Plays in alphabetical order |
. . .Like A Fishbone. . . | WEIGH Anthony | Play/Drama |
3 Women | TIFFOU Solvene | Translation |
A B C | BRAMM Leslie | Black comedy |
ABC's of Dating, The | LEGHORN V B | One Act |
Act Of Ruth, An | ORTON Kimberley | Play/Drama |
Act of Will, An | WESSBECHER Grace | Full length. Two acts. |
After Charlotte | HINKLE Vernon | comedy drama One Act |
After Day One | MACKELDEN Hilary | genre unknown |
Agnes Of God | PIELMEIER John | Play/Drama |
Albino Black Jewish Lesbians on Zoloft | KREVOLIN Richard | genre unknown |
Alison Jennifer Jane | STAINTON Linda | 30 mins One Act |
All About Women | GAVRAN Miro | Drama |
All Grown Up | KENNEDY Ellen | Play/Drama |
All Grown Up | MILDINER Leslie | Play/Drama |
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All Grown Up | PANYCH Bonnie | Play/Drama |
All Grown Up | VALLEAU Lori | Play/Drama |
Ambush | HIGH Bernard G | Play for women One Act |
Amen Sister | PARRIS Roger | Play/Drama |
And Go to Innisfree | TODDIE Jean Lenox | Comedy/Drama One Act |
Anna Bella Eema | D'AMOUR Lisa | 75-90 min Dramatic comedy with music |
Annunciation | HARRISON Kelli Lynn | Short Play, 30 min One Act |
Another Sparrow Flies | SEIDELMAN Jenny | drama Ten Min |
Anti-Bride | GLUCKSMAN Cynthia | Comedy |
Anyway | MCCANN Lorraine | 5 min Comedy One Act |
Apache Tears | COGHLAN Lin | Play/Drama |
Aphra | CULLEN Nancy | Play/Drama |
Aphra | PATIENCE Alexandria | Play/Drama |
Aphra | SCOLLARD Rose | Play/Drama |
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Apple Sisters, The -- Ghouls Night Out! | GATEWOOD Kimmy | Show |
Apple Sisters, The -- Ghouls Night Out! | JOHNSON Rebekka | Show |
Apple Sisters, The -- Ghouls Night Out! | LOWE Sarah | Show |
Ark, The | GRIFFIN Helen | Play One Act |
Art Of Remembering, The | RUSKIN Adina L | Play/Drama One Act |
Artist Unknown | GLOVER Sue | One Act |
As They are In Bed a Dream Gobbles Her Head | PRITCHARD Kimberly | quick monodrama, 15 min |
As We Forgive Those | SMITH Andrew | short play |
Ask The Mirror | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | genre unknown |
Aspern Papers, The | ZUCKERMAN Martin | Adaptation |
Astronaut | THEATRE O | Piece |
Attic, The Pearls & 3 Fine Girls, The | BREWIN Jennifer | Comedy |
Attic, The Pearls & 3 Fine Girls, The | CHERNIAK Leah | Comedy |
Attic, The Pearls & 3 Fine Girls, The | MACDONALD Ann-Marie | Comedy |
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Attic, The Pearls & 3 Fine Girls, The | PALMER Alisa | Comedy |
Attic, The Pearls & 3 Fine Girls, The | ROSS Martha | Comedy |
Augury: Trial, Tribulation and Triumph in the Life of Emily Stowe | GIBSON Florence | Play/Drama |
Aunt Elinor's Closet | DONLEY Jan | comedy-drama One Act |
Babs 'N' Judy Show, The | HOLT Stephen | Play/Drama |
Baby Talk | SQUIRE Aurin | Comedy One Act |
Bad Bugs Bite | PACIOTTO Andrea | Piece |
Baggage And Bombshells | CRANE Richard | Play with music |
Bailegangaire | MURPHY Tom | Play/Drama |
Ballerinas | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Banana Legs | YEGER Sheila | 30 mins One Act |
Barefoot in Nightgown by Candlelight | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama One Act |
Beauty Inside (one-act), The | FILLOUX Catherine | 15-20 min Play/Drama |
Beauty, Brains, and Personality | LOVERDE Emmett | 100 min Comedy |
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Beggar's Choice | BETSKO Kathleen | One Act |
Behind The Scenes | ANDREWS Angeline | Comedy |
Bench | TURNER Hellie | 2 Act 90 mins Play/Drama |
Benched | CURRIN Allyson | One act 60 min Comedy |
Beneficent Power of Revenge, The | MCCLERNAN Nancy G | One Act |
Bethany | PEEBLES Daryl | Play, 30 min One Act |
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea | ANDRADE Suzanne | Show |
Beverley Hills Waiting for Godot | MOORE Elise | Comedy |
Binding the Artful Dodger | PHANEUF Gail | Drama with Dance 95 min |
Biographies in a Bag | FERGUSON Lynn | genre unknown |
Bitter Fragments | ENGLISH Glenn | Play/Drama |
Black Crows | BROGAN Linda | Play/Drama |
Black Girl Ugly | ANDERSON Beatrice | piece |
Black Girl Ugly | AVANT Lee | Play/Drama |
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Black Girl Ugly | BROCKINGTON Ashley | Play/Drama |
Black Girl Ugly | CAIN Nicole | Play/Drama |
Black Girl Ugly | MABON Sokhna Heathe | piece |
Black Girl Ugly | SPENCER Ginger | piece |
Black Is So Beautiful | PERKINS Eugene | Children's Play One Act |
Bless Their Hearts | POIRO Kay | Comedy |
Blest Be The Tie | DALEY Dona | Play/Drama |
Bleu, Blanc, Rouge | DUNLOP Bill | genre unknown |
Blood Bath | HIBBERD Jack | Drama |
Blood Orange | JANACZEWSKA Noelle | One Act Youth Drama 50 min |
Bloody Thanksgiving | BERMAN Brooke | 10 min Dark comedy |
Boss Of The Pool | MORRIS Mary | Adaptation |
Boston Marriage | MAMET David | full length Play/Drama |
Box, The | PRITCHARD Kimberly | 50 min One Act |
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Boys Don't Make Passes At Girls Who Wear Glasses | CARR Alison | Comedy |
