Plays in alphabetical order |
Letters From K | ABEL J G | One Act |
What The Water Gave Me | ABRAHAMS Rehane | Solo Play/Drama |
Dorothy Parker's Last Call | ABRAMS Lesley | Biography |
Domestic Snakes | ABROMAITIS Karin | Show |
Vampingo a comedy with bite | ADAMS Jolene | Comedy/solo show One Act |
Rider Spoke | ADAMS Matt | interactive piece Piece |
Bathing Bernard | ADAMS Nigel | 3 min play |
One For Sorrow | ADAMS Nigel | 3 min play |
High Noon | ADAMSON Jo J | Monologue |
Last Live Performance | ADAMSON Jo J | Dramatic Monologue |
Some Kind Of Bliss | ADAMSON Samuel | Play/Drama |
Upright | ADDISON Jeff | full length Play/Drama |
Moj Of The Antarctic | ADEBAYO Mojisola | Piece |
My Brooklyn Hamlet | ADELMAN Brenda | Play/Drama |
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Elective Affinities | ADJMI David | Dark Comedy one act |
Jack And Jill Story, The | ADKIN Paul David | monologue One Act |
Cobra Neck | ADKINS Keith Josef | 5-10 min Play/Drama |
My Brooklyn Hamlet | ADLEMAN Brenda | Biography |
Between Friends | ADLER Rosalind | Play/Drama |
Bruised Blueberries | ADLER Rosalind | Monologue play |
Jubilate | ADLER Rosalind | Monologue play |
LOL | ADLER Rosalind | Monologue play |
Bogus Woman, The | ADSHEAD Kay | Play/Drama |
Homebody, Homefire | AGABIAN Nancy | Monologue play |
Want | AGABIAN Nancy | Monologue play |
My Killer, My Kid | AGOSTON Gerty | One Act |
Borrowed Prey | AHERN Carrie | 60 min solo |
Bird Parliament, The | AHLQUIST Jane | solo storytelling 105 min |
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Broome(e) | AHLQUIST Jane | psycho comedy 90 min |
Who's Afraid of Rachel Roberts? | AINSWORTH Dave | Play/Drama |
10 Dates With Mad Mary | AKRAM Yasmine | genre unknown |
Box-Mao-Box | ALBEE Edward | Monologue Play/Drama |
Cary From The Cock | ALBO Mike | Solo Play/Drama |
Strange Case of the Missing Doctor Watson | ALBRIGHT Mia | genre unknown |
What Of The Night | ALEXANDER Jane | Monologue play. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
I Got Plans For The Rest Of My Life | ALEXANDER Jeanne | Monologue play |
Edge | ALEXANDER Paul | Solo Drama Play/Drama |
Red Popcorn | ALEXANDER Robert | Play One Act |
Riot Grrrrl Guitar | ALEXANDER Robert | Play One Act |
Lambton, Kent | ALEXIS Andre | Monolgue play |
Martha Mitchell | ALFARO Rosanna Yamagiwa | One act |
Nowhere To Belong, Tales of an Extravagant Stranger | ALIBHAI-BROWN Yasmin | Solo Play/Drama |
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Medea of Baghdad | ALIZADEH Ali | Play/Drama |
Serenity | ALLAN Robert | Short play - monologue |
My Of-Course Life | ALLAYIALIS Toni | Play/Drama |
Big Love, The | ALLEN Jay Presson | Monologue play |
I Got Sick Then I Got Better | ALLEN Jenny | 80 min Play/Drama |
Irma | ALLEN Judith | Monologue play |
Slices of Lives (part of) | ALLEN Tina Alexis | short solo |
Alice's Adventures in Bishopsgate | ALLISON Hugh | Fantasy |
Shared Accomodation | ALLISON Hugh | Comedy |
Give Up! Start Over! (In the darkest of times I look to Richard Nixon for hope) | ALMASY Jessica | Short Play One Act |
Letters From K | ALMAZ Michael | Play/Drama |
Masoch | ALMAZ Michael | Play/Drama |
Story | ALMAZ Michael | Play/Drama |
Death of the Doll | ALMAZAN Raquel | One person show. Multi-media Piece |
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Porning the Planet - The De-Sensitiz Nation of a Generation | ALMAZAN Raquel | Solo Dark Comedy- Multi-media |
She Wolves: Women In Sex, Death & Rebirth | ALMAZAN Raquel | 1h 30m Multi-Media Solo Show Piece |
Note To Self: Shop Bloomingdales - Find Mother | ALSTER Pamela | Monologue play |
I Can't Even Think Straight | ALTON Andrea | Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Daddy's Black and Jewish | AMARIS Lian | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Twenty Years at Hull House | AMENTA Mark | One-Act One-Woman Show |
Sense Of Urgency, A | AMUNDSEN Allen | Ten minute play |
RiddleLikeLove (with a side of ketchup) | ANDERSON Douglas | Play/Drama |
Kiss of Death, Inc | ANDERSON Kathy | lesbian, comedy Lesbian, one act. - - Lesbian, full length |
End Of The Moon, The | ANDERSON Laurie | Piece |
Glamour | ANDERSON Shirley | genre unknown |
Walkin' On Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf | ANDERSON Stanice | Monologue play |
I Don't Wanna Play House | ANDERSON Tammy | One Act |
Dixie's Tupperware Party | ANDERSSON Kris | Comedy |
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Break | ANDREWS Angeline | Drama / Thriller 15 min |
Pressing Matters | ANDREWS Angeline | Play/Drama |
Typeface | ANDREWS Angeline | Comedy |
It Ain't Over Till The Fat Lady Sings | ANGEL Marie | Monologue play |
Bruising for Besos | ANTHONY Adelina | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Mastering Sex and Tortillas | ANTHONY Adelina | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Requiem for Queer Amor | ANTHONY Adelina | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Wish I Had A Sylvia Plath | ANTHONY Edward | Play/Drama |
Queen's Garden, The | AOKI Brenda Wong | urban storytelling |
Random Acts of Kindness | AOKI Brenda Wong | genre unknown |
Mother of the Year | APPEL Dori | Thirty minute play |
Oh Mary | APPLEBEE Bec | one woman physical theatre show |
New York Values | ARCADE Penny | Solo Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Beauties, The | ARICO Ashley | short play |
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Tin Ring, The | ARNFIELD Jane | piece |
Bit | ARNOLD John | Monologue play |
My Brilliant Divorce | ARON Geraldine | Play/Drama |
Reginka's Lesson | ARONSON Linda | Monologue play |
Heart Of Buchanan, The | ASHER Sandra Fenichel | Short play |
Walking Toward America | ASHER Sandra Fenichel | genre unknown |
Wrestling With Angels | ASHER Sandra Fenichel | Short play |
Miss Margarida's Way | ATHAYDE Roberto | Allegory |
Three Monologues | AUBURN David | One Act |
Boxcar Bertha | AUGELLO Christina | genre unknown |
Last of the Red Hot Dadas | AUGELLO Christina | Play/Drama |
Donna Orbits the Moon | AUGUST Ian | Play/Drama |
Temporary People, Part I: Siobhan | AUGUSTINE John | 6-8 min Comedy/Drama |
Temporary People, Part II: Rebecca Ruth | AUGUSTINE John | 8-10 min Comedy/Drama |
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Queen Rita's Blues Alley | AURORE Amontaine | genre unknown |
Desert Island Dances | AVERY John | Piece |
Fear and All of Me | AYALA Corina Katt | genre unknown |
Deaf Day | AYVAZIAN Leslie | One Act |
High Dive | AYVAZIAN Leslie | Comedy |
Plan Day | AYVAZIAN Leslie | Short Play One Act |
Birth Story | BAACK Hillary | Play/Drama |
Biographical Details | BADHAM Van | 20 min Dramatic monologue |
Lounge Songs | BADHAM Van | Monologue play (three monologues) |
Duse's Fever | BAGNASCO Mica | Play/Drama |
Dai (enough) | BAHR Iris | Solo Play/Drama |
Party Piece | BAILEY Chris | Play/Drama |
Schism | BAINBRIDGE Melanie | One Act |
Drinks With Natalie | BAINES Elizabeth | Monologue play |
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Love Bites | BAINES Mercedes | Drama, 70 min |
How To Live | BAKER Bobby | Performance Piece Piece |
Mad Gyms and Kitchens | BAKER Bobby | 80 min piece |
If You See Something, Say Something | BAKER Elna | Comedy Solo Show, 45 min |
Old Colette, The | BALDRIDGE Mary Humphrey | One Act |
Four Days Of Grace | BALLANTYNE Drew | Play/Drama |
Circus Boy | BALLON Richard | short play |
Griselda | BALLON Richard | short play |
Andy Warhol Syndrome, The | BALLOO Julie | Solo piece |
Bitter Rose | BANKS Catherine A | Comedy |
No Strangers Here Today | BANYAS Susan | Play/Drama |
Aftermaths: A Tear In The meat Of Vision | BARDSLEY Julia | Piece |
Without Skin or Breathlessness | BARFIELD Tanya | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
XXXotica Review, The | BARIKA Carmen | Musical Solo Show 90 min Musical |
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Bike Shop | BARKAN Elizabeth | musical |
Bernie (Spend A Penny) | BARKER Megan | 5 min monologue One Act |
This Incredible Human Heart Machine Part 1 (A Personal History) | BARKER Megan | Piece, 20 min Piece |
Scenes from a Life with a Little Help from Antigone and Mother Goose | BARKMAN Donna | short play |
Mrs Pretty In Private | BARLOW Peppy | Stage Monologue, 35min |
Please Explain | BARNES Mick | satire |
Amazon, The | BARNES Peter | Monologue Play/Drama |
Madame Zenobia | BARNES Peter | Monologue Play/Drama |
Rosa | BARNES Peter | Monologue Play/Drama |
Theory And Practice Of Belly Dancing, The | BARNES Peter | Monologue Play/Drama |
Yesterday's News | BARNES Peter | Monologue Play/Drama |
To Stand On One Leg | BARNETT Rachel | Monologue play |
Molly on the Stump | BARNEY Cary | monologue Play/Drama |
Sandy Takes the Stand | BARNEY Cary | monologue Play/Drama |
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Fakebook | BARRAND Anita | Piece |
Brigit Bondfast: Space Scientist | BARRIE Shirley | Drama One Act |
Duck Blind | BARRIE Shirley | Comedy/Drama Ten Min |
Madhouse | BARRIE Shirley | Black Comedy Ten Min |
Recipe for Christmas, A | BARRIE Shirley | Monologue play |
Transition | BARRIE Shirley | Drama 15 Min |
Good Face, A | BARROGA Jeannie | Solo Play/Drama |
Evie | BARRON Charles | Comedy |
Pam Ella | BARRY Alice | One Act |
Pentagonal Dream, The | BARRY Sebastian | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Womb with a View, A | BARSHA Debra | Musical |
ONEymoon (A Honeymoon for one) | BARTELSE Christel | Piece |
Sometimes I Laugh Like My Sister | BARTELT Martin M | Piece |
One Man's Business | BARTHOLOMEW Clare | Physical comedy Piece |
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Memorandium, The | BARTLAU Penelope | Piece |
For Alfonso | BARTLETT Neil | Play/Drama |
Girl I Left Behind Me, The | BARTLETT Neil | musical theatre |
Bodies In Transit | BASSETT Nina Larissa | Play/Drama |
Mother Speaks, A | BATCHELOR Judd | Play/Drama |
Hunger | BATES Vanessa | Ten Min |
Belle of the Ball Bearings | BATTERSBY Liz | Musical |
Of Freckled Human Nature: Miss Emily on Miss Emily | BATTLO Jean | One act |
Priorities | BATTOCCHIO Roy | genre unknown |
One Fool | BAUM Terry | Play One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Susie Baxter's Guilty Women | BAXTER Susie | genre unknown |
Shida | BAYARDELLE Jeannette | solo show |
Mrs Man Of God | BAZZINI Donald | Play/Drama |
Completely Fucking See-Through | BEARD Francesca | Short Monologue One Act |
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Jackie Beat: The Nutcracker | BEAT Jackie | Christmas Show. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Women Destroyed, The | BEAUVOIR Simone De | Monologue Play/Drama |
Footfalls | BECKETT Samuel | genre unknown |
Rockaby | BECKETT Samuel | genre unknown |
That Time | BECKETT Samuel | genre unknown |
Night To Remember, A | BEE Sandra | Solo Play/Drama |
Unfunny | BEEDE Mike | genre unknown |
Mother Of All The Behans | BEHAN Brian | Play/Drama |
Miss Education of Jenna Bush | BEIGEL Winston | One Act |
Wind | BELBER Stephen | 45-50 min Play/Drama |
Drive | BELL Neal | Ten Min |
Last Petal Falling | BELLEKOM Antony | genre unknown |
Magic Show, The: The Story of the Barefoot Angels | BENGSON Abigail Nessen | Play/Drama |
Bed Among The Lentils | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
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Hand Of God, The | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Her Big Chance | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Lady Of Letters, A | BENNETT Alan | Monologue One Act |
Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Nights In The Garden Of Spain | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Outside Dog, The | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Soldiering On | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Waiting For The Telegram | BENNETT Alan | Monologue Play/Drama |
Woman Of No Importance | BENNETT Alan | Monologue One Act |
Self Storage | BENNETT Russell | Monologue play |
Colour of a Lie, The | BENSON Fi | short monologue sketch/Community Play One Act |
I Am Going to Run Away | BENTON Bree | musical |
Madame | BERGMAN J Peter | Mono-drama |
Rosie, The Teddy Bear | BERGMAN Steven | Monologue play |
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Berkoff's Women | BERKOFF Steven | Devised Piece |
Longhardt Look at Love with Chad Longhardt, A | BERKSON Brianne | Play/Drama |
Just Shut Up & Smile | BERMAN Simona | 20 min |
Tiny Feats Of Cowardice | BERNFIELD Susan | 1h 35m, Musical, Solo Show Musical |
Without You I'm Nothing | BERNHARD Sandra | Comedy Show |
Robot Girl | BERNSTEIN Michael | short play |
Dye Young/Stay Pretty | BERRY Adrian | Play/Drama |
Big Pharma | BERRY Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Three Types of Sex, The | BERRY Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Gypsies | BERTO T | Play/Drama |
Spring Break with Rainey | BERTRAM Anne | One Act |
Selective Memory | BEST Madeline | Piece |
Two Men In The Fog | BHATTACHARYYA Sonali | Short Monologue One Act |
Therese Raquin Desire | BIANCOSINO Michole | Play Drama |
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Uncoupled | BICKLEY Richard | Monologue - one act |
Married Blitz | BILLINGHAM Peter | Devised Piece |
Omega And The Golden Water | BILLINGHAM Peter | Childrens Youth Audience |
Before I Disappear | BILLINGS Alexandra | Monologue play |
Lite | BILLINGS Shereen | Piece |
Seeing The Elephant | BIRNBAUM Mickey | One act |
Big Girl | BISS Andrew | Play, 20 min One Act |
Familiar Face, A | BISS Andrew | Play One Act |
Replica, The | BISS Andrew | Play, 20 min One Act |
Times When I Bite | BISSETT Alan | Monologue play |
Night-Side | BITTERMAN Shem | One Act |
Tell Me on a Sunday | BLACK Don | Musical |
Galizian Jewess, The | BLACK Penny | Adaptation |
Yes, My Fuehrer | BLACK Penny | Adaptation |
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Extreme Girl | BLACKBURN Barbara | Play/Drama |
She do the police in different voices | BLAIR Alanna | genre unknown |
Long Night, The | BLAIR Iain | Gothic nightmare |
I Used to be One Hot Number | BLAIR Rhonda | genre unknown |
Black Bread and Cucumbe | BLAKISTON Caroline | Solo Play/Drama |
Liberty City | BLANK Jessica | solo show Play/Drama |
Rider Spoke | BLAST THEORY | interactive piece Piece |
That Moment | BLAXLAND Dougie | One Act |
Who's Your Mama | BLEIER Barbara | short play |
Cloud In Trousers, A | BLOOM Samantha | genre unknown |
Am I Blue | BLUE Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Against The Odds | BLUE Jade | Piece |
To Break A Man | BLUE Jade | Piece |
Boycott, The | BLUME Kathryn | Play/Drama |
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Someone Else's Rainbow | BOARDMAN-JACOBS Sam | One Woman Play wIth Songs |
Man At The Piano Is Not Here, The | BOBKOFF Ned | dramatic monologue with music |
Yellow Wallpaper, The | BODINE Greg Oliver | Play/Drama |
These Are My Sisters | BOESING Martha | genre unknown |
Holy Ground, The | BOLGER Dermot | Play One Act |
Belle of the Bijou | BOLLOW Ludmilla | One Act |
Carry-on | BOLLOW Ludmilla | Ten minute play |
Children of Sin, The | BOLLOW Ludmilla | Monologue Ten minute play |
City Sidewalks | BOLLOW Ludmilla | Monologue play |
First Time | BOLLOW Ludmilla | 5 Minute Monologue |
Gypsy's Story, The | BOLLOW Ludmilla | Monologue - Under 15 min. |
I Am Not Alone! | BOLLOW Ludmilla | Ten Minute Monologue |
Up Up And Away! | BOLLOW Ludmilla | 5 Minute Monologue |
When I Was A Poppy | BOLLOW Ludmilla | 10 Minute Monologue |
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Woman With 27 Children, The | BOLLOW Ludmilla | One Woman Monologue |
Southside | BOLOS Dee | Comedy Drama, 70 min Comedy |
Justin Bond is Close To | BOND Justin | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Betty | BOND Shelby | Monologue play |
Unplanned | BOOKER Malika | Piece |
Other People's Problems | BOOTH Samuel | 60 min Play/Drama |
South | BORGIA Carmen | Musical |
Choices | BOSWORTH Patricia | Play/Drama |
Heart Of The Matter, The | BOURGEOIS Pat | Ten minute play |
AM - After Mum | BOURNE Mark C | Monologue - Comedy/Drama |
Lucky In Love | BOURNE Mark C | Monologue - Comedy/Drama |
Seriously Wrong | BOURNE Mark C | Monologue - Comedy |
Special Agent 007(and a half) | BOURNE Mark C | comedy monologue |
Tangled | BOUSFIELD Noni | Solo Play/Drama |
