Plays in alphabetical order |
Vitamin World | ADAIR Aaron | One act |
Among Broken Hearts | ADAM Henry | Play/Drama |
People Next Door, The | ADAM Henry | multi-cultural farce Farce |
Sinner To The Bone | ADAMS Johnna | Play/Drama |
Victorian In The Wall, The | ADAMSDALE Will | piece |
Larisa And The Merchants | ADAMSON Samuel | adaptation |
Aim | ADLAM Terry | Thriller One act |
Zoo | ADLAM Terry | comedy farce One act |
Protegee | ADLER Rosalind | genre unknown |
early Morning | AGBOLUAJE Oladipo | satirical comedy |
Dark Matters | AGUIRRE-SACASA Roberto | Play/Drama |
Venus, Sensation And The Pope | AHONEN Derek | Play/Drama |
Mouse House, The | AINSWORTH Robert | genre unknown |
Rob and the Hoodies | AITA Sean | Play/Drama For Young People |
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Strangers At The Gate | ALAN Glenn | genre unknown |
White On White | ALBERT Lyle | Play/Drama |
Visitors, The | ALEX David | one act play |
Princely Ego, A | ALEXANDRA | One act |
Illustrious Corpse, The | ALI Tariq | Play/Drama |
Christmas | ALIANAK Hrant | Comedy One act |
Heathcliff Number 3 | ALLAN Charlotte | short play |
Cheapside | ALLEN David | 2 act (also radio play) Comedy |
Glorious Things | ALLEN David | 2 acts Victorian pastiche MeloDrama |
Modest Expectations | ALLEN David | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Odyssey | ALLEN Dominic John | Play/Drama |
Fallen From Proust | ALLEN Norman | Gay, full length |
Tenders In The Fog | ALLEN Trevor | genre unknown |
Punctuated Equilibrium | ALLYN David | Comedy |
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Straw Soldiers | ALRAWI Karim | Play/ Drama |
Wilderness | ALRAWI Karim | Play/ Drama |
Post No Bills | ALVARADO Mando | Play/Drama |
Dog's Christmas, A | ANDERSEN Dale | Comedy One act |
Uninvited Guest, The | ANDERSON Bonnie | Comedic Drama One act |
Cottage Pie | ANDERSON Kenneth | Childrens Youth audience |
Brussels Sprouts | ANDERSON Michael (1) | Full Length Comedy |
Capital Solution, A | ANDERSON Michael (1) | One act Comedy |
eurotime | ANDERSON Michael (1) | One act Play/Drama |
That Sinking Feeling | ANDERSON Michael (1) | One act Comedy |
Messenger, The | ANDERSON Rob Winn | One Act Comedy |
Doctor Din's Disaster | ANGRESS Therese | Youth one act play |
Neighbours, The | ANTAL Paul | Translation |
Blue County | APOSTOLINA Steve | Country Musical |
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Great Two-Week Play Festival, The | ARAGON Clyde James | Comedy One act |
Shakespeare's Wife | ARAGON Clyde James | Comedy One act |
Brief Introduction To Modern Astrology, A | ARCIERI D T | full length Dramedy |
Japanese Death Poem | ARCIERI D T | full length Play/Drama |
Friday's Hiding | ARDEN John | One act |
Spare PArts & Stray Plots | ARGALL T Gregory | One act |
Dancing With Harry | ARMSTRONG James | Comedy |
Last Night Of Nothing | ARMSTRONG James | comedic Drama Comedy |
Bride And The Butterfly Hunter, The | ARNON Valerie | Translation |
What To Do With Jack Perdue | AUBIN Marc | Comedy |
American River | AUGER Micheline | Dark Comedy |
Dark Place | AUGER Micheline | Comedy |
Censorship Play, The | AUGUSTINE John | 7-9 min Comedy |
every Picture Tells A Story | AUSTIN Harry | One act |
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Maria Marten Or The Murder In The Red Barn | AUSTIN Harry | One act |
Billy With Gravy | AUSTIN Ian | Black comedy Comedy |
Call Of The Gypsy | AUSTIN Ian | One act |
House That Jack Built, The | AUSTRALIAN PERFORMING GROUP | Play One act |
Nemesis | AVELLA Frank J | Drama/Comedy |
Pedro's Magic Shoes (Los Zapatos Magicos) | AVERILL Ric | Childrens play |
Money | AXELROD David | Cabaret-Style Musical Play Musical |
Trinity 5:29 | AXIS THEATRE COMPANY | Play/Drama |
Money | AXLEROD David | Cabaret-Style Musical Play Musical |
Callisto 5 | AYCKBOURN Alan | Childrens Youth audience |
Square Cat, The | AYCKBOURN Alan | Play/Drama |
Freeze | B Ed | genre unknown |
Billy Irish | BABE Thomas | Play/Drama |
Organic Response To The Ideological State Apparatus: Australia 1996-2004, An | BADHAM Van | Short epic One act |
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Mixed Emotions | BAER Richard | Comedy |
Ten Unknowns | BAITZ Jon Robin | Comedy. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Flick, The | BAKER Annie | Play/Drama |
Lady And The Champ | BAKER Denise | Play/Drama |
Sex And Violence | BAKER Travis | dark comedy |
Dancing At Tyburn | BALL Christopher John | Play/Drama |
Standing Stanes | BALLANTINE Robert | 60 min piece |
Chechnya | BALLANTYNE Bill | Comedy |
Papa Was A Bus Conductor | BANCIL Parv | Comedy |
Dutchman | BARAKA Amiri | Play One act |
Open Ended Prescription | BARDWELL Leland | play One act |
Lot And His God | BARKER Howard | short play |
Weaver's Ecstasy At The Discovery Of New Colour, The | BARKER Howard | genre unknown |
39 Steps, The | BARLOW Patrick | comedy adaptation |
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Ben Hur | BARLOW Patrick | comedy |
Complete Guide To Sex, The | BARLOW Patrick | genre unknown |
Jolly Farmer, The | BARNES Jem | Drama with songs |
Leonardo's Last Supper | BARNES Peter | Satire One act |
Garage Band | BARRETT Andy | Comedy |
Sherlock's Excellent Adventure | BARRY James | family show |
Sermon In The Suicide | BARRY Scott | Dark Comedy |
Who's Frank? | BARRY Scott | Play/Drama |
American Champion, An | BARSHA Tony | Drama One act |
Bull | BARTLETT Mike | short play 50 min |
Cock | BARTLETT Mike | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Open Ended Prescription | BARWELL Leyland | Play One act |
Joseph K | BASDEN Tom | adaptation |
Das Nachtgespenst | BASH Todd | surrealist love story |
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Some Kinda' Arizona | BASHFORD John | Play/Drama |
Noah Johnson Had A Whore | BASTIAN Jon | Black Comedy Comedy |
Golfing Genius | BASTOCK Gill | Historical Comedy Comedy |
Ponies | BATISTICK Mike | full length Play/Drama |
Port Authority Throw Down | BATISTICK Mike | full length Play/Drama |
exit Wounds | BAUER Tim | Black comedy |
Three Little Words | BAUER Tim | One act |
Blondes With Black Eyebrows | BAUM Tom | Play/Drama |
Seesaw Principle, The | BAUM Tom | Comic Drama |
Double Banger | BEAMES Margaret | Comedy One act |
Dramatis Personae | BEAMES Margaret | Comedy One act |
Untouchable? | BEARD Paul | One act Play/Drama |
Brief Lives | BEATTIE Andrew | One act Comedy |
Darwin's Meditation For The People Of Lincoln | BEATY Daniel | Play/Drama |
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Cop And The Anthem, The | BEAVER Jim | short play One act |
Once Upon A Single Bound | BEAVER Jim | Play/Drama |
embers | BECKETT Samuel | Play/Drama |
Lost And Found And The Bench | BEDFORD Ian | Play - One act, Drama |
Dog Park | BEECHAM Jahanna | comedy Musical |
On A Darkling Plain | BEIM Norman | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Grand Tirade At The Town Hall, The | BEISSEL Henry | adaptation One act |
Fault Lines | BELBER Stephen | Play/Drama |
Geometry Of Fire | BELBER Stephen | Play/Drama |
Small MeloDramatic Story, A | BELBER Stephen | Play/Drama |
Illinois Jane And The Pyramid Of Peril | BELICH T James | adventure Play/Drama |
Next Year's Man Of Steel | BELKE David | Drama |
Crumbs From The Table Of Love | BELL Hilary | 10 min opera |
Operation Midnight Climax | BELL Neal | Play/Drama |
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Spatter Pattern: Or, How I Got Away With It | BELL Neal | Play/Drama |
Sleeping City | BELLUSO John | 8-10 min Play/Drama |
Awhi Tapu | BELZ Albert | Play/Drama |
Deadlock | BENEDICT Peter | genre unknown |
Burn | BENNETT Simon | Play/Drama |
Kryptonite City | BERGER Ross | Noir Drama |
Flightless Birds | BERKLEY Sam | Play/Drama |
Oedipus | BERKOFF Steven | adaptation |
Jolson And Co - The Musical | BERKOW Jay | Musical |
Mr Lucky | BERKOWITZ Dan | Ten minute play |
Stretch (A Fantasia) | BERNFIELD Susan | Play/Drama |
Dead Heads | BESECKER Joe | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Loving Fathers | BESECKER Joe | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Visiting Bertha | BESECKER Joe | Play/Drama |
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Mexico | BETTIS Hilary | Drama |
TRANe: beyond the blues - The Life and Legacy of John W. Coltrane | BIADASZKIEWICZ K | biographical play |
Drunk, The | BILLINGS Curtis | comedy |
Butcher | BILLON Nicolas | Play/Drama |
Adventure, The | BIRCH Oliver | TYA 60 min |
Quiet Life Of Nina And Frederick, The | BIRD Frederick | Play/Drama |
Bo And Joe | BIRD John C | Drama One act |
Sign Of The Times | BIRD John C | Drama One act |
Cabin 12 | BISHOP John (1) | One act |
Audit | BITTRICH Stephen | One act |
Clowning Around Eden Or The Folly Of Man | BLACK Anthony | One act Comedy |
Soldier's Tale, The | BLACK Kitty | Translation |
Passion Of Mary, The | BLAKE Howard | Dramatic oratorio |
Fair Go! | BLAKE Leila | Play One act |
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Heads, The | BLIND SUMMIT | puppetry based theatre Puppet |
Low Life | BLIND SUMMIT | puppetry based theatre Puppet |
Chimps | BLOCK Simon | Play/Drama |
Unreasonable Man, The | BLOOMFIELD Jennifer | Ten minute play. - - Gay, theme/character, one act |
Soft Murders | BOARDMAN-JACOBS Sam | Dance work in progress |
Companion Piece | BOBRICK Sam | One act |
Driving Love Nuts | BOBRICK Sam | One act |
Doctor Din's Disaster | BOIKO Claire | Youth one act play |
Sunset Zoo | BOLLOW Ludmilla | comedy Drama Ten Min |
Human Remains | BONFIGLIO Jon | Play/Drama |
Keeping Company | BONTATIBUS Michael | High School/Community Theater |
Cafe A La Ionesco | BOOTH Roy C | Farce |
Coat, The | BOOTH Roy C | Drama One act |
Wonderful World | BORDEN William | Play/Drama |
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Gravedigger's Tale, A | BORKOWSKI Mark | Ten Min |
Suicide, Inc | BORKOWSKI Mark | Play/Drama |
Banshee Makers | BOURKE Ger | Tragi-Comedy Tragedy |
Distant Lights Dark Places | BOVELL Andrew | One act |
Samuel And Alasdair: A Personal History Of The Robot War | BOVINO Marc | Play/Drama |
Salve Regina | BOWMAN Edward | Drama |
Johnny And Linda | BOWMAN Paul | Short play |
Mind The Gap | BOWN Abi | Play/Drama |
Little Monsters | BOWNE Alan | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Verlaine In Kensington | BOYLE Debra | Drama |
Buck Fever | BOZZONE Bill | Play One act. - - Gay, theme/character, one act |
Black Battles With Dogs | BRADBURY David | translation |
Day It Rained Forever, The | BRADBURY Ray | One act |
Veldt, The | BRADBURY Ray | One act |
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Fathers And Sons | BRADFORD Michael | Play/Drama |
Final Twist, The | BRADLEY Alfred | Thriller |
Spuyten Duyvil | BRAGEN Andy | genre unknown |
Boat In The Backyard, A | BRAMLEY David | genre unknown |
McNaughtin & Son | BRAMM Leslie | Play/Drama |
Any Other Name | BRANT George | Play/Drama |
Three Voyages Of The Lobotomobile | BRANT George | Play/Drama |
eightythree Down | BRANTLEY J Stephen | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Jamb, The | BRANTLEY J Stephen | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Alpha Bindleman, The | BRAVERMAN Paul | Ten Minute Play |
Castaway, The | BRAVERMAN Paul | One act |
Fun Factory | BRECKON Mark | Play/Drama |
5T Rules -Ok! | BREEZE Tony | Natural Drama |
Witchin' Well, The | BRENNAN Joe | Children's Drama Youth audience |
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Saliva Milkshake, The | BRENTON Howard | One act |
Thieves, The | BRITTAN Iain | One act |
Properly Processed | BRITTNEY Lynn | Satire |
Invisible Bonfires | BRITTON Chris | Piece |
Thieves, The | BRITTON Iain | One act Drama |
Invisible Bonfires | BRITTON Tim | Piece |
Albee Damned | BROFSKY Kevin | One act. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Livingstone´S Children | BROMBERG Edward Buffalo | Youth audience |
Attention Surplus Disorder | BROOK Doug | comedy Ten Min |
Dance Of The Damned | BROOKS Hindi | Comedy Drama, 25min One act |
Minor Incident, A | BROOKS Hindi | Comedy Drama, 30min One act |
You Be The Daddy | BROOKS Hindi | Comedy Drama, 25min One act |
Lost Ones, The | BROOKS Laurie | Youth audience |
empereur, L' | BROOMFIELD Frederick John | Stage play One act |
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Paper Wall | BROUN Alex | Play/Drama |
Outlaws | BROWN Michael Henry | Play/Drama |
Autumn Of Frank Byrne, The | BROWN Stuart R | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Pied Piper, The | BROWNE John | opera for children Opera |
Blue Wall, The | BROWNELL Mark | Drama One act |
Naked Zebras | BRUNS Tim | Comedy |
english Channel, The | BRUSTEIN Robert | Play/Drama |
Hunter's Moon | BRYAN Denis | modern Play/Drama |
Firebird, The | BUCKLER Jane | Childrens play |
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight | BUCKROYD Daniel | adaptation |
Whose Blood | BURGER Alex | Play/Drama |
