama |
Powerpoint Version 20 | HICKS Chris | Piece |
Confessions | HIGGINS Matt Crehan | One act. - - Gay, full length |
Storm Still | HIGGINS Ryan | Play/Drama |
No Man's Land | HILLS Mike | Drama, WW1 |
And Freedom For All | HINES Anne | 50 mins One act |
Do Not Pass Go | HINES Kim | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Our Present Needs | HINKLE Vernon | satire Ten Min |
But It Wont Lie Down | HITCHCOCK Geoffrey | One act Drama |
Brighton 'til I Die! | HODSON Paul | Play/Drama |
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Reflections Of Desire | HOGAN Stefan M | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
evidence For The Existence Of Borrowers | HOHKI Kazuko | Play/Drama |
Father Land | HOLDEN Arthur | Drama |
God's Pants Too Huge | HOLETS George | One act Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Curfew | HOLGATE Michael | Musical |
Old Comrades | HOLLES Robert | One act |
Strawberry Fields | HOLLINGSWORTH Chris | genre unknown |
Dark, The | HOLLOWAY Jonathan | One act |
Queer Fish | HOOPER Robin | Play/Drama |
Great Race, The | HOPLEY Steven | Ten minute play |
Fast Hands | HOROVITZ Israel | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Indian Wants The Bronx, The | HOROVITZ Israel | Drama One act |
Rats | HOROVITZ Israel | Drama One act |
Strong-Man's Weak Child | HOROVITZ Israel | Play/Drama |
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Two Gay Men And A Dalek | HOSKER Stuart William | Short Play. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
All For The Nation | HOSKINS Bob | Play/Drama |
Vin | HOUSE Stephen | Play/Drama |
Seven Stages On The Road To Exile | HOWARD Roger | One act |
On A Day In Summer In A Garden | HOWARTH Donald | Play/Drama |
Lost World, The | HULSE Toby | Play/Drama |
Faerie Liquid | HUSSEY Peter | Drama One act |
An Naomh Ar Iarraidh (The Lost Saint) | HYDE Douglas | TYA |
Anatomy Of A Spring Roll | IGER Arnold | Play/Drama |
Verdict Is Yours, The | IMAN Yusef | protest play, 1 act |
70 Hill Street | IMPROBABLE THEATRE | Devised Piece |
Spirit | IMPROBABLE THEATRE | Devised Piece |
When Am I Gettin' Me Clothes? | INGOLDSBY Pat | Play One act |
Carbon Fever | IRONSIDE Lewis | Play/Drama |
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Mere Mortals | IVES David | One act |
Old Soul | JACKSON Michael D | Drama gay One act. - - Gay, one act |
Three Women | JACKSON Michael D | serio comic One act |
Public Property | JACKSON Sam Peter | Play/Drama |
Beloved Disciple, The | JACOBSON Tom | Play/Drama |
Los York | JACOBSON Tom | Play/Drama |
Manolito | JAMES Eric | Short play |
Barbarians Are Coming, The | JANNUZZI Luigi | genre unknown |
Barbarians Are Coming, The | JANUZZI Luigi | One act Comedy |
Who Look In Stove | JEFFERY Lawrence | Play/Drama |
Hey-Ya Brothers, The | JESKE Joel | Piece |
Philoktetes | JESURUN John | Play/Drama |
Above | JOHNS Merryn | short play |
No Earthly Pole | JOHNSTON Fred | Musical Theatre Musical One act |
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Human Habitation | JOHNSTON Rob | 45 min Drama One act |
One Giant Leap | JOHNSTONE Iain | Piece |
Green Room | JONES Ash | Comedy |
Verses | JONES Cedric | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Blood, Shock, Boogie | JONES Daniel Alexander | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Superhero Complex | JOSEPH Elliot | black comedy Comedy |
Democrat Walked Into A Bar , A | JOY Jonathan | Short Play One act |
Anything Of Worth | KANABER Daniel | Play/Drama |
Farfetched | KANE III Thomas G | Play/Drama |
Duck Rabbit Duck | KAREKEN Jeremy | absurdist absurd |
eulogy Of Jacob Herman Garfinkle, The | KASS Jerome | Play One act |
Lennie & George | KATH Gitte | Childrens Youth audience |
Myron, A Fairy Tale In Black And White | KEARNS Michael | AIDS, full length |
Abide With Me | KEEFFE Barrie | Contemporary Drama One act |
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Barbarians | KEEFFE Barrie | Trilogy |
In The City | KEEFFE Barrie | Contemporary Drama One act |
Killing Time | KEEFFE Barrie | Short Play One act |
Sus | KEEFFE Barrie | Play/Drama |
Architect's Walk, The | KEENE Daniel | genre unknown |
Share, The | KEENE Daniel | 50 min Naturalistic Drama |
Three Legged Stool, A | KEENE Daniel | 15 min poetic Drama |
Flight Three Five Nine | KEENEY C H | Play One act |
What I Heard About The World | KELLY Alexander | piece |
Send Lawyers Guns & Money | KENNEDY Douglas | Play/Drama |
Scarecrow | KENNY Mike | Childrens play |
Prisoners | KENT Daniel | Short play |
Aeneas Faversham Forever | KER Humphrey | Comedy |
Orphans | KESSLER Lyle | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
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Archibald & Basil | KEYES Chip | Comedy |