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Daze Of Our Lives | BOWMAN Kathy | Visual Theatre |
Battle Over The Thin Red Line, The | BOWSER Jessica | One Woman Show Piece |
Inside Out | BOYD Pamela J | Drama, 110 min |
Mad One with the Hair, The | BOYD Pom | Comedy Show |
Rossa Gialla, La | BOYD Pom | Solo Play/Drama |
Right Time To Say I Love You | BOYNTON Cindy Wolfe | 40 min play |
Midnight Your Time | BRACE Adam | Play/Drama |
Sally And The Grouch | BRADEN David | Children's Comedy Youth Audience |
Dressed to Kill | BRAGG Jeannene | 1 page, Experimental One Act |
Shiver | BRAILSFORD Kate | Piece |
Verbatim | BRANDT William | Monologue play |
Fornicationally Challenged | BRANDWEIN Judi Lee | Comedy Solo Show, 70 min |
Most Fun Funeral!, The | BRASHIER Anne | Piece |
Jimmy | BRASSARD Marie | Solo Play/Drama |
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Music for Cotortionist | BREBNER Morwyn | One Act |
Thong | BREEZE Naomi | Solo Play/Drama |
Bill | BREEZE Tony | Dramatic Monologue |
Sorry | BREEZE Tony | Natural drama One Act |
Hi Vis | BRENNAN Clara | short play |
Portmanteau | BRENNAN Clara | short play |
Hunger Striking | BRENNAN Kit | Full-length one-act |
I Am Going To Run Away | BRENTON Bree | Musical |
Of Men and Mountains | BREVOORT Deborah | Monologue play |
Wet Willies | BREVOORT Deborah | Monologue play |
Actors Rehearse the Story of Charlotte Salomon, The | BRIDEL David | genre unknown |
Medicine Girl | BRIDGEMAN Laura | one ac |
Miles Franklin And The Rainbow's End | BRITTON Julia | One Woman Show Play/Drama |
My Sinking Ship | BROEREN Alison | Monologue play |
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Pants On Fire! | BROEREN Alison | Comedy |
Growl Sweetly | BROOKER Evan | Monologue play |
Lily | BROOKS Hindi | Mystery, Long 1 Act Mystery |
Mrs Merry's Christmas Concert | BROPHY Geraldine | Christmas Comedy |
Shelf Life | BROWN Camile M | Comedy Solo Show, 36 min |
Rosie's Oddball Hymnological Way To Auntie Brigitte's | BROWN David Elliot | Twenty minute play |
Mad Madge | BROWN Janet | monologue |
Princess, A Pea, A | BROWN Janet | Monologue - short play |
Water, Water | BROWN Janet | Short play - monologue |
Baggage Claim | BROWN Monifa | solo shows |
One Of Our Ain | BROWN Sandra | Solo Play/Drama |
Fried | BROWN Weslie | Musical |
Eleanor | BROWNELL Mark | 20 min Comedy One Act |
Dishes With Aunt Kate | BROWNING Marilyn | Monologue play |
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I'm a Good Little Girl | BRUNELLE Jimmy | Ten minute play |
My Three Moms | BRYAN Virginia | 1h 0m Local Manhattan, NYC |
Blind Date | BRYARS Ziella | Comedy |
Lilly | BUCHANAN Matt | Ten minute play |
Isabelle, My Friend | BUCK Paul | genre unknown |
Isabelle, Out the Window | BUCK Paul | genre unknown |
Evolution | BUCKLEY Patricia | Play/Drama |
Pandora | BUCKMAN Jennie | Play/Drama |
Awake and Dreaming | BUDD Anna | genre unknown |
From Shite Grows the Roses | BUDD Anna | Monologue play |
Jordan | BUFFINI Moira | Short Play One Act |
Lover. Muse. Mockingbird. Whore. | BUKOWSKI Charles | dance-theatre meditation |
Waiting For Stanley | BUNCE Leela | Piece |
Whatever Happened To The Cotton Dress Girl? | BURGE Anton | Play/Drama |
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Debt | BURKE Gregory | Monologue Play/Drama |
Zelda | BURKE Kelly | site specific adaptation |
Clara Barton - The Courage of Angels | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Dame Shirley of the Gold Fields | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Failure Is Impossible | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Jane Austen - Love and Friendship | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Louisa May | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Victoria Woodhill - Madam President | BURKIN Mary | Monologue play |
Midnight at the Website of Good and Evil | BURLINGTON Claire | Comedy |
collector of tears, the | BURN Sean | full-length monologue |
ghost-tag | BURN Sean | monologue Play/Drama |
sweet | BURN Sean | play for young people |
Personal Effects | BURNEY Susanna | Monologue play |
Spring '45 | BURNEY Susanna | Monologue play |
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Stick | BURNS Carolyn | short monologue |
My Sister Next Door | BURRELL Michael | Play/Drama |
Sister! Sister! | BURROWS Vinie | Play/Drama |
Walk Together Children | BURROWS Vinie | Play/Drama |
I Will Be Good | BURT Tricia Rose | Play/Drama |
Green Benches | BURTON B J | Drama - Monologue 8-10 min |
At That Time | BUSCANI Lisa | genre unknown |
Between Mothers | BUSHKOWSKY Aaron | Short Play One Act |
Stone Boy | BUSHKOWSKY Aaron | Monologue play |
barefoot | BUSTIN Pam | Drama 65 min One Act |
Naked Eye, The | BUTTERWORTH Jez | short play |
Vicki Madison Clocks Out | BUZO Alexander | Short Play One Act |
Don't Say a Word | BYRNE Patricia | genre unknown |
Becoming Marilyn | BYRNES Bernie C | Play/Drama |
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Pakita | CABALLERO Ernesto | Piece |
Questions My Mother Can't Answer | CABAN Andrea | solo show |
I, Sarah | CABELL Robert W | Play/Drama |
Three Roses of Lebanon | CACACE Rosanna | Monologue play |
Collette | CADDELL Yvonne | Monologue play |
175 | CADIEUX Jason | chamber theatre Play/Drama |
Starving Necrophilia | CAGNACCI Lisa | One Act |
Burnt Tongue | CALCUTT Shannan | Monologue play |
Audience with the Lizard Lady, An | CALDER Gowan | Plays |
Lillian | CALE David | Solo show |
Conversation With Edith Head, A | CALISTRO Paddy | Play/Drama |
Between the Cracks | CAMERON Donna | 3 min play |
Dig, The | CAMERON Ian | Devised Piece |
Dear Canada Council | CAMERON Ken | Comedy One Act |
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Might As Well Live: The Words of Dorothy Parker | CAMERON Ken | Drama One Act |
Mrs Talleyhouse | CAMERON Ken | Drama One Act |
Nancy Sleekit | CAMPBELL Donald | Play/Drama |
Emily Dickinson and 1 | CAMPBELL Edie | Solo Play/Drama |
Pardon My French | CAMPBELL Michelle | Monologue play |
Following the Yellow Brick Road Down the Rabbit Hole | CAMPION Terry | Play/Drama |
Sara Plays Her Game | CANINO Frank | comedy drama Ten Min |
Swan Queen, The | CANINO Frank | monologue 35 minutes |
Embodied | CANNON Glyn | short play |
Souled Out | CANOVA Pattie | Play/Drama |
Julie | CAPO John | Short Play One Act |
Hardware Dreams | CARABALLO Sunilda | 45 minutes |
Anna Jameson | CAREY Pauline | Play/Drama |
Charlie | CAREY Rosalie | One act Monologue play |
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Jodie's Body | CARLIN Aviva Jane | Solo Play/Drama |
Mother Teresa Girl | CARLIN Aviva Jane | Solo Play/Drama |
Girl From Nowhere, The | CARNESKY Marisa | Solo Play/Drama |
House Of Knives | CARNESKY Marisa | Short play |
Jewess Tattooess | CARNESKY Marisa | Solo Play/Drama |
Euxious | CARPENTER Bridget | 5-10 min Comedy/Drama |
Girl In The Biscuit Tin, The | CARR Alison | Monologue |
Yellow | CARR Alison | Play/Drama |
It Hasn't Happened Yet! | CARR Liz | Piece |
Filles de Kronos / Daughters Of Kronos | CARRENO Gloria | Play/Drama |
Dying to be Thin | CARSON Linda A | Drama One Act |
Cowboy Guns | CARTWRIGHT Jim | One Act |
My Life As A 10-Year-Old Boy | CARTWRIGHT Nancy | Solo Show |
Breathe In | CARVALHO Mike Francis | comedy |
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Still Life At The Sushi Bar | CASADOS Cyd | Monologue play |
Rootless: La No Nostalgia | CASIANO Karina | Musical |
Ethyl Mae Potter, We Never Forgot Her | CASNER Howard W | One act |
My Life with Men. . .and Other Animals | CASSI Maria | Play/Drama |
Oscar and the Sphinx | CASSON Glynis | Adaptation One Act |
Urinal, Mrs Fish And The Prime Minister, The | CASSON Mark | One act Comedy |
Brown Ambition | CASTIGLIA Carolyn | black comedy |
Hallo | CASTLE Nikki | Ten Min |
Tomando Cafe (Drinking Coffee) | CASTRO-VARGAS Rosateresa | Musical |
2112 | CASWELL Chris | Monologue play |
People Show 106 | CATER Emma | Devised Piece |
Cargo: The True Adventures of Mary Bryant | CATHCART Sarah | 90 mins |
Serpent's Fall, The | CATHCART Sarah | One Act |
Tiger Country | CATHCART Sarah | One Act |
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Walking On Sticks | CATHCART Sarah | One Act |
El Secreto Pesaroso De Condeleezza Rice ("The Sorry Secret Of Condoleezza Rice") | CENICEROZ Jonathan | genre unknown |
Looking For Louie | CHAIKEN Stacie | Monologue play |
Sifting Thru Ashes | CHAIKEN Stacie | Monologue play |
State of the Art | CHAIKEN Stacie | Monologue play |
Passion of the Hausfrau, The | CHAISON Nicole | 80 min Comedy |
Joy | CHAKRABARTI Lolita | Piece |
Vivienne Grout's Adventure In Another Metropolis | CHALCROFT Sarah | Play/Drama |
Stripped | CHALMERS Hannah | Piece |
Objects In The Mirror (Are Closer Than They Seem) | CHAMBERLIN Lee | Monologue play |
Lazy Daze | CHAMBERS John | Play/Drama One Act |
Marg Szkaluba (Pissy's Wife) | CHAMBERS Ron | Musical |
Creole: A Tropical Fantasy | CHAMPAGNE Lenora | Ten Min |
Mother's Little Helper | CHAMPAGNE Lenora | performance piece Piece |
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Sarah Bernhardt Meets Her Waterloo | CHAMPAGNE Lenora | 12 min One Act |
Bone to Pick | CHAN Eugenie | one act |
Diadem | CHAN Eugenie | one act |
Life In Her Day, A | CHAPLAIN Hilary | Clown/Mask Comedy, 60 min |
Pumpkin Pie Show, The: Commencement | CHAPMAN Clay McLeod | Drama Performance Art, 60 min Piece |
You've Made Your Bed | CHARBONNEAU J C | Monologue play |
Have You Seen This Girl? | CHASE Sonora | One Act |
That's Showbiz! | CHASTON Colin | 120 minutes |
De stroyed | CHAUNDY Suzanne | piece |
Give Up! Start Over! (In the darkest of times I look to Richard Nixon for hope) | CHAVKIN Rachel | Short Play One Act |
Path With No Mocassins | CHEECHOO Shirley | Dramatic Monologue |
White Baptist Abba Fan | CHEETHAM Deborah | Short Play One Act |
Suzy Wrong - Human Cannon | CHEN Anna | Solo Comedy Comedy |
Speak Up Connie | CHEUNG Cindy | comedy 75 min |
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Daughter of a Cuban Revolutionary | CHIBAS Marissa | Play/Drama |
Virginity Monologues, The | CHO Aileen | One act |
Fly In The Fridge, The | CHRISTOPHER Frank | One Woman Show |
And Baby Makes Two | CHRISTOPHER Nanci | adoption tale One Act |
Love Story, Palestine | CHUMA Yoshiko | piece |
Orlando | CHUTER Robert | One Woman Show |
Angry Little People | CINO Maggie | Monolgue play |
Conversation With Edith Head, A | CLAASSEN Susan | Play/Drama |
Little Book Of Hate Part One | CLARE Maddalene | Monologue Play/Drama |
Little Book Of Hate Part Two | CLARE Maddalene | Monologue Play/Drama |
Post Mortem | CLARK Brian | One Act |
Bessie Smith Speaks | CLARK China | Drama/music |
Slices of Lives (part of) | CLARKE Barbara | short solo |
Room | CLARKE Jocelyn (1) | adapted piece |
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Unspoken | CLARKE Rebecca | 50 min One Act |
Elephant | CLEARY Patrick | Monologue |
Wedding Dance | CLEARY Patrick | Monologue |
Our Kid | CLEMENS Brian | Play/Drama One Act |
Conversation | CLEMENTS Alexis | Solo performance |
Dream Killers, The | CLERKIN Angela | Solo Play/Drama |
Must - The Inside Story | CLOD ENSEMBLE, THE | Piece |
Maggot | CLOUGH Greta | Drama |
Slow Drag, Mama | CLUBB Dare | Short Play One Act |
Tell Me on a Sunday | CLUNE Jackie | Musical |
Party Spirit | COCKEY Bernadine | Young adult comic thriller Youth Audience |
Chewing Gum Dreams | COEL Michaela | one act |
Thin Walls | COHEN Alice Eve | Solo Play/Drama |
Uncle Vanya | COHEN Loraine | Adaptation |
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To Carry On. . . | COHEN Mimi | 95 min Musical |
Rocking Chair Riddle | COLE Barbara | Monologue play |
Surviving Chrysalis | COLE Barbara | Monologue play |
Mrs Barry's Marriage | COLEMAN Bronwen | Play/Drama |
Round Trip | COLIONOMOS Jean (Nuchtern) | One Act |
Capturing Freedom | COLLINS Mika | One-person play |
Gravity | COLLINS Tricia | Monologue play |
Julia's Song | COMPTON Jennifer | Monologue play |
Broken Dog Legs and Jamal Lullabies | CONBERE Emily | genre unknown |
Janie Condon: Raw and Unchained | CONDON Janie | Play/Drama |
Honeymoon Years Of Eleanor Roosevelt ∧ Lorena Hickok, The | CONN Marjorie | Comedy/drama Comedy. - - Lesbian, full length |
Miss Lizzie A Borden Invites You To Tea | CONN Marjorie | Comedy/drama Comedy. - - Lesbian, full length |
Baked Swan, A | COOK Deborah | Play/Drama |
Therese's Creed | COOK Michael (1) | drama One Act |
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How She Played the Game | COOPER Cynthia L | One Act |
Weighed Down | COOPER Mary | short monologue |
Prostitutes Marry in May: Two Queens, One Nation | COOPER Miriam | one woman show |
Eve of War (Little Arthur's History of England) | COOPER Peter John | genre unknown |
Words of a Revolutionary | COPELAND Cecilia | Historical Drama |
Joan's Show, An Evening with Joan Copeland | COPELAND Joan | Show |
I Am Nothing Like My Mother | CORPUZ Christine | Play/Drama |
Dangerous Territory | COSS Clare | Monologue play |
Lillian Wald At Home On Henry Street | COSS Clare | Monologue play |
Fields Of Offerings | COVE Michael | Stage play One Act |
Father For My Son, A | COVERACK Jenny | Biography |
Back Alley Blindness: An Ode to Michelle | COVINGTON Sarita | short piece |
It Should Have Been Me (part of Turning Points) | COWAN Billy | Monologue |
Web Pal (part of Small Change) | COWAN Billy | Monologue |
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Stationary Excess | COWBURY Tim | so min play |
Greedy Cat | COWLEY Joy | Youth Audience |
Blackbird | COX Lucia | Play/Drama |
I Am Angela Brazil by Angela Brazil | COXON Lucinda | Monologue Play/Drama |
Songs I Wrote for Broadway | COZETTE Cynthia | Musical |
pornStar | CRADDOCK Christopher | Monologue play |
Hand-me-Down | CRADDOCK Kate | genre unknown |
Bolivia | CRAM Cusi | Solo Play/Drama |
Euripidames | CRAM Cusi | Solo Play/Drama |
This Could Be It | CRANOR Jeffrey | Play/Drama |
Missing Memaw | CRAWFORD Loren | Play/Drama |
Respect | CRENSHW Kimberle | short monologue |
Washed | CRITOPH Alex | genre unknown |
Greenstick Boy | CRONIN Maggie | genre unknown |
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Most Notorious Woman, A | CRONIN Maggie | Monologue Play/Drama |
Welcome To My Nightmary | CROSBIE Mary | Monologue play |
Nice Girl | CROTHERS Susan | short play |
Death is a Scream | CROW Esther | Play/Drama |
Dried Flowers | CRUISE Maryjane | Drama One Act |
Hair I Am | CUINN Helen | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Looking For Laura Quinn | CUINN Helen | 30Mins Piece |
Just Because You're Paranoid (Doesn't Mean They're Not Out to Get You) | CULEBRO Kathleen Anderson | Cabaret |
Senseless | CULLEN Alex | short monologue |
Runs in the Family | CUNNINGHAM e christi | Monolgue play |
Happy Talking | CUNNINGHAM Laura Shaine | Play/Drama |
Web Cam Woman | CUNNINGHAM Laura Shaine | One Act |
I Lost My Laugh in the Revolution | CUNNINGHAM Shameks | genre unknown |
Unveiled | CUOMO Michele | Short Play One Act |
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Cary From The Cock | CURRAN Cary | Solo Play/Drama |
Brave Girl , A | CURRAN Colleen | Comedy One Act |
Children See Everything | DA COSTA Suneeta Peres | Monologue play |
Fire | DA COSTA Suneeta Peres | Monologue play |
Locked | DALE Stephanie | Play/Drama |
Daughter of the Regiment | DALGLISH Jim | Short play / monolog One Act |
Lizzie Borden Live | DALTON Jill | Play/Drama |
Life Death And Entertainment | DAMANTE Susan | 1h 30m, |
Kissed by a Buddah | DANLEY Kate | One Woman Show |
Joni vs. The Bard: The Shakespeare Smackdown | DARLING Joan | Play/Drama |
Doughnuts like Fanny's | DARLING Julia | Play/Drama |
Personal Belongings | DARLING Julia | Play/Drama |
Future of the Species: Part One | DAVEY Maude | piece |
God's Will Not Mine | DAVID-DEAN Lisa | Play/Drama |
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Monster Under The Bed Drank My Vodka | DAVID-DEAN Lisa | Play/Drama |
Warriors Don't Cry | DAVIS Eisa | Monologue play |
Double Booked | DAVIS Ginny | genre unknown |
Ten Days that shook the kitchen! | DAVIS Ginny | genre unknown |
Stella Rising | DAVOY Napua | Play/Drama |
Angela, The Actress | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Close, The | DAY Doris M | 7 Monologues One Act |