Braids | FROST Joseph | One act |
Break | SOETE George | One act |
Break It | KALE Marina Zivkovic | Ten minute play |
Broken Hearts | MCLEOD Kevin R | Ten Min |
Burning Bridges | DEAN Nancy | Play/Drama |
Bury Your Goldfish | WALLACE Michelle | Short play |
Business Plan, The | EDKINS Lucy | Short Play |
Cabbagetown | BYNUM Cary | Adaptation |
Cafe Society | RAIF Ayshe | One Act |
Calm Down Mother | TERRY Megan | Transformation One Act |
Canary Cage, The | RAFFLE Diana | Play One Act |
Cancer Tales | DUNN Nell | Play/Drama |
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Can't Stand Up For Falling Down | CAMERON Richard | Play/Drama |
Cargo | BURNT BRIDGES | Piece |
Cariad | STANTON Sophie | Cowing Play Comedy |
Caring and Whether Damned or Not | CROCKER Alan | Play - One Act, Drama |
Carpetbagger's Children, The | FOOTE Horton | 95 min Play/Drama |
Cass Incarnate | CARSON Nicole Antonia | comedy One Act |
Casting Juliet | HAAS Claudia | One act |
Cathy's Kitchen | HOWES Lynn | Comedy |
Cauterised | SPEERS Neill | Play/Drama |
Cecily | PLOWMAN Gillian | One Act |
Cell | MEDLEY Cassandra | One Act |
Chain | CLEAGE Pearl | One Act |
Change For The Better, A | THORP Ken | Drama One Act |
Charity Case, A | BECKETT Wendy | Play/Drama |
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Chasing Ibsen | SUMMERFIELD Caroline | Play/Drama |
Chicks, The | BREALEY Darren | Comedy |
Chimera | BARON Alec | One Act |
Christmas Incorporated | HORSLER Peter | One Act |
Chrysalis | MORLEY Michael | Drama One Act |
Church Ladies Introduction | LEE Robert J | Five minute play |
Ciao, Baby! | BROWN Kent R | Drama One Act |
Cinderella and the Fuzzy Slippers | CRAIG Shari Ajemian | 10-Minute Musical Comedy Musical |
Cinderella and the Fuzzy Slippers | NEWCOMB Sarah | 10-Minute Musical Comedy Musical |
Circumscription | LIN Patricia H | Comedy-Drama Ten Min |
Claposis | BUTLER Alec (Audrey) | Play One Act |
Code of Conduct | PHELAN Mike | Fifteen minute play |
Cold Hands | KATIC Christina | Play/Drama |
Color Blind | APPLEGARTH Margaret T | Play/Drama |
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Come And Go | BECKETT Samuel | Play/Drama |
Come Down Burning | CORTHRON Kia | Drama One Act |
Comeback Act, The | LAMB Myrna | full length Play/Drama |
Coming of Age | LUDWICK Patricia | Play/Drama |
Common Garden Variety | CHAMBERS Jane | genre unknown |
Como Agua Para Chocolate | MCLEAN Linda | Adaptation |
Compact Failure | FARMER Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Conception, The | LEMON Nina | Play/Drama |
Conception, The | PLUMB Kate | Play/Drama |
Conception, The | WARD Angela | Play/Drama |
Controlling Destiny | LAMEDMAN Debbie | Ten Min |
Co-op: The Next Generation | KAHN Barbara | One Act |
Cotton Girls | TOBIN Scott | Comedy |
Cracked | HOLLAND Kristine | One act |
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Cracked | QUARE HAWKS | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Crash | FARISH Brian | short Comedy |
Crazy Love | WALKER Che | 50 min One Act |
Crestfall | O'ROWE Mark | Play/Drama |
Crooked | TRIESCHMANN Catherine | Play/Drama |
Crossing Bells | STOCKHAM Linda | Contemporary surrealistic drama Ten Min |
Cruising | BLYTHE Alecky | Devised Piece |
Cum a Explodat David | KOVETZ Lisa Beth | Comedy |
Cup Of tea With Mrs Groom | DAWSON Jonathan | Play One Act |
Curiosity Quilt, A | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Short play (comedy) |
Curls | HANDLEY Jody | One act |
Curtain Raiser | MOORHEAD Finola | Mime |
Dally with the Devil | CAHN Victor L | Play/Drama 90 min |
Dancing the God | MONTLEY Pat | Play/Drama |
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Dancing With My Father | WOOD Andrew | Play/Drama |
Dangerous Women | CHANCE Jayne Newton | genre unknown |
Dark Lady, The | WEST Audrey | Play/Drama |
DarkRoom, The | LYNCH Caroline | One Act |
Daughters Of Eve, The | BORKOWSKI Mark | Play/Drama |
Daughters Of Judy Lamarsh, The | FERGUSON Ian | Play/Drama |
Dear Felicity | DELAHUNTY Sarah | One act Youth |
Death Comes For The Therapist | OWEN Laura | Short play |
Death of a Dream | GENOVA Nancy | Play/Drama |
Desdemona, A Play About A Handkerchief | VOGEL Paula | Dark Comedy Comedy |
Desmond or Abraham and Frances | OSWALD Sally | One act |
Desperately Yours | WAX Ruby | 40 min Piece |
Devotees In The Garden Of Love | PARKS Suzan-Lori | One Act |
Dinner With America | ACEVEDO-JONES Lucille | Piece |
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Dinner With America | CASH Lucy | Piece |
Dinner With America | SHAH Rajni | Piece |
Discovery | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Short play (drama) |
Dix Tableaux | DUNN Mark | Comedy |
Doing It For Company | HINKLE Vernon | comedy drama One Act |
Doing Lunch | FLANAGAN Anne | comedy Ten min |
Donahue Sisters, The | ARON Geraldine | Play One Act |
Donk Sisters, The | GRAY Richard | Musical |
Double Vision | WOMEN'S THEATRE GROUP | Play with Music |