Like Three German Devils, Three Doctor Faustuses | KEYES-BYRNE Will | Play/Drama |
Three Doctor Faustuses | KEYES-BYRNE Will | Short Drama Ten Min |
Proper Business Etiquette | KIMMEL Hank | Ten minute play |
Gesture of Concern | KING David | One act |
end Of History, The | KING Jamie | One act |
T Bone N Weasel | KLEIN Jon | Two acts Play/Drama |
Pride | KNOWN Jim | play One act |
Hypothesis One: A Compound Reaction from New Zealand Samoans | KOALE Beulah | piece |
Messenger, The | KODIAK Paul | Play/Drama |
Questioning Of Nick, The | KOPIT Arthur | One act |
examination Of The Whole Playwright/Actor Relationship Presented As Some Kind Of Cop Show Parody, An | KOTIS Greg | Ten page confection Ten Min |
Guys | KREUTZ Gregg | short play |
Jump/Rope | KUNTZ John | comic thriller Thriller |
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Anatomy Of A Spring Roll | KWAN Paul | Play/Drama |
Furies | LABUTE Neil | One act |
Piece Of Rope, A | LADENSON Michael | One act |
Chain Of Command | LAMB Robert Boyden | genre unknown |
Intervention | LAMBECK Mark | Ten Min |
Ninth, The | LAMBERT Christopher | Thriller |
That Serious He-Man Ball | LAMONT Alonzo D | Comedy Drama Comedy |
even The Nostalgia Was Better Back Then | LANDSMAN Aaron | Short play |
Final Play | LANG William | One act |
B'shalom | LANGSNER Meron | Play/Drama |
Godot Variations, The | LANGSNER Meron | Ten Min |
Bury My Knee At Wounded Groin | LARSEN Carl | Play One act |
Loss Of Memory, A | LAURENTS Arthur | Play One act. - - Gay, one act |
Fire In Da Hole | LAWRY Jim | Drama 5 min Play/Drama |
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Dirty Nets | LAWS Karen | Play/Drama |
Palindrome, The | LAYTE Henry | genre unknown |
Up And Coming | LAZAN Michael | 8-10 min Comedy/Drama |
Banking Regulations | LEE Brandon T | comedy One act |
Four Men And A Monster | LEE Maryat | One act |
Ayo And Ade's Big London Safari | LEE-FRENCH Segun | Play/Drama |
Human Error | LEFKOWITZ David | One-act Comedy |
Gus & Fred Smash The Tv | LEHMANN Harold | Piece |
"Slasher" Kincade | LEICESTER Chris | Play/Drama |
Stray Cats | LEIGHT Warren | Dramatic Monologues |
Friends | LEOKUM Arkady | Comedy |
Number Nine | LEONARD W Keith | Translation |
Jules | LEVESQUE Michael | Drama with songs |
Howard | LEVINE Mark Harvey | Comedy |
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Shakespeare Lives! | LEVINE Mark Harvey | Comedy, Ten Minute |
Hallo Hilary Mcnaff | LEVY Lindsay | One act |
What I Really Want To Say | LEWIN Alex | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Rust And Bone | LEWIS Caleb | Play/Drama |
Alexander And The United Snakes Of America | LEWIS Donald | comedy/youth |
Collision | LEYTON Dominic | 65 min Play/Drama |
Last Supper, The | LIITOJA Hillar | Play/Drama |
Dunny , The | LILLFORD Daniel R | black comedy |
Dirty White Boy: Tales Of Soho | LITTLEWOOD Clayton | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
. . .And Scene | LOCASTO William | short play |
end Scene | LOCASTO William | One act |
Ny/Xy | LOCASTO William | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
edwin Morgan's Dreams - And Other Nightmares | LOCHHEAD Liz | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, The (Abridged) | LONG Adam | Comedy |
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Unseen Friends | LONG Katherine | One act Comedy |
Whipping Man, The | LOPEZ Matthew | Play/Drama |
Swing, The | LUBECK Jackie | Tragi-Comedy for Youth |
Furniture | LUCASON Jim | Play |
Hey-Ya Brothers, The | LUECK Christopher | Piece |
Pig | LUSCOMBE Tim | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Fragments | LYDON David | Comedy |
elephant Room | LYFORD Trey | 75 min Comedy |
Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines | LYFORD Trey | Piece |
History Of The Troubles, The (Accordin' To My Da) | LYNCH Martin | Play/Drama |
Bread For The Table | LYNN Kieran | one act play |
Socrates and His Clouds | LYONS William | serio-comic drama |
Monica | MACAULAY Pauline | One act |
Messengers, The | MACAULEY Wayne | Full-Length 75 mins Play/Drama |
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Hong Resurrection, The | MACCALLUM Rhea | Comedy Ten Min |
Resurrection For Dummies | MACCALLUM Rhea | Comedy |
Whale Riding Weather | MACDONALD Bryden | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Adventure Of The Elusive Ear, The | MACGREGOR David | One-act Comedy |
Havana Is Waiting | MACHADO Eduardo | dark comedy |
2-2 Tango | MACIVOR Daniel | Play One act. - - Gay, one act |
Lysistrata | MACLENNAN David | One act |
Protect The Crotch | MACMILLAN Tim J | One act |
In The Sawtooths | MADDEN Dano | Play/Drama |
Accidentally Yours | MAGPIE COMPANY, THE | Childrens One act |