Daisy, A Square Peg In A Round Hole | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Diane, On The Phone | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Lily, A Weed | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Mary, In Contemplation | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Thoughts Of Emma | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Valerie, The Mistress | DAY Doris M | Monologue Play/Drama |
Avon Calling | DAY Katie | Piece |
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Available Light | DE GROEN Alma | Radio Play |
Copperheads and Common Women | DE HELEN Sandra | Solo performance |
Colour Of Poppies, The | DE KERVENO Yann Le Gouic | Adapatation/translation One Act |
Boogie Rican Blvd: The Musical | DE LA LUZ Caridad | Musical |
Fountain of Youth | DE LA PUENTE Noemi | Solo Play/Drama |
Fraulein Else | DE LUCIA Amy | Adaptation |
Last Days of Gilda, The | DE ROURE Rodrigo | 60 min Biographical |
Woman Of Uncertain Age, A | DEALEY Maggie | Monologue play |
Those Three Little Words | DEAN Julia Lee | Comedy Monologue |
Woman's Work, A | DEAN Julia Lee | Comedy Monologue |
Food Of Love | DEAR Nick | Monologue play |
Kylie's Eggs | DEASY Frank | 12 min monologue One Act |
I Love Drugs | DECARLO Elisa | solo show Show |
Pointless Rebellion | DECARLO Elisa | Solo monologue Play/Drama |
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Toasted | DECARLO Elisa | Solo Play/Drama |
Lite | DEER Maxine | Piece |
One Night With Fanny Brice | DEFFAA Chip | Musical |
Brownsville Bred Growing Up Elaine | DEL VALLE Elaine | Play/Drama |
Footprints To New Zealand | DELILKAN Sharu | 1-2 min sketches |
Fan Letter to Monica Lewinsky, A | DEMARTINO Ty | Play/Drama |
Poor Little Thing | DEMARTINO Ty | Play/Drama |
Casualties | DEMPSEY Sandra | play Ten min |
Legacy | DEMPSEY Sandra | genre unknown |
Rosa's Lament | DEMPSEY Sandra | play Ten min |
Mon Coeur Solitaire: A Portrait of Mary Cassatt | DENTON-DAVIS Browen | Play/Drama |
Sob Stories | DERBYSHIRE Harry | devised Piece |
Audition of the Embarrassed Woman, The | DERBYSHIRE Jan | genre unknown |
Bearded Circus Ladies | DERBYSHIRE Jan | Play/Drama |
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Joke You | DERBYSHIRE Jan | Comedy |
Maharani and the Maple Leaf | DERBYSHIRE Jan | Play/Drama |
Reflection | DEREVO | Mime |
Mamma Roma | DESALVO Anne | Play/Drama |
Prostitutes Will Precede You In the Kingdom Of Heaven | DESCALZO Jose Luis Martin | Play/Drama |
To Marie With Love | DEVANEY Pauline | One Woman play. Two acts. |
Burns Night | DEVINE Alicia | Play/Drama |
Loving Burns | DEVINE Alicia | short Monologue |
When I Was Six | DEVINE Alicia | short Monologue |
Desert Queen, The | DEVITA James | adult |
Total Faith in Cosmic Love | DEVORE John | Play/Drama |
Wednesday's Child | DEWEY Sheila | Play/Drama |
Joe | DI MAMBRO Anne Marie | genre unknown |
Bluest Eye, The | DIAMOND Lydia R | Adaptation |
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Jesus, Liza and Me | DIAMOND Theresa M | short play. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Vivienne Grout's Adventure In Another Metropolis | DICK Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Amish Project, The | DICKEY Jessica | 1h 15m, Drama, Solo Show |
Bridal Suite, The | DICKINS Barry | Stage play One Act |
Death Of Minnie, The | DICKINS Barry | Tragi-comedy One Act |
Green Room | DICKINS Barry | Monologue Comedy |
One Woman Shoe | DICKINS Barry | Monologue |
Happiness Of Fish, The | DICKSTEIN Mindi | Musical |
Year of Magical Thinking, The | DIDION Joan | Play/Drama |
Stepmother in a Sari | DILLEN Leslie Harrell | Play/Drama |
To Break A Man | DILLON George | Piece |
Smoking Diary, The | DILLON Loretta | Play/Drama |
Scared Skinny: a one (hundred pound lighter) woman show | DIMINO Mary | Solo Show Comedy |
One Woman Murder Mystery | DIPPOLD Katie | Monologue play |
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Popsicle Departure 1989 | DISTEFANO Madi | Play/Drama |
Evolution of a Love Addict, The | DIXON Natasha M | drama |
Room | DOCHERTY Abigail | 35Mins Piece |
Phantom Limb | DOGGETT Victoria | Monologue play |
Journey To Taos | DOHERTY Nancy | genre unknown |
Hilo (Thread) | DOMINGUEZ Jose Manuel | Piece |
Dirt | DONLEY Jan | Monologue/drama Play/Drama |
Yanks | DONNELLY Neil | Play One Act |
Late Nite Catechism | DONOVAN Maripat | Comedy |
Sister's Christmas Catechism | DONOVAN Maripat | Piece |
Hi Energy | DOOLAN Lita | Theatre/Comedy |
Mary Blandy's Gallows Tree | DOOLAN Lita | Drama/Monologue 40 min |
Adult Child, Dead Child | DOWIE Claire | Monologue Play/Drama |
Drag Act | DOWIE Claire | Play One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
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H To He (I'm turning into a man) | DOWIE Claire | Solo Play/Drama |
Leaking From Every Orifice | DOWIE Claire | Solo Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Year of the Monkey, The | DOWIE Claire | Four Monologues |
Case of Katherine Mansfield, The | DOWNES Cathy | Play/Drama |
Female of the Species, The | DOWNIE Anne | genre unknown |
Shades of the Jelly Woman (Part One) | DOYLE Jean | Play One Act |
First Kiss | DOYLE Mollie | short monologue |
Angel/Babel | DOYLE Roger | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Tea Is An Evening Meal | DRAPER Faye | Piece |
837 Venice Boulevard | DRISCOLL Faye | Dance Theatre |
Baby, Baby | DRYLAND Gordon | One act |
Hell Of It, The | DRYLAND Gordon | One act |
Little Knife, A | DRYLAND Gordon | One act |
Spider Witch, The | DU FEU John | solo show |
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Lucky Pink Wonderland | DUARTE Amanda | Piece |
Classically Trained, Practically Broke | DUARTE Myrna E | 1h 15m Local Manhattan, NYC |
Fever | DUFFIELD Marjorie | Disco-monologue Ten min. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Worlds' Wife, The | DUFFY Carol Ann | Piece |
Breaststrokes | DUFFY Stella | Solo Piece |
Close to You | DUFFY Stella | Play/Drama |
Tedious Predictabilty of Falling in Love, The | DUFFY Stella | Play/Drama |
Envia! Performance Artiste | DUMAR Kelly | Ten minute play |
Solitary Choice, A | DUNCAN Sheila | genre unknown |
Panic | DUNCUM Ken | Monolgue play |
Polythene Pam | DUNCUM Ken | Monolgue play |
Dame on the Ten Dollar Note, The | DUNN Beverley | 60 min Biography |
Assignment, The | DUNN Thomas G | monologue |
Mrs Sorken | DURANG Christopher | One Act |
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Woman Stand-Up | DURANG Christopher | Musical Revue Musical One Act |
Bad Habits | DURHAM Kelli | one act Monologue play. - - Lesbian, one act |
Margarita's Birthday Wish | DUSA Piero | Play/Drama |
F*cking World According to Molly, The | DYKEMAN Molly | show - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Molly Jolly Christmas, A | DYKEMAN Molly | show - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Brothers and Sisters and Motherfuckers | DYNASTY HANDBAG | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Deep Feelings | DYNASTY HANDBAG | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
VERTititGO | DYNASTY HANDBAG | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
I Should Have Been Liz | EATOCK Helen | Solo Play/Drama |
Becca and Heidi | EBERHARDT Sharon | Sharon Eberhardt Solo Performance |
Andy Warhol Syndrome, The | ECLAIR Jenny | Solo Play/Drama |
Coke Free JAP | EDLOW Fielding | Monologue play |
Voices | EDWARDS Elizabeth | Dream Play One Act |
That's All You Need to Know | EDWARDS Pat | 3 min Skit |
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Security | EDWARDS Zena | Piece |
Seal Skin | EHN Erik | 5-10 min Play/Drama |
Jamaica, Farewell | EHRHARDT Debra | 1h 30m Drama Solo Show |
Acme Temporary Services | EISENSTEIN Linda | One Act 15 minutes. - - Lesbian, one act |
At the Root | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Cassandra Complex, The | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy |
Club, The | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Cock A Dream A True Story , A | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy |
F2F | EISENSTEIN Linda | One act fifteen minutes. - - Lesbian, one act |
In Illo Tempore | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy |
Pretzels & Longing | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Style | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy |
Ungrateful | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Zombie Grrrls from the Crypt | EISENSTEIN Linda | Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
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Britt on Britt | EKLAND Britt | genre unknown |
Maybe If You Choreograph Me, You Will Feel Better | EL KHOURY Tania | 30 min piece |
Joe: The Perfect Man | ELIE Rachelle | Comedy |
Lucky | ELLIOT Bixby | genre unknown |
Moving Day | ELLIOTT Cathy | Musical |
Manager, The | ELLIS James Anthony | One act |
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue | ELM Steve | short play |
In Concert: Sounds Of Desire: A Concert Adaptation Of Nine Parts Of Desire | ELSAFFAR Amir | Solo |
Coming Home | EMERY Ed | One Act Translation |
Mother, The | EMERY Ed | One Act Translation |
Little Lil | EMERY Jo | One Act Play/Drama |
Red Rose | EMMERT Christine | Short Play One Act |
Red Hot Patriot | ENGEL Allison | One Act |
Red Hot Patriot | ENGEL Margaret | One Act |
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All By My Own | ENGLISH Carey | Childrens play |
Plato's Chair | ENGLISH Rose | Piece |
When Sappho Built the Bouncing Bomb | ENNIS Stewart | Play/Drama |
Enter the Spokeswoman, Sideways | ENO Will | One Act |
Lady Gray (In Ever Lower Light) | ENO Will | One Act |
Vaudeville, Population Two | ENO Will | 8-10 min Comedy/Drama |
Towards the Inevitability of Catastrophe | ENOCH Suzy | genre unknown |
Seven Stages of Grieving | ENOCH Wesley | Play/Drama |
2012 Spotlight monologue | ENSLER Eve | short monologue |
Fur Is Back | ENSLER Eve | short monologue |
Boot | ERSKINE Joanna | short monologue |
Lightning Farmer | ESPEY Rich | Monologue play |
Love Arm'd: Aphra Behn and Her Pen | ETEROVICH Karen | Monologue play |
Chronicles Of Irania, The | EVANS Catrin | genre unknown |
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All Soul's Day | EVANS Christine | Drama One Act |
Quiet To Departure | EVANS Leigh | Piece |
When Day Became Night | EVANS Leigh | Play/Drama |
Tiger Teeth Clenched Not To Bite | EVARISTO Bernardine | One Act |
Ma Joyce's Tales From The Parlour | EVARISTO Victoria | Solo Play/Drama |
At Least It's Pink | EVERETT Bridgett | Musical |
Making of a Mulatto, The | FAIRLEY Juliette | 90 min Play/Drama |
Bonehouse | FANCONI Kendra | Monologue play |
Woman in Waiting, A | FARBER Yael | Solo Play/Drama |
Marigold Hour, The | FARGHER Catherine | 75 min Tragicomedy/poetic erotica |
Thoughts of Joan of Arc on The English as She Burns at The Stake, The | FARR David | monologue |
Rider Spoke | FARR Ju Row | interactive piece Piece |
Passion Project, The | FARRINGTON Reid | Performance Installation |
Dirty Paki Lingerie | FATIMA Aizzah | Play/Drama |
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Goat Show | FAWCETT Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Limbo | FEENAN Declan | Solo One Act |
What About The Rent? | FEENAN Declan | short play |
June Bride | FELDER Sara | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Out of Sight | FELDER Sara | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Shtik! | FELDER Sara | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Hands Across The Sea | FELDMAN Nina | one act |
Walking And Waving | FELDMAN Nina | Piece |
Golda's Balcony | FELDSHUH Tovah | Play/Drama |
Twice Removed, The | FENEMORE Anna | One Act |
Liz's Circus Story | FENTRESS Liz Bussey | genre unknown |
Evening With Molly Hadafew, An | FERBER Lisa | musical comedy, 50 min Musical |
Horse | FERDINANDO Flick | genre unknown |
Ladybug Warrior | FERENTINOS Vicki | Play/Drama |
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Closetful Of Navy Blues, A | FERGUSON Ian | Musical Comedy Musical |
Mad Dog Music | FERGUSON Ian | Musical Comedy Musical |
Wandering Ivory | FERGUSON Ian | Comedy |
She Knows You Know | FERGUSSON Jean | Solo Play/Drama |
Motherlock | FERGUSSON Melissa | autobiography |
Here's Your G*ddaned Tie | FERRARA Susan | Play/Drama |
Peasant | FERRARA Susan | Play/Drama |
Guido Girl | FERRARI Marianne | Play/Drama |
My Audition for Almodovar | FERRERAS Alberto | Play/Drama |
Missing: The Fantastical And True Story Of My Father's Disappearance And What I Found When I looked For Him | FERRIS Jessica | Monologue play |
I Love Paris | FIELD Doug | Comedy |
Jeannie Fitzpatrick Is Angry | FIELD Doug | Comedy |
One Crowded Hour | FIELDEN Charlotte | Play/Drama |
Bad Language | FIELDSTEEL Robert | Solo - comedy/drama One act |
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Not What We Expected | FIFIELD Tim | Monologue play |
Filler Up! | FILLER Deb | Solo Play/Drama |
Punch Me In The Stomach | FILLER Deb | Comedy Piece |
Sophie Tucker in Person | FINKEL Ian | Play/Drama |
Bridezilla Strikes Back! | FINKLE Kenny | Play/Drama |
Jackie Look, The | FINLEY Karen | Play/Drama |
Wake Up! | FINLEY Karen | performance piece Piece |
Sex in Mommyville | FISHBEYN Anna | 80 min Play/Drama |
Wishful Drinking | FISHER Carrie | Play/Drama |
Corinne Fisher: I Stalk You | FISHER Corinne | Piece |
Bedquilt, The | FISHER Dorothy Canfield | One Act |
Tangled Ribbons | FITZPATRICK Alexa | Play/Drama |
RiddleLikeLove (with a side of ketchup) | FITZPATRICK Julie | Play/Drama |
Dream Book of Orla Curtiss, The | FLEISCHMANN Stephanie | Ten minute play |
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Red Fly/Blue Bottle | FLEISCHMANN Stephanie | Musical |
Winterkill | FLEMMING Denise B | Short Play One Act |
To Have or not To Have | FLINT C S | History |
Beezie | FLITTON Dave | Play/Drama |
Beezie | FLITTON Sheila | Play/Drama |
Art of Dating and Dumping, The | FLOREZ Dave | comedy 60 min |
Cassie | FLOURAKIS Andreas | Monologue Play/Drama |
Her Leaves | FLOURAKIS Andreas | Monologue Play/Drama |
Abijah's Luce | FLOYD-MILLER Cherryl | Historical Drama Historical |
Cutting The Cord | FLYING EYE | Piece |
Grace | FLYNN Frank | 45 min One Act |
Hope | FLYNN Frank | Play/Drama |
Broad Abroad - Free | FORD Gaby | genre unknown |
Oscar and the Sphinx | FORD Michael James | One Act |
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Some People Think I'm Odd | FOSBROOK Michael | play 80 min One Act |
Marlene Dandy One-To-One | FOSTER Annette | 15 min Piece |
Five Go Killing | FOSTER John | genre unknown |
Oh, My Green Soap Box | FOSTER Lucy | Piece |
Angel/Babel | FOUERE Olwen | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
H-O-T-B-O-I | FOUNTAIN Tim | Play/Drama. - - Gay, full length |
Julie Burchill Is Away | FOUNTAIN Tim | Play/Drama |
Again | FOURSIGHT THEATRE | genre unknown |
Pink Smoke in the Vatican - The Mystery of Pope Joan | FOURSIGHT THEATRE | genre unknown |
MazelTov Cocktail | FOX Jamie M | dark comedy |
Kat's Got Your Tongue | FRANCOIS Kat | Piece |
Seven Times Me | FRANCOIS Kat | Play/Drama |
Wobbling Madonna | FRANGIONE Lucia | Drama One Act |
Donkeyskin | FRANKOWICH Virginia | ten min play |
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Dickens' Women | FRASER Sonia | Devised Piece |
No 2 | FRASER Toa | Play/Drama |
Autumn For Eleni | FRATUS Tiziano | Drama in verses |
Mussolini's Monkey | FRATUS Tiziano | Drama in verses |
Single Selfish Act, A | FRAWLEY Malcolm | Monologue play |
Dona Victoria - First Lady Of San Gabriel | FREDRICKSSON Kristin | Monologue play |
Everything Must Go | FREDRICKSSON Kristin | Piece |
Greetings From Hollywood | FREEMAN Cyndi | Monologue play |
Inside Cherry Pitz | FREEMAN Cyndi | Monologue play |
Wonder Woman: A How To Guide for Little Jewish Girls | FREEMAN Cyndi | Play/Drama |
It Ain't Over Till The Fat Lady Sings | FREEMAN David | Monologue play |
Small Hours | FREEMAN Elena | Monologue plays |
Floating | FREEMAN Sam | Drama |
Random Sharp Objects | FRIEDMAN Esther | Play/Drama |
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Love, Linda | FRIEDMAN Gary William | 60 min Musical |
Maria Friedman: Rearranged | FRIEDMAN Maria | Show |
Victimless Crime, The | FROCKT Deborah Lynn | One Act |
Between The Worlds | FROST Helen | Play/Drama |