Straits, The | BURKE Gregory | Play/Drama |
Shamer | BURKE Jim | noir style comedy |
Breeders | BURLINGAME Matthew | One act |
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Money Buckets: The Untold Story Of Fdr | BURNETT Adam R | Comedy/experimental |
Listeners | BURNHAM Michael | genre unknown |
Blunder Years, The | BURNS Brendon | TIe / Forum Theatre Youth audience |
Lunch On The Fifth | BURTON B J | Drama 20 min One act |
Fortune's Fate Or Mayhem At The Mill | BURTON Brian J | Mini MeloDrama |
Harsh Reality | BUSH Chris | Play/Drama |
Texas Homos | BUTTRAM Jan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Bed Time For Bali | BYRNE Colm | Play/Drama |
White Airplane, The | CALLAHAN Darren | Surrealist Play/Drama |
Rock & Roll: The Reunion Tour | CALLAHAN Matt | Play with Music |
Schlock | CALLAHAN Neil | Piece |
Horrible Truths Of The Ruling Class | CALLAHAN William | Play/Drama |
Black Tongue | CAMERON Ken | Drama One act |
Bloody Knuckles | CAMERON Ken | Comedy One act |
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Papp | CAMERON Kenneth | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Horse Marines, The | CAMERON Richard | Play/Drama |
Pride, The | CAMPBELL Alexi Kaye | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Gilles | CAMPBELL Chris | short play |
One Day In Seven | CAMPBELL Gayle | Stage play One act |
Further Outlook | CAMPTON David | One act |
Nebuchadnezzar | CANNON Glyn | Play/Drama |
Bottle Pete | CANTOR Louis | One act |
State Of Siege, A | CAREY Rosalie | genre unknown |
Used Car For Sale | CARLINO Lewis John | Drama One act |
Diplomacy | CARLSON Tim | Play/Drama |
While I Breath I Hope | CARNEY David | One act |
Goodbuy Sam Maguire | CARR Hugh | One act |
Heritage (The Legacy), in French and English. | CARRENO Gloria | one act |
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Closest Thing To Home | CARRINGTON Grant | One act |
Birth Rite | CARROLL Eliot | Comedy |
Croesus And The Witch | CARROLL Vinnette | Musical Comedy Musical One act |
Viral Sutra | CARTER David | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Sunflower Plot, The | CARTOON DE SALVO | Devised Piece |
Observatory | CARVILLE Daragh | Play/Drama |
Key To The Mystic Halls Of Time | CASARINO Matt | Ten minute play |
Yes, Mamet | CASARINO Matt | 12-17 min Comedy |
Scream, The | CASNER Howard W | One act |
Winter Of Discontent | CASNER Howard W | Drama |
Barbershopera Apocalypse No! | CASTELL Rob | Musical |
Barbershopera Ii | CASTELL Rob | Musical |
Barbershopera! | CASTELL Rob | Musical |
Angel Of Mercy | CAULFIELD Carl | Play/Drama |
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Stone Cold Murder | CAWOOD James | Thriller |
Visions Of Right | CEBULSKA Marcia | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Burning Palms | CENICEROZ Jonathan | Comic Drama |
Immortal Story | CERNY Helena Weltman | Play/Drama |
Nihil | CERVO Gian Maria | comedy Drama Comedy |
Statues | CHADWICK William | One act |
Ali & Ali (The Deportation Hearings) | CHAI Camyar | Play/Drama |
Scheherazade | CHAMBERLAIN Marisha | Play/Drama |
Away From Home | CHAMBERS John | Play/Drama One act |
Bone House, The | CHAN Marty | Play/Drama |
You Couldn't Make It Up | CHAPLIN Michael | Play/Drama |
You Couldn't Make It Up | CHAPLIN Tom | Play/Drama |
One Of Us | CHAPMAN Robin | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Dead Reckoning | CHAPPELL Eric | Thriller |
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Rising Damp | CHAPPELL Eric | Comedy |
Battis Boy | CHARLTON James Martin | Ten minute play. - - Gay, one act |
Ameriville | CHASTEN Gamal Abdel | 90 min Musical |
Stray Dog Story | CHESLEY Robert | adventure in Ten Scenes. - - Gay, full length |
Tom & Clem | CHURCHETT Stephen | Play/Drama |
Ants, The | CHURCHILL Caryl | Radio Play Play/Drama |
Taking Stock | CICCARONE Richard | One act |
Rudolph's Big Secret | CIONGOLI-KOEPFINGER Coni | Children's musical - seasonal |
Tea & Roaches At Scabby Gills | CLARK Sharon | Play/Drama |
Schlock | CLARKE Paul | Piece |
Noon Divide | CLAUDEL Paul | Play/Drama |
Day After Night | CLEAVER Benjamin | two act pop-rock musical |
Gymslip Vicar | CLIFF HANGER THEATRE COMPANY | Play/Drama |
Gin And Tonic | CLIFFORD John | 10 min Comedy |
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Healer, The | CLIVE John P | Play/Drama |
Giver, The | COBLE Eric | adaptation |
Talking Cure | COEN Ethan | One act comedy |
epic Proportions | COEN Larry | Comedy |
Waking | COGHLAN Lin | Play/Drama |
Megan Cohen's James Joyce's Ulysses | COHEN Megan | Short play |
Pheasant, The | COHEN Paul | One act |
West Bank, UK | COHEN Ronnie | Musical |
In Confidence | COKE Peter | comedy One act |
Southern Comfort | COLLINS Dan | musical |
Recruiting Sergeant, The | COLMAN Gary | Satire |
Quasimodo | COMPTON Jethro | 65 min |
Mag Mor | CONDIT Megan | 2 act |
Sunset Party, The | CONLEY Cory | Play/Drama |
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Massive | CONNOLLY Maria | Play/Drama |
Wasteland | CONNOR Fiona | Modern Scottish |
Black Mas | CONSTABLE John | Play/Drama |
I Am A Viking | CONWAY Mark | physical theatre |
Round The Horne Revisited | COOKE Brian | Comedy |
Dark Side, The | COONEY Michael | Thriller |
Jolly Farmer, The | COOPER Peter John | Drama with songs |
Trumpet Major, The | COOPER Peter John | genre unknown |
Running | COOPER Sharon e | Play/Drama |
Quite Contrary | COPELIN David | genre unknown |
Calling | COPLEY Paul | Play/Drama |
Viaduct | COPLEY Paul | Play/Drama |
Dedication | CORBETT Chris | comedy One act |
Thirty-Nine Steps, The | CORBLE Simon | adaptation |
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Tinker's Curse | CORLETT William | Play/Drama |
Berry Man | CORNELIUS Patricia | genre unknown |
Call, The | CORNELIUS Patricia | Play/Drama |
One Life | CORNELL Mark | Drama, 10 min. |
Red Serpent, The | CORNELL Mark | Dark Drama, 15 min. |
Look, A Latino! | CORTINAS Jorge Ignacio | 15-20 min Play/Drama |
Deflowerfucked | COSGROVE Aedin | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Robots Vs Art | COTTON Travis | comedy |
Nostalgia | COXON Lucinda | Play/Drama |
Napoleon In Exile | CPT COMPANY | Devised Piece |
Radiance | CRAM Cusi | Play/Drama |
epic Proportions | CRANE David | Comedy |
Red Magic | CRANE Richard | Play/Drama |
Refugee | CRAWFORD Jim | Stage play One act |
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Time To Change The Pitch | CRAWFORD Trace | Short Play - Social Satire |
Income Taxi | CRAWSHAW Tom | Comedy |
Play On Words | CRAWSHAW Tom | Tragi-Comedy Comedy |
Wake For Miss Montreal, A | CRAZE Tony | Play/Drama |
error Of The Moon, An | CREATORE Luigi | Play/Drama |
Powerhouse | CRECCA Fred | One act |
Sammy's Last Call | CRECCA Fred | One act |
Houses By The Green, The | CREGAN David | Comedy |
Lady And The Clarinet, The | CRISTOFER Michael | Comedy |
Paddy Irishman, Paddy Englishman, And Paddy ? | CROGHAN Declan | Play/Drama |
Author, The | CROUCH Tim | Play/Drama |
Hero | CROWE E V | Play/Drama |
Sex With The Gods | CROWLEY George Tynan | Play/Drama |
Beyond Omarska | CROWLEY Michael | Play/Drama |
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Ushers, The | CROWTHER Simon | Comedy |
Gravity | CRUIZE Ron | Play/Drama |
Graffiti | CRUZ Nilo | Play/Drama |
Paul Robeson Knew My Father | CULLEN Greg | Play/Drama |
Fleeto | CUNNEEN Paddy | One act |
Samuel And Alasdair: A Personal History Of The Robot War | CURNUTTE Joe | Play/Drama |
Come Back Little Richard | CURRY John | One act Drama |
Grain Of Sand | CURRY John | One act Drama. - - Gay, one act |
Undiscovered Country | CURRY John | One act Drama. - - Gay, one act |
Beer And Rhubarb Pie | CURZON Daniel | Gay, full length |
Nashville New York | CUSHMAN Robert | an entertainment Show |
Love & Death & Isabella Stewart Gardner | DALGLISH Jim | Short play One act |
Matter Of Curious Chemistry! | DALTON Kathleen | Childrens one act |
Dissident | DALY Pat | black comedy |
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Amber And Eve | D'AMARIO Dan | One act |
God Bless America, Too | D'AMARIO Dan | One act |
Birthday Kids, The | DAME Robert | 5 min Single Play |
Given Our Current Fiscal Crisis | DAMIANO Daniel | One act |
Sit On My Facets | DANALAKE Brett | Comedy/Radio Play |
With This Ring, I Thee Dead! | DANALAKE Brett | Comedy/Radio Play |
Rock & Roll: The Reunion Tour | DANIELS Sean | Play with Music |
Fridays Hiding | D'ARCY Margaretta | One act |
Night Falls Here | DARKE Barrie | genre unknown |
Prisoner Of Zenda, The | DART Philip | Adaptation |
Ragged Trousered Philanthropist | DART Philip | adaptation |
School For Wives, The | DART Philip | Translation, comedy |
New Game, A | DASHE Leah | One act |
Joey-Boy | DASHOW Ken | Comedy Drama One act |
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From Little Seeds | DAUT Steve | Drama |
Wittenberg | DAVALOS David | Tragical-Comical-Historical in Two acts |
embodiment | DAVIES Jeremy Hylton | Comedy One act |
Ltd | DAVIES Nick | Short Play One act |
Hope Deferred | DAVIES Robertson | One act |
All Night I Dream About Being Good | DAVIES Sasha Milavic | genre unknown |
Balwhinnie Bomb, The | DAVIOT Gordon | One act |
Moon In The Man, The | DAVIS Matthew ethan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Doctor Is Sick, The | DAWE T J | genre unknown |
Like Meat Love Salt | DAWES Adrienne | Play/Drama |
Lemonade Joe | DEACON James | Play/Drama |
Riffed | DEAN Gabriel Jason | Play/Drama |
Black Battles With Dogs | DELGADO Maria M | translation |
Homeless | DELUXE Steve | Ten Min |
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Graveyard, The | DEMPSEY Katie | genre unknown |
Brothers In Arms | DENISON Merrill | One act Comedy |
Light Lunch, A | DERRETT Bridget | One act |
Video Wars | DEVERELL Rex | Drama One act |
Batteries | DEWEY Donald | One act |
Chronic Ills of Robert Zimmerman AKA BOB DYLAN (A LIe), The | DI FONZO Benito | Satire/Comedy, Musical Theatre 75 min |
Sandbox | DI IORIO Gino | genre unknown |
Ha! Ha! | DIAL Lawrence | One act |
Hollow Log | DIAL Lawrence | Play/Drama |
And. . .And. . .And | DICKMAN Christopher J | Comedy |
Yankee Tavern | DIETZ Steven | Play/Drama |
Night Time | DIMITRIJEVIC Selma | Play/Drama |
Thirty-Nine Steps, The | DIMON Nobby | adaptation |
Busy-Body | DINES Michael | Comedy |
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Professional, The | DJURDEVIC Bob | adaptation |
Curacao Chris | DOBRIN Arnold | One act. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Reader, The | DOLAN Chris | adaptation |
Anniversary | DOLCINO Doug | Play/Drama |
Beast Of Burden | DOLCINO Doug | Play/Drama |
Wild with Happy | DOMINGO Colman | comedy |
Down The Shore | DONAGHY Tom | Play One act |
Match Made In Heaven, A | DONFELD Noelle | Musical |
Interview, The | DONLEAVY J P | short piece |
Love Me Tinder | DOVE Martin | Play/Drama |
Cockeyed | DOWNS William Missouri | Comedy |
Anaconda | DOYLE Sarah | Drama |
Bubba And The Peter Eater | DRADER Brian | One act |
Fruit Machine | DRADER Brian | Play/Drama One act. - - Gay, one act |
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Liar | DRADER Brian | Play/Drama |
Gsoh | DRAKE Peter | Comedy |
Road To Ruin | DRESSER Richard | Comedy One act |
Hot Buttered Roll | DREXLER Rosalyn | Play One act |
Ophelia: An Opera In Blue | DREZNIN Sergei | Shakespeare musical Piece |
Storm And Tango | DRUICK Don | Comedy |
Rock & Roll: The Reunion Tour | DUBINER Julie Felise | Play with Music |
Little Leap Forward | DUDDLE Alison | adaptation |
Honor And The River | DUDLEY Anton | 95-110 min Comedy/Drama |
On The Road With Hank The Horse | DUDZICK Tom | 30 min Comedy |
Schlock | DUFFY Richard | Piece |
Dance Class | DUNCAN Clive | Physical Theatre |
Pitch Black | DUNCAN Clive | adaptation |
Roper's Tale, A | DUNCAN Clive | Historical |
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Flybaby | DUNCUM Ken | Comedy |
Precariat, The | DUNKLEY Chris | 90 min one act |
Message, The | DUNMORE John | Drama |
Cafe Aphorism | DUNN Thomas G | Ten Min |
Rise And Fall Of Barney Kerrigan, The | DUNNE Frank | Play/Drama |
Too Close For Comfort | DUNPHY Jack | Comedy Drama One act |
Tell Me | DUNSTER Matthew | Play/Drama |
Hardy Boys And The Mystery Of Where Babies Come From, The | DURANG Christopher | One act. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Nina In The Morning | DURANG Christopher | Comedy One act |
Kill The Band | DWYER Killy | Play/Drama |
Back Swing | DYCHES Samuel | Play/Drama |
Anger/Nation | DYER Eric | Play/Drama |
Orc | EARNSHAW Tony | One act Comedy |
National Interest, The | EDGAR David | Play One act |
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Rent Or Caught In The Act | EDGAR David | MeloDrama with Music |
Rupert Show, The | EDGAR David | Play One act |
State Of Emergency | EDGAR David | Documentary with Songs One act |
Gone | EDGINGTON Jonathan | Drama - 15 minutes long |