Something Goes, Something Stays | MAHER John | Play One act |
Strange Resting Places | MAKARAKA Rob | piece |
Goon, The | MALICKI Pete | Comedy Ten Min |
Interview With The Vampire-Zombie | MALICKI Pete | Comedy |
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New Inhabitant, The | MALICKI Pete | Comedy |
Three Pianos | MALLOY Dave | Piece |
American Buffalo | MAMET David | Play/Drama |
Dogmeat | MANDERSON-GALVIN Tobias | Play/Drama |
Heart Of The Land | MANNS Darren | Morality Tale |
Window, The | MARCUS Frank | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character one act |
Kibbutz | MARGULIES Donald | One Act |
Members Only | MARIANO Mike | Fifteen minute comedy |
Brack's Last Bachelor Party | MARKS Sam | Play/Drama |
Nelson | MARKS Sam | Play/Drama |
Jesus Christ Is A Communist | MARTIN Jason D | comedy Ten Min |
Hillside In Hell | MARTIN Maurice | Fifteen minute play |
Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, The (Abridged) | MARTIN Reed | Comedy |
Asphalt Green | MARTINEZ Rogelio | 10 min Drama |
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Illegal Entry | MARTINI Clem | Drama, full length |
Goose Nights | MARZAN Javier | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Blaggin' Bread | MASOOD Samreen | short play |
Evening With Mr Johnson (Gay Version) | MATTEO Michael A | Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Enemy! | MAUGHAM Robin | Play/Drama |
Billy Holiday | MCAREE Carmelle | Piece |
Kings Of The Road | MCAVERA Brian | Play/Drama |
Hitching A Ride | MCBRIDE Celia | One act |
Quietly | MCCAFFERTY Owen | 70 min one act |
Deal, The | MCCAMY Kate | comedy One Act |
From Paisley to Paolo | MCCARDIE Martin | short play |
Grand Canyon | MCCARREY Scott | Comedy |
Manawa | MCCASKILL Jamie | Play/Drama |
Knights of Doom, The | MCCLELAND Jack | Drama One Act |
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Reason To Stay, A | MCCLURE Paul | Play/Drama |
Fever | MCCRACKEN Dave | Play/Dram |
Brothers Size, The | MCCRANEY Tarell Alvin | Play/Drama |
Job, The | MCCREA Sam | Comedy |
70 Hill Lane | MCDERMOTT Phelim | Piece, 85 min Piece |
End of the Line, The | MCDOUGALL Wilbur | Comedy |
Home Sweet Home | MCDOWALL Alistair | Black Comedy/Farce |
Bob Who? | MCFADDEN Terry | comedy One Act |
Gone Fishin' | MCGINNIS Todd | Two Act Comedy |
Tent, The | MCGRATH John | One Act |
Someone Who'll Watch Over Me | MCGUINNESS Frank | Play/Drama |
Full Of Noises | MCINTYRE Gail | piece |
Easter Eggs | MCINTYRE Stephen | One act. - - AIDS, one act |
Seeing the Light | MCKAY Robert | Ten Min |
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History Of The Troubles, The (Accordin' To My Da) | MCKEE Alan | Play/Drama |
Standing Up | MCKENNAN Tom | Comedy |
Small Box Psychosis | MCKINLEY Barry | One Act |
Amuse Bouchees, The | MCLEOD Kate | Ten Min |
Big Ole Piece of Cake | MCLOUGHLIN Sean | 80 min Play/Drama |
Lone Star | MCLURE James | Comedy One Act |
PVT Wars | MCLURE James | Comedy One Act |
Traffic Stop | MCMORROW Scott | 15 min One Act |
1936 | MCNAB Tom | One Act |
Chocolate Frog, The | MCNEIL Jim | social comment One Act |
Old Familiar Juice, The | MCNEIL Jim | social comment One Act. - - Gay, full length |
Port Authority | MCPHERSON Conor | 15 monologues One Act |
This Lime Tree Bower | MCPHERSON Conor | Play/Drama |
Scenes From a Water Cooler | MEADE Paul | Play/Drama |
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Best Men | MEGGIDO Adam | Short Comedy One Act |
Hypothesis One: A Compound Reaction from New Zealand Samoans | MEREDITH Shadon | piece |
Seventy | MERRIMAN Brian | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Tumbling Down | MERRIMAN Brian | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Sorrows and Sons | METCALFE Stephen | Play One Act |
Jump Jim Crow | MEYERSON Henry | Play/Drama |
3 Way | MIKKELSEN Jon | One act. - - Gay, one act |
A BAcchae | MILLER Jay | adaptation |
Men In Suits | MILLIGAN Jason | Comedy Drama Comedy |
One Way Street | MILLIGAN Jason | One Act |
Still Here | MILLIKEN Paul | Comedy |
Facts | MILNER Arthur | Drama |
Zero Hour | MILNER Arthur | 75 min One Act |
Bovver | MINTON Roy | Teenage Drama |
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I Wish I Were A Cat | MIREN THEATRE COMPANY | 45 min Piece |
Marathon | MIRODAN Vladimir | play with music Translation |
Boys Upstairs, The | MITCHELL Jason | 1h 35m Comedy Drama |
Rappacchini's Daughter | MITCHELL Robert | Opera Musical |
Hit Me | MOENCH Anna | Ten minute play |
Strange Resting Places | MOKARAKA Rob | 80 min play |
Last Taniwha, The | MOLLOY Chris | Play/Drama |
Three Pianos | MOLLY Dave | Piece |
In Times of War | MOORE David Alan | full length Play/Drama |
Taps on a Keg | MOORE Jim | One act |