My Husband is a Cuckold (Mi Marido Es Un Cornudo) | FUENTES Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Old Man River | FUJIKAWA Cynthia Gates | genre unknown |
Brazil Nuts | FULHAM Mary | Comedy. - - Lesbian, full length |
Sunflower Majorette | FULLER Charles | One Act |
Glassbody | FURSE Anna | Piece |
Gorgeous | FURSE Anna | Monologue play |
Sand, The | FYFFE Laurie | Play/Drama |
Weapons of Ass Destruction | GABLE Jeremy | Play One Act |
Resurrection of Alice, The | GAFFNEY Perri | Play/Drama |
Amy Lowell: In Her Own Words | GAGE Carolyn | Poetry Reading |
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Calamity Jane Sends A Message To Her Daughter | GAGE Carolyn | Monologue Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, one act |
Cookin' With Typhoid Mary | GAGE Carolyn | Culinary Monologue |
Gage and Mr Cornstock, The | GAGE Carolyn | One act |
Last Reading Of Charlotte Cushman, The | GAGE Carolyn | One-Woman Lesbian Play. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Parmachene Belle, The | GAGE Carolyn | One Act. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Patricide | GAGE Carolyn | Play in One Minute |
Second Coming of Joan of Arc, The | GAGE Carolyn | One-Woman Lesbian Play. - - Lesbian, one act |
Spark It Up | GAIL Martina | Monologue play |
My Polish Roots (& Other Vegetables) | GAJDA Karola | Solo Play/Drama |
Haunted World, A | GALACKI Julius | Monologue play |
Mona Rogers in Person | GALAS Philip-Dimitri | genre unknown |
Je Me Souviens | GALE Lorena Lillian | genre unknown |
Alligator Tales | GALJOUR Anne | genre unknown |
My Pal, Izzy - The Early Life and Music of Irving Berlin | GALL Melanie | Musical |
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Normality | GALLAGHER Mia | One Act |
Shyllag | GALLAGHER Miriam | Full length play |
Sarah's Red | GALLAGHER Paul | 30-35 min Play/Drama |
Mrs Dorothy Parker A Tiptoe Through the Tombstones | GALLAGHER Richard | Play/Drama |
Dead Deer in the Dark | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue (drama) |
End of My Life as a Back Porch Beautician, The | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue (comedy) |
Fish in the Dumpster, The | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue Play/Drama |
I Changed My Mind | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue |
Learning by Moonlight in the Mountains | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue (historical drama) |
Man Named Mack, A | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue (comedy) |
Neatness Factor, The | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue |
Requiem for a Pair of Manicure Scissors | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | Monologue (drama) |
Sphere Hunt, The | GALL-CLAYTON Nancy | monologue comedy |
Heart of a Dog | GALLOWAY Terry | Play/Drama |
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Lardo Weeping | GALLOWAY Terry | Play/Drama |
Bite The Hand That Feeds You | GAMBACORTA Theresa | Play/Drama |
Breaking the Glass | GAMBACORTA Theresa | One Act |
La Magnani | GAMBACORTA Theresa | Play/Drama |
Vegas Project, The | GAMBACORTA Theresa | Play/Drama |
Loyalty | GAMBERONI Elizabeth | Monologue play |
Through The Window | GAMPEL Abigail | short play |
Song In The Wilderness, A | GARD Larry | One act |
Towards the Inevitability of Catastrophe | GARROW Colin | genre unknown |
Israeli Love Story, An | GARY Pnina | Play/Drama |
I Almost Knew Ivor Novello | GATER Paul | Anthology One Act |
'Ave It! | GATES Duncan | Drama |
Last Post, The | GAUL Sarah | short monologue |
Before I Disappear | GEAREN Mary Beidler | Monologue play |
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Young Housewife, A | GEBAUER Judy | 10-15 min Play/Drama |
Stone Sisters | GEHRMAN Jody | Monologue Play |
Sandra | GEMS Pam | One Act |
Boob Story | GENNARO Jane | Monologue play |
Reality Ranch | GENNARO Jane | Monologue play |
Poetry for Morons: or Indirect Preparations in Mastery | GEORGE Arlette | comedy, game show |
I Transcender: The Gender Expression of Haitian Gods and Goddesses | GERESTANT MilDred | One Act |
Intermission | GHELANI Sheila | Play/Drama |
Edna St Vincent Millay Speaks to the Committee on Immortality | GIBBS Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Apple Tree, or Penis no. 7, The | GIBSON Regina | Play/Drama |
Syringa Tree, The | GIEN Pamela | Play/Drama |
Tin Girl Story | GILBERT Kate | Play/Drama |
Black Comedy: The Wacky Side of Racism | GILES Nancy | Monologue play |
Notes of a Negro Neurotic | GILES Nancy | Monologue play |
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Things My Afro Taught Me | GILES Nancy | One Act |
Warrior, The | GILHOOLEY Jack | 1h 20m, Drama, Solo Show Play/Drama |
Dreams of the Clockmaker | GILL Sean | Drama/Mystery/One-Woman Show |
Mrs Man Of God | GILLELAND Beth | Play/Drama |
Cavemen Rainbow | GILLIS Caroline | Monologue play |
Piano Lesson, The | GILMOUR Alan | monologue Play/Drama |
Safe | GIONFRIDDO Gina | 5-10 min Comedy/Drama |
Sleepy | GIORDANO Elisa | Drama / Short Play |
Why, This is an Outrage! | GIORDANO Elisa | Comedy / Short Play |
And The Cowgirl Jumped Over The Moon | GLANZ Maria | Monologue play |
Bite The Moon | GLANZ Maria | Monologue play |
Pu'uhonua | GLANZ Maria | Monologue play |
See Me Naked | GLANZ Maria | Monologue play |
Sonja Cafe | GLANZ Maria | Monologue play |
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All We Are Saying | GLASER Sherry | Monologue play |
Family Secrets | GLASER Sherry | Solo Play/Drama |
Family Secrets | GLASER Sherry | Monologue play |
Oh, My Goodness | GLASER Sherry | Monologue play |
Stopping Traffic | GLEASON Mary Pat | Solo Play/Drama |
Asian Belle | GLICK Michelle | Play/Drama |
Baggage Claim | GLICK Michelle | solo shows |
Good Godley | GODLEY Janey | Solo Play/Drama |
Janey Godley Is Innocent | GODLEY Janey | Solo Play/Drama |
Point of Yes | GODLEY Janey | Solo Play/Drama |
Smack - The Point Of Yes | GODLEY Janey | Solo Play/Drama |
Harbor for Elizabeth Bishop, A | GOES Marta | Solo Play/Drama |
Maria Project, The | GOHEEN Marcella | 70 min One Act |
Gab's Mixed Bag Of Kooks | GOLD Gaby | short play |
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I Look Like An Egg, but I Identify As A Cookie | GOLD Heather | Comesy Comedy. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
25 Questions for a Jewish Mother | GOLD Judy | Play/Drama |
Judy Show, The | GOLD Judy | multimedia comedy 80 min |
Mommy Queerest | GOLD Judy | 70 min Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Birthday | GOLDENTHAL Jolene | genre unknown |
Flower Or Something | GOLDENTHAL Jolene | genre unknown |
Serial Bride | GOLDFINGER Jacqueline Pardue | Short play |
Almost 10 | GOLDMAN Daniel | Translation |
Bright Colours Only | GOLDSMITH Pauline | Play/Drama |
Last Exit Before Toll | GOLDSTEIN Carrie | Monologue play |
Pulling Faces | GOLDWYN Helen | Piece |
Long Island Iced Latina | GOMEZ Marga | 80 min Play/Drama |
Los Big Names | GOMEZ Marga | Solo Play/Drama |
Marga Gomez's Intimate Details | GOMEZ Marga | Comedy |
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Funeralogues, The | GOMPERS Robert Charles | site specific |
Bridge Of Bodies, The | GONZALES Kathleen | Play/Drama |
Rosie | GOOCH Steve | Adaptation |
Lesbian's Last Pizza, The | GOODE Jeff | One-woman show. - - Lesbian, full length |
Can't Get Enough | GOODENOUGH Gay | Monolgue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Mud Offerings | GOODNOW Natalie | short play |
Disaster Begins, A | GORDON Ain | Play/Drama |
Night To Remember, A | GORDON John R | Solo Play/Drama |
Folding House | GORDON Sheila | genre unknown |
Mark My Words | GORMEZANO Jessi Blue | Piece 45 min |
Vodka Shoes | GOSHKO Leslie | Play/Drama |
Watching and Weighting | GOTT Susan | genre unknown |
Being Late | GOUDSMIT Judith | short play |
Robot | GOUDSMIT Judith | short play |
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Divine Madness Of Isabella, The | GOUGH Wendy | Monologue play |
Bride of Acacias, The | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | One woman show |
Lion in My Eyes, A | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | 20 Minutes |
My Name is Inanna | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | Play/Drama |
Rapunzel's Gone Bald | GOUSHEGIR Ezzat | Ten Min |
Gifts Of War | GRACE Fraser | Monologue Play/Drama |
Mind The Gap | GRADY Tom | Monologue play |
No Word in Guyanese for Me | GRAF Wendy | Play/Drama -- Lesbian, full length |
Hand-Me-Downs | GRAHAM James | piece |
Mother's Perspective, A | GRAHAM Robin | Monologue play. - - AIDS, one act |
Borrowed Prey | GRANDIN Temple | 60 min solo |
First Noel, The | GRANT George Cameron | short play |
Penelope | GRAUBERT S D | Monologue |
Mickey's Teeth | GRAY Amlin | short play One Act |
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True Dreams of Wichita | GRAY Katharine Clark | Short Play One Act |
Bust | GRAY | Play/Drama |
After The Storm | GRAYSON Heather | Monologue play |
random | GREEN debbie tucker | tragedy One Act |
Nell! | GREEN L A | full length Play/Drama |
Cloud Piece | GREEN Nic | Piece |
Fatherland | GREEN Nic | Play/Drama |
Motherland | GREEN Nic | piece |
Murky World of Latent Heat (Cloud Piece) | GREEN Nic | piece |
Frida Vice Versa | GREEN R Dennis | Monologue play |
Ms Green - Assisted Suicide | GREEN Ryan | Show |
Katherine | GREEN Tom | monologue Play/Drama |
Joys of Childhood, The | GREENIDGE Kirsten | 5-10 min Comedy |
Jump | GREENSPAN David | 60 min Musical |
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Widow of Abraham | GREENWOOD David Valdes | genre unknown |
La Petite Mort | GREGAN Lisa Marie | Play/Drama |
Speech | GREGORY William | translation |
There's Something in the Fridge that Wants to Kill Me! | GREGSON Isabelle | genre unknown |
Who's Afraid of Rachel Roberts? | GRIFFIN Helen | Play/Drama |
Decoupage Skin | GRIFFITH Michael | Monologue/s 50 mins |
Sappho. . .in 9 fragments | GRIFFITHS Jane Montgomery | Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Alien Creature: A Visitation from Gwendolyn MacEwen | GRIFFITHS Linda | Play/Drama |
Game Of Inches, A | GRIFFITHS Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Maggie and Pierre | GRIFFITHS Linda | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Spiral Woman and the Dirty Theatre | GRIFFITHS Linda | Play/Drama |
Lullaby Witch, The | GRIFFITHS Mark | drama One Act |
Kawaisoo (The Pity of Things) | GROTE Jason | short Tragicomedy Tragedy |
To Be Queen | GROTHUIS Irma | Monologue play Play/Drama |
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Hidden Light | GROVE Reuben | Monologue play |
Greetings From Hollywood | GROVES Ellen | Monologue play |
It Ain't Pretty | GUARRASI Annette | short play |
Odysseus | GUEHRING Brian | Childrens play |
Baggage Claim | GUETTI Annie | solo shows |
Gussie | GUILLORY Letitia | Monologue play |
In America | GUILLORY Letitia | Monologue play |
Mae | GUILLORY Letitia | Monologue play |
Unfortunate Woman, An | GUNN Nicola | Play/Drama |
Bodylogue | GUPTA Deepti | Play/Drama |
Health | GUPTA Tanika | Monologue Play/Drama |
Oldest Living Confederate Widow: Her Confession | GURGANUS Allan | One Act |
in security | GUTTO Anna | Play/Drama |
War Stories | GUY Joyce | Play/Drama |
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Lump and Me, The | HAAR Susan | monologue |
Crown Hill Cemetery | HAAS Claudia | Monologue play |
Stacked: A Deviant Doctorial Dissertation | HAAS Lisa | Comedy. - - Lesbian, full length |
Birthmarks | HABER Alexandria | Play/Drama |
Emancipation of the Sassy Jewish Woman, The | HADARI Sivan | 60 min solo show |
I Knew A Boy | HAEHNEL Alan | Ten minute play |
Black: Her Story | HAGEDORN Jessica | genre unknown |
Unlucky For Some | HAGGERTY Louise | 30 min play |
Animal | HAILEY Oliver | Play One Act |
Dream Big | HALIDAY Jackie | genre unknown |
Spoonface Steinberg | HALL Lee | Monologue Play/Drama |
Book Club, The | HALL Roger | Monologue play |
Dream Big | HALLIDAY Jackie | genre unknown |
Witness | HALLIWELL Kevin | Translation |
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Deirdre and Me | HALLIWELL Rachael | Black Comedy |
Six Palm Trees | HALLORAN Gordon | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Mela | HALPERIN Michael | Monologue play |
Singing In My Sleep | HALPERN Julie S | Monolgue play |
Are You Listening To Me Gaybo? | HALPIN Mary | Play/Drama |
Chronicles Of Irania, The | HAMIDI Maryam | genre unknown |
Mary & William | HAMILL Mary MacDonald | Play/Drama |
Parallax (In Honor of Daisy Bates) | HAMILTON Denise | One Act |
Donkey And A Parrot, A | HAMILTON Sarah | Play/Drama |
Taxi for an Actress | HAMILTON Sheila Stephanie | Play/Drama |
You Already Know | HAMMOND Alaina | Drama, short |
Eva The Chaste | HAMMOND Barbara | Play/Drama |
Who Put the Dead Bird in My Mailbox? | HAMMOND Sarah | open letter |
Nearly Lear | HAMNETT Susanna | Piece |
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Full Gallop | HAMPTON Mark | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Chameleon | HANDA Alaine | Piece |
Name Game, The | HANLEY Mary Stone | drama |
Bucchettino | HANNA Gillian | Adaptation |
Common Woman, A | HANNA Gillian | three short Plays Translation |
Jane Avril: La Derniere Grisette | HANNA Kim | Gay/Lesbian historical character |
Mistress of Silence, The | HANRAHAN Johnny | Adaptation |
Verbatim | HARCOURT Miranda | Monologue play |
Pretty Witty Nell | HARDING Caroline | Play/Drama |
What is the Matter With Mary Jane? | HARMER Wendy | One Act |
Coming of Age | HARMON Nikki | Ten-Minute play |
It's All Dash-A-Wu | HARMS Holli | Full-length one-woman show |
Spinach Dip | HARMS Holli | Ten Min |
Pretty Is Sooo Important! | HARPER Candice | Play/Drama |
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Do You Love Me? | HARPER Joseph | short play |
Bully Proof Vest: Evolution of the Bitch | HARPER Veronica | genre unknown |
Dust | HARRIS Anne | 75 min Play/Drama |
Eight Bucks An Hour | HARRIS Anne | 15 min One Act |
Falling | HARRIS Anne | Ten Min |
Knife At The Opera, A | HARRIS Chris | Musical mystery Musical |
Little Dolls | HARRIS Nancy | short play |
Cripple, The | HARRIS Ruth | Play/Drama |
Doll's House, A | HARRIS Zinnie | Adaptation |
Paincake | HARRISON Alana | solo comedy Comedy |
ISBA | HARRISON Lanny | Show |
Refusal, The | HARROWER David | 9 min monologue One Act |
Achtung Kabarett! | HART Ron | Devised Piece |
Taking Charlie | HARVEY Jonathan | Comedy |
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Any Minute Now | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
Cannibal, The | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
It's Only Pain | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
Palace Of Weariness | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
Pig Ice | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
Second Guessing | HARVEY Kerric | Monologue play |
Fade | HARVEY Lynne | 25 min One Act |
Jack | HARVEY Lynne | 8 min One Act |
Give Me the Money! | HARVEY Roger | One Act Farce |
Hello, I Must Be Going | HARWOOD Nicola | Monologue play |
Guests, The | HARWOOD Ronald | Short Monologue One Act |
Thief Of Tears, The | HATCHER Jeffrey | Play One Act |
Thirteen Things About Ed Carpolotti | HATCHER Jeffrey | Play One Act |
Longing For Darkness | HAVE Mia Theil | genre unknown |
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Concrete Palaces | HAWLEY Suzanne | black comedy Comedy |
Maddening Truth, The | HAY David | Play/Drama |
Barb And Her Voices | HAYDEN Virginia | Comedy-drama One Act |
Inspiration, The | HAYDEN Virginia | Comedy-drama One Act |
My Party | HAYDEN Virginia | Comedy-drama One Act |
Janis | HAYDN Nicola | Solo Play/Drama |
Up the Duff! | HAYDN Nicola | Play/Drama |
Ncamisa! Kiss the Women | HAYES Peter | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
History of a Young Lady | HEATH Tim | One woman show with songs One Act with Music |
History of England, The | HEATH Tim | One woman show with songs One Act with Music |
Valarie Of Now, The | HEDGES Peter | play One Act |
Dancing with Bishop | HEGT Saskia | Piece |
Request Programme | HEHN Kathrina | translation |
Hector | HEIDE Robert | Play/Drama |
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My Dad Is Crazier Than Your Dad - A Scientific Inquiry | HELLER Katharine | Monolgue play |