Ballad Of Jonas Bones | EDMOND Murray | Youth Drama Verse play |
Not So Fatal Death Of Grandpa Fredo, The | EDMUNDS Candice | comedy, music |
elvira | EDNEY David | Play/Drama |
True Grid | EDWARDS Linda Wood | Comedy |
Bullet Shaped Heart | EDWARDS Neil A | Drama One act |
Victim | EDWARDS Nicholas | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Orange: A Farce About Terrorism | EGERMAN Ben | Comedy |
Lathe Of Heaven, The | EINHORN Edward | Play/Drama |
Hackers | EISENBERG Mike | Comedy |
Arrangement, The | EISENBERG Rick | genre unknown |
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No Great Society | ELEVATOR REPAIR SERVICE | Piece |
Urashima | ELIET David | One act |
Renaissance | ELISHA Ron | Drama with comedy 100 min |
Don't Pet The Zookeeper | ELLSWORTH Patrick | Dark Comedy |
Man Across The Way | EMANUEL Oliver | Play/Drama |
Porcelain Living | EMANUEL Oliver | Four monologues |
Disciplinary Action | EMMERSON Len | Play/Drama |
Cadillac Ranch | EMMITT Marta | Play/Drama |
Yellow | ENNIS Stewart | Film |
I Loved Sam Stone | EPSTEIN Brett | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
How Gertrude Stormwed The Philosopher's Club | EPSTEIN Martin | One act |
Casualties | ERICSON Ross | Play/Drama |
Island Of Saints And How To Get Out Of It, The | ERVINE St John Greer | one act play |
Orangeman, The | ERVINE St John Greer | one act comedy |
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What@Trip! | ESCUDERO Roi "Bubi" | performance art piece Piece |
Void Story | ETCHELLS Tim | Physical Theatre |
Many Men's Wife | EVANS Amy | Short Plays One act |
Mothergun | EVANS Christine | 35 mins One act |
Orrin | EVANS Don | Play One act |
Buglar Boy And His Swish Friend, The | EVELING Stanley | Play/Drama |
Jimmy Has A Tendency | EVERED Charles | Ten minute play |
Oresteia, The | FAGLES Robert | Trilogy |
Topokana Martyr's Day | FALLA Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Psychojelly | FANAN Den Svarta | One Act |
Closing Time | FARMER Frank | Drama Ten Min |
Cross Words, Dirty Deeds | FARMER Frank | Drama Ten Min |
George And Bella | FARMER Frank | Play/Drama One act |
Under Forty | FARMER Frank | Comedy One act |
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Rainbow Kiss | FARQUHAR Simon | Play/Drama |
Water | FARR David | Devised Piece |
Pure Morning | FARROW Graham | Play/Drama |
Adventures Of Pinocchio, The | FARROW Toby | adaptation |
Kangaroo Valley | FARROW Toby | Black Comedy Comedy |
Riddle In The Sand | FAULKNER Alistair | Comedy |
Knock, Knock | FEIFFER Jules | Comedy |
Beautiful Beautiful Sea Next Door, The | FEINBERG Annah | Play/Drama |
Jolly Roger | FELDER Louis | Mystery |
Starbucks | FELDER Louis | Ten minute play |
World Tipped Over And Laying On Its Side, The | FELDHAUS-WEBER M | Play/Drama |
Steinberg | FELDMAN David | Drama One act |
Honey Harvest, The | FENTRESS Liz Bussey | Play/Drama |
Miller | FERGUSON Paul | 70 min Play/Drama |
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Moment Of Silence, A | FERGUSON Paul | 60 min Play/Drama |
Graveyard, The | FERGUSSON Aly | genre unknown |
You're Welcome America A Final Night With George W Bush | FERRELL Will | Play/Drama |
Soldifying Realism | FERRENTINO Lindsey | comedy One act |
Hunger Artist, The | FESETTE Nick | Play/Drama |
Salt Spray And Rust | FEWSTER Angela | 2 acts Play/Drama |
William's Monster | FIBER Jon | Musical |
Torch Song Trilogy | FIERSTEIN Harvey | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Widows And Children First! | FIERSTEIN Harvey | Play/Drama |
Killing The Boss | FILLOUX Catherine | Play/Drama |
Water | FILTER THEATRE | Devised Piece |
Anger/Nation | FINDLAY Iver | Play/Drama |
Rebecca's Laugh | FINES Ian | Comedy |
Quiet Moment, The | FINN Mike | Play/Drama |
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North | FINNEGAN Seamus | Play/Drama |
Soldiers | FINNEGAN Seamus | Play/Drama |
Happiest Couple | FINSTROM Tony | One act |
Basket Case | FISHER Nick | comedy |
Pendulum, The | FISKE-HARRISON Alexander | Play/Drama |
Fine Wine And Pringles At The Cafe Belgrade | FITTOCK Chris | Serious Comedy Comedy |
Anselem | FITZGERALD Hugh | all-ages Drama Play/Drama |
Soldier's Tale, The | FLANDERS Michael | Translation |
Wolf In The Sunlight, The | FLEMING Peter | Play/Drama |
Underdeveloped Photographer | FLETCHER Gregory | One act |
Men In Suits | FLOY Gregory | Play/Drama |
Ben Hur | FOLEY Sean | comedy |
Pill By Any Other Name Is The Wrong Dosage, A | FOLSCHINSKY Jeff | One act |
Drug Buddy | FOLWELL David | Play/Drama |
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Raft Baby | FOON Dennis | Play/Drama |
Spring Dance | FOOTE Horton | Drama One act |
Terminal | FORD David Douglas | Comedy |
Invisible Bonfires | FORKBEARD FANTASY | Piece |
Danube, The | FORNES Maria Irene | genre unknown |
Sitter, The | FOSTER Norm | Comedy |
State Of Siege, A | FRAME Janet | genre unknown |
Our Man In Havana | FRANCIS Clive | adaptation |
God's Best Country | FRANCIS Gordon | Play/Drama |
Bandstand, The | FRANCIS Robert J | Comedy |
Snorted | FRANCIS Robert J | Farce |
Greenwich Village Follies, The | FRANK Andrew | musical revue Musical |
Augusta | FRANKS Alan | Play/Drama |
Summertime Blues | FRASER Grant | Stage play. |
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Sleeping Chickens | FRASER Ian | Comedy |
Cod Of War | FRATER Scott | Comedy. Youth |
Victim, The | FRATTI Mario | Comedy Thriller Thriller |
Bench Mark | FRAWLEY Malcolm | Comedy |
1956 - 2006 | FREED Donald | Drama |
First To The Egg | FREEDMAN Colette | Ten minute play |
Rothschild's Fiddle | FREEDMAN John | Translation |
Of The Fields, Lately | FRENCH David | Play/Drama |
Night Of The Butterfly | FRIEDMAN Zach | Musical |
Yalta Game, The | FRIEL Brian | adaptation 1 act One act |
Rosewood Veneer | FRIEND Simon | Drama/Comedy |
enemy Material | FROEHLING Simon | Full-Length 100 mins Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Oz | FROST Joseph | Play/Drama |
Captain's Tiger, The | FUGARD Athol | Play/Drama |
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American Way | GABLE Jeremy | 90 mins Play/Drama |
Right And Wrong | GABLE Jeremy | genre unknown |
Song Of The Say-Sayer | GABORIAU Linda | Translation |
Thunderstruck | GABORIAU Linda | Translation |
Blinders | GABRIDGE Patrick | Comedy/Satire Comedy |
Whittling Place | GABRIDGE Patrick | One act |
Such A Delicate Question | GABRIEL Henry | existential Satire |
All That Glitters | GALLACHER Matthew | Twenty minute play |
Los Conquistadores - A Mexican Dog Dance | GALLAGHER Brenden | genre unknown |
Kiss Me, Mr Bogart | GALLAGHER Lee | One act |
Botticelli Cruise, The | GALLO Anthony ernest | Play/Drama |
Charleston Revisited | GALLO Anthony ernest | Comedy |
Margherita | GALLO Anthony ernest | mystery romance |
Ya Gotta Believe | GALLO Joseph | Drama Ten minute play |
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Facing East | GARCIA Mark eugene | Musical |
Year Off, A | GARLAND Andy | Drama |
Slipknot | GASS Ken | genre unknown |
After The Show | GATER Paul | Drama One act |
Clockheart Boy | GAYTON Sam | Play/Drama |
Secret Earth, The | GEBAUER Judy | 20-25 min Comedy |
Better Late | GELBART Larry | comedy |
Merry Xmas To All And Goodnight | GEMS Jonathan | genre unknown |
Shithouse Of The August Moon, The | GEMS Jonathan | Short Play One act |
Renovations | GERLE Andrew | 90 min Play/Drama |
Vivien | GERMAN Samantha | Play/Drama |
Snacks | GERSHE Leonard | Comedy |
Higher Education Of Dexter, The | GIARNIERO Richard P | Comedy |
Mr Flood's Party | GIARNIERO Richard P | Play/Drama |
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Sweethearts | GILBERT Paul | Play/Drama |
Lovely Evening | GILL Peter | Short Play One act |
Lure Of The Dragon, A | GILLARD-BENTLEY Paddy | Surreal comedy |
Mugwort's Bane | GILLARD-BENTLEY Paddy | Kid's Medieval Fantasy - 90 min. |
Anger/Nation | GILLETTE Scott Halvorsen | Play/Drama |
Time Of Our Time | GILMAN Stuart | genre unknown |
Dotted Line | GIUNTA Anthony | Play/Drama |
Chosen Ones, The | GLADWIN Philip | Play/Drama |
Amser I Hau, Amser I Fedi | GLASS Harry | Dramau fer |
Gay Times Requiem | GLAZIER Eli | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Jack And The Beanstalk | GLENN Sean | Pantomime |
Flying Crows | GLOSSMAN James | Play/Drama |
Bubble Boy, The | GLOVER Sue | One act |
Child Support | GODFREY Joe | Twenty minute play. - - Gay, one act |
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Whisky Galore | GODFREY Paul | adaptation |
Fossilface | GODFREY Peter | Christmas extravagANZa Show |
Cowboy Vs Samurai | GOLAMCO Michael | Comedy |
Year Zero | GOLAMCO Michael | Dramatic Comedy |
Boxing Without A Ring | GOLDBERG Jason Aaron | Comedy Ten Min |
La Cueca | GOLDMAN Andrea | piece |
Crunch! | GOLDMAN Daniel | Youth audience |
Just Men | GOLDSTEIN Gary | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Chuckleball: Jailhouse Jocks | GOLDSTEIN Jason | musical revue Musical |
In Betweens | GOLUBOFF Bryan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Tramp's Revenge, The | GOLVAN Colin | Biographical |
Migrant Farmer's Son | GONZALEZ S Silvia | Black comedy |
Witchcraft | GONZALEZ-RISSO Kico | Play/Drama |
I Am A Viking | GONZO MOOSE | physical theatre |
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Portrait Of Jan Six, The | GOOCH Steve | Play/Drama |
Two Cities | GOODALL Howard | Musical |
Good Deed, The | GORDON Jim | Drama/Comedy |
It Can Be The Way You Want It To Be | GORMAN Clem | stage play |
Mother And Son In A Floral Setting | GORMAN Clem | Stage play One act |
Dead Liberty, A | GOSLING Alan | Black Comedy 1 act Comedy |
Gryf. . .Head | GOUGH Lucy | gothic comedy |
Head | GOUGH Lucy | Radio Play |
Wonderful Life And Miserable Death Of The Renowned Dr Faustus, The | GOULD Rebecca | adaptation |
Conducting Business | GRABER Sam | Comedy |
It's A Lovely Day Tomorrow | GRACE Dom | One act |
Breakfast With Mugabe | GRACE Fraser | Play/Drama |
Burkie | GRAHAM Bruce | Play/Drama |
Coyote On A Fence | GRAHAM Bruce | Play/Drama |
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Midnight Snack | GRAHAM David Wesley | One act Drama. - - Gay theme/character, one act |
Scrooge In Rouge | GRAHAM Ricky | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Snakebit | GRANT David Marshall | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Croesus And The Witch | GRANT Micki | Musical Comedy Musical One act |
Outlanders | GRAY Amlin | short play One act |
Wormwood | GRAY Amlin | short play One act |
Unexpected Moves | GRAY Gene | One act |
Tasty | GRAY Jodi | short play |
Stage Struck | GRAY Simon | Play/Drama |
Wise Child | GRAY Simon | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Ritual For Dolls | GREEN George Macewan | One act |
Sofa | GREEN Nick | Play/Drama |
Night Of The Butterfly | GREENE Evan | Musical |
Still Waters | GREENLAND Gerry | Drama |
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Pneumonia | GREENSPAN David | One act |
Trains Passing | GREENSPAN David | Play/Drama |
2 Train | GREIG Jonathan | Play One act |
All Good Men | GRIFFITHS Trevor | Play/Drama |
Hello Goodbye Sebastian | GRILLO John | genre unknown |
Checkout | GRIM Johnny | Short play |
Wonderful Life And Miserable Death Of The Renowned Dr Faustus, The | GROSE Carl | adaptation |
3606202 | GROSSETTI Adam | Play/Drama |
Dogs | GROSSETTI Adam | 45 mins One act |
Island Of Never Giving Way On Your Desires | GROTE Jason | short play |
Shaft Or The Tortoisaid | GUASPARI David | One act Comedy |
Hummin' | GUERIN Tony | Play/Drama |
Nighthawks | GUILFORD-BLAKE Evan | Drama, 90 min One act |
Christine | GUINESS Valentine | Drama |
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Thirty Nine Steps, The | GUMBLEY Ross | adaptation |
Big Bill | GURNEY A R | Play/Drama |
Julia 3 | GURR Michael | genre unknown |
Why Prosecute Bill Stickers | GUY Russell | Stage play 2 acts |
Attic | GUYTON Daniel | Drama Thriller, 35 min One act |
Friend To All The Little Guys, A | GUYTON Daniel | Dark Comedy |
Seeing Red | HAHN Daniel | One act |
Saturn Returns | HAIDLE Noah | Play/Drama |
What's On Tv? | HAIZER Drena | 10 min Comedy |
Me, Myself & Id | HALDEMAN Matthew | Short Play One act |
One, The | HALE David T | Play/Drama |
every Black Day | HALE Don | Play/Drama |
It's All In The Mind | HALE John | Play/Drama |
Matthew Marks, Luke And Gus | HALF Jason | One act |
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Hard Wall At High Speed, A | HALFNIGHT Ashlin | Play/Drama |
Fear, The | HALL Emmitte | horror one act |
Love On The Wing | HALL Michael | Comedy |
Broken Up | HALL Nick | Comedy |
Dead Wrong | HALL Nick | Thriller |
Rich And Creamy | HALL Simon | 30 mins One act |
Railwayman's New Clothes | HALL Willis | One act |
Girl Who Didn't Like Answers, The | HALLIWELL David | play One act |
After Adam | HAM Christina | Full-length Supernatural Drama Play/Drama |
A**Hole Murder Case, The | HAMPLE Stuart | play Ten Min |