Street Captives | MOORE Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Magic Formula, The | MORRIS Sidney | Gay, full length |
Lightly Fry The Green Turtle | MORTON-SMITH Tom | short play |
Back Back Back | MOSES Itamar | Play/Drama |
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Forces of Nature | MOST Stephen | Play/Drama |
Man Bits | MOULDEY Rohan | Piece |
Gaugle Prix Town | MUIR Andrew | Play/Drama |
Waterman, The | MUIR Andrew | Short Play One Act |
What To Say (Glass Houses) | MULLANEY Tim | Gay, full length |
Just a Minute | MUNCASTER David | Short Comedy |
Out of Dead Air | MURPHY Mark | Play/Drama |
Strangers In Between | MURPHY Tommy | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Skeletal Remains of an American Indian by the Light of the Harvest Moon, The | MURRAY Henry | Drama (long one act) |
Touch It | MUSSO Joe | comedy Ten Min |
Take 2 | NALLON Steve | One Act |
All Clear | NATHAN Richard | Five minute play |
Empire Will Never Fail, The | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
How the Red Warlock of Charity Cove Saved Christmas | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
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Interruption | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
My Brother's Keeper | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Schrodinger's Cat | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Truth About Aliens | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Three Men In A Boat | NEILL Tom | comedy/Drama Adaptation |
Strange Gods | NEIPRIS David | One-act (full-length) Drama |
Jungle Coup | NELSON Richard | genre unknown |
Eagle Hills Eagle Ridge Eagle Landing | NEVEU Brett | Play/Drama |
Bike Wreck | NGUYEN Qui | 20-25 min Dark comedy |
Goose Nights | NICHOLSON John | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Hound Of The Baskervilles, The | NICHOLSON John | adaptation |
Peace For A Chosen Son | NOBLE Lloyd | Play for Schools One Act |
Too Much Too Young | NOLAN Anto | full length Play/Drama |
Do Not Pass Go | NOLTE Charles | genre unknown |
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Sizwe BANZi Is Dead | NTSHONA Winston | play One Act |
Funny (don't make me laugh) | NUNN Tim | Play/Drama |
Pischer | NUSBAUM Ted | Drama One Act |
La Fausse Monnaie | OBANO Rex | Short play |
Mad About The Boy | OBISESAN Gbolahan | Play/Drama 60 min |
King Herod Explains | O'BRIEN Conor Cruise | genre unknown |
Bottom Dog | O'BRIEN Tom (1) | Play/Drama |
Ryan O'Connor Eats His Feelings | O'CONNOR Ryan | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Lift | O'CONNOR Simon | One act |
Ring Of Men | OLIENSIS Adam | Drama One Act |
I Left My Heart - A Salute to the Music of Tony Bennett | OLSON Todd | Musical Revue |
Have A Nice Day | O'NEILL Tom | Play One Act |
Those Sick And Indigent | O'REGAN Alan | Play/Drama |
All That He Can Be | ORLOFF Rich | 7-9 min Comedy/Drama |
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Murray, Leo and Sol Rewrite the Criminal Code | ORLOFF Rich | 5-6 min Comedy |
Oy (part of the full-length play OY!) | ORLOFF Rich | 6-9 min Comedy |
Aidan's Gift | ORNDORFF Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Made in China | O'ROWE Mark | Play/Drama |
Disappearing Act | OSTER Michael | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Crossing, The | O'TOOLE Esther | Play/Drama |
Crazy Gary's Mobile Disco | OWEN Gary | Play/Drama |
Fuck Money | OYAMO Ujamaa | genre unknown |
Store, The | OYAMO Ujamaa | Guerilla tactics |
Surveyors, the | OYAMO Ujamaa | Guerilla tactics |
Hypothesis One: A Compound Reaction from New Zealand Samoans | PALAMO Max | piece |
Rocks | PALMIERI Marc | Play One Act |
What Lies Before Us | PANYCH Morris | Play/Drama |
Carpe Diem | PARADIS Philip | short One Act |
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Time Step | PARALLEL EXIT | physical theater Play/Drama |
Please Report Any Suspicious Activity | PARK Rick | comedy Ten Min |
Bell Ringers, The | PARKES J | Short play One Act |
Scenes From a Water Cooler | PARNELL David | Play/Drama |
Words, Words, Words | PARRY Pip | 8 min One Act |
Gate, The | PATERSON David L | One Act |
Bill Batchelor Road | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
Fairy Tale | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
Idol, The | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
Let Me Not Mar That Perfect Dream | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
Odd Number | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
One of Those People | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
River Jordan | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
Sit-Com | PATRICK Robert | One Act |