Anchored | HELLMAN Jacob | short play |
Pissed Sister | HEMMERDINGER Elizabeth | 10-15 min Black Comedy |
Donkeyskin | HENSON Benjamin | ten min play |
I Didn't Know it was Fancy Dress | HENSON Benjamin | ten min play |
Marilyn At Seventy | HERBERT John | Monologue play |
Prima Dona, The | HERBERT John | One act |
My Audition for Almodovar | HEREDIA Inma | Play/Drama |
Faulty: Hitch | HERLICH Wendy | Short Play One Act |
Laughs, Etc | HERLIHY James Leo | One Act |
Marine Biology | HERMAN Ry | Ten Min |
Everybody Wants a Piece of Braeson | HEROLD Braeson | solo comedy Comedy |
Ben Thomas, I Love You | HERRMANN Alysha | short monologue |
Paradoxical Undressing | HERSH Kristin | Piece |
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British Ambassador's Belly Dancer, The | HESCOTT Alan | Play/Drama |
Birth Rite: Part 1 | HESS Elizabeth | Solo Play/Drama |
Descent | HESS Elizabeth | Solo Play/Drama |
Dust To Dust | HESS Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Womans Blues, A | HESSELGREN Tom | <60 min Musical One Act |
Considering Georgia O'Keeffe | HETZEL Allison | genre unknown |
Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Redhead, The | HEWETT Robert | Play/Drama |
Bridge to Baraka | HEYLIGER Yvette | short play |
Tallulah | HEYWARD Sandra Ryan | Monologue play |
Lavendar Bags: A Prothalamion | HIBBERD Jack | Stage play One Act |
Modest Proposal: From The Minister For Employment And Youth Affairs, Mrs Poppy Defarge, A | HIBBERD Jack | Stage play. 1 scene. One Act |
Mothballs: A Panegryic | HIBBERD Jack | Stage play One Act |
Meteor Girl | HICKMAN Katy | Monologue play |
Six Palm Trees | HICKS Caitlin | Comedy Drama Comedy |
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Stories for a Winter Solstice | HICKS Caitlin | Play/Drama |
Face Licker Come Home | HIGGINS Rita Ann | Play One Act |
Hey Brown Girl | HILAIRE Patricia | One Act |
Beside Myself | HILL Amy | Solo Play/Drama |
Reunion | HILL Amy | Solo Play/Drama |
Tokyo Bound | HILL Amy | genre unknown |
Happy Forty-Some-Odd | HILL Douglas | 10 min Drama |
From Sixties To Sixties | HILLIS Anna | Comedy |
Destination Elevation | HINCHLEY Pippa | Comedy |
Pochsy's Lips | HINES Karen | Comedy |
Fred & Ginger | HITCHEN Tracy | Comedy |
I Don't Sweat Much For A Fat Lass | HITCHEN Tracy | Comedy |
Fotobooth | HODGKINSON Jacob | drama, storytelling |
Forget Love Try Prada | HOFBAUER Hayley | Monologue play |
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Earth Angel | HOFFMANN Catherine | Solo Piece |
Principal | HOGAN Zoe | short monologue |
ONEymoon (A Honeymoon for one) | HOGG Jimmy | Piece |
Killers | HOLBOROUGH Jacqueline | 45 min One Act |
Crooner, The | HOLDER Laurence | jazz play Play/Drama |
Fighter, The | HOLDER Laurence | Monologue play |
Oldest Living Confederate Widow: Her Confession | HOLDING Jane | One Act |
Mrs Ida B Wells | HOLLAND Endesha Ida Mae | Drama, full length |
Love, Linda | HOLLAND Stevie | 60 min Musical |
Ann | HOLLAND Taylor | Biographical Play |
Diving | HOLLINGSWORTH Margaret | Drama One Act |
This Is Where We Are (or take arms against a sea of troubles) | HOLMES K J | Piece |
Bexley, OH! | HOLMES Prudence Wright | Solo show |
My Willa | HOLMES Prudence Wright | Solo play |
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Wisecrack | HOLSCLAW Doug | Monologue Play. - - Gay, full length |
London Loo | HOLT Stephen | One Act |
Stoop | HOLT Stephen | One Act |
Mata Hari | HOMER Keith | Devised Piece |
Woman Laughing, The | HONG Sin Cha | genre unknown |
What The Eye Doesn't See | HOOLEY Ruth | Play One Act |
Crumble | HOOPER Laura | site specific |
Elissa Louisa Smith Loves William Cornelius Bennett Forever | HOPE Sarah | short monologue |
Daughter by Adoption | HOPKINS Beth | Play/Drama |
Learning To Walk | HOPKINS Claire | Solo Play/Drama |
Truth: A Tragedy, The | HOPKINS Cynthia | Play/Drama |
Mrs Roosevelt | HOPKINS Glenn | One act |
Prince Willy | HOPKINSON Laura | short monologue |
Pramface | HOPLEY Lizzie | Play/Drama |
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Affection in Time | HOROVITZ Israel | One Act |
Cat Lady | HOROVITZ Israel | play Ten Min |
You're Not Like The Other Girls Chrissy | HORTON Caroline | Play/Drama |
Jenny Does Shakespeare | HORTON Geralyn | 20 min 1 Act monodrama One Act |
Oh, Baby, Baby! | HORTON Geralyn | comedy Ten Min |
Snakes and Ladders | HORTON Geralyn | comedy Ten Min |
Can't Get Enough | HOUGHTON Jacki | Monolgue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Blueberry Hill | HOUSE Christine | short monologue |
Becoming Adele | HOUSTON Eric | Comedy |
Weight on the Roof | HOUSTON Eric | Monologue play |
Desert Island Dances | HOUSTOUN Wendy | Piece |
Sensational Josephine Baker, The | HOWARD Cheryl | Musical |
such small hands | HOWE Tina | Solo Play/Drama |
Family Secrets | HOWELLS Greg | Monologue play |
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Walking Up In California | HOWES Alithea | Piece |
Callie's Tally | HOWIE Betsy | Monolgue play |
Madame Delicieuse | HOWIE Diana | Play/Drama |
Susanna of Stratford | HOWIE Diana | Play/Drama |
Sunset Bitch | HOWIE Robert | musical comedy |
Fast Woman | HOWSON Stewart | one woman show |
Boob Monster | HUANG Allen | short play |
Candy Tastes Nice | HUBA Miranda | Play/Drama |
Belfast Blues | HUGHES Geraldine | Solo Play/Drama |
Dog & Pony Show, The | HUGHES Holly | Biography. - - Lesbian, full length |
Salon De La Mer | HUGHES Holly | genre unknown |
World Without End | HUGHES Holly | Performance Art Piece. - - Lesbian, full length |
0.0008 | HUGHES Sonia | genre unknown |
Bottled Up | HUGHES-D'AETH Charlie | monologue |
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Jobsworth | HUGHES-D'AETH Charlie | Short monologue |
Black and White Pictures | HUME Bob | Monolgue play |
What She Knew | HUNKA George | genre unknown |
Blondie of Arabia | HUNKEN Monica | Solo show/ comedy |
Reading the Water | HUNKEN Monica | Solo show/ Drama |
To Reign In Hell | HUNSAKER Dave | Monolgue play |
I'm No Hero | HUNT Ava | multimedia, verbatim |
Beside The Sea | HUNTER Adriana | translation |
Amelia Jane Hunter Is Keith Flipp | HUNTER Amelia Jane | Play/Drama |
You Must Take the A Train | HUNTER Lindsay Brandon | Solo Play/Drama |
Zelda Alone | HUNTER Paul | Play Biographical |
Believe | HURT Matthew | Play/Drama |
Mortal Ladies Possessed | HURT Matthew | Solo Play/Drama |
Our Lady of the Flowers | HUSSEY Peter | momologue One Act |
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Sex, Cellulite And Large Farm Equipment: One Girls Guide To Living And Dying | HUSTON River | 1h 20m, Solo Show, Comedy |
Unstoppable, Unsung Story of Shaky M, The | HUTSON Rowena | 50 min piece |
Only Greek Thing About Me Is My Name, The | IBERALL Thea | One act |
Eve-Olution | ILLICK Hilary | Dramatic Monologues |
Angel/Babel | INGULSRUD Leon | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Virginia Monologues, The | IRONSIDE Virginia | Monologue play |
Girl, That's What I Call Myself These Days | ISRAEL Gissa G | Play/Drama |
Dentist, The | ISRAELY Razia | Play/Drama |
Miss Bollywood | IYENGAR Niranjan | Play/Drama |
Screening | JACKSON Crystal | Monologue |
No View From The Window | JACKSON Kim | Play/Drama |
My Mother's G.E.M.S. | JACKSON Pamela | Play/Drama |
F.R.G.S. | JANACZEWSKA Noelle | Ten Min |
Mysteriyaki | JANACZEWSKA Noelle | genre unknown |
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Julian | JANDA J | Play/Drama |
Vallimar Jansen Is Ethel Waters | JANSEN Vallimar | Play/Drama |
Luck Of The Draw | JAVIE Ken | Short play |
Never Smile, Never Wave | JAVIE Ken | Short play |
Taking Care | JAVIE Ken | Short play |
Even Darkness Is Made Of Light | JEAN-PIERRE Edwige | Comedy |
Saint Bitch | JEAN-PIERRE Edwige | Comedy |
Batman and Robin in the Boogie Down | JEFFERS Juliette | Play/Drama |
Educated Lady, An | JENKINS Ken | Monologue Play/Drama |
Rupert's Birthday | JENKINS Ken | Monologue Play/Drama |
Brazil Nuts | JEREMY Susan | Comedy. - - Lesbian, full length |
Don't Mention Sex | JEYNES Karen | Comedy |
Beauties, The | JILLIAN Ryan | short play |
Down the Rabbit Hole | JIVIDEN Erin | Piece |
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Vampingo a comedy with bite | JOHNS Ariana | Comedy/solo show One Act |
Lost Art of Keeping a Secret, The | JOHNSON Catherine | Short Play One Act |
Oblivious To Everyone | JOHNSON Jessica Lynn | Comedy Solo Show |
Part Time Prostitute: the secret life of a Wellington hooker | JOHNSON Lucy | piece 60 min |
Dream Kitchen | JOHNSON Rhondda | Monologue/s mins |
Christine | JOHNSTON Jennifer | Monologue play |
Moonlight and Music | JOHNSTON Jennifer | Play One Act |
O Ananias, Azarias and Miseal | JOHNSTON Jennifer | Play One Act |
Walking On Eggshells | JOHNSTONE Deborah | One act |
Passion of the Hausfrau, The | JOLLES Annette | 80 min Comedy |
Diva In Me, The | JONES Charlotte | comedy drama |
Based on Cinderella | JONES Gene-Olivar | antidrug play One Act |
Jilted Generation, The | JONES Michael | Short Play One Act |
Bridge And Tunnel | JONES Sarah | Solo Play/Drama |
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In Pursuit Of Justice | JONES Wendy | Short Play One Act |
Shakespeare's Mums | JOSEPH Joanne | Monologue play |
Monette | JOSEPH Kymberle | Play/Drama |
Provenance of Beauty, The | JOSEPH Melanie | Play/Drama |
After the Guests | JOWETT Emma | one woman show |
Daughter by Adoption | JOYCE David A | Play/Drama |
Rose Amoung Thorns, A | JOYCE Ella | Monologue play |
Big Mouth | JOYCE Esther-Imogen | Solo Play/Drama |
Money Conversation | JULI Sara | Piece |
Fan of a Single Woman (Abanico de Soltera) | JULIA Andrea | Piece |
Barb, Bob And Brel | JUNGR Barb | Songs |
I May Fly | JURD Felicity | tragi comedy One Act |
Disorder | KACSER Hilary | One Act |
In Pursuit Of The English Rose | KACSER Hilary | One Act |
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Co-op | KAHN Barbara | One Act |
Cyma's Story | KAHN Barbara | One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Summer in the City | KAHN Barbara | Monologue Play/Drama |
Not My Mother | KAHN Robin Amos | 25 minutes |
Millie | KANDER Susan J | One Act |
Stretch Marks | KARIOTIS Angela | comedy 65 min |
Saving Tania's Privates | KATAN Tania | Comedy. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Penetrating The Space | KATZBERG Kim | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Buried Alive! a matchbox theatre | KAUFMANN Deborah | piece |
Veni Vidi Vici | KAUFMANN Deborah | Play/Drama |
Kimono Loosened, The | KAWAHISA Yuki | Solo Play/Drama |
My Year Of Porn | KAZDIN Cole | Monologue play |
Some Mysterious Ways | KEIGHERY Georgia | monologue Ten min |
Recreating Keiter: I Saw Dad Make the Whole Thing Up | KEITER Cindy | Solo Play/Drama |
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Boomers Behaving Badly | KELLER Jane | 90 min songs and stories |
I'd Rather Be Weird Than Dead | KELLER Sophie | Monolgue play |
Tea Is An Evening Meal | KELLY Alexander | Piece |
Wheelchair on My Face | KELLY Sonya | Play/Drama |
Clean | KEMLO Karen | Play/Drama |
Sheila Alone | KEMP Jenny | Performance Piece |
Film Club, The | KENNEDY Adrienne | One Act |
Shenequa | KENNEDY Dena | Ten Min |
Caitlin | KENNY Mike | Play/Drama |
Josh Groban Fanclub | KEYES Jeffrey James | Comedy |
Eye Of The Storm | KILEY Grace | short play |
Since I've Been Gone | KILLEN Paula | Monologue play |
How to Find Your Inner Asian | KIM Nancy | Play/Drama |
Yo Girl! | KIM Natalie | Play/Drama |
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Dictee | KIM Soomi | adaptation |
7 Day Drunk | KIMMINGS Bryony | piece |
Sex Idiot | KIMMINGS Bryony | Play/Drama |
Cutting the Cord | KIMURA Sachi | Piece |
Rebecca's Robin | KINAHAN Deirdre | youth audiences One Act |
Summer Fruits | KINAHAN Deirdre | Play One Act |
Good Day to Pie, A | KINCH Daniel | genre unknown |
Slavery To Star Trek | KINDRYD Andreea | solo show, true-life 55 min |
Create The Dream | KING Cheryl | Play/Drama |
My Funny Valentine | KING Cheryl | short play |
not a nice girl | KING Cheryl | Play/Drama |
Can I Get A Smile | KING Leah | Play/Drama |
Alice Springs | KING Robert (1) | Monologue Play/Drama |
Alice Springs | KING Robert (2) | Monologue Play/Drama |
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When Thoughts Attack | KINSELLA Kelly | Play/Drama |
Escape | KITTSON Jean | One Act |
Parody or Pathos? | KLAMBATSEA Marika | Musical |
Escapades of Farty Johnson, The | KLAUSS Patricia | solo |
Evidence | KNAPP Zelda | One Act |
Turn Back The Clock | KNIGHT Cheryl | musical adaptation |
Tied Up in Knotts | KNOTTS Karen | genre unknown |
Big Concept and a Very Little Detail, A | KNOX Gillian | One Act |
Centrefold | KOENIG Ronnie | Monologue play |
Samantha Panther P I or Tough Girls Don't Sing | KOHM Angus | Monologue play |
Madonna of the Wilderness | KOLLER Katherine | Play/Drama |
Rant | KOLLMER Jennifer | Ten minute play |
Under Observation | KORDER Howard | One Act |
Mommy Queerest | KORNFIELD Eric | 70 min Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
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Scandal, The | KOSMAS Kristen | Play/Drama |
David's Balls | KOVETZ Lisa Beth | Solo Play/Drama |
Whales And Souls | KRAMER Andrew | One Act |
When Something Wonderful Ends | KRAMER Sherry | One woman show/comedy/drama |
Little Girls Have Heart Attacks | KRAMISEN Jae | Play/Drama |
In God's Bedroom | KRASNOSTEIN Natalie | Monologue play |
Lemony Fresh Scent of Diva Monsoon | KREVOLIN Richard | Monologue play |
Eve-Olution | KRIER Jennifer | Dramatic Monologues |
101 Most Humiliating Stories | KRON Lisa | Play One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
25 Minute Ride | KRON Lisa | Play One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Plays For My Girlfriend | KRUCKEMEYER Finegan | Varied: monologues One Act |
Human Painkiller | KRUMBEIN Violet | One Act |
Made In Taiwan | KRUSIEC Michelle | comedy |
Human Fruit Bowl | KUCHLEWSKA Andrea | Monologue play |
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Circus Gothic | KUDELKA Jan | Monologue play |
Lenya | KUNZE Michael | Show |
Astronaut Ladys Unite/This Production Brought to You BuY | KURODA Sherry | One Act |
Eighty Miles | KUTI Elizabeth | short play |
Underclass Hero | LA JOHNJOSEPH | Piece |
War Notes | LA SCALA Lili | musical piece |
Emma Goldman: My Life | LABLE Lorna | Biography |
Medea Redux | LABUTE Neil | Short Play One Act |
War On Terror, The | LABUTE Neil | short play |
Vivien Leigh - The Last Press Conference | LAFFERTY Marcy | Solo Play/Drama |
Elaine Stritch At Liberty | LAHR John | Musical |
Your Life In Their Hands | LAMACRAFT Jane | genre unknown |
Grapefruit | LAMBERT Sally | Play/Drama |
Girl Friend | LAMBERT Steve (1) | Dramatic monologue, 10 mins |
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Amy Lame's Mama Cass Family Singers | LAME Amy | Solo Play/Drama |
System of Dr Tarr and Professor Fether | LANDAU Niki | Monologue play |
Faye Lane's Beauty Shop Stories | LANE Faye | 0h 55m Local Manhattan, NYC |
Pulse | LANE Stacey | Monologue |
Tummy Tirade | LANE Stacey | Short play: comedy |
Words that Rhyme with Orange | LANE Stacey | Children's theatre: 20 minutes |
Life of My Own, A | LAROCQUE Stephen | Dramatic Monologue (One Woman Show) |
Size Ate | LASKEY Margaux | Piece |
Fantasyland | LATHROP Mary | Ten minute play |
Fifties Girl, The | LAUBACH Susan | Play/Drama |
Life in 3/4 Time | LAUBACH Susan | short play |
Love in 3/4 Time | LAUBACH Susan | short play |
Who is Paula? What is She? | LAUBACH Susan | short play |
Mourning After, The | LAUGHTON Verity | Full length adult drama |
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Mother Tongue | LAUREN Jillian | Play/Drama |
Key to the Garden, The | LAURENCE Rachael | Play/Drama |
Song | LAURO Shirley | Short monodrama Ten Min |
How to Be a Good Italian Daughter | LAVECCHIA Antoinette | Play/Drama |
So Do You Love Me Yet? | LAWAL Farah | Piece |
Jiggery Pokery: A Homage to Charles Hawtrey | LAWRENCE Amanda | Biography |
Magdalen | LAYTON Erin | Play/Drama |
Margarita's Birthday Wish | LAZARUS Natalia | Play/Drama |
In My Shoes | LE MAR Angie | one woman show |
Witchplay | LEARNER Tobsha | One Act |
Journey To Taos | LEAS Adele | genre unknown |