Double Vision | WYLIE Betty Jane | Play/Drama |
Duck for Cover, Joan | ALTROWS Rona | 3 min Drama/Comedy One Act |
Duck Sisters, The | ROSEN Sheldon | Comedy |
Eat | VAN VELDHUIZEN Matin | Play/Drama |
Eating in the Dark | LAMEDMAN Debbie | Ten Min |
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Eddie | CASARINO Matt | genre unknown |
Edge of the Forest, The | SAVADGE Deborah | Black comedy in one-act |
eggs | SPIEGLER Ann-Giselle | Comedy/Drama |
Eleanor Sleeps Here | LACHIUSA Michael John | Musical One Act |
Eleemosynary | BLESSING Lee | Play/Drama |
Embracing The Undertoad | LICHTIG Robin Rice | drama with comedy |
encounter | SVEC J C | One act |
Enslaved By Dreams | BOWLER Chris | genre unknown |
Eulogy Stalker, The | VAN KERCKHOVE Michael | genre unknown |
Ever See A Fat Chinese? | JOHNSON Christine Toy | Short comedy |
eXclusion | KEMP Ali | 65 min piece |
Ex-Miss Copper Queen On a Set Of Pills | TERRY Megan | Modern Drama Play/Drama |
Fairies Are Thirsty, The | BROWN Alan | Translation |
Faith Of Our Fathers | TAYLOR Sandy | One Act |
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Fall To Earth, The | JOHNSON Joel Drake | Play/Drama |
Fallen Short Of The Glory | PULLEN Billy M | One act drama |
False Hopes | BARNES David-Matthew | Drama One Act |
Family Of Perhaps Three | STEIN Gertrude | Drama |
Family Tree | ANDERSEN Mal | One act |
Family Tree | DENDINGER Emily | Play One Act |
Far End of the Earth, The | MCGREGOR Keith | Play/Drama |
Farewell Speech | DOWNES Cathy | Play/Drama |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | ANDERSON Adele | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | CHURNEY Russell | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | CUTTS Marilyn | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | KEANE Dillie | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | LINK Richard | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | ROULSTON Michael | cabaret |
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Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | VAN RANDWYCK Issy | cabaret |
Fascinating Aida Cheap Flights | YOUNG Sarah-Louise | cabaret |
Father's Day | BLAND Peter | Play/Drama |
Father's Prize Poland China | SERGENT Shirley | Psycho-farce |
Feint | GARCIA-COPIAN Anthony | Play/Drama |
Female Trouble | LAVERY Bryony | Cabaret |
First Chill | FLANAGAN Anne | Play/Drama |
Flame, The | CLARKE Austin | one act play |
Flick See Gears in the Sparklight | FERRANTE Bob Jude | Ten minute play |
Floating Island | LE WILHELM | Play/Drama |
Flood, The | SMITH Jackie | Play/Drama |
Flying Home | DONNELLY Neil | Play One Act |
Folie a Trois | WOOLEY Sarah | One Act |
For Artists Only | JONAS Julia May | Play/Drama |
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For Our Mothers And Fathers | SKILLMAN Crystal | Ten Min |
Forgotten Fire: The Tale of the Burning Sword | BELICH T James | Fantasy |
Four Women | SALESA Leilani Esmae Sieni | Piece |
Frangipani Perfume | URALE Makerita | genre unknown |
Fred | CHRISTIAN Beatrix | 2 Acts Play/Drama |
Friends | RENDON Marcie | humor; Native American Ten Min |
Frogs, The | HANGER Eunice | Stage play One Act |
From Door To Door | SHERMAN James | Comedy |
Fugue | MUNRO Rona | Ghost story |
Gate, The | DUN Tan | multimedia musical theatre piece Piece |
Gentle, Violent, Imperial, Revolutionary, Complete, Abbreviated History Of Tea, The | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy |
Get Up And Tie Your Fingers | COBURN Ann | Play/Drama |
Getting Away From It All | RYAN Catherine | 75 min Heightened reality, surreal and absurd |
Ghost of the Gown Shop, The | WITONSKA Valerie | Play/Drama |
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Girl on an Empty Swing | KNIGHT Alanna | 30 min One Act |
Girls Behind | ROCHE Louise | Comedy with Music |
Girls Night Out | OLSON Phil | Ten minute play |
Girls Play, The | BLAU Lily | One Act |
Giving Up the Ghost | MORAGA Cherrie | Play/Drama |
Gnawing At The Comfort Zone | KING Joanne | Drama One Act |
Go, Tell Michelle: African-American Women Speak to the First Lady | KNOPF Robert | docudrama |
God And Country | POST Douglas | Musical |
Golf War Widows, The | TRASLER Damian | Comedy One Act |
Good Body, The | ENSLER Eve | Comedy |
Good Women of Morningside | MCCLERNAN Nancy G | Ten Min |
Good Year For Limas, A | YANCEY Dwayne | Play/Drama |
Grasping | BERTRAM Anne | One Act |
Gravity | PEZHMAN Arzhang Luke | Play/Drama |
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Great Bellied Women | LANE Stacey | One-act period piece: 30 minutes |
Grizzly Mama | BRANT George | Dark Comedy |
Grooming | EDKINS Lucy | Short Play |
Grumpy Old Women Live | ECLAIR Jenny | Play/Drama |
Grumpy Old Women Live | HOLDER Judith | Play/Drama |
Grumpy Old Women Live 2: Chin Up Britain | ECLAIR Jenny | Comedy |
Grumpy Old Women Live 2: Chin Up Britain | HOLDEN Judith | Comedy |
Haiku | SNODGRASS Katherine | One act |