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Un Bel Di | PATRICK Robert | genre unknown |
Last Reel, The | PEARSON Ron | Comedy, Dark/Black Comedy |
Goose Nights | PEEPOLYKUS | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Hound Of The Baskervilles, The | PEEPOLYKUS | Adaptation |
Mindbender | PEEPOLYKUS | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Peepolykus | PEEPOLYKUS | Devised Piece |
League Of Gentlemen Are Behind You!, The | PEMBERTON Steve | Pantomime |
League of Gentlemen, The | PEMBERTON Steve | Local Show For Local People |
Blue/Orange | PENHALL Joe | comedy Drama Comedy |
Chasing Wade | PEPPER Cary | Play/Drama |
Dolly Gets Her Shot | PEPPER Cary | One Act |
House Of The Holy Moment | PEPPER Cary | One Act |
Head of the Family | PERGANDE Al | Comedy |
Capitalist Realism | PERREAULT Dale | Short Play |
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Played Out | PERRIN Mil | One Act |
Near Cricket St Thomas, 1919 | PERRY Nick | play One Act |
HOV | PERRY Warren | dark comedy |
Burlap Bags | PETERSON Len | Drama One Act |
Misha | PETTLE Adam | Play/Drama |
Signalmans Apprentice, The | PHELAN Brian | Play/Drama |
Offering, The | PIATIGORSKY Anton | Play/Drama |
Looking for Muruga | PILLAY Kriben | South African Social Satire |
Bus Stop Diner | PINTAURO Joe | Comedy Drama One Act. - - Gay, one act |
Rosen's Son | PINTAURO Joe | Comedy Drama One Act. - - Gay, one act |
Caretaker, The | PINTER Harold | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Dwarfs, The | PINTER Harold | One Act |
New World Order, The | PINTER Harold | Ten Min |
Known Soldier, The | PITCHER Jeff | Play/Drama |
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Kind of Vesuvius, A | PLOWMAN Gillian | Play/Drama |
Menage a Troy | POLITO Frank Anthony | comedy One Act. - - Gay, one act |
Dark Fruit | POMO AFRO HOMOS | Gay, full length |
Raining Man | PONKA Chris | comedy |
2008 | PORTER Phil | Ten min |
You | PRICE Lindsay | TYA Drama 10 min |
Plucked Peacocks | PROVENCE Jean | One act |
Dying is Easy | QUARRINGTON Paul | Comedy |
God's Man In Texas | RAMBO David | Play/Drama |
Traction | RAMSEY Erik | Ten minute play |
End of the Line, The | RANSOM Scott | Comedy |
Faust (Faust Is Dead) | RAVENHILL Mark | Adaptation. - - Gay, full length |
Guys | REBECK Theresa | short play |
Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The (abridged) | REDUCED SHAKESPEARE COMPANY | Comedy |
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Complete World of Sports, The (abridged) | REDUCED SHAKESPEARE COMPANY | Comedy |
Romeo and Juliet | REDUCED SHAKESPEARE COMPANY | short play |
Aeneas Faversham Forever | REED David | Comedy |
From The Journal Of Hazard Mccauley | REEVES Phil | Play/Drama |
Stavrogin's Confession | REGIS John | 60 min One Act |
Dumb Things | REID Robert | 45 min tragi-comic grunge |
Hypothesis One: A Compound Reaction from New Zealand Samoans | REID-MEREDITH Amelia | piece |
Enter at Your Own Risk | REILLY Terrence J | One Act |
Waiting on the Man | REILLY Terrence J | Monologue One Act |
Happy Hour | REITZ Daniel | Ten minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Love | REITZ Daniel | 8-10 min Play/Drama |
Season's Greetings | REITZ Daniel | Fifteen minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Turnabout | REITZ Daniel | One Act |
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Judas | RESZCZYNSKI Maciek | Adaptation |
Every Now And Then | RICE Jason T | Short play |
Strong Room, The | RICHARDS Ben | Thriller |
Feel Felt Found | RICHARDS Ryan | 60 min Piece |
Green Room | RICHARDS Ryan | Comedy |
Stitch in Time, A | RICHARDS Ryan | ten min play |
Lock Up | RICHARDSON Damien | Play/Drama |
Walking on the Moon | RIDEOUT George | Play/Drama |
Killing Neil LaBute | ROBSON David | Comedy |
Kidnapped | ROBSON Ed | adaptation |
On the Line | ROLAND Joe | Play/Drama |
Meyer's Room | ROOKE Leon | One Act |
History Of London Until It Got Burnt Down, The | ROQUES Richard | Play/Drama |
Mobile Thriller, A | ROSE Maggie | Translation |
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Meyer's Room | ROSEN Sheldon | One Act |
Waiting To Go | ROSEN Sheldon | One Act |
True Fans | ROSENFIELD Bill | Comedy |
Backstreets | ROSSI Vittorio | Play/Drama |
Little Blood Brother | ROSSI Vittorio | Play/Drama |
Moxie | ROTHERY Jason Patrick | genre unknown |
One Last Cigarette | ROTHSTEIN Robin | 12 min comedy One Act |
Blackening, The | ROTHWELL Paul | Play/Drama |
Strange Resting Places | ROTONDO Paolo | Play/Drama |
Bar Angel | ROUTH Lewis | Gay play. - - Gay, full length |
Eskimo Trance | ROWDON Maurice | Comedy |
My Fellow Creatures | RUBENFIELD Sheldon | genre unknown |
Hamlet in Hiding | RUBIN Rich | 10-minute comedy |