Rock & Roll: The Reunion Tour | HANBURY David | Play with Music |
New And Improved God | HANCOCK Mary Jane 'mj' | Comedy, satire Comedy |
Lucky Penny | HANDLEY Jody | Ten minute play |
Hackett Gets Ahead | HANNAN Bill | Stage play for high school students Youth audience |
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Hackett Gets Ahead | HANNAN Lorna | Stage play for high school students |
Lear | HANRAHAN Johnny | adaptation |
Pied Piper, The | HANRAHAN Johnny | opera for children Opera |
What Use Are Flowers? | HANSBERRY Lorraine | One act |
Seizure, The | HARDIE Benedict | Play/Drama |
Nicholas Turns The Tables | HARDWICK Michael | One act |
Nicholas Turns The Tables | HARDWICK Mollie | One act |
Fallen Night, The | HARRIS Christopher T | Drama |
What To Do With Jack Perdue | HARRIS Jeremy | Comedy |
Past Away | HARRIS Tracy | Play/Drama |
Not So Fatal Death Of Grandpa Fredo, The | HARRISON Jamie | comedy, music |
Trackers Of Oxyrhynchus, The | HARRISON Tony | Comedy |
eric or Eliot | HARTFORD Dwayne | One act |
Who Killed Julie? | HARTL Forrest | Comedy One act |
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Who Pays The Hitman | HARTLEY Andy | Black comedy |
Like You've Never Seen It Before | HARVEY Christine | Children's 1 act Comedy Youth audience |
Clearance | HARVEY Lynne | Play/Drama |
Tramway Road | HARWOOD Ronald | Play/Drama |
Vandals | HATCHER Jeffrey | Comedy |
Bartleby: The True Story | HATCHER Tim | One act Comedy |
Shut Up, Martha! | HAUBOLD Cleve | One act |
Great Unknown, The | HAUPTMAN William | Musical |
Travels With My Aunt | HAVERGAL Giles | adaptation |
Morocco | HAVIS Allan | Comedy of Menace |
Tutor, The | HAVIS Allan | 90 min Play/Drama |
Thrashing, A | HAWES Steve | short play |
Fernando | HAWORTH Steven | Dark Comedy |
Perfect Future, A | HAY David | Play/Drama |
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Decisive Action | HAYDEN Bob | Political Comedy Ten Min |
Shanghai Virgin Of Front Street, The | HAYDEN Bob | Serio-Comedy Ten Min |
Step 9 (Of 12) | HAYES Rob | Play/Drama |
Dead Body Play | HAYWARD Bradley | comedy Ten Min |
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure At Sir Arthur Sullivan's | HEATH Tim | 2 acts Play/Drama |
Hidden Cost | HEEBNER Amy L | Contemporary family Drama |
One-Man Show | HEGINBOTHAM John | Musical |
Stallerhof | HEHN Kathrina | Play/Drama |
10-Speed Revolution | HEIMBUCH John | comedy One act |
Invention Of The Living Room, The | HEINZE Andrew R | short Comedy |
Tapestries | HEISS Rolland L | Play/Drama |
Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises) | HELFRECHT Alex | adaptation |
Wonderlust | HENDERSON Cody | genre unknown |
Last Call | HENNESSEY Michael | Play/Drama |
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Climb | HENNESSY Ben | Play/Drama |
Demon Box, The | HENNESSY Steve | Short Play One act 65 min |
Lullabies Of Broadmoor - A Broadmoor Quartet | HENNESSY Steve | Quartet of Plays |
Murder Club, The | HENNESSY Steve | Short Play One act 65 min |
Venus At Broadmoor | HENNESSY Steve | Short Play One act 65 min |
Wilderness | HENNESSY Steve | Short Play One act 65 min |
Isolated Case Of Heterochromia, An | HERBERT Bob | Stage play. 3 pArts One act |
Moon Is Blue, The | HERBERT F Hugh | Comedy |
Omphale And The Hero | HERBERT John | Three act Play/Drama |
Boxing Day Test | HILL Michael | Play/Drama |
Dog Park | HILLGARTNER Malcolm | comedy Musical |
Stranger At The Door | HILLS Richard | Play - One act, Drama |
First Of The Day | HINDS Andrew | One Act |
Who He Was When He Knew Who He Was | HINKLE Vernon | comedy Drama One act |
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First Star | HITE Rick | Translation |
Murmurs And Incantations | HIUNI Dahn | Play/Drama |
Hillary And Clinton | HNATH Lucas | comedy |
Isaac's Eye | HNATH Lucas | comedy |
Odile's Ordeal | HNATH Lucas | comedy |
Public Reading Of An Unproduced Screenplay About The Death Of Walt Disney, A | HNATH Lucas | comedy |
Tonguetied | HNATH Lucas | comedy |
History Of The Machine, A | HOBBS Martyn | 80 min Play/Drama |
Disillusioned | HODARA Susan | full length Play/Drama |
Family's Business, The | HODARA Susan | full length Play/Drama |
Anger/Nation | HOFFMAN Maggie | Play/Drama |
Schlock | HOFFMANN Jessica | Piece |
Housebreaking | HOLDER Jakob | Play/Drama |
Barnstorm | HOLLAND Michael | Crime Drama Play/Drama |
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Man Who Was Thursday, The | HOLLOWAY Jonathan | adaptation |
Revelator | HOLLOWAY Tom | drama |
errorists, The | HOLSTEIN David | Comedy |
Sabina | HOLTZMAN Willy | Play/Drama |
Screwmachine/eyecandy Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Big Bob | HOPKINS C J | Play/Drama |
Find Your Way Home | HOPKINS John | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Badger Game, The | HORNE Kenneth | Strong Drama |
One Under | HOROVITZ Israel | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Security | HOROVITZ Israel | 35 min One act |
Trees | HOROVITZ Israel | Parable One act |
Fast Track, The | HOSKING Sandra | comedy Ten Min |
Spymonkey's Moby Dick | HOUBEN Jos | adaptation |
Distracted | HOVERMAN Matt | 10-minute comedy |
Viewing, The | HOWARD Ross | One act/ Black comedy/Drama/political allegory |
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People Who Stamp Papers All Day | HOWLETT Chris | One act |
elliot, A Soldier's Fugue | HUDES Quiara Alegria | Drama |
Voyagers, The | HUGHES Patrick | Televison play |
Plastica Fantastica | HUGHES Rebecca | genre unknown |
Muse In Manhattan, A | HUGHES Terence Patrick | Play/Drama |
Smoke Em If You Got Em | HUGHES Terence Patrick | short play |
Dog Park | HUME Michael J | comedy Musical |
Jack's Precious Moment | HUNTER Samuel D | Play/Drama |
Some Like It Hotter | HURFORD Richard | musical comedy |
What Light | HURFORD Richard | Drama |
Too Long the Heart | HUTCHINSON David | 75 min one act |
Secrets Inside, The | HUTCHINSON David Malcolm | Play/Drama |
Moonlight And Magnolias | HUTCHINSON Ron | Play/Drama |
Tibet Through The Red Box | HWANG David Henry | 75-90 min Drama for young people |
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An Posadh (The Marriage) | HYDE Douglas | one act play |
An Tincear Agus An Tsidheog (The Tinker And The Sheeog) | HYDE Douglas | one act play |
Play The Game | HYLAND James | Play/Drama |
Smouldering Fires | ILIFFE Roy | Drama One act |
Boy In The Basement, The | INGE William | Short Play One act |
Custer | INGHAM Robert | Play/Drama |
This Ones Thanks To Camla | INGOLD Jon | Murder Mystery One act |
Not Out Of The Cold | IOGNA Luciano | Play/Drama |
Regard Evening, The | IRWIN Bill | genre unknown |
Lincoln Road | IWASZKO Danusia | short play |
Militia Slumber Party, Or Embracing The New World Order | JACKSON Crystal | Short Play Pne act |
Please Remove This Stuffed Animal From My Head | JACKSON Crystal | One act |
Paul's First Voicemail To Thessa | JACKSON D C | piece |
Minor Irritations | JACKSON Sam Peter | comedy/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
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Turning To The Camera | JACKSON Simon | noir thriller |
Getting Along Famously | JACOBS Michael | genre unknown |
Dalliances | JACOBS Pieter | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Spontanious Human Combustion | JACOBSON Tom | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Lapsburgh Layover, The | JAIN Justin | piece |
Caught | JAMIESON Daniel | Play/Drama |
One In A Million | JAMIESON Daniel | comedy |
You Can't Catch Me | JAMIESON Daniel | adaptation |
Last King Of Devonport, The | JANES Hugh | Promenade piece |
Cox Four | JEFFERY Michael (1) | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Knack, The | JELLICOE Ann | Comedy |
First Person Shooter | JENKINS Paul | Play/Drama |
Winners, The | JENKINSON Rosemary | Play/Drama |
Beautiful Man, A | JENNISON Joe | gay/lesbian theme One act. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
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Pylon | JESSEN Craig | Dramedy |
early Bird | JILER John | Play One act |
Invisible Bonfires | JOBLING Ed | Piece |
Propinquity | JOHNSON Claudia | Short Play One act |
Lapsburgh Layover, The | JOHNSON Dave | piece |
Hysteria Fragments Of An Analysis Of An Obsessional Neurosis | JOHNSON Terry | Farce |
Leaving Tangier | JOHNSTON David (2) | Play One act. - - Gay, one act |
Now Breathe Out | JOHNSTON Rob | 35 minute black comedy One act |
Under My Skin | JOHNSTON Rob | black comedy One act |
Performing Giant, The | JOHNSTONE Keith | genre unknown |
Rock Doves | JONES Marie | Play/Drama |
West Memphis Mojo | JONES Martin | genre unknown |
Murder Of Nancy, The | JONES-EVANS Eric | Dickensian Sketch |
Nooses Knives And Lovers | JOSEPH Robert | genre unknown |
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Only More So | JULIAN Joseph | Comic Satire, full length |
Tosca's Kiss | JUPP Kenneth | Play/Drama |
Dark Days | KAINE Kevin | genre unknown |
And The Boy Who Came To Leave | KALCHEIM Lee | Modern Drama Play/Drama |
Defiled | KALCHEIM Lee | Black comedy |
Nude Scene | KANE Bruce | One act |
Carnival | KANE Colette | genre unknown |
Ways To Look At Fish | KANE Colette | 55 min Drama One act |
Missing Link | KATZ Lally | play |
Why, The | KAUFOLD Victor | 80-90 min Tragicomedy |
Then Waves | KAUTZMAN Kevin | Play/Drama |
Drum, The | KAVANAGH Tony | Play/Drama |
Rock | KEARNS Michael | Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Getaway | KEEFFE Barrie | Contemporary Drama One act |
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Gotcha | KEEFFE Barrie | Short Play One act |
Little Black Girl Step Over The Bar | KELEN Stephen | Play One act |
3M1W (Or, Very, Very Small Things) | KELLERMAN Jesse | 100-120 min Comedy |
Crossed Wires | KELLERMAN Jesse | 10-12 min Comedy |
Formidable Task Of Execution, The | KELLERMAN Jesse | 10-15 min Comedy |
Metaphor, A | KELLERMAN Jesse | 18-21 min Comedy |
Moda | KELLERMAN Jesse | 15-20 min Comedy |
Poker And The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man | KELLERMAN Jesse | 24-28 min comedy |
Very, Very Small Things) | KELLERMAN Jesse | Comedy |
Whatever, Whenever | KELLERMAN Jesse | 25-30 min Comedy |
Sharon Is My Name | KELLEY Daniel | genre unknown |
Show Me A Rose (Or Leave Me Alone) | KELLEY Daniel | Black comedy |
Let Us Fly | KELLOGG Peter | Musical |
Parental Guidance | KELLY Eamonn F | Comedy One act |
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Religious Knowledge | KELLY Eamonn F | Comedy One act |
Complete Guide To Sex, The | KELLY Jude | genre unknown |
Talking Carrots At The End Of Act One | KELLY Mat | One act |
Temporarily Yours | KELLY Tom W | One act. - - AIDS, one act |
Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde, The | KEMP Jonny | adaptation |
God's Property | KENE Arinze | Play/Drama |
Mates | KENNA Peter | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Flat Stanley | KENNY Mike | Childrens play |
Prometheus Bound | KERR James | Translation |
Secret Word For Today Is Carrot | KERR Robert | Comedy, 10-Minute |
Flash Point | KERSHAW H V | Play/Drama |
Union Street | KERSHAW Ian | Comedy |
Black Monk, The | KESSELMAN Wendy | Musical |
Nelie Toole & Co | KEVESON Peter | Play/Drama |
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Hitler's Skull | KILLINGER H M | a Drama in 10 scenes |
On All Fours | KILLINGER H M | 10 minute satirical comedy |
Rebel Yelp | KIMBERLING Brian | Farce |
Your Local Neighbourhood Pharmacy | KIMMEL Hank | genre unknown |
Greenwich Village Follies, The | KIMSER Fran | musical revue Musical |
Best Man, The | KING Robert | Comedy |
Dime Heroes | KINGREA Eric | Play/Drama |
Tom & Mary, Mary & Tom | KIRK John W | Drama, full length |
Night Of The Butterfly | KITROSSER Dan | Musical |
Lloyd's Prayer | KLING Kevin | Comedy |
Cry Wolf | KNEEHIGH THEATRE COMPANY | Off Beat Pantomime |
Unheard World Of Jasper Lawson, The | KNIGHT Ingle | Theatre of The Deaf 1 scene |
Magpie | KOLLER Katherine | Play/Drama |
If Truth Be Known | KOMAKI Judi | Play/Drama |
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Difference | KOSH David | One act |
Pig Farm | KOTIS Greg | Comedy |
Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Helen Gahagan Douglas | KOUT Wendy | Play/Drama |
Babel Tower | KOZAK Alexis | Play/Drama |
empire Of The Trees | KRAAR Adam | Play/Drama |
4 Am (Open All Night) | KRAKOWER Bob | short play |
Name | KRAMER Seth | 15-17 min Comedy/Drama |
Special Days | KRAMER Seth | 120-140 min Comedy/Drama |
World Without Memory | KRAMER Seth | 25-30 min Play/Drama |
Onward | KRING Katie | Musical |
Four On A Couch | KRUCKEMEYER Finegan | Comedy |
Zen Of An Intelligent Machine, The | KUHNS Bill | genre unknown |
Pinstripe Trilogy, The | LAB COLLECTIVE | piece |
Keystone Knights, The | LABOUNTY David | Skit (20 minutes - Middle Grades) Comedy |