Special | LEAVENGOOD Wm S | Play/Drama |
Memoirs Of A Hermaphrodite | LEAVER Sarah | genre unknown |
Spirit of the Narrows | LEDERMAN Anne | Monologue play |
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Dragon Lady: Being Anna May Wong | LEE Alice | genre unknown |
Shadow Passing, A | LEE Audrey | Play/Drama |
Stripped | LEE Caroline | piece 70 min |
Eve | LEE Joyce | Monologue 5 min |
Cant Scare Me: The Story of Mother Jones | LEE Kaiulani | one person show |
We're Gonna Die | LEE Young Jean | one person cabaret show |
Loneliness of the Long Distance Diva, The | LEEMING Carol | choreo-poem |
So Much For Trust | LEES Julie | One act |
Legacy, The | LEGAAN Kira | Piece |
Busted: The Musical | LEIGH Bianca | musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, musical |
Night at the Tombs, A | LEIGH Bianca | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Persephone | LEIGHT Warren | Musical |
What I Did Wrong | LEIGHT Warren | Play One Act |
Serpent's Fall, The | LEMON Andrea | One Act |
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Tiger Country | LEMON Andrea | One Act |
Walking On Sticks | LEMON Andrea | One Act |
Naughty Baby | LEMPER Ute | Songs |
After Anne Frank | LEMPERT Carol | 1h 30m Solo Show Drama |
That Dorothy Parker | LEMPERT Carol | 1h 30m, Solo Show, Drama Play/Drama |
Euthanasist, The | LENTINI Liza | Play/Drama |
Undone Divas | LEONARD Donald | Musical |
Lily Lally Show, The | LEONARD Hugh | Play One Act |
Crossing Town | LEPCIO Andrea | Play One Act |
Intensive Care | LEPCIO Andrea | Monologue Play/Drama |
Paula | LERNER Motti | Monologue play |
Emily at the Edge of Chaos | LEVINE Emily | Play/Drama |
Big Maybelle: Soul of the Blues | LEVINE Paul | Musical |
Townie | LEVY Aaron Wigdor | Play/Drama |
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Psychotherapy Live!, | LEVY Lisa | Show |
Red Carpet LIVE! | LEVY Lisa | Show |
Goosechase | LEWIS Berwyn | melodrama 1 scene |
Rocketbaby | LEWIS Caleb | short tragicomedy |
Good Girl | LEWIS Donald | monodrama |
Call Me Crazy: Diary of a Mad Social Worker | LEWIS Helena D | comedic, autobiographical, one-woman play |
Touched For The very First Time | LEWIS Zoe | Play/Drama |
How to Stay Bitter Through the Happiest Times | LIBERTY Anita | Play/Drama |
Frida Vice Versa | LICHA Marian | Monologue play |
Who Will Sing for Lena? | LIDDELL Janice | Play/Drama |
Year of the Slut | LIEBERMAN Jennifer | Play/Drama |
Occupation Of Heather Rose, The | LILL Wendy | Drama One Act |
Recreating Keiter: I Saw Dad Make the Whole Thing Up | LILLIS Padraic | Play/Drama |
iN/Vocation | LILY Peta | Piece |
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Topless | LILY Peta | Solo Play/Drama |
Sawdust and Stardust | LINDOW Laura | Show |
BERTHA - the other love story | LINDROTH Malin | Play/Drama |
History Lesson | LINDSAY-ABAIRE David | 3-7 min Comedy |
Absolute Zero | LION Eugene | Play/Drama |
Girl Who Lost Her Voice | LIPKIN Joan | Play One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Monster In My Brain | LITMAN Jody | Play/Drama |
Not Changed | LOCHHEAD Liz | 11 min monologue One Act |
Travelin' Shoes | LOCK Denise | Play/Drama |
Dear Sara Jane | LODATO Victor | Monologue play |
But Who's Counting | LOEBELL Larry | Comedy |
Bad Sex With Bud Kemp | LOH Sandra Tsing | Monologue play |
Sugar Plum Fairy | LOH Sandra Tsing | genre unknown |
Tea At Five | LOMBARDO Matthew | Monologue play |
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Clothing Optional | LOMNICKI Tekki | Piece |
Mr Sandman | LOMNICKI Tekki | Piece |
Thanksgiving | LOMNICKI Tekki | Piece |
Cracked | LONERAGAN Skye Chantal | Play/Drama |
My Right Thumb | LONERAGAN Skye Chantal | Play/Drama |
Talking-Stick Confession, A | LONERAGAN Skye Chantal | short Monologue |
Still Life | LONG Sue | Solo Play/Drama |
Luck | LOOMIS Dodd | Play/Drama |
Nothing Left But The Smell: A Republican On Welfare | LOPEZ Erika | genre unknown |
Welfare Queen, The | LOPEZ Erika | Play/Drama |
Hey, Piano Bar Lady! | LORKIN Linn | cabaret-style jazz musical |
Peter and Wendy | LORWIN Liza | Adaptation |
Asian Acting: Midnight Maneuver | LOSCIN Aurelio | Short play. - - Gay, one act |
Songs From The Front | LOUDON Elaine | Devised Piece |
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Stormy Waters, The Long Way Home, The | LOVELACE Carey | play One Act |
Shakin' The Blues Away | LOWE Barry | Musical Play Musical |
Crowns and Anchors | LOWE Lisa | Play/Drama |
Radclyffe | LOWREY Kestryl Cael | Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Six and a alf Types of Ambiguity | LOWRY Alex | One Act |
Belle Of Amherst, The | LUCE William | drama Biographical |
Bronte | LUCE William | Drama Biographical |
Last Flapper, The | LUCE William | Drama Biographical |
Lillian | LUCE William | Play/Drama |
Lucifer's Child | LUCE William | Drama Biographical |
Discovering Juliet | LUCKHURST Simon | Monologue/s 60 mins |
Winning | LUCY Lucy | 3 min play |
Hippos And Giraffes | LUCZAK Raymond | One act. - - Gay, theme/character, full length |
Six Women In Search Of A Perfect Play | LUCZAK Raymond | Monologue play |
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Shame the Devil! An Audience With Fanny Kemble | LUDLAM Anne | Monologue play |
Brown Lips | LUI Nakkiah | short monologue |
Etiquette Unravelled | LYNCH Chad | Monologue play |
Emily Dickinson and 1 | LYNCH Jack | Solo Play/Drama |
Tears from a Long Time Ago | LYNCH Martina | Theatre for Young Audiences One Act |
True Love - The Truth | LYNN Isley | Poetic solo show |
Correspondent | LYONS Greg | Play/Drama |
White Sports Coat, A | LYSSIOTIS Tes | One Act |
from the underground forrest | MABIN Sokhna Heathyre | One Act |
Dolores | MAC ANNA Darina | Play/Drama |
Modest Stillness and Humility | MAC COILLE Maev | Comic monologue |
Woman Who, The | MAC COILLE Maev | genre unknown |
La Conversacion | MACALISTER-BILLS Alexandra | short monologue |
Eilidh's Daily Ukulele Ceilidh - The Stage Show | MACASKILL Eilidh | Show |
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You Can't Be Too Careful | MACAULIFE Kay | Comic monologue Comedy |
Flushed Suicides | MACCALLUM Rhea | monologue |
Washed | MACCORMACK Joel | genre unknown |
Letter to Larry | MACDONALD Donald | Play/Drama |
Fluid | MACDONALD Erika Kate | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Solo Flight | MACDOUGAL Paullette | Drama with humor |
Telephone Taps Written Up For Tabloids | MACER-STORY Eugenia | Musical One Act |
See Bob Run | MACIVOR Daniel | One Act |
Flying | MACK Carol K | Ten Min |
Seeing Another Country | MACK Carol K | monologue |
Primadoona | MACKICHAN Doon | Piece |
Men Who Have Made Love to Me | MACLANE Mary | One Act |
Her Father's Barn | MACLEAN Pam Calabrese | Play, 58 min One Act |
What Remains Of Georgia Tuttle | MACLENNAN Michael Lewis | Comedy One Act. - - Lesbian, one act |
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Hope Slide , The | MACLEOD Joan | Play/Drama |
Jewel | MACLEOD Joan | Drama One Act |
Shape of a Girl , The | MACLEOD Joan | Drama One Act |
Sleeve Notes | MACMILLAN Duncan | short play |
CEO and Cinderella | MADDEN Angela | Play/Drama |
Josephine In the Night | MADDEN Aodhan | Play One Act |
Painting a Room | MADDEN Dano | Ten Min |
Cooperative Village | MADESON Frances | Play/Drama |
Kinetic Fortress | MAFFIA JoAnne jojo | Multi-discipline Theatre Piece |
Jeans | MAGEE Liz | short play |
Shakespeare's Actresses In America | MAGGOR Rebekah | Play/Drama |
Swags And Tales | MAGILL Rosemary | on the theme of sex and sexuality One Act |
You Could be Home Now | MAGNUSON Ann | Play/Drama |
Missing Stars | MAGUIRE Aoife | Play/Drama |
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No View from the Window | MAHON Rebecca | Drama, Dark Comedy |
Generations | MAIDOFF Jonah Asher | Solo Play/Drama |
Seven Stages of Grieving | MAILMAN Deborah | Play/Drama |
Animal Dreams | MAISEL Jennifer | Short play |
Bongani | MAISELS Gabrielle | 1h 15m Solo Show Drama |
Arrangement Of Shoes, An | MAJUMDAR Abhishek | Play/Drama |
If I was to speak. . . | MALER Eva | Satire |
Shared Accomodation | MALER Eva | Comedy |
Unveiled | MALIK Rohina | 70 min Play/Drama |
Aiming For Sainthood | MALINOWSKI Arlene | Play/Drama |
What Does The Sun Sound Like? | MALINOWSKI Arlene | genre unknown |
Aiming For Sainthood | MALINOWSKY Arlene | Monologue play |
My Mom is a Sex Therapist | MALTZ Cara | musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Almost Done | MAMET David | Play One Act |
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Conjur Woman | MANLEY Beatrice | dramatic folk opera |
Go Lovely Rose | MANNING Mary | genre unknown |
Mother | MANNING Mary-Beth | short play |
Washed | MANNOUKAS Maria | genre unknown |
Season's Greetings | MANTELLO Joe | Adaptation One Act |
Joy's Prayer | MARCHANT Ian | Short Monologue One Act |
Blank Pages | MARCUS Frank | Monologue Play/Drama |
970-DEBB | MARGOLIN Deb | Full-length for solo perfomer |
Carthieves! Joyrides! | MARGOLIN Deb | Full-length for solo perfomer |
Gestation | MARGOLIN Deb | Full-length for solo perfomer |
Index to Idioms: A Performance Novel | MARGOLIN Deb | Comedy/Drama for solo performer |
O Wholly Night and Other Jewish Solecisms | MARGOLIN Deb | one act |
O Yes I Will | MARGOLIN Deb | Play/Drama |
Of All The Nerve | MARGOLIN Deb | Full-length for solo perfomer |
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Of Mice, Bugs And Women | MARGOLIN Deb | comedy |
Rock Scissors Paper | MARGOLIN Deb | 5-10 min Comic drama |
Dickens' Women | MARGOLYES Miriam | Devised Piece |
I Don't Know What I Am Doing | MARGULIES Donald | One Act |
Somnambulist | MARGULIES Donald | One Act |
In To The Light | MARIADOSS Tanja | short play |
Slices of Lives (part of) | MARIE Marlana | short solo |
Dentist, The | MARIN Chaim | Play/Drama |
Little Monster's Journal, A | MARINELLI Claudia | Monologue play |
Meesterlijk | MARK Ria | Translation |
Puppy Love: A Stripper's Tail | MARKEY Erin | Play/Drama |
Berkoffs Women | MARLOWE Linda | Devised Piece |
My Hamlet | MARLOWE Linda | genre unknown |
Worlds' Wife, The | MARLOWE Linda | Piece |
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Gone Goth | MARNICH Melanie | short play One Act |
Most Fleeting of All, The | MAROTTA Gia | One Act |
Retro Petro | MARRERO Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Unto Us a Child is Born | MARS Rachel | piece |
Pageant Monologue | MARSHALL Elizabeth | One act |
Filler Up! | MARSHALL Lowry | Solo Play/Drama |
Amber Alert! | MARTIN Amber | Solo Play/Drama |
Nude, Nude, Totally Nude | MARTIN Andrea | Monologue play |
Audition | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Clear Glass Marbles | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Cul-De-Sac | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Dragons | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Fifteen minutes | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Handler | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
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Marks | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Rodeo | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Scraps | MARTIN Jane | Monologue Play/Drama |
Twirler | MARTIN Jane | Short Play One Act |
White Elephants | MARTIN Jane | One Act |
School House Rock | MARTIN Jason D | comedy Ten Min |
Sunset Bitch | MARTIN Jessica | musical comedy |
Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein | MARTIN Marty | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
I Don't Want To Be A Zelda Anymore | MARTIN Marty | Play/Drama. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Dina Martina: An Early Hoarfrost | MARTINA Dina | piece |
Family Outing | MARTINEZ Ursula | Performance Art Piece |
My Stories, Your Emails | MARTINEZ Ursula | Show. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Show Off | MARTINEZ Ursula | Performance Art Piece |
Desert Flower's Truth | MARYOUNG Tanya A | Play/Drama |
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Brown Girl In The Ring | MASON-JOHN Valerie | One Act |
Panic | MASSEY Petra | Play/Drama |
Diamond Body, The | MATHEWS Aidan | Physical/Devised Theatre Piece |
Lipstick on the Host | MATHEWS Aidan | One Act |
Mammy Project, The | MATLOCK Michelle | Solo Historical |
Karen | MATSCHOSS Joachim | Monologue/s 60 mins |
Blue and Grey | MATTINSON Lee | genre unknown |
Circus Girl | MATTINSON Lee | genre unknown |
Donna Disco | MATTINSON Lee | comedy |
Panda | MATTINSON Lee | genre unknown |
Window Letters, The | MATTINSON Lee | genre unknown |
Life as a Fly | MATULIC Margaret | 2 act dramedy (60 min) Play/Drama |
Quiet Please, There's A Lady On Stage | MATULIC Margaret | comedy (30 mins) One Act |
Shoebox | MATULIC Margaret | drama (30 mins) One Act |
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Life & Times of a Modern Day Mary - Free, The | MAURICE Kimberley | genre unknown |
And There Was Me | MAVENAWITZ Verity Alicia | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Beauty is Prison-Time | MAVROUDI Zoe | Play/Drama |
Promises, Promises | MAXWELL Douglas | Play/Drama |
Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light | MAXWELL Linn | 75 min Play/Drama |
Lifeline | MAXWELL Victoria | Monologue play |
Close Shave with the Devil, A | MAY Ena | One Act |
Red Sandals | MAY Ena | One Act |
Unveiling, The | MAY Frederick | Translation |
Funeralogues, The | MAYER Stacy | site specific |
From Pillow to Post | MAYNARD Trevor B | Political |
Picasso's Women | MCAVERA Brian | Eight Monologues |
Really Big Bed, A | MCCAFFERTY Nell | One Act |
Sheep, Shite and Desolation | MCCAFFERTY Nell | One Act |
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Worm in the Heart, The | MCCAFFERTY Nell | Play/Drama |
Proper Pantermine - Turns in the Life of Marie Lloyd | MCCAFFERY Michael | 55min One Act |
Sneaker Revolution | MCCAMY Kate | One Woman Play |
Sally's Rape | MCCAULEY Robbie | genre unknown |
Surviving Virginia | MCCAULEY Robbie | genre unknown |
Woman In Berlin, A | MCCLURE Iain | 40Mins Piece |
These Four Walls | MCCONVILLE Ciaran | Play/Drama |
Intimate | MCCULLOUGH Katie | One-on-one theatre experience |
mph | MCCULLOUGH Katie | One-on-one experience |
Spirit Of Harriet Tubman, The | MCCURDY Leslie | genre unknown |
O'Keeffe! | MCDERMOTT Lucinda | 90-100 min Play/Drama |
Psalms Of A Dope Fiend | MCDONALD Thomasi | Play/Drama |
Bullies and Blake | MCDOUGALL Sarah | Comedy drama |
Isadora | MCELROY David A | Monologue play |
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Slut | MCFARLANE Brenda | Comedy |
Wonderland | MCGARRY Clare | Youth Audience Piece |
Medea | MCGARRY Peter | 60 min Tragedy |
Molly | MCGARRY Peter | Adaptation |
Fudgie Incident, The | MCGHEE Laura | Monologue play |
Horse of Fine Restraint, The | MCGOVERN Kristine | monologue Play/Drama |
Hyperlynx | MCGRATH John | Monologue 90 min |
Baglady | MCGUINNESS Frank | One Act |
Chicks | MCKEANEY Grace | One Act |
Full Disclosure | MCKEE Ruth | Play/Drama 75 min |
Lite | MCKENZIE Marlene | Piece |
episodes | MCKENZIE Sally | Sci-fi dark comedy drama |
Biography of My Skin | MCKENZIE Stuart | Play/Drama |
Portraits | MCKENZIE Stuart | genre unknown |
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Grenades | MCKEVITT Tara | Play/Drama |
Betty | MCLACHLAN Karen | Short Comedy One Act |
Just Checking | MCLACHLAN Karen | Comedy |
Can-Can | MCLAUGHLIN Rosemary | comedy Ten Min |
I Married An Alien | MCLAUGHLIN Rosemary | comedy Ten Min |
Ohio Melody | MCLAUGHLIN Rosemary | comedy Ten Min |
Open Grave | MCLEAN Kirstin | Play/Drama |
Price Of A Good Dinner, The | MCLEAN Linda | Monologue Play/Drama |
Shoe Fishing | MCMANUS Maureen | One-woman show |
Shoe Fly Blues | MCNAIR Rick | Comedy One act |
Bath Time | MCNALLY Mary | Solo Play/Drama |
Andre's Mother | MCNALLY Terrence | Ten Min. - - AIDS, one act |
Pig Tales | MCNAMARA Julie | Solo Play/Drama |
Amelia | MCNAMARA Robert | Play/Drama |
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Invisible Ink | MCNEILL Brian | One act |
Mildred | MEDLEY Cassandra | genre unknown |
Waking Women | MEDLEY Cassandra | Play One Act |
Dan is Dead/I Am a Yeti | MEDLOCK Natalie | comedy 55 min |
Salome | MEE Charles L | Short Play One Act |
On The Upside-Down of the World | MEEK Arthur | 95 min Play/Drama |
Honour | MEHTA Dipti J | short play |