Main Line | RUSH Catherine | full length Play/Drama |
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Tuesday in Jersey | RUSSO Dennis | comedy One Act |
Three Legged Fool, The | RYAN Anthony | full length Play/Drama |
Indian | RYGA George | stage play One Act |
Ploughmen Of the Glacier | RYGA George | Two Act Drama |
Jew Meat | SADOWNICK Douglas | Gay, full length |
Guys | SAGAL Peter | short play |
Moscow | SALAMONE Nick | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
A BAcchae | SALISBURY Corinne | adaptation |
Goose Nights | SAM David | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Feel Felt Found | SAMPSON Nic | 60 min Piece |
Green Room | SAMPSON Nic | Comedy |
Stitch in Time, A | SAMPSON Nic | ten min play |
Trafficking In Broken Hearts | SANCHEZ Edwin | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
It's The End Of The World As We Know It | SANDER Carl | Ten minute play |
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Temptations of the Father | SANDERS D J | Two Act Drama |
Goose Nights | SANDLING Mary | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Camp Neoconnie | SAUNDERS Mark | genre unknown |
Flushed | SAUNDERS Mark | Twenty minute play |
Kikia Te Poa | SAVILLE Matthew | Play/Drama |
Annihilation Point, The | SAWICKI Tim | Play/Drama |
PC Plod | SCAFFOLD, THE | Play/Drama |
Ubykh | SCARDIFIELD Simon | short play |
i google myself | SCHAFER Jason | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Complete Lost Works Of Samuel Beckett, The | SCHEIDER Ben | Play/Drama |
Taking Stock | SCHOTTER Richard | Comedy |
And Freedom For All | SCHROETER Edward | 50 mins One Act |
Fire in the Stable | SCHROETER Edward | 70 mins One Act |
Gift | SCHULTZ Mark | Play/Drama |
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Threesome Without Simone | SCHWANK Chloe | Translation |
Spy Garbo | SCHWARTZ Shelia | multimedia play |
Dead Or In Bournemouth | SCOTT James | comedy with music One Act |
Miser, The | SCOTT Virginia | Play/Drama |
EN-GER-LAND | SCREWED AND CLUED | genre unknown |
NOW/HERE | SCREWED AND CLUED | genre unknown |
Trench | SCREWED AND CLUED | genre unknown |
Stretch of Canvas, A | SCULLY Kevin | Play/Drama |
Eunuchs | SENDROW Michael | Play/Drama |
This Chord and Others | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
With Improvements by the Actors | SHEA Ann Marie | Ten Min |
League Of Gentlemen Are Behind You!, The | SHEARSMITH Reece | Pantomime |
League of Gentlemen, The | SHEARSMITH Reece | Local Show For Local People |
Fight Or Flight | SHELLEY Peter | Drama Ten Min |
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4-H Club | SHEPARD Sam | One Act |
Blue Bitch | SHEPARD Sam | Short Play One Act |
Little Ocean | SHEPARD Sam | One Act |
Mind That 'tis My Brother | SHORTLAND Gaye | Adaptation |
The People! The People! The People! | SHPILBERG Nikita | short play |
Burke | SIEGE PERILOUS | Play/Drama |
And Humbaba Came From His Strong House of Cedar | SILVERMAN Jen | Play/Drama |
Education of Macoloco, The | SILVERMAN Jen | short play |
Murugan Un-Tells | SILVERMAN Jen | ten min |
Jew Meat | SILVERSTEIN Matt | Gay, full length |
Have a Nice Day | SILVERSTEIN Shel | Play One Act |
This Time Tomorrow | SILVERSTONE Michael | Piece |
Old Clown Wanted | SINCLAIR Alison | Translation |
Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (Abridged) | SINGER Daniel | Comedy |
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Loud Reports | SKELLERN Peter | genre unknown |
Saturday Night At The Palace | SLABOLEPSZY Paul | 90 min Play/Drama |
Joe & I | SLADE Laurie | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Star Attraction | SMITH Dave | One Act |
Standing In The Gap | SMITH Val | Drama One Act |
Danny's Bet | SMITH Vernon Cole | Drama One Act |
Porn Queen of Park Avenue, The | SMITH Vernon Cole | Drama One Act |
Trio | SMITH-SOTO Mark | Ten minute play |
Keeper | SNELL Steven | Play/Drama |
Carbon Fever | SNELSON Chris | Comedy |
Bitter Taste, A | SNIPES Kevin Christopher | full length Play/Drama. - - Gay, one act |
Elephant Room | SOBELLE Geoff | 75 min Comedy |
Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines Machines | SOBELLE Geoff | Piece |
Sixteen Bars | SOETE George | One act |
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Joe's Story | SOMERVILLE Dora | genre unknown |
Number Nine | SORIA Mario T | Translation |
Complete History of World Rugby (abridged), The | SPARGO Andie | Comedy |
Nigger Wetback Chink | SPEAK THEATER ARTS | genre unknown |
Sudden Devotion | SPENCER Stuart | genre unknown |
Don Quixote | SPERINCK Jim | Play - Full Length, Drama |
Three Men in a Boat | SPERINCK Jim | Play - Full Length, Comedy |
Games, The | SPIKE THEATRE | piece |
Fire And Water | SPILIOTI Chyssa | Play/Drama |