Handbags | HITCHEN Tracy | Comedy |
Handwriting, The Soup, And The Hats, The | MILLER Suzanne Maynard | Comedy |
Hanging Women | SPECTOR Donna | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Hanjo | MISHIMA Yukio | One Act |
Happenstance | LAWSON Pete | Play/Drama |
Harding Women, The | GORMAN Clem | One Act |
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Hashigiraki | GOEBBELS Heiner | Devised Piece |
Head | WILLIAMS Karin Diann | Comedy 30 min One Act |
Heard It On The Wireless | JOHNSTON Christine | Performance Piece |
Heard It On The Wireless | KRANSKY SISTERS | Performance Piece |
Heard It On The Wireless | LEE Annie | Performance Piece |
Heart of Gold | KINGSLAND Ben | Comedy, Full-length |
Heist, The | MCFADDEN Terry | comedy One Act |
Helen And Her Friends | LAVERY Bryony | One Act |
Heritage, Her-i-tage, and Hair-i-tage | DAWES Adrienne | 10-15 min Comedy |
Hesperides | HOYT-DISICK Gabrielle | High School/Community Theater |
Holy Broth | HUDES Quiara Alegria | 20-30 min Play/Drama |
Holy Mo | FRANGIONE Lucia | Comedy with music |
Hope Throws Her Heart Away | GOODELL Susan | Comedy /drama |
Hormonal Housewives | COOMBE Julie | Comedy |
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Hormonal Housewives | MACISAAC John | Comedy |
Hospital City | HUBA Miranda | Play/Drama |
Hot Lesbian Drama | HOMMEL Beth | genre unknown |
House by the Lake | PENNY Elizabeth | One Act Play/Drama |
How My Mother Ruined My Life | BOURGEOIS Pat | Comedy |
How The Rapist Was Born | ENGLAND Sabina | Dark Tragicomedy One Act |
How to View the Comet | BERTRAM Anne | 10-minute play |
Hungry | HERZOG Amy | Play/Drama |
Hyacinth Blue | MILLER Kara | Play/Drama |
Hypocrite, The | ZAPHIROPOULOU Angeliki | Drama One Act |
I Ain't Dead Yet | HEIDE Chris | Play/Drama |
I Am A Superhero | TUCKETT Jennifer | Play/Drama |
I Can Tell Your Handbag is Fake | LUNDQUIST Dean | Short Play |
I Didn't Raise You That Way | BOURGEOIS Pat | Comedy |
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I Hold With Those Who Favor Fire | HOGAN Darcy | Drama, 105 min |
Ida Lupino in the Dark | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama |
Idiot Colony, The | COACHE Claire | Physical Theatre |
Idiot Colony, The | FRIEND Cassie | Physical Theatre |
Idiot Colony, The | LOUKES Rebecca | Physical Theatre |
Idiot Colony, The | TURNER Lisle | Physical Theatre |
Idiot, The | DOOLAN Lita | drama |
I'm on The Train | GEORGE Carmel | Human interest |
In A Thousand Pieces | MCDONNEL Jemma | Piece |
In A Thousand Pieces | MORETON Elle | Piece |
In A Thousand Pieces | PAPER BIRDS THEATRE COMPANY | Piece |
In A Thousand Pieces | WALSH Kylie | Piece |
In Her Own Words (A biography of Jane Chambers) | GLINES John | drama One Act |
In the Bank | WALLACE Meri | One Act |
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Incident at Mulberry Road | BAMBER Geoff | Children's 10 Min Comedy Youth Audience |
Invisible | KENT Sayan | piece |
Invisible Messages | PETRALIA Peter S | theatre work |
Islands | HOLLINGSWORTH Margaret | Drama One Act |
It Begins At Home | MORRIS T B | Comedy Sketch Sketch |
It's Called Development | PHELAN Anne | Ten Min |
It's Called Development | PHELAN Anne | 20 min One Act |
Jack's Daughters | CORNELIUS Patricia | One Act |
Jane Addams And The Devil Baby | GAGE Carolyn | Historical One-Act |
Jayne with a Y | HORNBY Ian | Play/Drama One Act |
Jessica's Will | BROWN Kent R | 1- Act Comedy/ Drama One Act |
Jomama Jones: Radiate | JONES Jomama | Musical |
Journalist Of The Year | FELDE Kitty | Ten minute play |
Joy Luck Club, The | KIM Susan | Adaptation |
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Judgement | LEWIS David (1) | Play - One Act, Drama |
Just Like in Real Life | HANSON Matthew J | Short Comedy One Act |
Kaspar & The Sea of Houses (Kaspar Hauser Meer) | DUARTE Birgit Schreyer | translation drama/comedy |
Keepers, The | BRADY Veronica | Piece |
Keepers, The | COWAN Claire | Piece |
Keepers, The | CROFT Julia | Piece |
Killers | TRIESCHMANN Werner | One act |
Kitty | O'FARRELL Padraic | full length Play/Drama |
Knockout Blow, The | SATTER Tina | Play/Drama |
Knowing Cairo | STOLOWITZ Andrea | 90-100 min Play/Drama |
Ladies At The Seaside | MACKELDEN Hilary | One Act |
Ladies, The | KOLLMER Jennifer | Ten minute play |
Lady From Havana, The | SANTEIRO Luis | Comedy |
Lady Gregory's Ingredients | YOUNGER Kelly | Play/Drama |
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Lady Macbeth Rewrites the Rulebook | KRUPINSKI Renny | Show |
Lady with the Lamp, The | SEMONES Karon Sue | Adaptation |
Lady-Like | SHAMAS Laura | 110-120 min Biographical drama |
Last Bus To Mecca | CLEAGE Pearl | One Act |
Last Chance | AHMAD Ruhksana | 45 min One Act |
Last Night of Salome, The | VACCHETTO Emanuele | black comedy Comedy |
Last Of The Brylcreem Boys | GATER Paul | genre unknown |
Later | JACKER Corinne | Play/Drama |
Laundry and Bourbon | MCCLURE James | One act |
Laundry And Bourbon | MCLURE James | Comedy One Act |