Bellevue of The Westside, The | MELFI Leonard | Monologue |
What Would Helen Mirren Do? | MELIA Josie | Comedy |
At Least It's Pink | MELLMAN Kenny | Musical |
Dixie's Tupperware Party | MERIWETHER Elizabeth | Comedy |
Cirque Jackeline | MESSINA Charles | Monologue play |
To The Death Of My Own Family | METH David L | Full-length play; 30 minute one-act play, and 10 minute play. Play/Drama |
Betty | MEYERSON Henry | One Act |
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Addie and Me | MICCI Ronald | Play/Drama One Act |
Results Day | MICHAEL Aelish | short monologue |
Exit | MICHAEL Sebastian | 90 min Play/Drama |
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue | MIGUEL Gloria | short play |
Hot and Soft | MIGUEL Muriel | Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Red Mother | MIGUEL Muriel | Play/Drama |
Between | MIHYANG Amy | Solo Play/Drama |
Birthday of the Infanta, The | MILLER Carl | 70 min Adaptation |
Princess | MILLER Carl | Play/Drama |
Cinghiale! | MILLER Emilie | Solo-show |
Morphadike | MILLER Jennifer | Monologue play |
Letting Yourself Go | MILLER Kara | Short Monologue One Act |
Undine | MILLER Kara | Play/Drama |
Another Side of the Mirror | MILLER Lynn Ruth | genre unknown |
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Audience With Lynn Ruth Miller, An | MILLER Lynn Ruth | Play/Drama |
Take Proper Care | MILLER Mary | Play/Drama One Act |
Blood | MILLER Mona Deutsch | Fifteen minute play |
My Left Breast | MILLER Susan | 60-70 min Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Roaring Silence | MILLER Suzie | Monologue play |
Instructions for Heartbreak | MILLICAN-SLATER Francesca | 50 min piece |
Me, Myself and Miss Gibbs | MILLICAN-SLATER Francesca | piece |
Waltzing the Wilarra | MILROY David | Play/Drama |
Windmill Baby | MILROY David | Play/Drama |
My Grandmother Told Me | MIMS Debra | Monologue play |
Fly in the Fridge, The | MINOWITZ Emily | One Woman Show |
See How Beautiful I Am | MINX Paul | Solo Play/Drama |
Cockapoo | MISKOWSKI S P | monologue 15 min |
Indian Cowboy | MISTRY Zaraawar | Play/Drama |
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After Dido | MITCHELL Katie | Opera |
My Name Is Amanda Lavery | MITCHELL Mark | Comedy |
Short History of Crying, A | MITROVIC Sanja | Piece |
Hana Ichimomme | MIYAMOTO Ken | Play/Drama |
Commencement | MOENCH Anna | Short play |
Learning to Drive | MOFFATT Sean | Play One Act |
Acting Up | MOHR Frederic | Solo Play/Drama |
Barry | MOHR Frederic | Solo Play/Drama |
Garden Notes | MOHR Frederic | Solo Play/Drama |
This Is for Aborelia Dominguez | MOJICA Monique | genre unknown |
Slow Drag, Mama | MONK Isabell | Short Play One Act |
Emergency Used Candles | MONTALTO Chiara | 75 min Play/Drama |
Crack'd | MONTGOMERY Catherine | Play/Drama |
Weighed Down | MONVID-JENKINSON Carla Jo | short monologue |
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American Klepto | MOORE Allison | 3-7 min Comedy |
slut (r)evolution | MOORE Cameryn | Play/Drama |
Cinderella Checks Her Watch | MOORE David Alan | comedy drama Ten Min |
Melba Moore: Sweet Songs of the Soul | MOORE Melba | Play with Music |
Pain Of Pink Evenings, The | MOORE Rosemary | short play |
Show Ho | MOORE Sarah | Solo Play/Drama |
Coping | MOORE Tony | Play/Drama |
Curry Tales | MOORTHY Rani | Play/Drama |
Pooja | MOORTHY Rani | Play/Drama |
Shades Of Brown | MOORTHY Rani | Play/Drama |
Herpes Tonight! | MOOSA Corey | One-Person Play |
Beauties, The | MORIARTY Theresa | short play |
Molly | MORLEY Steve | Comedy One Act |
Moorcock's Last Bath | MORLEY Steve | Black Comedy One Act |
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Sister's Christmas Catechism | MORRIS Jane | Piece |
Washington Monument | MORRIS Robert Michael | Monologue play |
Frost With Lilacs | MORRIS T B | Monologue Play/Drama |
Burnt Tongue | MORRISON Sue | Monologue play |
Yoga Bitch | MORRISON Suzanne | Piece |
4 Minutes to Happy | MORTON Sarah | Solo Play/Drama |
White/Black | MOSAKOWSKI Susan | Play/Drama |
Dziewczyna | MOSCATO Chris Kadis | piece 75 min |
Great Daisy Theory, The | MOSHER Susan | Musical |
Where My Girls At? | MOSLEY Micia | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Playing Miss Havisham | MOULDER Helen | Play/Drama |
Candidate, The | MOXLEY Gina | One act |
Tea Set | MOXLEY Gina | Play One Act |
Fannie Lou Hamer Story, The | MOYO Mzuri | genre unknown |
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Biokhraphia | MROUE Rabih | 30 min piece One Act |
Woman in Waiting, A | MTSHALI Thembi | Solo Play/Drama |
Running on Air | MUGRIDGE Laura | comedy, storytelling |
Bernard's Adventure | MULHOLLAND Susan | short play |
Catch A Falling Star! | MUNRO Rona | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Fur Coat and Magic Knickers | MUNRO Rona | comedy |
Haunted | MUNRO Rona | Play/Drama |
Misfits - Love and Money, The | MUNRO Rona | comedy drama |
Saturday At The Commodore | MUNRO Rona | Monologue Play/Drama |
Secrets and Lies and DIY! | MUNRO Rona | comedy drama |
Sex and Chocolate | MUNRO Rona | comedy thrille |
Stick Granny On The Roofrack | MUNRO Rona | comedy drama |
Women On The Verge Of A T Junction | MUNRO Rona | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Crystal Anne | MURDOCH Lynsey | short Monologue |
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How To Eat? | MURDOCH Lynsey | solo show |
Oh Mary! | MURPHY Anna Maria | one woman show |
Belle of the Ball Bearings | MURPHY Caroline | Musical |
British Ambassador's Belly Dancer, The | MURRAY Craig | Play/Drama |
De stroyed | MURRAY Jillian | piece |
British Ambassador's Belly Dancer, The | MURRAY Nadira | Play/Drama |
Can You Hear Me? | MURRAY Tom | short Monologue |
Bombshells | MURRAY-SMITH Joanna | Monologues |
Eleanor Of Aquitaine: Mother Of The Pride | MUSCHAMP Catherine | Play/Drama |
Dan is Dead/I Am a Yeti | MUSGROVE Dan | comedy 55 min |
Sugar Staues | MUSIOL Krissi | 50 min piece |
Trip To Buenos Aires | MUSKARIA Amanita | Play/Drama |
Shute Branch | MUSTO Edward | Mystery one act |
Hunt on Rattlesnake Ridge | MYERS Sky | Monologue play |
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Stone Ghosts | MYTHEN Sue | Play One Act |
Domestic Affairs II | NAB Judith | Experimental Theatre |
Lylice | NAILS Jen | Play/Drama |
Maurice | NAJIMY Kathy | short monologue |
Celebrate Me Home | NARITA Jude | Monologue play |
Coming Into Passion/Song For A Sansei | NARITA Jude | Monologue play |
Stories Waiting to be Told | NARITA Jude | Monologue play |
Walk the Mountain | NARITA Jude | Solo Play/Drama |
Suzy Boon | NASCIMENTO Roberto | short play |
Long Live the King | NATHAN Ansuya | genre unknown |
New Year's Resolution Revolutions | NATHAN Richard | Five minute play |
Swans | NATHAN Richard | Five minute play |
Brownie Points | NATTRASS Nicolle Trixie | Monologue play |
Whenever I Get Blown Up I Think of You | NAYLOR Molly | Play/Drama |
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You Can See The Moon | NEIL Andrew | Play/Drama |
Lolita | NELSON Richard | monologue |
Heiress, The | NEOFOTIS Peter | genre unknown |
Manoli | NEOPHYTOU Gioros | One Act |
Woman In Berlin, A | NEVILLE Deborah | 40Mins Piece |
I Didn't Know it was Fancy Dress | NEWBORN Emma | ten min play |
Pops | NEWKIRK Dee Ann | monologue One Act |
Life And Times Of A Wonder Woman, The | NEWMAN Terry | Play/Drama |
Sam and I | NICHOLAS Siobhan | Play/Drama |
Taking Flight | NICHOLS Adriana Sevahn | Dramatic Comedy |
Dress Kill Me | NICHOLS Marlene | short piece |
Ice Cream Desert, The | NICHOLS Marlene | short piece |
Just Back From Dreaming | NICHOLS Marlene | One Act |
Rock a Bye | NICOL Alex | Full Length Play/Drama |
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Acceptance | NICOLL Lisa | One Woman Play - Drama |
Home Run | NICOLL Lisa | one woman play |
Autumn Leaves | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama |
Balloon Rat | NIGRO Don | Comic Drama Comedy |
Captain Cook | NIGRO Don | Dramatic monologue |
Cincinnati | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama |
Darkness Like a Dream | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
Esmeralda Scorpio | NIGRO Don | Monologue play |
Frankenstein | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
Genesis | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
Ghost Fragments, The | NIGRO Don | short play |
Haunted | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
Higgs Field | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
Irish Girl Kissed in the Rain, The | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
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Joan of Arc in the Autum | NIGRO Don | Monologue Play/Drama |
King of the Cats, The | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Madeline Nude in the Rain Perhaps | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Madrigals | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Mooncalf | NIGRO Don | Dark Comic Drama |
Narragansett | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama |
Squirrels | NIGRO Don | Comedy |
Sudden Acceleration | NIGRO Don | Comic Drama Comedy |
Sycorax | NIGRO Don | short play |
Weird Sisters, The | NIGRO Don | Play/Drama |
Wild Turkeys | NIGRO Don | Monologue |
Winchelsea Dround | NIGRO Don | Drama One Act |
Within the Ghostly Mansion's Labyrinth | NIGRO Don | Comic Drama Comedy |
One Small Step | NIMMO Heather | Play/Drama |
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Piccola Cosi | NISENSON Aja | 1h 30m, Comedy, Solo Show |
2 Dimensional Life of Her | NOBLE Fleur Elise | 40 min audio-visual animation, puppetry and performance art |
All That I Am | NOBLEMAN Roberta | genre unknown |
Masks and Mirrors | NOBLEMAN Roberta | genre unknown |
Blade | NOLAN Yvette | Play/Drama |
Video | NOLAN Yvette | Ten minute play |
All She Cares About Is The Yankees | NOONAN John Ford | Comedy |
Character Forum: A Thesis | NORTHLICH Katie | Play/Drama |
Big Smoke, The | NOSTBAKKEN Amy | 60 min drama |
Banana Beer Bath | NOTTAGE Lynn | short monologue |
Roll With It | NUTTALL Maggie | Play/Drama |
Mrs Shakespeare | NYE Robert | One Act |
To Carry On. . . | NYRO Laura | Musical |
Howl in the Afternoon, The | O Annie | Devised Piece |
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Permitted Number, The | OAKES Vanessa | genre unknown |
Watched Sea, The | OAKES Vanessa | Play/Drama |
Woman Called Magdalena, A | OAKES Vanessa | Short monologue One Act |
Pink Fireworks | O'BRANAGAIN Finn | short monologue |
Angel in the Trees | O'BRIEN Dan | Monologue play |
Her First Screen Test | O'BRIEN Dan | 5-10 min Comedy |
Lady Muck | O'BRIEN Julianne | Monologue play |
Ice Cream For You | O'CONNELL Vincent | Play with Music |
First Date | O'CONNOR Anne-Marie | short monologue |
Caroline O'Connor: The Showgirl Within | O'CONNOR Caroline | musical cabaret |
Trembling In Heaven | O'FLAHERTY Tracy | Solo Play/Drama |
Which To Burn? | OGILVY Rachel | 60 min |
Mary Motorhead | O'HALLORAN Mark | Play/Drama |
Dirty Paradise | O'KASI Leann | Piece |
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Mamie Sighs | O'KELLY Donal | full length Play/Drama |
Charmed, I'm Sure! | OKOLI Onyi | Play/Drama |
Pent Up: A Revenge Dance | OKPOKWASILI Okwui | Play/Drama |
How to Profit from Your Family | OKTEM Cigdem | Play/Drama |
Laughter, Hope And A Sock in the Eye | OLLSTEIN Laurel | One person show |
Rope in Your Hands, The | O'LOUGHLIN Siobhan | genre unknown |
Retiring Lady, A | OLSEN Michael | Monologue, Black Comedy |
Room Service | OLSEN Michael | Monologue, Drama/Comedy |
Helen of Troy Tells What Really Happened | O'MORRISON Kevin | genre unknown |
Crumble | O'NEIL Mark | site specific |
Who's Your Mama | O'NEILL Ellen | short play |
Marilyn / God | O'NEILL Rosary | One Act |
Wing of Madness, The | O'NEILL Rosary | Short Play, Southern Drama |
Happy With Half Your Life | O'NEILL Vanessa | Solo Play/Drama |
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Crease Question, The | ONODERA Kira | Play/Drama |
Food for Thought | O'REILLY Morgana | Ten Min |
Height of the Eiffel Tower, The | O'REILLY Morgana | Play/Drama |
Beauty's Daughter | ORLANDERSMITH Dael | Drama One Act |
Gimmick, The | ORLANDERSMITH Dael | Drama One Act |
Monster | ORLANDERSMITH Dael | Drama One Act |
Stoop Stories | ORLANDERSMITH Dael | series of monologues |
Ruth Ellis | ORMISTON Fiona | Solo Play/Drama |
Changing Violet | ORTIZ Deborah Louise | Play/Drama |
Penpal, The | OSBORNE Melissa | solo play Play/Drama |
Tower of Babble | OSTREGA Jennifer | Comedy Sketch, 50 min Sketch |
Dark Angel, The | O'SULLIVAN Camille | Show |
How's Wife | O'SULLIVAN Jennifer | 60 min Comedy |
Eva, The Best Dream Of All | O'SULLIVAN Matthew | Play One Act |
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Still Life | OSWIN Cindy | Solo Play/Drama |
Til Sunday | OTERO Nairoby | Play/Drama |
Sawdust and Stardust | OWEN Beccy | Show |
Laundry Girls, The | OWEN Bill | Play/Drama |
My Life with Men. . .and Other Animals | PACHECO Patrick | Play/Drama |
F Factor, The | PADOVANO Shayna | Play/Drama |
NewLand | PAINTER Sasha | Piece |
Lasses O, The | PAISLEY Janet | Play/Drama |
Big Smoke, The | PALDI Nir | 60 min drama |
On the Way to Timbuktu | PALEY Petronia | Play/Drama |
1,260-Minute Life | PAMATMAT A Rey | Drama, 5-minute |
All Dolled Up | PANTI | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
In These Shoes? | PANTI | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Woman In Progress | PANTI | Piece. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Diaries of Marjorie Simpson, The | PANTLING Elaine | Biographical |
Sausage and Samosa | PANTLING Elaine | 70 min Comedy |
Life Science | PANYCH Morris | Monologue play |
Scar Stories | PAOLINI Patrizia | Play/Drama |
What Else? | PAOLINI Patrizia | Play/Drama |
Goulue Of The Moulin Rouge, La | PARIS Judith | Play/Drama |
Waxing Lyrical | PARIS Judith | One Act |
Park'n'Ride | PARK Laura | Comedy Solo Show, 45 min |
Might As Well Live: The Words of Dorothy Parker | PARKEN Laura | Drama One Act |
System of Dr Tarr and Professor Fether | PARKER Robert Ross | Monologue play |
Pickling | PARKS Suzan-Lori | One Act |
Watch Me Work | PARKS Suzan-Lori | performance piece 75 min |
Property Of Sand | PARMITER Eve | short piece |
Ethel Waters: His Eye Is On The Sparrow | PARR Larry | Musical Biography |
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Hi-Hat Hattie, The Story Of Hattie Mcdaniel | PARR Larry | Musical Biography |
My Castle's Rockin', The Story Of Alberta Hunter | PARR Larry | Musical Biography. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Being Visible | PARRY Lisa | genre unknown |
Dark Frequencies | PARRY Lisa | Short play |
From Brum to Manhattan | PARRY Lisa | Short monologue |
Nancy | PARRY Lisa | Short play |
Costume Lady | PARRY Pip | 5 min One Act |
Evening Surgery | PARRY Pip | 7 min One Act |
If Shakespeare Were Writing Today | PARRY Pip | 3 min One Act |
Keep Out Of Reach Of Children | PARRY Pip | 7 min One Act |
Pregnant Pauses | PARRY Pip | 2 min poem One Act |
Watching The World Go By | PARRY Pip | 4 min One Act |
Waiting For Stanley | PARSONAGE Alexander | Piece |
Is There A Diva In The House? | PARSONS Richard | Play/Drama |
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4 Cynthia | PARSONS Yvette | short play |
Silent Night | PARSONS Yvette | 60 min Monologue play |
BOB, Blessed Be The Dysfunction that Binds | PASQUALE Anne | Play/Drama 90 min |
Awaaj (Voices) | PATEL Jyoti | Bi lingual play Play/Drama |
Introducing Anna | PATERSON Robyn | Ten min |
Introducing Anna | PATERSON Robyn | Full Length Comedy |
Alison - A Monologue for a Teenaged Girl | PATTERSON Martha | Comedy, 3 minutes |
Jean's Monologue from What Remains | PATTERSON Martha | Play/Drama |
Marcie - A Monologue About Being Homeless | PATTERSON Martha | Drama, 7-10 minutes |
Marnie's Monologue from The Big Hat | PATTERSON Martha | Comedy |
Monologue of Mrs. Evans from Family Affairs | PATTERSON Martha | Comedy |
Simone - A Monologue | PATTERSON Martha | Comedy, 3-5 minutes |
Hot August Night | PAVLINEK Theresa | Monologue plays |
Sometimes I Laugh Like My Sister | PAYTON Rebecca | comedy |
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Piaf: Love Conquers All | PEACE Roger | 2h 5m Drama Musical Musical |