If The Cap fits | STALHAM Dean | Short Play |
"M" Word, The | STEELSMITH Mary | Ten minute play |
True Blue | STEELSMITH Mary | genre unknown |
Benito | STERNFIELD Allen | Black Comedy Comedy |
Meeting, The | STETSON Jeffrey | Play/Drama |
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Third Pulpit, The | STEVER Ed | genre unknown |
Heroes | STOPPARD Tom | Adaptation |
Closet, The | STRATFORD Aoise | Gay, one act |
Our Lady of the Sea | STRATFORD Aoise | Short Play One Act |
Will And The Ghost | STRATFORD Aoise | 50 mins One Act |
Gary Oldman Fanclub, The | STRATFORD Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Triple Espresso | STROMBERG Bob | Play/Drama |
Guys | STROPPEL Frederick | short play |
Space Cowboys Hitching a Ride to a Ranch on Mars | STUART Steven | Short play |
In Spite of Everything | SUICIDE KINGS | genre unknown |
Powerpoint Version 20 | SUTHERLAND Ross | Piece |
Ashrak The Food Taster | SUTHERS Trevor | 15 min play |
Boys Are Back In Town, The | SUTHERS Trevor | genre unknown |
Sick Transit | SWEENEY Jim | Comedy |
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Bookmarks For Vernon | SWEENEY Roger | Play/Drama |
Something Truly Monstrous | TABNICK Jeff | One act |
Left Behind | TANCREDI Dominic R | Ten minute play |
Friar Falstaff | TASCA Jules | comedy Short Play |
Support Your Local Police | TASCA Jules | Short Play, Satire/Political Satire |
Masked | TAUB Michael | Translation |
Overspill | TAYLOR Ali | Play/Drama |
Toronto at Dreamer's Rock | TAYLOR Drew Hayden | Comedy Drama One Act |
Renaissance | TAYLOR George | Play/Drama |
Margaret Thatcher, Queen Of Soho | TEDFORD Matthew | short play |
Kingdom, The | TEEVAN Colin | Play/Drama |
Trotter | TERRELL Vincent | One Act |
Keep Tightly Closed in a Cool Dry Place | TERRY Megan | One Act |
Rat Run, The | TERSON Peter | genre unknown |
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Among Friends | THATCHER Kristine | Play/Drama |
Minute Too Late, A | THEATRE DE COMPLICITE | Piece |
Homage to Morandi | THEATRE OF MISTAKES | Performance Art |
Song From A Forgotten City | THOMAS Ed | Play/Drama |
Depend On Me | THOMAS Jeffrey | Drama |
Gunsmoke | THOMAS Jeffrey | Comedy |
Interview, The | THOMAS Thorn | Play/Drama |
Complete Lost Works Of Samuel Beckett, The | THOMPSON Danny | Play/Drama |
Bible Salesman, The | THOMPSON Jay | Musical |
Last Summer In Chulimsk | THOMPSON Paul | Soviet Drama Translation |
What I Heard About the World | THORPE Chris | piece |
70 Hill Lane | TIPLADY Steve | Piece, 85 min Piece |
Solace | TISE Rhiannon | Play/Drama |
Dream Bridge | TKACZ Virlana | piece 55 min |
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Two Clowns | TOBIN Scott | Comedy |
Blowing Whistles | TODD Matthew | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Little Bears | TOLES Jartu Gallashaw | Translation |
Answers | TOPOR Tom | Drama One Act |
Surviving Billyboy | TOSCANO Bill | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Fall Seasons | TOWER Michael Thomas | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Pull of Paradise, The | TOWER Michael Thomas | Lesbian, one act |
Are They All Like That? | TOWNS Otis | One Act |
Three Sons | TRASLER Damian | Ten Min |
Nihils, Or The Performance Artist | TRAV S D | comedy/experimental Comedy |
Smile | TREVES Simon | short play |
Forbidden | TRIGGS Jason | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
3 Way | TRONES John | One act. - - Gay, full length |
One Giant Leap | TROUTON David | Piece |
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Aeneas Faversham Forever | TUCK Thom | Comedy |
Proverbial Closet | TUNKS Wayne | short play |
Goose Nights | TUNSTALL Darren | physical theatre comedy Piece |
Die Verdammten und die Erretteten | TURCO Raymond | Drama |
Three Cups, The | UNEL Sinan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
On A Day In Summer In A Garden | URQUART Mark | Play/Drama |
Jungle | USNER David | Five minute play |
Paradise Is Closing Down (Revisited) | UYS Pieter-Dirk | Play/Drama |
Moon Babies | VAN DER WERF Patrick | 2 Act 60 mins Comedy |
Guys Dreamin' | VAN ITALLIE Jean-Claude | monologues for three actors |
Boardwalk | VANCOURT Randy | Musical |
Yes, We're Dandy! | VETTER Jean | 5 min Comedy |
Daddy | VIA Daniel | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
All Boys School of Ballet Presents Robin Hood | VICK Jonathan M | Comedy |
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Angel of Mercy | VITATOE Dana | One-Act Drama |
Dyslexic Duel, The | VITATOE Dana | One-Page Comedy |
Wolf Dreams | VITATOE Dana | One-Page Comedy |
Northern Song | VOADEN Herman | Play/Drama |
Unfunny Comedy, An | VODICKA Matthew S | genre unknown |