Leaving | WOODS Don | One Act |
Lemmings | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy Ten Min |
Lessons and Carols | KAREMAN Demetra | Play/Drama |
Let 'Em Go, But Worry | BLANTON Gail | 6 min Sketche |
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Letter, The | CRITOPH Alex | Drama |
Life's a Beach | WATT Alison | Play/Drama |
Lime Aid | NESVET Rebecca L | One act |
List, The | SUZUKI Linda | comedy One Act |
Little Bit Of Butter Goes A Long Way, A | BOURGEOIS Pat | Ten minute play |
Little Gem | MURPHY Elaine | Play/Drama |
Little Miss Easter Seals (Radio) | CHARTRAND Lina | Play/Drama |
Lizbeth of Maplecroft, The Later Life of Lizzie Borden | PELINO JR Nick | drama |
Loose Screws | DEAL Dennis | musical |
Loose Screws | HALPERN Jeff | musical |
Loose Screws | WOLFF Andrea | musical |
Lost Girl, The | NIGRO Don | Comic Drama One Act |
Love In The Title | LEONARD Hugh | Play/Drama |
lovehateforgive | BERTRAM Anne | One-act |
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Low Level Panic | MCINTYRE Clare | Play/Drama |
Lunatic And Lover | MEYER Michael | Play/Drama |
Lunchtime Angel | STULMAN Valerie | Ten minute play |
Luther's Birthday | GATER Paul | Comedy |
Mad Before Midday | DAVIS Margaret | Full-Length 90 mins Play/Drama |
MAIDS 4:39N | OZBILGIN Handan | Play/Drama |
Maids, The | BARTLETT Neil | Translation |
Mamie McCall's French Fancy | MCPHERSON Nancy | One-act comedy/drama |
Marilyn | GLOVER Sue | Play/Drama |
Marion Bridge | MACIVOR Daniel | Play/Drama |
Mark Of The Man | GLOVER Greg | One Act |
Mathematics of Love | MORAGA Cherrie | One act |
Matter Of Fiction! | CARTER Beatrix | Comedy |
Mavis Goes To Timor | CHAPLIN Angela | One Act |
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Mavis Goes To Timor | MAZZELLA Kavisha | One Act |
Mavis Goes To Timor | THOMSON Katherine | One Act |
Maybe He's Just Not That Into You | LARSEN Bethany | Play Ten Min |
Maybe We Could ? | MORGAN Lloyd Malcolm | Comedy Theatre |
Maybe We Could ? | WOOLNOUGH Verity Rose | Comedy Theatre |
medea & medea/for medea | BOFILL Sylvia | Play/Drama |
Melting Season, A | ROSS Sharon Houck | Play/Drama |
Men, Onions and Other Things That Make You Cry | MADRID Leonard | genre unknown |
Meow | SMITH Val | Ten Min |
Mint Juleps | ZAGONE Nick | comedy Ten min |
Miss Julie | ARMSTRONG Michael | Translation |
Miss Julie | MOTTON Gregory | Play/Drama |
Mistress of Wholesome, The | APPEL Jacob M | Comedy |
Mo and Jess Kill Susie | HENDERSON Gary | 80 min One Act Thriller |
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Mockingbirds Don't Sing | SPEAR Liz | Play/Drama |
Mom, Stoned | BRUNSTETTER Bekah | Short Play One Act |
Mondo Drama | BEANE Douglas Carter | genre unknown |
Monkey Nuts | HICKMAN Natalie | one act comedy 55 min |
Monologues from various plays | ROYCE Adrien | genre unknown |
Moon Alone, The | FLETCHER Gregory | Ten minute play |
Morning in Suburbia | ELSMORE Bronwyn | ten min play |
Moscow, Utah | KNIGHT Krista | genre unknown |
Mother Variations | RAVEL Aviva | Comedy, 70 min |
MOTHERlands | BENDER Emily | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | CABRANES-GRANT Leo F | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | CHING Lin-Ann | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | CORTES Noelia Ortiz | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | D'ELIA Tina | Play/Drama |
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MOTHERlands | ESCALERA Brenda Cotta | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | LEE Amy | Play/Drama |
MOTHERlands | NAVARRO Ophilia | Play/Drama |
Motherlove | WOLTON Joan | Play/Drama |
Mourning Bubby | GOLD Vera | genre unknown |
Mrs Appleyard's Awakening | GLOVER Evelyn | genre unknown |
Mrs Boot's Legacy | MEREDITH A | Sketch |
Mrs Christmas | BUCKLIN Brad M | Comedy/Drama One Act |
Mrs Klein | WRIGHT Nicholas | Play/Drama |
Mrs Thally F | ROMERIL John | One Act |
Mud Blossom | HALFNIGHT Ashlin | Play/Drama |
My Best Friend | OGLESBY Tamsin | Play/Drama |
My California | D'AMOUR Lisa | 25-35 min Play/Drama |
Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc | PEGUY Charles | Play/Drama |
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Name's Penn, Dingle Penn | GATER Paul | Comedy One Act |
Nasturtiums & Cherry Buns | GALLAGHER Miriam | Comedy One Act |
Natashas | O'NEILL Tee | Fifteen minute play |
National Skin | PERREAULT Dale | Short Play |
Natural Selection | COOPER M Thomas | short play |
Near and Far | ESPEY Rich | Ten minute play |
Nearly Four | COLES Enid | Suspense |
Negotiating A Mindfield | DONNELLY John A | short play |
next swan down the river might be black | BURN Sean | contemporary drama |
Nicola and Woman | SHACKERLEY-BENNETT Martine | Play/Drama |
Nicotine Nights! | GLYN-JONES Erica | Light Comedy |
Night Breath | OLIVER Bryan | Play/Drama |
Night Song | VOOGHT Cherry | Comedy |
No Coffee For One | MORRIS T B | Black Comedy Sketch One Act |