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Space Cadets | LABOUNTY David | Skit (15-20 minutes - Middle Grades) Comedy |
Time Capsule | LABOUNTY David | One act play (20 minutes - Middle Grades) Dramatic |
Wisest Of Fools, The | LADUTKE Rachel Rubin | Ten minute play |
This Little Piggy | LAING Jamie | short play |
Darkroom | LALLA A F | Full-Length 100 mins Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Random Acts | LALLA A F | Play/Drama |
Dealing | LALLY Steven | Short Play One act |
Oh Well Never Mind Bye | LALLY Steven | Play Drama |
Gulliver | LAMBERT Kit | adaptation |
Hollywood Party | LANE John | Fifteen minute play |
Derby Mcqueen Affair, The | LANE Nick | Comedy |
Out Of Ignorance | LANGMAN Peter F | Play/Drama |
Infant, The | LANSLEY Oliver | Black Comedy Comedy |
Carrot Nappers | LARGE Keith | Comedy |
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Translucent Frogs Of Quuup, The | LARNER Chris | Musical Comedy Musical |
Great Place To Be From, A | LASCA Norman | Play/Drama |
My Fat Friend | LAURENCE Charles | Comedy |
My Fat Friend | LAWRENCE Charles | Comedy. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Bye, Bye, Margarita | LAWRENCE Gavin | 30-40 min Drama with Songs |
Lilies In The Valley | LAWRENCE Gavin | 30-40 min Drama with songs |
Martyr To Music, A | LAWRY Jim | Drama 90 min Play/Drama |
Plaque, The | LAYCOCK W M B | play One act |
Working Out | LAYTON Richard | Comedy |
Strawberry Preserves | LE WILHELM | Play/Drama |
Caterers, The | LEAF Jonathan | political thriller Thriller |
One-Man Show | LEARY Gordon | Musical |
eat The Enemy | LEE Chris | Play/Drama |
Like You've Never Seen It Before | LEE Eliaha | Children's 1 act Comedy Youth audience |
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Appeal, The | LEE Young Jean | experimental comedy One act |
Post Dating | LEGHORN V B | One act |
Pre-Dating | LEGHORN V B | One act |
Compound 61 | LEHMAN Adam | One act |
Glimmer, Glimmer & Shine | LEIGHT Warren | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Articles Of Faith | LEIREN-YOUNG Mark | Play/Drama |
Half | LEMOINE Greg | Play/Drama |
Blackout | LENTON Matthew | Piece |
Ghost In The Machine | LEON Mike | Play/Drama |
Quick, The | LEONARD Hugh | comedy One act |
Dilemma | LERNER Erwin H | Play One act |
Happy New Year, Love | LERNER Erwin H | Play One act |
Standup Shakespeare | LESLEE Ray | comedy Drama Musical |
Appointment, The | LESSER Gene | Fifteen minute play |
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Head Shot | LESSER Gene | Comedy |
Passing The Reins | LESSER Gene | Twenty minute play |
Almost Adults | LEVENTMAN Aaron | one acts. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Twin Primes | LEWIN Alex | Play/Drama |
Pangloss And Pennypocket | LEWIS Dianna A | Comedy |
Heads | LEWIS Em | Play/Drama |
Sponsor, The | LEWIS Ira | Comedy |
Of Babylon | LEWIS L Susan | Musical |
Just Another Cowboy Lost In Steinland | LEWIS Sean edward | Piece |
Life Imitates Art : Love Trilogy Part 1 | LEWIS Zoe | Play/Drama |
Portrait's Voice, The | LEYVA Chris | Horror/Mystery |
Station | LICHTENSTEIN Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Last Frontier, The | LICHTIG Robin Rice | Drama, full length |
Are You Evil Tonight? | LILLFORD Daniel R | Play/Drama |
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Tenderness | LINDHOLM Marita | Play/Drama |
Burnaby Barnaby | LINDS Brian | One act |
Headstrong | LINK Patrick | Play/Drama |
Stiff | LIPSIUS Adam | One act |
After The Last Lamp | LIVINGS Henry | Play/Drama |
Brainscrew | LIVINGS Henry | One act |
I Am A Viking | LLOYD Emma | physical theatre |
Remains | LODGE Alex | 10 Min |
Sperm Counts | LOHREY David | Comedy One act |
Lobby Hero | LONERGAN Kenneth | Play/Drama |
Waverly Gallery | LONERGAN Kenneth | Play/Drama |
Spanish Eyes | LOPEZ Eduardo Ivan | 2 act Play/Drama |
Wise Guys | LORD Audra | Comedy one act |
Of Birds And Beasts | LOUTCHINA Irina | Play/Drama |
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Desperate Measures | LOVATT Melville | Full Length Comedy |
Suck, The | LOVETT Tara Maria | Play/Drama |
Reckoning, The | LOWRY Alex | One act |
Veracitropes, The | LOWRY Alex | One act |
Dying Gaul, The | LUCAS Craig | Play/Drama. - - AIDS, full length |
Dream Monster | LUCAS Mike | One act |
Last Rightboy, The | LUCASON Jim | Play |
Lifeguard, The | LUCZAK Raymond | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Artificial Jungle, The | LUDLAM Charles | Suspense Thriller |
Three On The Seesaw | LUNARI Luigi | Play/Drama |
Occurrence At Yankee Stadium, An | LUNNEY Robert emmet | genre unknown |
Stairs, The | LUTHER Steven | genre unknown |
Climb | LYNCH Eoin | Play/Drama |
Trigon, The | LYNNE James Broome | genre unknown |
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Bunk | LYS Simon | Play/Drama |
Ultimate Fight, The | MACDOUGAL Paullette | 10-minute comic fantasy |
Late Great Henry Boyle, The | MACGREGOR David | Full-length Comedy/Drama |
In For a Penny | MACGREGOR Justin | comedy |
Havana Journal | MACHADO Eduardo | Play/Drama |
episode One: Lonely Together | MACIAS Alana | Multi-media short piece with live cameras |
Who Killed Julie? | MACIAS Ernie | Comedy One act |
His Greatness | MACIVOR Daniel | 1h 55m Drama Comedy |
Seen Any Good Movies Lately? | MACKILLOP Larry | Comedy |
Thursday Continued | MACKILLOP Larry | Comedy |
Coyote | MADERO Vincent | short play |
Indulge | MAGNUSON Andri Snaer | short play |
Private Dick | MAHER Richard | Play/Drama |
Open Season | MAISEL Jennifer | Ten minute play |
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New Crack, The | MALICKI Pete | Comedy |
What If. . .? | MALICKI Pete | Comedy |
Baaji On The Beat | MALIK Anjum | 15 min play |
Korach | MALINA Judith | 55 min Play/Drama |
Bobby Gould In Hell | MAMET David | Play One act |
Faustus | MAMET David | adaptation |
Race | MAMET David | Play/Drama |
Run, Thief Run! | MANCHESTER Joe | suspense One act |
New Television Arrives, Finally, A | MANDEL Kevin | Comedy |
Cowboys | MARCELINE Michael | dramedy One Act |
Saved From Obscurity | MARDIROSIAN Tom | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Reunion, The: Miles, Bird And Trane | MARENTIC James | Play/Drama |
Fallen 9/11, The | MARESE Robert | Play/Drama |
Cafe Antarsia | MARGRAFF Ruth | world folk opera Opera |
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Working Title | MARGREE Jonathan | Comedy |
Couchophilia | MARIANO Mike | Ten minute play |
Jack, Wanda And Ben | MARIANO Mike | Comedy |
Wish Fulfillment | MARIANO Mike | Comedy |
Boy A Ball A Bat, A | MARNICH Melanie | 10 min comedy Drama |
And In The End: The Life And Death Of John Lennon | MARSHALL Alexander | Play/Drama |
Prayer, The | MARSHALL Grant Buchanan | Play/Drama |
Fly By Night | MARSHALL Jayne | one act |
Snakebit | MARSHALL GRANT David | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Twisted Tea Cups | MARTIN Henry | Children's Theatre |
Berlin Hanover Express | MARTIN Ian Kennedy | Play/Drama |
Group Therapy And The Undead | MARTIN Jason D | comedy Ten Min |
Guillotine | MARTIN Steve | Comedy |
Zig Zag Woman | MARTIN Steve | Comedy |
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Partial Complex Seizure | MARTINEZ Rogelio | Black comedy |
Conversations With My Neighbour's Pit Bull | MARTINI Clem | Play One Act |
Mouse | MARTINI Clem | Childrens One Act |
Swimmers | MARTINI Clem | Play/Drama |
I Am A Viking | MARTINS Mikey | physical theatre |
Gospel Beacons | MARX Jackie | Play/Drama |
Fall Of The House Of Usher, The | MASON Robert | 12-17 min Play/Drama |
Bearclaw | MASON Timothy | One act. - - Gay, full length |
Clockmaker, The | MASSICOTTE Stephen | Metaphysical Drama/Comedy |
Like Totally Weird | MASTROSIMONE William | Short Play One Act |
Winter In Ischia | MAUGHAM Robin | genre unknown |
Disturber Of Pools | MAURICE Furnley | Play One Act |
Private Matter, A | MAVOR Ronald | Play One Act |
Flight Courier Service | MAXWELL Richard | comedy |
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House | MAXWELL Richard | musical 60 min |
Adaptation | MAY Elaine | Comedy One Act |
Underwater Swimming | MAY Stephen | Play/Drama |
Evening | MAYNE Rutherford | one act playlet |
Troth, The | MAYNE Rutherford | one act |
Death Of A Critic | MCALLISTER Keir | Play/Drama |
Hostage Politics | MCANDREW Robert | Play/Drama |
British Subject, A | MCAULIFFE Nichola | Play/Drama |
True Faith | MCCABE Franklyn | Play/Drama |
Absence Of Women, The | MCCAFFERTY Owen | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Big Deal, The | MCCAMY Kate | full length Comedy |
Forging Ahead | MCCLELLAND John | Youth Audience |
Mr Black | MCCLERNAN Nancy G | Ten Min |
New Rules | MCCLERNAN Nancy G | One Act |
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Curlew's Cry, A | MCCLURE Paul | Play/Drama |
Stiff Undertaking Undertaking | MCCRYSTAL Cal | Show |
Werewolf Slaying 101 | MCDAVIES Aaron | Short play |
Behanding in Spokane, A | MCDONAGH Martin | Comedy |
Lonesome West, The | MCDONAGH Martin | Play/Drama |
Skull In Connemara, A | MCDONAGH Martin | Play/Drama |
Broken Plate Pate | MCDONALD Tony | One Act |
Spy Who Wouldn't Die Again, The | MCDONNELL Gabe | 120 min spy thriller |
Unforgiven | MCDWYER John | Comedy |
Bedtime Story | MCENANEY Frank | genre unknown |
Suburban Appliance Tragedy | MCFADDEN Ryan | One act Comedy |
Fisherman, The | MCGHAN Jayme | Drama, full time |
Birds, Marriages And Deaths | MCGOUGH Roger | Revue Show |
My Old Man | MCGRATH Tom | Play/Drama |
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Shredded | MCGREGOR Rex | Ten-minute play |
Glyph | MCGUINNESS Michael Sean | short play |
Dead Mime in the Trunk | MCKEEVER Michael | short comedy |
Hand of God | MCKEEVER Michael | Play/Drama |
Changeling, The | MCKENDRICK Alan | adaptation |
Whole In One | MCLAUGHLIN Paul | One act |
Let's All Go Down The Strand | MCLAUGHLIN Thomas | One Act |
Gulliver's Travels | MCNAIR Rick | Play/Drama |
Sunday Times, The | MCNALLY Terrence | 10 min Comedy/Drama |
Witness | MCNALLY Terrence | Comedy One Act |
Shining City | MCPHERSON Conor | Play/Drama |
Because I Can | MCWOOD Allison | Comedy |
Bentley Burntout | MCWOOD Allison | One act |
Bless Me Father For I Have Sneezed | MCWOOD Allison | One act |
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Lysux Theatre, The | MCWOOD Allison | One act |
Margo The Nut Woman | MCWOOD Allison | Childrens play |
Shakespeare's Brain | MCWOOD Allison | One act |
Gravy | MEADOWS James | Drama One Act |
Tasting Poison | MEADOWS James | Drama One Act |
Heart Outright, The | MEDOFF Mark | Play/Drama |
Wager, The | MEDOFF Mark | Comedy |
One-Man Show | MEINWALD Julia | Musical |
Erotic Behavior Upstate | MELFI Leonard | full length Play/Drama |
Passionate Woman, A | MELLOR Kay | Bitter-Sweet Comedy Comedy |
All Hail Hurricane Gordo | MENSCH Carly | Comedy |
No Limits To Love | MERCER David | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Wilfred and Len | MERCER Steve | One act |
Poor Bob | MERIWETHER Elizabeth | 8-10 min Comedy |
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Exposure Times | MERRILL Kim | genre unknown |
Ghost Trains | MERTZ Erick | One Act |
Vikings | METCALFE Stephen | full length Play/Drama |
Write Me Letters | METCALFE Stephen | Play One Act |
Blownup | METRO-BOULOT-DODO | Devised Piece |
Time After Time | MICHAEL Sebastian | Contemporary Comedy |
Private Dick | MICHELL Roger | Play/Drama |
Bethlehem Motor Community | MIKEL Joshua | Comedy/ Drama |
Free Zalaya! | MILES-KUBOTA Mitzi | genre unknown |
Wonderful Life And Miserable Death Of The Renowned Dr Faustus, The | MILLAR Mervyn | Adaptation |
Clara | MILLER Arthur | Play/Drama |
Price, The | MILLER Arthur | Play/Drama |
Eight To The Bar | MILLER Joey | Musical |
Nobody Here But Us, Chickens | MILLER Stephanie | War Drama |
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King Hit | MILROY David | Play/Drama |
What Light | MINGUCCI Giuditta | Drama |
Kayak Man Returns | MISKOWSKI S P | Ten Min |
In The Unlikely Event Of An Emergency | MITCHELL Adrian | Jet-music show |
Potentials | MITCHELL Dominic | dark comedy Piece |
Danger at the Diner | MITCHELL Eileen | One Act Comedy/MeloDrama |
Remnants of Fear | MITCHELL Gary | Play/Drama |
Heroes | MITCHELL Ken | Comedy One Act |
Plainsman, The | MITCHELL Ken | Play with Music |
Who Put The Blood On My Longstemmed Rose | MITCHELL Mary | One Act |
Subterranean Homesick | MOE John | Comedy |
Pause | MOHER Frank | Comedy |
Chancellor's Tale, The | MOHRBACHER Paul | Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, theme/character, full length |
Greenfly In The Marigolds | MOIR Elizabeth | One act Comedy |
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Husband of My Dreams | MONNOT Susan Price | Drama, 15-minute play |
To Be Or Not To Be | MONVID Grazyna | genre unknown |
Up4ameet? | MOODY Jeff | Play/Drama |
Black Rabbit | MOONEY Ray | genre unknown |
Full Circle | MOONMAN Kobus | Play/Drama |