Auto Auto! | VON RICHTHOFEN Christian | Play/Drama |
Sound Cues | VUKADINOVICH Michael | Comedy One Act |
Muscle | WAINWRIGHT Tom | one act comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Aisle 17B | WALCH John | 10-12 min Political Drama/comedy |
War Boys, The | WALLACE Naomi | Play/Drama |
What I Heard About the World | WALTON Rachel | piece |
Long Black Coat | WATERS John | Play/Drama |
Gambler, The | WATSON Doc | Play/Drama |
Well and Badly Loved, The | WEBB Ben | trilogy of short plays. - - Gay, one act |
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Scratched Record | WEBB Derek | One Act short play |
Hot Steams | WEGNER Zach | Play/Drama |
Speaking Parts | WEIKEL Chris | Short Comedy Ten Min |
Get Used To it | WEINBERG Tom Wilson | Musical/revue, 75 min. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
3 Guys in Drag Selling Their Stuff | WELLS Edward Crosby | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Leaving Tampa | WELLS Edward Crosby | Drama One Act. - - Gay, one act |
Brief History Of Technology, A | WELLS Michael Louis | Comedy |
Importance Of Being Alfred, The | WELSH Louise | short play. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Nottingham Captain, The: A Moral for Narrator and Orchestra | WESKER Arnold | Moral for Narrator, Voices and Orchestra |
Sir Dave in the Time of Dragons | WEST Carolyn | Ten minute play |
Playing for the Other Team | WEST Dan | genre unknown |
Monkey | WEST Michael | Physical/Devised Theatre One Act |
No Good Deed | WESTBROOK Mark | Play/Drama |
So Close to Home | WHEATLEY Mark | Play/Drama |
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Dinosaur Dreams | WIDDICOMBE David | Play/Drama |
Torrez | WILDING Ian | Play/Drama |
Exit Lines | WILLETT Frederick John | Black Comedy Comedy |
Travis in the Trees | WILLIAMS A Zell | short play |
Another Turn of the Scrooge | WILLIAMS Carl L | genre unknown |
Dark Twist | WILLIAMS Philip Middleton | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Caramba | WILLIAMS Phillip | Adatation |
No Remission | WILLIAMS Rod | Play/Drama |
Slow Time | WILLIAMS Roy | Youth Audiences |
Souls | WILLIAMS Roy | Play/Drama |
Arkadelphia | WILLIAMS Samuel Brett | short 35-40 min comedy Drama |
Measure My Measure | WILLIAMS Ted | comedy One act. - - Gay, one act |
Escape | WILLIAMS Tennessee | play One Act |
Last Of My Solid Gold Watches | WILLIAMS Tennessee | Play One Act |
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You've Got to Get on Jack | WILLIAMSON David | Play/Drama |
Lower Ninth | WILLIMON Beau | Play/Drama |
Men Without Dates | WILLIS Jane | Play One Act |
Falling So Slowly | WILLIS Steve | full length comedy Drama Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Goodnight Professor Broadway | WILLIS Steve | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Passing Ceremonies | WILLIS Steve | Fantasy. - - Gay, full length |
Master's Boy, The | WILLMOTT Phil | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Hell and Back | WILNER Sheri | 15-20 min Play/Drama |
Very Happy Christmas, A | WILSON A C | Christmas Drama |
Outside The Box | WILSON Bo | short/one-act Drama One Act |
Afterlife Of Shoes | WILSON Tim | genre unknown |
Queen Is Dead, The | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (Abridged) | WINFIELD Jess | Comedy |
Me, My Friend and the End | WOLFGRAM EVANS Noel K | Comedy |
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Beyond The Yellow Brick Road | WOOD John Lisbon | Play/Drama |
Bereft | WOODS Nick | One act. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Wilfred | WOODWARD Peter | Play/Drama |
Jennifer's Wedding | WRIGHT A Colin | comedy One Act |
Marathon | WRIGHT Barbara | play with music Translation |
Lady | WRIGHT Craig | Play/Drama |
Unseen, The | WRIGHT Craig | 80-85 min Play/Drama |
Powerpoint Version 20 | WRIGHT Luke | Piece |
Ladies Night | WRIGHT Rebecca | comedy Ten Min |
In The Penal Colony | WURLITZER Rudolph | chamber opera |
Come In, Mr Spartacus, Your Time Is Up! | WYATT Stephen | satirical comedy One Act |
Visigoth By Any Other Name, A | WYATT Stephen | satirical comedy One Act |
Salaam, Huey Newton, Salaam | X Marvin | One Act |
Mates | YAGED Kim | gay of interest Ten Min. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Three Not So Wise Men, The | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy Ten Min |
Who's On The Left At Wrigley | YOUNG Gary | Ten minute play |
Coors Light, The | ZAGONE Nick | Comedy Ten Min |
Karmic Thunder | ZELLNIK David | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Radnevsky's Real Magic | ZIMET Paul | Play/Drama |
Sick Day | ZORN G William | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
In the Penal Colony | ZUABI Amir Nizar | adaptation |