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No Strings Attached | BEATON Hilary | Comedy |
Nora's Anniversary | WRIGHT A Colin | comedy One Act |
North Harbour | BUTT Grace | Drama One Act |
Not Any More | KINGSFORD Katherine | Play/Drama |
Not Like Crocker | WIDNEY Chris | genre unknown |
Not My Cup of Tea | GROFF Albert | Comedy One Act |
Nothing Immediate | LAURO Shirley | One Act |
Nothing's Perfect | ALEXANDRA | Twelve minute play |
Now Hiring For Tooth Fairy | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy Ten Min |
Now the late last winter | SYBORN Freddy | genre unknown |
Nursing Lives | SAVAGE Rachael | full mask theatre |
O Patrin (The way) | ALLUM Dan | 35 min Play/Drama |
Offspring | GALLAGHER Kathleen | Drama |
Old Crowd, The | DANALAKE Brett | comedy Ten Min |
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Old Crowd, The | TRIFFITT Iain | comedy Ten Min |
Old Flames Die Down | MOONEY Kay | One act Drama |
Old Ladies, The | ACKLAND Rodney | Adaptation |
Old People, Children And Animals | HUGHES Sonia | Play/Drama |
Ollie and the Minotaur | GRAHAM Duncan | Drama |
On Naked Soil - Imagining Anna Ahkmatova | SHULL Rebecca | Play/Drama |
One Rotton Apple | RENTELL Anne-Louise | Play/Drama |
Only Wads of Old Chewing Gum | COLE William R | Ten minute play |
Operators | HOLLINGSWORTH Margaret | Drama One Act |
Ophelia And The Words | BROWNJOHN Alan | Translation |
Ophelia And The Words | BROWNJOHN Sandy | Translation |
Opium Den | PEAL Stan | Ten minute play |
Our At 'Ome Day | TURNER Ida M | Farce |
Our Lady of Stone | VANDA | One Act |
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Outback | TENNANT Carrrie | drama One Act |
Packed Room, The | BICKLEY Richard | Short Drama |
Paper Scissors Rock | GEZENTSVEY Yael | Play/Drama |
Parish Room, The | WILLIAMSON P A | One act Drama |
Party Girls | AGNEW Pinky | Piece 120 min |
Party Girls | BROPHY Geraldine | Piece 120 min |
Party Girls | RUTHERFORD Lyndee-Jane | Piece 120 min |
Paz | PAYNE Alicia | One Act |
Peace Plaza | JOHNSON Christine Toy | Drama/ Ten-minute play |
Peeling | O'REILLY Kaite | Play/Drama |
Penetration Play, The | MILLER Winter | 75-85 min Dark comedy |
Penetrator | NEILSON Anthony | Play/Drama |
Permanent Signal | KRAMER Sherry | One act |
Perspective | DEAN Julia Lee | Comedy |
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Photographic Memory | MARTIN Jennifer | Drama One Act |
Pig Patter | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy |
Pigeons | OSGOOD Lawrence | genre unknown |
Pimp | BOESING Martha | One Act |
Pipstone | JACOBSON Tom | genre unknown |
Pit | BARKER Megan | Play/Drama |
Playing Mothers | YU Ovidia | Play/Drama |
Playing The Game | AGBAJE Bola | Short play |
PMS Pinafore | HAYWARD Bradley | comedy Ten Min |
Poles Apart | PARKES Derek | 40 min One Act |
Prelude to a Walk Through the Snow | GUILFORD-BLAKE Evan | 15 minute one act drama One Act |
Present Continuous | LINDEN Sonja | Play/Drama |
Primaries | SHIBAN Theresa | play with dance |
Prince Lear | TASCA Jules | Melodrama Short Play |
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Prom Dress | DUBIN Kitty S | Fifteen minute play |
Punch And Judy | SVANOE Bill | Comedy |
Puppet Show | GUILFORD-BLAKE Evan | 5 minute play for children to perform One Act |
QPH | LINDSAY Hertencer | genre unknown |
QPH | SISTREN | genre unknown |
Queen Bee | WILKINSON Margaret | Play/Drama |
Queer Fruit | HARDY Sara | 40 mins One Act |
Questioning, The | HIGGINS Frank | play One Act |
Radiance | NOWRA Louis | 2 Acts Play/Drama |
Rags and Dreams | SAMPLE Peggy | One Act |
Raspberry | MARCHANT Tony | genre unknown |
Ravel | COLLIER Samantha | Play/Drama |
Recess | HODGSON Corrina | drama One Act |
Recess | LAGRAVENESE Richard | comedy Ten Min |
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Rehearsal, The | PARRY Pip | 7 min One Act |
Rejoicing Over The Bride | NONIE Elizabeth | Comedy |
Relative Strangers | WILNER Sheri | 25-35 min Comedy/Drama |
Relative Time | QUINN Nicole | 8-10 min Play/Drama |
Relaxation Class | YEGER Sheila | 30 mins One Act |
Returning Home | DEAN Nancy | One act |
Reunion | VAN ROMPAEY Jeannie | Drama One Act |
Revisioning | MCINTYRE Hope | Drama One Act |
Rhyming Cinderella | COLEMAN Richard | Children's 10 Min Rhyming Christmas Pantomime Youth Audience |
Ride | LANE Eric | full length comedy |
Right After | SMITH Judith M | dance theater |
Rock, The | CASS Adam J A | Play/Drama |
Role of Della, The | WOOTEN John J | 12-18 min Comedy |
Ron Bobby Had Too Big a Heart | JONES Rolin | 8-10 min Comedy |
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Rosa Rugosa | DALGLISH Jim | Short play One Act |
Rose Colored Glass | BIGELOW Susan | Play/Drama |
Rose Colored Glass | GOLDBERG Janice | Play/Drama |
Rose Cottage | PEARCE Steve | black comedy One Act |
Salsa Night At The Temple | LEHMANN Stephanie | One act |
Sang Out of Tune | HOGAN Julia | Drama (20-30 mins) |
Sans Merci | ADAMS Johnna | Play Drama |