Bile In The Afterlife | MOORE Dawson | Comedy |
Living With The Savage | MOORE Dawson | Comedy |
Oh, Nancy! | MOORE Dawson | Comedy |
Treatment | MOORE Jonathan | Play/Drama |
Kiss, Damn It! | MORAN Jim | comedy Ten Min |
Custom More Honoured, A | MORAN Vincent J | Play One Act |
Dads In Bondage (DADS! the Musical) | MORE Robert | Musical comedy Musical |
Soldier and the Woman, The | MORGAN Elaine | One act |
Male Marriage, The | MORLEY Hal | Two Acts. 90 mins Farce. - - Gay, full length |
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Holiday | MORLEY Michael | Drama One Act |
Periodontal Blues, The | MOROGIELLO John | One Act |
Guilty Secret | MORTIMER-SMITH Roger | thriller |
punkplay | MOSS Gregory S | comedy Drama |
Raven's Seed | MOST Stephen | Commedia dell'arte |
Pitch! (or something sexy) | MUEHLECK Chance D | Piece |
Anatol | MUELLER Carl R | Translation |
Tales Of The Arabian Nights | MULGREW Gerry | Youth Audience |
Master Of Two Servants, The | MULLY George | One Act |
Irish Blood, English Heart | MURPHY Darren | Play/Drama |
Manor | MURPHY Martin | Black Comedy |
Sanctuary Lamp, The | MURPHY Tom | Play/Drama |
Noah's Ark | MURRAY Brendan | Comedy / Family show |
Treefall | MURRAY Henry | Eco-Drama (full length) |
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Wedding Album (Photographs Presented in Reverse-Chronological Order) | MUSTO Edward | Mystery one act |
Happy Ones, The | MYATT Julie Marie | Dramatic comedy |
Zealot | MYATT Julie Marie | 10-15 min Comedy/Drama |
1800 Acres | MYERS David | Play/Drama |
King Hit | NARKLE Geoffrey | Play/Drama |
Adventure of the Giant Rat of Sumatra, The | NATHAN Richard | Fifteen minute play |
Brandon Baines, Dejected Detective | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Case of Ricoletti of the Club Foot and His Abominable Wife | NATHAN Richard | Fifteen minute play |
Frankenstein | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Frights! Camera! Action! | NATHAN Richard | Fifteen minute play |
Merry Christmas, Leagu of Fiends | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Mighty Red Warlock of Charity Cove, Triumphs Again, The | NATHAN Richard | Fifteen minute play |
Piratical Voyages of Captain Roderick Reef, The | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Return of the Mighty Red Warlock of Charity Cove, The | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
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Romeo and Juliet - The Happy Ending Version | NATHAN Richard | Ten minute play |
Visiting Oliver | NAVE Bill | One act |
These are the Skeletons of Us | NEELS Chris | Play/Drama |
Edward Gant's Amazing Feats Of Loneliness | NEILSON Anthony | Play/Drama |
Night Before Christmas, The | NEILSON Anthony | Play/Drama |
Glass Eye | NEIPRIS David | two act Play/Drama |
Castrato | NELSON Greg | Drama 2 acts |
Idols And others | NEMEC III James | An In-action in One Act One Act |
Idols, Others, And The Not "I" | NEMEC III James | One Act |
Chuckleball: Jailhouse Jocks | NEMSER Ian | musical revue Musical |
Say Goodbye To The Past | NESKOVSKI Bill | Play/Drama |
Galileo in the Underworld | NESVET Rebecca L | Absurdist Comedy One Act |
Look To The Sky | NEWLAND Courttia | TYA 60 min urban thriller |
Whistling Maggie | NEWLAND Courttia | Play/Drama |
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Great Hunger, The | NEY Diane | Drama |
Tub | NICHOL James W | Drama One Act |
Clam Made A Face, The | NICOL Eric | participation play for very young children |
Los Embrujados (The Haunted Ones) | NIEVES Mel | one act |
Europe After The Rain | NIGRO Don | Short play |
Mandelstam | NIGRO Don | Drama |
Pelican Daughter | NIGRO Don | Drama |
Great Piratical Rumbustification, The | NIXON Carl | Adaptation Youth Audience |
Puff The Magic Dragon | NIXON Carl | Childrens play |
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer | NIXON Carl | Childrens play |
Half Faced Mary, A | NOBIS Felix | genre unknown |
Bee, The | NODA Hideki | Adaptation |
Diver, The | NODA Hideki | Play/Drama |
Little Black Dress | NOONE Ronan | Play/Drama |
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Naked Soldiers | NORFOLK Mark | Play/Drama |
Bleach | NORMAN Craig | Play/Drama |
Holdup, The | NORMAN Marsha | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Shots | NUGENT Carly | 50 min Non-naturalistic Drama |
Dust | NUTT Carrie Louise | full length Comedy |
Nice Quiet Night, A | NUTTALL Jeff | genre unknown |
People Show Number Christ Knows How Many | NUTTALL Jeff | genre unknown |
Strawberry Jam | NUTTALL Jeff | genre unknown |
Scenes From The Back Of Beyond | OAKES Meredith | Play/Drama |
Shadowmouth | OAKES Meredith | Play/Drama |
Marsupials | OAKLEY Barry | Play One Act |
2009 | OBANO Rex | Ten min |
Wrong Party, The | OBANO Rex | short play |
Lobster Alice | OBOLENSKY Kira | 85-95 min Comedy |
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Dear Boy, The | O'BRIEN Dan | Drama, 90 min Play/Drama |
On Raglan Road | O'BRIEN Tom (1) | Play/Drama |
Man In The Iron Mask, The | O'BYRNE Joe | full length Play/Drama |
Herschel the Handless | OCKS Matt | Comedy |
Flags, The | O'CONNOR Bridget | Comedy |
Playing Houses | O'CONNOR Martin | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Puppetmaster of Lodz, The | O'CONNOR Sara | Adaptation |
No More Static | O'DONNELL Kevin Kell | 10-13 min Play/Drama |
There Shall Be No Bottom (a bad play for worse actors) | O'DONNELL Mark | 10-20 min Comedy |
Mr Fothergill's Murder | O'DONNELL Peter | genre unknown |
Chic Nerds, The | O'DONNELL Ronan | Play/Drama |
Meadowsweet | O'KELLY Seamus | One Act |
Hum It Again Jeremy | OKIMOTO Jean Davies | One act |
Story of the Four Minute Mile, The | OLDERSHAW Jake | piece 75 min |
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Paper Wall | OLFAT Beejan | Play/Drama |
Spying High | OLFSON Lewy | Youth one act |
Clara's Play | OLIVE John | Play/Drama |
Homeless Hannah | ORENSTEIN Leo | genre unknown |
Berlin Promotion | ORLOFF Rich | 10-12 min Comedy |
Close Call | ORLOFF Rich | 9-11 min Comedy |
New Land, The | ORLOFF Rich | 7-10 min Comedy |
News from St. Petersburg, The | ORLOFF Rich | 20-25 min Comedy |
Oedi | ORLOFF Rich | 20-25 min Comedy |
Entertaining Mr Sloane | ORTON Joe | Comedy. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Who's Breaking | OSMENT Philip | Youth Audience |
Wise Guys | OSMENT Philip | Youth Audience |
Come The Evolution | O'SULLIVAN Neil | Play/Drama |
Things to Remember | OUCHI Mieko | Short Drama |
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Body Snatcher, The | OUTHOUSE PRODUCTIONS | Adaptation |
bloodrite, the | OWA | Morality Drama, full length |
Excess Unwanted Growth | OWEN David | genre unknown |
We That Are Left | OWEN Gary | Play/Drama |
Strips | OWEN Kari Ann | Play One Act |
Box, The | OWENS Daniel W | Allegorical Drama 1 Act |
Lighting Field, The | OZANICH David | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Day At The Beach, A | PALMER John | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character one act |
Artaud Le Momo | PANAS Alexander | One act |
In The Land Of The Peacock | PANAS Alexander | One act |
Trail of the Sphinx, The | PANAS Alexander | One act |
Band of Brooders | PANGRAZIO Jim | one act Drama |
Gordon | PANYCH Morris | One act |
Bag of Groceries, A | PARADIS Philip | comedy Drama One act. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
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Footprints of the Polar Bear | PARADIS Philip | Drama One Act |
Glow Boy | PARADIS Philip | Drama One Act |
Guys, Only Guys! | PARISSE Jerome | short comedy One Act. - - Gay, one act |
Dressed Up Like A Douche | PARK Rick | comedy Ten Min |
Relief of Martha King | PARKER David | genre unknown |
Ward No 6 | PARKER Matthew | Adaptation |
Soviet Union Of Mars, The | PARKES J | Play/Drama |
Man In The Shadows, The | PARKES Michael | genre unknown |
Billings For The Defense | PARLATO Calvert | Mystery |
And | PASSES Alan | Political Drama |
Mystic of the Western World | PASSES Alan | Surrealistic comedy |
Scandal Point | PATRICK John | Mystery Drama Mystery |
Unsent Letters | PATTHY Ildiko | Short Play One Act |
Lady or the Tiger, The | PAUL Jeremy | Musical |
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Crimson Retribution, The | PEARCE Steve | short play |
Unfinished Stories | PEARSON Sybille | Play/Drama |
Up4ameet? | PEEK Simon | Play/Drama |
Gore Hounds | PELFREY Matt | genre unknown |
Last Supper, The | PENDLETON James D | Play One Act |
Landscape With Weapon | PENHALL Joe | Play/Drama |
Reclamation | PEPPER Cary | Play/Drama |
Cry of the Black Ghetto | PERKINS Eugene | Domestic Drama One Act |
Chowder | PERREAULT Dale | Short Play |
Sculpitekt | PERREAULT Dale | Radio Play |
Of Babylon | PERRY C Michael | Musical |
Invasion! | PERRY Frank Gabriel | Translation |
Sitters, The | PERRY Warren | comedy One Act |
Right Information Omitted, The | PETERSON Brian Michael | Gay/Lesbian. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Let's Make a World | PETERSON Len | Play/Drama |
Birthday of the Unconquered Sun | PFAUTSCH Shawn | Fifteen minute play |
Two Stories | PFAUTSCH Shawn | Short play |
Wastes of Time, The | PFLASTER Duncan | Gay Romantic Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Body Shop | PHELAN Anne | comedy Ten Min |
Conrad On The Vine | PHILLIPS Louis | Play One Act |
Billy the Kid: First Exhumation | PHIPPIN Jackson | Play/Drama |
Reindeer Soup | PINTAURO Joe | Drama, full length |
Betrayal | PINTER Harold | Drama 9 scenes |
Collection, The | PINTER Harold | One Act. - - Gay, theme/character one act |
Old Flame | PLOETZ Richard | short play |
Day of the Dad | PODGORSKI Kevin | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Eggs In a Basket | POLATIN Daria | full length Comedy |
Another Day on Willow St | POLITO Frank Anthony | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
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Secret Anniversary, The | POLITO Frank Anthony | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Hamlet Part II | PONTAC Perry | Stage Play |
Indian Country | POVEY Meic | Play/Drama |
That's Entertainment | PREECE Phil | One Act |
Faith and Cold Reading | PRENDERGAST Shaun | Play/Drama |
Two Stories | PRENTICE Christopher | Short play |
Pre-Disposal | PRESCOD James | Play/Drama |
Pancake Tuesday | PRICE Lindsay | One Act |
William's Monster | PRICE Olivia Jacobs | Musical |
William's Monster | PRICE Robin | Musical |
Futures | PRICHARD Rebecca | Play/Drama |
Finger Meal, The | PRINGLE Ronald J | One Act |
Alice In Downunder Land | PRIOR Judith | Childrens musical |
My Oh My! | PRYCE Alex | Play/Drama |
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Subs | PURCEY R J | Comedy |
SUBS | PURDEY R J | 105 min Play/Drama |
Deflowerfucked | QUINN Gavin | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Peepshow | QUINN Gavin | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Green Whale | RADCLIFFE Virginia | Youth Audience |
Particular, The | RADIC Leonard | Romantic Comedy One Act |
Gilgamesh | RADICE Neal | Musical |
Anger/Nation | RADIOHOLE | Play/Drama |
Araby | RAEL Chris | chamber musical Musical |
Mojo And The Sayso, The | RAHMAN Aishah | Play/Drama |
Vaidehi | RAJA Gautam | Black Comedy Comedy |
Passing Judgment | RAMIREZ Jason | Play/Drama |
Ananal's Royal Quest | RAND Jimi | Child Audience |
Jobbers | RAND Jimi | Comedy |
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Lead Wait, The | RANDERSON Jo | One act |
Where are you, Ulalume? Where are you? | RANKIN Paul | Translation |
Animals And Plants | RAPP Adam | Play/Drama |
Jack on Film | RAPP Adam | Ten Min |
Professional Skepticism | RASHEED James | Play/Drama |
In Praise Of Love | RATTIGAN Terence | Play/Drama |
Jewish Roaches | RAVITS Richard | Short play |
Two Cities | READ Joanna | Musical |
Theatremorphosis | REBELLATO Dan | piece |
45th Wedding Anniversary Dinner, The | REDD Robert O | 4 min Comedy |
Never What They Seem | REDMOND Peter | Innocent Play |
First Winter | REED Martin | Childrens one act |
Nose, The | REEL Arthur | Satire/Theatre of The Absurd One Act |
Little Red Hen, The | REESE Kevin M | Childrens musical |
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Reese's Pieces | REESE Rob | comic vignette |
Prayer to an Iron God | REID Caroline | Play/Drama |
Perfect Evening, A | REITZ Daniel | Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Dancing on a Table In Monmartre | RHODES Graham A | Drama, 30 min |
Killing Time | RHODES Neil | Black Comedy One Act |
Burial Of Esposito, The | RIBMAN Ronald | One Act |
Sunstroke | RIBMAN Ronald | One Act |
Futurity, a Musical By the Lisps | RICE Molly | Musical (book), full-length |
Cargo | RICHARDS Ben | Play/Drama |
Mirrors | RICHARDS Max B | Play One Act |
Lady or the Tiger, The | RICHMOND Michael | Musical |
Pitchfork Disney, The | RIDLEY Philip | Play/Drama |