Santer-Baby | PARK Rick | comedy Ten Min |
Sarajevo Suite | LUCAS Helen | Play/Drama |
Saving Her Life Saves Yours | AESQUIVEL Dakota | Thriller |
Scent Of Honeysuckle, A | TODDIE Jean Lenox | Comedy/Drama One Act |
Schoolyard Games | LAZARUS John | Childrens 1 Act Youth Audience |
Scratch, The | LUDLOW Morgan | One act |
Secret Ruths of Island House, The | MASON Claytie | Drama Multi-Media,Mask, 60 min |
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Secret Ruths of Island House, The | MORTENSON Alissa | Drama Multi-Media,Mask, 60 min |
Secrets of a Soccer Mom | CLARK Kathleen | Comedy |
Semblance Of Madness | NEWMEIR John H | One Act |
Send Us Victorias | WILSON Pat | Play/Drama |
Service | CAMPTON David | One Act |
Shadow Play | EGILSON Joan | Play/Drama |
Shadows In Red | BEARD Paul | Musical One Act |
Shadows In Red | O'GORMAN Keith | Musical One Act |
Shangri La | URBINATI Rob | Musical |
Shape of Metal, The | KILROY Thomas | Play/Drama |
Shock Of Recognition, The | ANDERSON Robert | Comedy One Act |
Short Shorts | RIEDY David | 10-15 min Comedy |
Short Walk to the Sea, A | HOGAN Desmond | Play/Drama |
Silence | PHAM Hoa | Play/Drama |
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Singing the Bones | HICKS Caitlin | Play/Drama |
Sisters under the Skin | MACDOUGAL Paullette | Play/Drama |
Skirmishes | HAYES Catherine | Play One Act |
Slag | HARE David | Satire |
Sliding for Home & Borders | YOON Jean | Two linked plays, 50 min |
Smaller | MORGAN Carmel | Play/Drama |
Smoke and the American Way | PEAL Stan | Ten minute play |
Snake In The Grass | AYCKBOURN Alan | Play/Drama |
Snip Snip | SMEDLEY Olivia | comedy drama One Act |
Soldiering On | REEVES Pamela | One Act |
Some Things Get Better With Age | RACHELSON-OSPA June | Musical |
Somewhere Over The Balcony | JONES Marie | Play/Drama |
Sophia and the Grumpy Goldfish | TRIPLETT Lori Lee | Play/Drama |
Sophie | DICKINSON Marjorie | Drama. Cast One Act |
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Soup Show, The | BURCH Desiree | Piece |
Soup Show, The | FRANCIS Cara | Piece |
Soup Show, The | LIVINGSTON Erica | Piece |
Space | JACQMIN Laura | Ten Min |
Speckled Birds | LAURO Shirley | Play/Drama |
Spiralling | PRATT Judith S | Play/Drama |
Split Down The Middle | CAMPTON David | One Act |
Spoleum | NELSON Daniel Allen | Play/Drama |
Spread | LOWE Suzie | series of mini dramas Play/Drama |
Spread | MAYNARD Jenny | series of mini dramas Play/Drama |
Spread | TURNER Andrea | series of mini dramas Play/Drama |
Squabble | FOW Elizabeth | One act Comedy |
Stand-by | KOLLMER Jennifer | Ten minute play |
Star Struck | LAXDAL Vivienne | Comedy |
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Star Struck | LYSNES Barbara | Comedy |
Staying Afloat | CHAMPAGNE Lenora | Piece |
Still life with violets | AUSTIN Ian | drama One Act |
Still Lives | CAVE Candida | Play/Drama |
Stoop | WILSON Lanford | One Act |
Storm Signals | SHARPE Alan | play One Act |
Story Of Anger Lee Bredenza, The | VALENTINE Alana | 1 act 40 min |
Stranger On The Road | CARTER Beatrix | Play/Drama |
Streets of Laredo | ELLIOT Bixby | genre unknown |
String Of Pearls | MCKELL Jane | multi media tribute |
String Trio | BRADHURST Jane | Stage play. 5 scenes. One Act |
Stronger, The | MCGUINNESS Frank | Adaptation 1 Act One Act |
Struck | BARGATE Tracy | Devised Piece |
Struck | BRYSON Vic | Devised Piece |
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Struck | GRENFELL David | Devised Piece |
Struck | O'CALLAGHAN Ruth | Devised Piece |
Struck | PHOENIX Mark | Devised Piece |
Struck | SMITH Imogen | Devised Piece |
Stupid, and Terrible | MURDOCH Shannon | One Act |
Such Art Such Beauty | BILLING Graham | Play/Drama |
Sunday Dinner | JENNINGS Caleen Sinnette | One Act |
Sunday Go To Meetin' | LAURO Shirley | Ten Min |
Sunny and Pea | ROUTH Lewis | One act |
Super Nan | NIXON Carl | TYA |
Surprise, Surprise | TREMBLAY Michel | Play/Drama |
Suzannah | AKERHOLT May-Britt | Translation, a kind of monologue for three actors |
Suzanne's Monday | ADLER Rosalind | genre unknown |
Swapper, The | SCOLLARD Rose | Comedy |
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Swell! | ABERNETHY Craig | Ironic Comedy Comedy |
Sylvia Plath | KYLE Barry | Dramatic Protrait |
Taken | PINNOCK Winsome | short play |
Taking It | FAZAKERLEY Lucina | One Act Play/Drama |
Tanforan | JOHNSON Christine Toy | Drama/Ten-minute play |
Tattoo | MARTIN Jane | Ten Min |
Temp, The | FRIEDMAN Roy | Comedy |
Ten Years Younger | RYBURN Terri | 15 min Comedy |
That Almost Unnameable Lust | LENKIEWICZ Rebecca | short play |
That Sinking Feeling | TICKNER Peter | One Act Play/Drama |
Therapy - A Play In 8 Sessions | SINGLETON Jacqui | Play/Drama |
There's No "V" In Gaelic | MONK Seonag | Play/Drama |
They's Weywulves | STEELSMITH Mary | Ten minute play |
Thin Toes | STEVENS Laura | Play/Drama |
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Thinking Water | EMMERICH (TEWELES) Leah | Eclectic, Poetic Drama |
Third Third, The | MESHEL Jeff | One act |
Thousand Years Waiting | MIYAGAWA Chiori | Play with Music |
Three Devoted Sisters | KELLY Tom | Drama One Act |
Three Good Wives | INKFISH | Piece |
Three Sisters Come and Go | CRISPINO Orietta | iece |
Three Women | PLATH Sylvia | Play/Drama |
Three Women Various | MCAVERA Brian | genre unknown |
Thunder Storms In Texas | BOYLE Debra | Drama |
Tick Tock! | MARX Jackie | drama One Act |
Til The Fat Lady Sings | GAGE Carolyn | One act |
Tit Tales | DUFFIELD Marjorie | A Body-Politics Cabaret - 60 minute comedy |
To Have and To Hold | FORREST-TURNER Lorraine | family-drama comedy One Act |
Tomato Plant Girl | MIDDLETON Wesley | Childrens play |
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Tomorrow | JOHNSON Lauren | Play/Drama |
Too Late For Grace | DOBSON Albert | Play/Drama |
Touch | SHARPLIN Scott | One act |
Tough as Nails | THOMPSON Matt | comedy Ten Min |
Tough Cookies | WELLS Edward Crosby | comedy One Act |
trade | GREEN debbie tucker | Play/Drama |
Traffic Jam | FISCHER Esta | One Act |
Treadmill | BOL Lorna | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Trespasso | BOESING Martha | One Act |
Triangle Tragedy, The | SMITH Sunny | drama One Act |
Triangle Tragedy, The | THOMPSON Matt | drama One Act |
Triptych | O'BRIEN Edna | Play/Drama |
Triumphant Baby | MADDOCK Robert | Musical |
Troika, The | LOWRY Alex | One Act |
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Trojan Whores | BARLOW Peppy | Play/Drama |
Trojan Whores | ROSE Dawn | Play/Drama |
Trojan Whores | WILDEN Sally | Play/Drama |
Trust | MCKINNEY Michael | Thriller |
Trying | BROWNE Erin | Play/Drama |
Tuesday Affair | POTOMA Alison | Ten Min |
Turtle Shopping | MCMORROW Scott | Comedy Ten Min |
Two Daughters and Their Dead Mama | DONLEY Jan | comedy One Act |
Two Days for Three Women | SHOAF Brian | genre unknown |
Two Iranian Children | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | genre unknown |
Two or Three Women Walking | DUNCAN Martin | an entertainment (or not) Show |
Una Donna In Coma | GENNARO Jane | Play/Drama |
Under a Sycamore | PAPADOPOULOS Peter | Ten minute play |
Undine | ROTHWELL Paul | Black comedy |
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Unforeseen Consequences Of A Patriotic Act, The | BARKER Howard | genre unknown |
Unravelling The Ribbon | KELLY Mary | Play/Drama |
Unravelling The Ribbon | WHITE Maureen | Play/Drama |
Up the Duff | MCDOUGALL Sarah | Comedy drama |
Vagina Monologues, The | ENSLER Eve | Monologues Comedy |
Valiant | JOFFREY Lanna | Adaptation |
Vanities | HEIFNER Jack | Comedy |
Venus And Adonis | HAIRY MARYS | genre unknown |
Venus And Adonis | PHILIPPOU Nick | genre unknown |
Vessels | YAGED Kim | Lesbian Choreopoem One Act |
Voodoo | GONZALEZ-RISSO Kico | Play/Drama |
WACs In Khaki | STEELSMITH Mary | genre unknown |
Waiting For Margot | MORRIS T B | Modern Comedy Comedy |
Want | READING Anna | Play/Drama |
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We Thought You'd Be Pleased | GAMBERONI Elizabeth | genre unknown |
We Three | WYMARK Olwen | Ten Min |
Weddings, Wee'ins And Wakes | JONES Marie | One Act |
Welcome to Acceptance | PAISTE Terryl | 7 min Skit |
Welfare Lady, The | LIPPA Louis | One act |
What's In A Name? | BRUCE Nancy | One act Comedy |
When Girls Collide | LEMOINE Stewart | Comedy |
When I Grow Up To Be A Man | ROSE Ellie | Play/Drama |
When Ladies Go A-Thieving | ARMSTRONG James | Play/Drama |
When Oprah Says Goodbye | BERKOWITZ Dan | Short Comedy/Drama |
Where the Onus Falls | HOLT Stephen | One Act |
Where's The God In God-Parent? | HAYWARD Bradley | comedy/drama Ten Min |
Whisper Stories | DONLEY Jan | comedy-drama One Act |
Whispers | HORNBY Ian | full length Thriller |
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White Horses | SANDERS D J | period drama in 1 Act |
Who Cares | CHAMBERS John | Play/Drama One Act |
Who Pays the Piper? | DEWEY Sheila | Play/Drama |
Who Was Hilary Maconochie? | SAUNDERS James A | One Act |
Who Will Carry The Word? | DELBO Charlotte | Play/Dram |
Will Work For Food | COFTA Mark | One act |
Wind and Rain, The | MASON Claytie | Play/Drama |
Winners! | CLINTON Edward | Comedy |
Winning? | FORSTEN Michele | Comedy |
Winter Garden, The | SHORT Donn | Play/Drama |
Witchcraze | LAVERY Bryony | Mask Play |
With You, The Rest Of | CHAMPAGNE Lenora | One Act |
Wives Club, The | STINSON Kim | comedy 10 Min |
Wives Play | REASON John | play One Act |
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Woman Bomb | BUKTOVIC Vanda | Translation |
Woman By A Window | ACKERMAN Marianne | One Act |
Women of Troy, The | SKIPITARES Theodora | Puppets |
Women With Casseroles | STEELSMITH Mary | Comedy |
Wordsworth's Sister | SAUNDERS Sue | One Act |
Wrong Number | NUTT Carrie Louise | drama Ten Min |
yada yada yada | CLARK Sharon | Play/Drama |
Yes, I Cut Marble, Mrs Grant | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Short play (historical drama) |