Fainting Couch, The | RIEMER Robert | Drama |
Delusion Of Angels, The | RIFKIN Don | Comedy Drama Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
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How the Sea Came to Be | RIGBY Annie | Children's theatre Youth Audience |
Gaining Ground | RIGNEY Mark | Play/Drama |
Fish Can Dance, The | RILEIGH Kendall | comedy One Act |
Los Conquistadores - A Mexican Dog Dance | RILEY Kevin | genre unknown |
Game, The | RIPLEY R B | Play/Drama |
Automatic Pilot, The | RITTER Erika | Two Act Comedy. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Splits, The | RITTER Erika | Two Act Comedy |
Acts Of Contrition | RITZ Joseph | Play/Drama |
Molly's Rock | ROBBINS Kenneth | Play/Drama |
Maternal Cloister, The | ROBERTS Christine | Puppet Play |
Golf: The Musical | ROBERTS Michael | Musical |
Anatol | ROBINSON Michael | Translation |
IRL (In Real Life) | ROBINSON Rick | genre unknown |
Promenade, All! | ROBISON David V | Comedy |
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Death of America | ROBSON David | Comedy |
Ed Rex | ROBSON David | Comedy |
Last Dance | ROBSON David | Play/Drama |
Flybaby | RODDEN Rebecca | Comedy |
Killing Chickens | ROGERS Rodney Lee | Play/Drama |
Bastardy | ROMERIL John | Play One Act |
Hackett Gets Ahead | ROMERIL John | genre unknown |
Horn Of Plenty, The | ROMERIL John | Play/Drama |
As Prisoned Birds Must Find in Freedom | ROOT Thomi | Play/Drama |
Rikki and Me | ROPER Tony | Play/Drama |
Dance To The Drummer's Beat | ROSE Stacey | genre unknown |
Roof-Top Reverie | ROSEN Seymour M | One Act |
Ned and Jack | ROSEN Sheldon | Two Act Drama |
Dare Me To The Desert | ROSS Michael | Play/Drama |
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Queen Can Lay Eggs, A | ROSS Robert S | genre unknown |
Abraham | ROSWITHA | genre unknown |
Seagull on 16th Street, The | ROTH Ari | Adaptation |
War On Television, The | ROUTLEDGE Derek | Play One Act |
Love In Plastic | ROWLANDS Ian | Play/Drama |
Maximum Gray | ROYCE Adrien | comedy Ten Min |
Two Conversations Overheard on Airplanes | RUHL Sarah | ten min |
Ameriville | RUIZ Mildred | 90 min Musical |
Ameriville | RUIZ William | 90 min Musical |
Going After | RUSCH C | Drama One Act |
Trane: Beyond The Blues | RUSCH C | Drama, Full Length |
Saving the Theatre | RUSSO Dennis | Comedy |
Garden, The | RUTHERFORD Alistair | Supernatural Drama Play/Drama |
Paracelsus And the Hero | RYGA George | Play/Drama |
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Trouble Begins At 8, The | SABATH Bernard | One Act |
Barbershopera Apocalypse No! | SADLER Tom | Musical |
Barbershopera II | SADLER Tom | Musical |
Barbershopera! | SADLER Tom | Musical |
Private Jokes, Public Places | SAFDIE Oren | Comedy/Drama, full length Comedy |
West Bank, UK | SAFDIE Oren | Musical |
Hideous Progeny | SAINSBURY Thomas | Play/Drama |
Lady and the Champ | SANDERS Bonnie Lee | Play/Drama |
In Amber Lies the Glass House | SANDERS Francesca | Play/Drama |
Ameriville | SAPP Steven | 90 min Musical |
Hollywood Burning | SARGENT Michael | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Touched | SARMA Ursula Rani | Play One Act |
Catfish Moon | SARTIN Laddy | Comedy |
Savoury Meringue | SAUNDERS James A | One Act |
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Mourning Coffee | SAUNDERS Mark | Ten minute play Comedy |
Brothers Slaughter | SAVILLE Brad | Drama - 30 min - 2-Act |
Beats 'n' Pieces | SCANNELL Raymond | Play/Drama |
Easter | SCHEFFER Will | Drama, full length. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Fragments | SCHISGAL Murray | Play One Act |
Fortune | SCHMITT Jesse | Play/Drama |
Capture The Flag | SCHMITZ Toby | Play/Drama |
Playwright of the Western World, The | SCHNEIDERMAN L J | romantic comedy Comedy |
Indian Heart (One-Act) | SCHROETER Edward | 60 mins One Act |
Indian Heart (Two-Act) | SCHROETER Edward | Two Act Play/Drama |
Ancient Island in the Brain | SCHUTZMAN Steven | One Act |
Alligator Man, The | SCOTT John | Musical One Act |
Fish | SEATON Zoe | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Still Centre, The | SEGGER Kelvin | Play/Drama |
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Battle of Shrivings, The | SHAFFER Peter | Play/Drama |
White Liars, The | SHAFFER Peter | Play 1 Act. - - Gay, theme/character one act |
Endless Air, Endless Water | SHAFFRON Robert | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Answering Neptune | SHANKS Gabriel | genre unknown |
Dirty Story | SHANLEY John Patrick | Satire, full length Satire |
Thicker Than Water | SHAPIRO Jacqui | Dramatisation 105 min |
Pugilist Specialist | SHAPLIN Adriano | 70-80 min Play/Drama |
Jig | SHARKEY Stephen | short play |
Hope | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
Play Ball | SHARPE Alan | 2 act Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
William's Monster | SHAW Andy | Musical |
Magic Hands Freddy | SHAW Arje | dark comedy |
Hors De Combat | SHELLEY Peter | Serio/Comedy. 60 min Comedy |
Visitations and Dispensations | SHELLEY Peter | 120 min Play/Drama |
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Amici | SHELTON Micki | Romantic Comedy |
Eyes For Consuela | SHEPARD Sam | Play/Drama |
Fool For Love | SHEPARD Sam | Comedy Drama Comedy |
God Of Hell, The | SHEPARD Sam | Dark Comedy, 70 min Comedy |
True West | SHEPARD Sam | Comedy |
Retreat, The | SHERMAN Jason | Play/Drama |
Things We Want | SHERMAN Jonathan Marc | Play/Drama |
Bedmates | SHIELS George | one act comedy |
Four | SHINN Christopher | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Wenceslas Square | SHUE Larry | Comedy |
Lemonade Girl, The | SHULMAN Art | Comedy, 12 minutes |
Cowboys, Indians and Waitresses | SHURTZ Raymond King | genre unknown |
Whitman Portrait, A | SHYRE Paul | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Standing Stanes | SIEGE PERILOUS | 60 min piece |
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Too Long the Heart | SIEGE PERILOUS | 75 min one act |
Turning To The Camera | SIEGE PERILOUS | noir thriller |
Clowns | SIKORA Stefan | One act |
Greenwich Village Follies, The | SILVER Doug | musical revue Musical |
Fit To Be Tied | SILVER Nicky | full legth Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Watchtower, The | SILVER Steve | Play/Drama |
Little Ugly | SILVERMAN Jen | Play/Drama |
Acting Lesson, The | SIMMS Willard | Drama One Act |
Miss Farnsworth | SIMMS Willard | Drama One Act |
Now | SIMMS Willard | Drama One Act |
Passing Of An Actor, The | SIMMS Willard | comedy Drama One Act |
Then | SIMMS Willard | Drama One Act |
Scratch | SIMON Zoe | Play/Drama |
Crabdance | SIMONS Beverley | three-act Drama |
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Lighthouse, The | SIMPSON Brett | comedic Drama One Act |
Additional Particulars | SIMPSON Ed | Comedy |
Presents | SINCLAIR Carol | Comedy for kids with music, full length |
Lethe | SINCLAIR Frederic | genre unknown |
Dancing At Tyburn | SIPLING Dean | Play/Drama |
Patsy Presley and the Patron Saints of Swing | SIX Kevin | Musical |
Debate Plays, The | SMART Mat | Comedies Comedy |
All Change | SMEDLEY Olivia | comedy Drama One Act |
Lad Himself, The | SMILES Roy | Comedy |
Last Pilgrim, The | SMILES Roy | Play/Drama |
Year Of The Rat | SMILES Roy | Play/Drama |
Chalk | SMITH Al | New writing Play/Drama |
Freefall | SMITH Charles (1) | Play/Drama |
Tiger Rose | SMITH Duncan | Childrens play |
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Rhoda Heartbreak | SMITH E Dale | Play/Drama |
Reluctant Dragon, The | SMITH Laurel | Comedy |
Some Kind Of Hero | SMITH Les | Play/Drama |
Fourteen Mouthfuls Of Air | SMITH Rod | short play |
Miss Intermission Show | SMITH Tom | Musical |
Marguerite Bonet | SMITH Val | Comedy/Drama, full length Comedy |
Candy | SMITH Vernon Cole | comedy One Act |
Arbiter, The | SOFOWOTE Segun | Dance Drama |
Ngala Muti | SOLOMON Emily Bentley | educational comedy |
Axis | SON Diana | short play |
Ghost in the City | SPANO Jon | Play/Drama |
It Happens In Films | SPEAR Liz | Black Comedy Thriller One Act |
Hobo Got Too High, The | SPITZ Marc | Play/Drama |
Some Just Do It Naturally | SPRAGUE Ryan | Serio-Comedy |
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Cooped | SPYMONKEY | Devised physical comedy Piece |
Moby Dick | SPYMONKEY | Adaptation |
Spymonkey | SPYMONKEY | comedy |
Stiff. . . Undertaking Undertaking | SPYMONKEY | Devised physical comedy Piece |
Doug Live! | SQUIER William | Musical Comedy Musical |
Gemini | STAFFA Rosanna | Play/Drama |
Katherine Desouza | STAFFORD Nick | Thriller |
Norma Doesmen | STAHL Stephen | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
6 Minutes | STANIC Paula B | Play/Drama |
Lynndie England | STEEL Beth | short piece |
Somewhere in Utopia | STEIN Jared J | travest comedy One Act |
Companion Piece | STEIN Julie | One act |
Burning Bright | STEINBECK John | Play/Drama |
Mark Twain's Blues | STEPP Walt | Play/Drama |
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Dogmouth | STEPPLING John | Play/Drama |
Warm Wind in China | STETSON Kent | Tragedy |
Sum of Us, The | STEVENS David | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Two Loves | STEVENS John Martin | One Act |
Hanging About | STEVENS Josephine | genre unknown |
Aspire | STEWART Lucy | Play/Drama |
Judy Monologues, The | STEWART-JONES Darren | Gay, one act |
Seascapes | STOLOWITZ Andrea | Play 100 min Play/Drama |
They Would Escape | STONE Walter W | play One Act |
Heavens of Hell, The | STOREY Evan | Comedy |
Painting It Red | STORM Lesley | genre unknown |
Cyrano | STOWERS Tony | Comedy |
My Brother Jake | STOWERS Tony | TIE/Drugs/Damage Limitation Youth Audiences |
One of the Lads | STOWERS Tony | Adult Drama Play/Drama |
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Scars | STOWERS Tony | TIE (School Transport Vandalism) Youth Audiences |
Waiting Room | STOWERS Tony | Asbtract/Surreal Drama Play/Drama |
Invisible Bonfires | STRAITON Paschale | Piece |
Lincolnesque | STRAND John | Play/Drama |
Ides of March, The Tides of Time | STRATFORD Aoise | genre unknown |
101 Miracles Of Hope Chance, The | STRATTON Allan | satiric comedy/thriller Satire |
Chariot of Light | SULLIVAN Anita | Site Specific Work |
Lamb Of God | SUMMONS John | Play/Drama |
Man On The Mountain, The | SUMMY Irene M | Parable |
Broken Rainbows | SURFACE Mary Hall | One act |
Breathe The Earth | SURRIDGE Andre | One act Drama |
Theatremorphosis | SUSPECT CULTURE | piece |
Tropic of X, The | SVICH Caridad | Play/Drama |
Aglow | SWANSON Chris Shaw | Drama One Act |
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Loudspeakers | SWAYE Matthew | One act |
Galveston | SWIFT Michael | Comedy |
You've Been A Wonderful Audience | SYERS Andrew | Play/Drama |
Thing About Psychopaths, The | TAGOE Ben | Play/Drama |
Quiet Life Of Nina And Frederick, The | TALBOT Richard | Play/Drama |
Slipping | TALBOTT Daniel | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Submission, The | TALBOTT Jeff | Dramatic comedy |
Riot | TALLEY David | One act |
Highway Crossing, The | TATTE Jaan | Play/Drama |
Murder By Misadventure | TAYLOR Edward | Thriller |
Appeal, The | TAYLOR Samuel | Comedy |
Orange: A Farce About Terrorism | TEAGLE Rachel | Comedy |
Wreck Behind Us, The | TEC Roland | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Bee, The | TEEVAN Colin | Adaptation |
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Diver, The | TEEVAN Colin | Play/Drama |
Here Come Cowboys | TEEVAN Colin | for post-primary school students |
15 Seconds | THEODORE Bobby | Translation |
Which One? | THOMAS Chris | Comedy, 30 min One Act |
Burnaby Barnaby | THOMAS Colin | One act |
Flesh and Blood | THOMAS Colin | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Two Weeks, Twice a Year | THOMAS Colin | Play/Drama |
Secrets | THOMAS Jeffrey | Drama |
Jim Took An Axe | THOMAS Michael (1) | 2 Act Play/Drama |
Uncle Barry | THOMAS Sam | Comedy |
Damages | THOMPSON Steve | Play/Drama |
Come On Feel The Noise | THOMSON David Mark | Show |
Late Lamented | THORP Ken | Drama One Act |
Anonymous | THURGOOD Margaret | Ghost Play |
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Druid | THURGOOD Margaret | Political comedy |
Ash Wednesday | TIERNEY-KEOGH Lisa | 120 min Play/Drama |
Self | TINGWELL Drew | Full-Length 90 mins Play/Drama |
Barbershopera Apocalypse No! | TIPPLE Sarah | Musical |
Barbershopera! | TIPPLE Sarah | Musical |
Headstone | TISE Rhiannon | Play/Drama |
Rusty Pipe | TOBIN Robert | Dark Comedy |
Fools In The West | TOBIN Scott | Comedy |
Three Corners | TOGNOTTI Brian J | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Dark Man's Gaze | TOLES Jartu Gallashaw | Translation |
Life with an Idiot | TOLPUTT Anna | Literal Translation |
Gorilla In The Roses | TOMLINSON Paul | One Act. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Kingdom | TONEY David Emerson | dark comedy Comedy |
Close Encounters In The Leaning Tower | TOOHEY Edwina | Black comedy |
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Tino Does Time | TORRES Fiona J | genre unknown |
Living With Klaus | TOSSMANN Juergen K | Play/ Comedy Comedy |
Atheist Missionaries, The | TRASLER Damian | Ten Min |
Time for Farewells, A | TRASLER Damian | One Act |
Cold Fire | TRAV S D | comedy/radio play Comedy |
Poison Shirt/ Boots Of The Transexual | TRAV S D | comedy/experimental Comedy |
Art and Guff | TREGENNA Catherine | Play/Drama |
RIP Mr GIC | TREMBLAY Brian | Comedy |
Johnny Mangano and his Astonishing Dogs | TREMBLAY Michel | Play/Drama |
This'll Kill Ya | TREVENS Francine | genre unknown |
Elephant's Foot, The | TREVOR William | genre unknown |
Sit On My Facets | TRIFFITT Iain | Comedy/Radio Play |
With This Ring, I Thee Dead! | TRIFFITT Iain | Comedy/Radio Play |
Wild Inside, The | TRIKHA Rishi | Play/Drama |
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findamatecom | TROUSDALE Donna | One act |
Join The Club | TROY Mark | Comedy |
Hotel | TRULL Tommy | One act |
Non Parlo Di Salo | TSIOLKAS Christos | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Hum, The | TSONOS Robert | Dramatic comedy Full Length, 80-90 minutes One Act |
Song | TUCKER Bryan | 45-60 min Comedy |
Daddy's Duet | TURKNETT Clifford | One Act |
Hand That Feeds You, The | TURNER Greg | Play/Drama |
Headstone | TYSE Rhiannon | Play/Drama |
Favorite Photos | UDOFF Yale | Drama, 2acts |
Running Numbers | ULRICH Dave | One act |
Watching For Godot | ULUDAG Ugur | Absurd Comedy Absurd |
Schlock | UNINVITED GUESTS | Piece |
Through a Glass Darkly | UPTON Andrew | Adaptation |
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Anthony Wayne | USNER David | Fifteen minute play |
Lois | USNER David | Twenty minute play |
Sally | USNER David | Ten minute play |
Beyond | USTINOV Peter | Play/Drama |
Just Like Home | UYS Pieter-Dirk | Play/Drama |
Die Laughing | VAKIDIS John | Comedy |
Tales of Galileo | VALENTINE Alana | 30 min Drama |
Breath | VAN DER WERF Patrick | Play/Drama |
Losing Lulu Drayton | VAN KERCKHOVE Michael | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Melted Lampshade, The | VAN KERCKHOVE Michael | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Appearance of Desire | VANDA | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Blackout | VANISHING POINT | Piece |
Do I Bleed in the Dark? | VASSALLO Philip | Play/Drama |
What Do You Charge for a Cure? | VASSALLO Philip | Drama One Act |
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Rest Of The Night, The | VAUGHAN Robert Lewis | Play/Drama |
Ali & Ali (The Deportation Hearings) | VERDECCHIA Guillermo | Play/Drama |
Freedom Fighters | VERDECCHIA Guillermo | Play/Drama |
Staged Reality | VERRIER Steven | Comedy |
Dog Days | VETTER Jean | 5 min Comedy |
Remember When | VETTER Jean | 5 min Comedy |
Whore | VIEDE Rick | 90 min Contemporary Gothic Thriller |
Gunderson, We're Gonna Make You Man | VILLA Aaron | 15-minute Drama One Act |
Apples of Good & Evil | VITELLA Franco | One act |
Baby Photographer, The | VLACHOS Nikos | comedy Ten Min |
Northern Storm | VOADEN Herman | Play/Drama |
Tedious Exiles | VODICKA Matthew S | genre unknown |
PsychoDrama | VOSS Lisa | One act |
Not So Fatal Death Of Grandpa Fredo, The | VOX MOTUS | comedy, music |
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Marguerite | VOYSEY Michael | Adaptation One act |
For Flow | WABLE Kesav M | Play/Drama |
Right Pair, A | WAKE David | One Act Play/Drama |
Stockholm | WAKE David | One Act Play/Drama |
Emperor's Second-Hand Clothes, The | WALD Malvin | genre unknown |
Make-Up Stories | WALDEMAR JR Eric C | Drama/Comedy |
Island, The | WALKE David | genre unknown |
Travel Agent's, The | WALKE David | genre unknown |
Two Thousand And Twelve | WALKER Che | short play |
Message | WALKER Evan | Morality Comedy One Act |
Letter from Algeria | WALKER Michael I | Play/Drama |
Molasses Toast and French Fried Eels | WALKER Scot | Drama One Act |
Shadow Pier | WALLACE Jonathan | genre unknown |
How Much Is Your Iron? | WALSH Enda | Translation |
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Walworth Farce, The | WALSH Enda | Play/Drama |
Open Door, The | WALSH Kevin | Drama |
Pluck the Day | WALTERS Steven | comedy |
Number One Son | WANG Lucy | full length Play/Drama |
Great Unknown, The | WANN Jim | Musical |
Robot Hotel | WANSHEL Jeff | One Act |
Target: Jersey | WANSHEL Jeff | One Act |
Receive This Light | WARBURTON Nick | One Act |
Binge | WARD Thomas | Play/Drama |
Snap | WARREN Richard | Full-Length Contemporary Comedy |
Quiet Life Of Nina And Frederick, The | WATERFIELD Carran | Play/Drama |
9 | WATERWELL | Piece |
Last Year in the Life of The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, The | WATERWELL | Musical |
Actor, the Jeweler and Cromwell's Head, The | WATSON Doc | Comedy with songs |
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Man Who Walked Through Walls, The | WAY Charles | Play/Drama |
CCTV | WEBB Derek | 60 min lunchtime One Act |
Bloody Mau Mau | WEBSTER Donald | One act |
Corie | WEESNER Robert | Play/Drama |
Flats, The: The Real SoCal | WEILERT Michelle | genre unknown |
Summer | WEINGARTEN Romain | genre unknown |
Hesh | WEISS Matthew | Play/Drama |
Coil Without Dreams | WELBURN Vivienne | Play/Drama |
Boise, Idaho | WELCH Sean Michael | short comedy |
Bodybuilders, The | WELLER Michael | Comedy One Act |
Moon Away, The | WELLS Edward Crosby | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Me, As a Penguin | WELLS Tom | Play/Drama |
You'll Have Had Your Hole | WELSH Irvine | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Standup Shakespeare | WELSH Kenneth | comedy Drama Musical |
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Noir | WERSE Stan | 2h 0m Drama Comedy |
Love Letters On Blue Paper | WESKER Arnold | Adaptation |
Two Days Folly | WESSBECHER Grace | Comedy 50 min One Act |
Middlemarch Singles Ball, The | WEST Ella | Play/Drama |
Death And The Ploughman | WEST Michael | Adaptation |
Emotional Life of Furniture, The | WESTBROOK Mark | Comedy-Drama |
It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow | WHALLEY Boff | One Act |
Money | WHEDON Tom | Cabaret-Style Musical Play Musical |
Earthly Paradise, The | WHELAN Peter | Play/Drama |
Quiet Life Of Nina And Frederick, The | WHETSTONE Nina | Play/Drama |
Ninjas & Squirrels | WHITE David M | Zany Drug Comedy |
Boot Dance, The | WHITE Edgar Nkosi | Play/Drama |
Old Judge Mose Is Dead | WHITE Joseph | Comedy One Act |
No Zone, The | WHITE T D | Surreal Drama One act |
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Twyla Morgan, CD | WHITE T D | Romantic comedy One act |
Church Computer | WHITE Tom | genre unknown |
Yes No And Yellow | WHITE Tom | One Act |
Foursome Reel | WHITEHEAD Peter | genre unknown |
Cockroach Dialogues, The | WHITEHURST William | short play |
Ubu Rex or The Polish Play | WHITELEY David | Comedy |
Knife Edge | WHITELEY Mark | Thriller |
It's Ralph | WHITEMORE Hugh | Play/Drama |
Final Twist, The | WHITMORE Ken | Thriller |
Darwin In Malibu | WHITTELL Crispin | Comedy |
School Dance | WHITTET Matthew | 70 min comedy |
Fresh Kills | WILDER Elyzabeth Gregory | Play/Drama |
Cement Hands | WILDER Thornton | short comedy |
Such Things Only Happen In Books | WILDER Thornton | short satire |
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October | WILDING Ian | Play/Drama |
Wanted | WILKIE Alex | One act. - - Gay, one act |
Horst Buchholz And Other Stories | WILKIE Matthew | Short Play One Act |
Lights in the Sky | WILKINSON Joy | 80 min Play/Drama |
Night Of The Missing Bridegroom | WILKINSON Linden | One Act |
Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Helen Gahagan Douglas | WILLENS Michele | Play/Drama |
A La King | WILLIAMS A Zell | one act |
Line, The | WILLIAMS A Zell | short play |
In Dreams | WILLIAMS Alan | Play/Drama |
Must the Show Go On | WILLIAMS Carl L | comedy Ten min |
Rage to be Free, A | WILLIAMS Fred | One Act |
Gavin And The Monster | WILLIAMS Hugh Steadman | Childrens Musical Play Youth Audience |
Other Day, The | WILLIAMS Mark Jason | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Drunk, The | WILLIAMS Maxwell | comedy |
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Take To The Trees | WILLIAMS Norman | One act |
Derby Day | WILLIAMS Samuel Brett | dark comedy |
Strangest Kind Of Romance, The | WILLIAMS Tennessee | Sketch One Act |
Understanding Women | WILLIAMSON Devon | Comedy |
Andrea's Got Two Boyfriends | WILLINGER David | Drama One Act |
7-10 Split | WILMOT Michael | comedy |
Love Shack | WILMOT Michael | 25 min comedy One Act |
How To Avoid A Tragedy | WILSON David Henry | One Act |
Morning Stone, The | WILSON David Henry | full length Play/Drama |
We're Looking For Mary Pickford | WILSON David Henry | genre unknown |
Fortnight of the Living Dead | WILSON Dusty | genre unknown |
Bar Play | WILSON Lanford | Short play One Act |
Burn This | WILSON Lanford | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Rain Dance | WILSON Lanford | Drama, 90 min |
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Lost Monsters | WILSON Laurence | Play/Drama |
Good German, The | WILTSE David | Play/Drama |
Temporary Help | WILTSE David | Play/Drama |
Adventures in the OK Skin Trade | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
Psychojelly | WIMPEE Casey | one act |
Psychojelly | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
Ship of Fools | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
What The Hell | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
Tattooed Nude, The | WINFIELD Gil | genre unknown |
Know | WINSTONE Keely | Drama |
Party Day | WINTER Jack | long one-act |
Eight To The Bar | WITKIN Stephen | Musical |
Nuit de Noces | WITNEY Frederick | Play/Drama |
Scribes | WOLPE Dan | two act Play/Drama |
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Off-White Eclipse | WONG Cary | Play/Drama |
Two Airports | WONG Cary | play Ten Min |
Out Of Your Eyes | WONG James | genre unknown |
miles to go | WOOD Alexandra | short play |
Don't Make Me Laugh | WOOD Charles | Short Play One Act |
Day Of Atonement | WOOD Margaret | One act |
Drowning Rock | WOOD Matthew | Play/Drama |
Birdboy | WOOD Nick | 75 min Play/Drama |
Dream Of White Horses, A | WOOD Nick | 75 min Play/Drama |
One Hundred Feet | WOODEN Rod | Play One Act |
Wordsmith's Lament, The | WOODS Billy | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Fantastic Mr Fox | WOODS Sarah | Adaptation |
Into The Web | WOOLLARD Jane | 70 mins One Act |
Pearls Of Wisdom | WOOTEN Arthur | Play/Drama |
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Through A Glass Darkly | WORTON Jenny | Adaptation |
All Is Always Now | WRAY Robert Alexander | Comedy |
Lapsburgh Layover, The | WRENN Bradley K | piece |
Grace | WRIGHT Craig | Play/Drama |
Baby Talk | WRIGHT Doug | One Act |
Fifteen Seconds | WRIGHT Isabel | Scots English Adaptation |
Spirettes! | WRIGHT Nick | Comedy |
Fetish | WU Joyce | Play/Drama |
I Am A Viking | WURZINGER Frank | physical theatre |
Love and Ruins | WYATT Rachel | Comedy |
Coda | WYMARK Olwen | One Act |
Inhabitants, The | WYMARK Olwen | One Act |
Leading Lady | YAGED Kim | contemporary song cycle |
Let Us Fly | YAKIM Mina | Musical |
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Let Us Fly | YAKIM Moni | Musical |
My Girlfriend's Stupid Talking Parrot | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy |
Night Cops | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy |
Net, The | YATES J Michael | Drama for stage, radio, TV., and film Play/Drama |
Realia | YATES J Michael | Drama for stage, radio, TV., and film Play/Drama |
First Casualty | YATES Peter | political satire Satire |
1,000 Homosexuals | YAWNEY Michael | Comedy. - - Gay, full length |
Wonderland | YEW Chay | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Bleed Red | YOUNG Darren | Youth play |
Picasso's Mustache | YOUNG David | One act |
Off Compass | YOUNGER Kelly | Play/Drama |
Almost Heaven | YOUNGMAN Stephanie | 15-20 min Comedy |
Ali & Ali (The Deportation Hearings) | YOUSSEF Marcus | Play/Drama |
Boiling People in My Coffee | YUKICH Jonathan | 20-25 min Comedy |
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Ferdinand the Bull | ZACARIAS Karen | comedy-musical Comedy |
Knight in Kilometre Country | ZACHARKO Larry | children's play One Act |
Mr Eddies House | ZACHARY Saul | One Act |
Ugly One, The | ZADE Maja | Translation |
Thousand Yards, A | ZAKARIAN Abi | Play/Drama |
Body Of Water, A | ZARK Jenna | Three Playlets One Act |
Listen To Your Parents | ZEPHANIAH Benjamin | Youth play |
White Tie Ball | ZIMMERMAN Martin | Play/Drama |
Gangsta Claus | ZOLIDIS Don | 10 min Comedy |
Murray and Liz | ZORN G William | One act |
Furnished, The | ZREBSKI Matthew B | genre unknown |
Bad Acting Teachers | GILBERT Sky | Gay, theme/character full length |