Shimmering Verge, The | PEACOCK Molly | Monologue Play/Drama |
Great Dames | PEDI Christine | Show |
Chinks In The Chalice | PEEBLES Daryl | 15 min One Act |
Rum & Coke | PELAEZ Carmen | Solo Show, 95 min Comedy |
Tina Duckett Says | PENTIN Len | Play/Drama |
People Show 106 | PEOPLE SHOW | Devised Piece |
Finding The Doorbell | PERCE Cindy | Play/Drama |
Honor & Fidelity: The Ballad of a Borinqueneer | PEREZ Tanya | Play/Drama |
Something With Fish | PERLMAN Sandra | Ten minute play |
Sunset Bitch | PERMUTT Stewart | musical comedy |
Unsuspecting Susan | PERMUTT Stewart | Short Play One Act |
Veronique - a Life Long Cult | PERMUTT Stewart | Solo Play/Drama |
Delilah | PERNAK Adam | Comedy |
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crusp | PETTEN Dawn | Monologue play |
In the Spirit - For Real | PETTITT Peggy | Solo Play/Drama |
Sometimes I Laugh Like My Sister | PEYTON Rebecca | Piece |
Strike Two | PHELAN Anne | Ten Min |
Face like Mine, A | PHEWA Asanda | Play/Drama |
Grading On A Curve | PHIBES A V | Monologue play |
7½ Habits of Highly Effective Mistresses | PHILLIPS Lisa Faith | Solo Play/Drama |
FishinIn Brooklyn | PHIPPS LaTonia | - Gay/Lesbian, of interestPlay/Drama |
Callas | PICQ Jean-Yves | Solo Play/Drama |
Bird | PIERACCINI Sita | short piece |
Orlando | PINCKNEY Darryl | Adaptation |
House Made Of Air | PINTAURO Joe | Comedy Drama One Act |
God's District | PINTER Harold | sketch |
Special Offer | PINTER Harold | Sketch |
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Love And Hate | PINTO Joanna | One Act |
Waiting | PITT Chris | monologue Play/Drama |
Ad Nauseam: A Night of Infidelity | PITTS Tom | piece 60 min |
Avon Calling | PLATT Louise | Piece |
Fact or Fiction: Meditations On Mary Finger | PLUMB Vivienne | Monologue play |
Wrath | PLUMB Vivienne | Ten Min |
Proof That We Cannot Understand Each Other | POBEREJNAIA Oxana | 3 min play |
Mothers Of Invention | POE Laura | Solo Show, 105 min Comedy |
Even Snakes Show Scars | POLLACK David | Monologue play |
No Traveler | POLLAK Penny | One Act |
Getting it Straight | POLLOCK Sharon | Drama One Act |
Faithfull | POPE Jon | Adaptation |
Love, Linda | PORTER Cole | 60 min Musical |
Tattle-Tale | PORTER Kim | genre unknown |
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Children of the Earth | PORTMAN Julie | play with music One Act |
How Dad Created the World | PORTMAN Julie | play with music One Act |
Katie Malone | PORTMAN Julie | play with music One Act |
Magic Words | PORTMAN Julie | play with music One Act |
My Sister's Sister | PORTMAN Julie | Two Act drama with music |
Three Roses | PORTMAN Julie | 3 Act drama with music |
Ariadne's Lament | PORUP Jens | genre unknown |
Guns Don't Kill | POSPISIL Craig | Comic monologue |
In a Word | POSPISIL Craig | Dramatic monologue |
Mother's Love, A | POSPISIL Craig | Play One Act |
No Child Left | POSPISIL Craig | Comic monologue |
Keep Your Funny Side Up! | POSTER Louisa | musical comedy revue Musical |
Chloe Poems Healing Roadshow | POTTER Jenni | Solo Play/Drama |
Slight Headache, A | POU Alyson | genre unknown |
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Human Voice, The (La Voix Humaine) | POULENC Francis | Musical |
Kaz, A Working Girl | POULTER Leah | Monolgue play |
Making Of Miss Peggy Lee, The | POWELL Lucy | Play with Music |
Edge, The | POWNALL David | Danceplay |
Vivien | POWRIE Andrew | Play/Drama |
Gringos Journey, A | PRICE David | one act adaptation |
Nine Suitcases | PRICE David | one act adaptation |
Girls and Boys | PRICE Lindsay | TYA drama 10 min |
Minibugs and Microchips | PRIEST Robert | Comedy |
Dead Divas | PRITCHETT Georgia | Devised Piece |
No Fences | PROBST Jan | Monologue play |
Marlene Dietrich | PROHASKA Ksenija | genre unknown |
Sub Opera | PROUDEXPOSURE | Piece |
Round-Heeled Woman | PROWSE Jane | piece 95 min |
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Girl Show, The | PSOMAS Maria | One Act |
Essence of Mature Sensuality, The | PUCKETT Patricia | 2 min Single Play |
Missing Stars | PULLEN Melanie Clark | Play/Drama |
Box The Pony | PURCELL Leah | Short Play One Act |
Nightwatchman | PUWANARAJAH Prasanna | one act |
"Q" Stands For Queer, The | Q Kimberley | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
J'ai Deux Amours | Q Kimberley | Solo Play/Drama |
Lesbian Funk: A Journey Into The Oblivion | Q Kimberley | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Late Night Catechism: Saints, Sisters, and Ejaculations | QUADE Vicki | Comedy |
Put The Nuns In Charge | QUADE Vicki | Comedy |
Do You Take This Man? | QUICK Sarah | Comedy one act |
Other People's Problems | QUINN Sarah | 60 min Play/Drama |
Interior Decorating | RABIN Kenn | Dramedy monologue One Act |
And the Broom You Rode In On | RABUSHKA Jerrold | Ten minute play |
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Cosmetology Class | RABUSHKA Jerrold | Ten minute play |
Saucy Mamista | RABUSHKA Jerrold | Ten minute play |
Art Of Swimming, The | RADLEY Lynda | Play/Drama |
Berlin Love Tour | RADLEY Lynda | guided tour |
Birds and Other Things I Am Afraid Of | RADLEY Lynda | Piece |
Out! Damned Spot | RADLEY Lynda | monologue Ten Min |
In Conclusive Woman | RAE Julie | Piece |
Exit Napoleon Pursued By Rabbits | RAE Nola | Solo Play/Drama |
In Concert: Sounds Of Desire: A Concert Adaptation Of Nine Parts Of Desire | RAFFO Heather | Solo |
Nine Parts of Desire | RAFFO Heather | Play/Drama |
Unaccustomed to my Name | RAINER Marta | Play/Drama |
Lady with All the Answers, The | RAMBO David | comedy/drama Comedy |
Burn | RAMEAU Ingez | Monologue play |
I Love America | RAMIREZ Lidia | Monologue play |
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Exit Cuckoo | RAMIREZ Lisa | Play/Drama |
One That They Call The Bloop, The | RAMIREZ Marco | piece |
June and Nancy | RAMONI Michelle | short play. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Nosotras lo hacemos major / We women do it better | RAMOS-PEREA Roberto | monolgue Comedy |
Some Say Fire | RAMSAY Erik | 5 min Single Play |
Sunrise, Sunset or Breakfast with Julia | RAND Julia Sandra | Play/Drama |
Fat Lady Ain't Humming A Tune, The | RAND Linda L | Monologue play |
Chameleon | RANDALL Paulette | One Act |
Do You Hear Me Knockin'? | RANDLES Kerri | Monologue play |
Think On Her | RANDOJA Karin | One act |
Squeeze Box | RANDOLPH Ann | Romantic Comedy Comedy |
Zap Belly | RANKIN Renee | One Act |
Beasty Girl | RANKIN Scott | genre unknown |
Box The Pony | RANKIN Scott | Short Play One Act |
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Provenance of Beauty, The | RANKINE Claudia | Play/Drama |
Dangerous Oasis | RAPI Nina | Monologue Play/Drama |
Johnny Is Dead | RAPI Nina | Monologue Play/Drama |
Josie's Restrooms | RAPI Nina | Monologue - dark comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Tricky | RAPI Nina | monologue - dark comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Angry Little People | RASHIP Carolyn | Monolgue play |
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein | RATHIE S | Solo Play/Drama |
Personality | RATNER Ellen | One Act |
All on Her Own | RATTIGAN Terence | genre unknown |
Miss Education of Jenna Bush | RAUCH Melissa | One Act |
Dance Like A Butterfly | RAVEL Aviva | One Woman Show, 70 min |
Listen, I'm Talking | RAVEL Aviva | Monologue, 10 min |
Tallulah, A Memory | RAWLS Eugenia | Play/Drama |
Mendacity | RAYNER Lauren | multi media Piece |
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Pack Up All Your Cares And Woe | READING Bertice | Solo Play/Drama |
Bad Dates | REBECK Theresa | Monologue play |
Showstopper | REBELLATO Dan | Comedy |
Monster In My Brain | REDD Randy | Play/Drama |
Guided Tour | REDER Peter | Site Specific Piece |
Nightingale | REDGRAVE Lynn | Play/Drama |
Rachel and Juliet: An Evening with Lynn Redgrave | REDGRAVE Lynn | Piece |
Shakespeare for My Father | REDGRAVE Lynn | Solo Play/Drama |
Barry White Saved My Life | REEDY Charmaine | Show |
Second Lady | REEDY M Kilburg | One woman drama |
How to Kill Anouk | REES Rhian | monologue/Drama |
Cirque Jacqueline | REESE Andrea | Monologue Play |
Split Ends | REESE Venus Opal | Piece |
Come Fly With Me | REID Caroline | Comedy |
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Pam Ann | REID Caroline | solo show |
Boxcar Bertha | REID Kerry | Monologue play |
I'm Hans Christian Andersen | REID Rachel Rose | genre unknown |
Fragments Of Isabella | REIDY Gabrielle | Adaptation |
Undone Divas | REISER Dave | Musical |
Children's Monologues, The | REISS Anya | short monologue |
Couleurs | RENAUD Nicole | song cycle |
Money Talkes With Citizen Reno | RENO | Play/Drama |
Curious Scrapbook of Josephine Bean | REPPE Shona | TYA 60 min |
Jordan | REYNOLDS Anna | Short Play One Act |
Growing Up Amy | RHODES Amy | Monologue play |
I Enjoy Being A Girl | RHODES Amy | Monologue play |
Homepage | RICE Kate | 25 min Black comedy monologue |
Mulatto's Dilemma, The | RICHARDS Diane | Play/Drama |
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Lilith | RICHARDS Lily | Ten Min |
Cripple Play | RICHARDS Max B | Play One Act |
SAFA Woman | RICHIE-LACY Sterline | genre unknown |
My Name is Rachel Corrie | RICKMAN Alan | Compilation |
Playing Miss Havisham | RIDER Sue | Play/Drama |
Me, Mum And Dusty Springfield | RIDINGS Stephanie | genre unknown |
Being Here While Not Being Here | RIMAT Sylvia | Piece |
Luck | RIORDAN Megan | Play/Drama |
Marika's Cafe Theatre | RIVERA Marika | Solo Play/Drama |
A Train, The | ROACH Sally | Monologue play |
Marion Allen's Number One Hobby | ROBERTS Bea | Drama - Monologue |
Colour Of Poppies, The | ROBERTS John C Q | Adapatation/translation One Act |
Wolf's Lair | ROBERTS Sophie | Piece |
Nibbler, The | ROBERTS Victoria (1) | Solo Play/Drama |
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Nona | ROBERTS Victoria (1) | Piece |
Boy And The Bunnet, The | ROBERTSON James | Play/Drama |
Lady Day At Emerson's Bar & Grill | ROBERTSON Lanie | Play/Drama |
Woman Before a Glass | ROBERTSON Lanie | Dramatic Monologue |
What is the Matter With Mary Jane? | ROBINSON Sancia | One Act |
Frida Kahlo: Viva La Vida | ROBLES Humberto | Monologue - Drama Play/Drama |
Glue Trap | ROCHA Sueli | Play/Drama |
Big Pants And Botox | ROCHE Louise | 90 min piece |
Lunar Pantoum: For Tibet | ROCKWELL Juanita | Performance Poetry for Dance Theatre Piece |
Panic | RODDEN Rebecca | Monolgue play |
Polythene Pam | RODDEN Rebecca | Monolgue play |
Big Hairy Dog | RODENBORN Marcy | Monologue play |
Bombshell and the Diplomat, The | RODGERS Constance | short Solo One Act |
Waltz No 6 | RODRIGUES Joffre | Translation |
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Selective Memory | ROGERS Brian | Piece |
Georgia O'Keeffe x Catherine Rogers | ROGERS Catherine | Solo |
Sudden Death of Everyone, The | ROGERS Catherine | Solo |
I Am a Tree | ROGERS Dulcy | Play/Drama |
Past is Still Ahead, The | ROMMA Sophia | Play/Drama |
Guts | RON Liat | Play/Drama 60 min |
Shirley at the Tropicana | RONCONI Amanda | Play/Drama |
Citizone | ROONEY John | Devised Piece |
Peccadillo Circus | ROPER Lizzie | Comedy |
Despatches From Another World | ROSE Virginia Jane | Play/Drama |
Melville Boys, The | ROSEN Gloria | short play |
Keeping Abreast | ROSENFELD Jackie | Play/Drama |
Filename: Futurfax | ROSENTHAL Rachel | genre unknown |
Chalk Story | ROSOMAN Emma | Youth Audience |
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Wedding Belles | ROSS Lally | Solo Play/Drama |
Mad Margaret's Revenge | ROSS Lesley | Short Play One Act |
11 Shades of White: the Story of Veronica Lake | ROSS Sharon Houck | One-woman Play |
Boxes | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue Play |
Game! | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue Play |
Land for Elvis | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue Play |
Monologue fromTrapped Daylight | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue |
Signage | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue Play |
Snake | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue Play |
Throwing Overhand | ROSS Sharon Houck | monologue One Act |
Waiting | ROSS Sharon Houck | Monologue from Entry Points |
Another Kind of Silence | ROTHSCHILD Liz | genre unknown |
Faith | ROTHSTEIN Caroline | Play/Drama |
Clue Phone | ROTHSTEIN Robin | Monologue, 8 min |
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True | ROTHSTEIN Robin | Monologue, 5 min |
Two PM | ROTHSTEIN Robin | Monologue, 5 min |
Dreams of Philomina, The | ROTHWELL Naomi | Piece |
Parts For The Princes | ROTHWELL Paul | short play |
Porches | ROUTH Lewis | dramedy One act |
Swing Girl | ROWSTON Melita | Monologue/s 70 mins |
Confidentially Yours | RUBENSTEIN Deidre | Ten Monologues |
That's Entertainment | RUBY Thelma | Show |
Day in the Life of Poptart, A | RUFFIN Robert | Clown comedy |
Asking For It | RUSH Joanna | Solo Comedy Comedy |
Pharmacist, The | RUSSELL Jane | Play/Drama |
Delicates | RUSSELL Rebecca | Play/Drama |
Shirley Valentine | RUSSELL Willy | Comedy |
Alice Through the Past Lives | RUSSELL-KING Caroline | Comedy |
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Kin | RUTHERFORD Donna | piece |
Ochone Ochone (A Sorrow From Before That's Still With You) | RUTHERFORD Donna | Solo Play/Drama |
Cut | RYAN Catherine | Ten Min |
Getting Away From It All - monologue | RYAN Catherine | 25 min Heightened reality, surreal and absurd |
Gravity | RYAN Catherine | Surreal drama with touches of tragicomedy 60 mins |
Going Away Present, The | RYAN Judith | Play One Act |
Flying Cloud, The | RYAN Julia | Monologue play |
25 Questions for a Jewish Mother | RYAN Kate Moira | Play/Drama |
Judy Show, The | RYAN Kate Moira | multimedia comedy 80 min |
Master Class with Cassiopeia O'Hara | RYAN Kate Moira | 10 min |
Lilli Marlene | RYAN Kathryn | Musical |
Castradiva | RYAN Mark | Monologue play |
Dorothy Squires | RYAN Mark | Play/Drama |
Put Me Away | RYDER Lisa | Monologue play |
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Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby | RYDING David | Drama, 20 min |
You Caught Me Dancing | SABATH Bernard | Monologue play |
Scene/Unseen | SACHDEVA Riti | short piece |
Boat's Yer Whole World, A | SAFFIN Kate | Solo Play/Drama |
Palestine | SAID Najla | Play/Drama |
Dan is Dead/I Am a Yeti | SAINSBURY Thomas | comedy 55 min |
Eulogy, The | SAINSBURY Thomas | Ten Min |
Learning The Game | SALKELD Janice | Monologue play |
Roar of the Butterfly, The | SALOFF Spider | play with music |
Get Happy! | SALOMAN Debbie | Musical |
Capacity to Enter | SAM Canyon | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Dissident, The | SAM Canyon | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Taxi Karma | SAM Canyon | Monologue play, one act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Sister Sonji | SANCHEZ Sonia | Morality Ritual One Act |
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Dottie Hope | SANDERSON Laurie | Play/Drama |
Biokhraphia | SANEH Lina | 30 min piece One Act |
Manny's Party | SAUNDERS Geoff | Anthology One Act |
I Believe In Charlie O'Connell | SAUNDERS Mark | Ten minute play Comedy |
Food Of Love | SAWER David | Monologue play |
Bursting Heart, The | SAYA Jodi | One Act |
Synchronicity | SCAMPINI Marie | Fifteen minute play |
When the Earth Sings | SCHENCK Linda | 60-90 min Musical |
Cake On A Plate | SCHIEN Gina | adult comedy Comedy |
Pulpit Rock | SCHIEN Gina | Monologue/s 22 mins |
Punter's Siren, The | SCHIEN Gina | comedy 50 mins |
Second Skin | SCHIRLE Joan | Solo performance |
Mouth To Mouth | SCHLANGER Carol | Monologue play |
Whida Peru: Resurrection Tangle | SCHMIDT Josh | Musical |
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Oscar and the Pink Lady | SCHMITT Eric-Emmanuel | Monolgue play |
BullSchmitt! | SCHMITT Vickie | solo show Comedy |
Interior Scroll | SCHNEEMANN Carolee | genre unknown |
Freedom Of Speech | SCHNEIDER Eliza Jane | Comedy FringeHIGH, 90 min Comedy |
My Life with Men. . .and Other Animals | SCHNEIDER Peter | Play/Drama |
Appointment, The | SCHNEIDERMAN L J | Short Play One Act |
Pushing Boundaries | SCHOETTIER Elouise | Play/Drama |
I Got Plans For The Rest Of My Life | SCHROCK Robert | Monologue play |
Robin | SCHULMAN Sarah | Play One Act |
F Trip, The | SCHULTZ Kim | Play/Drama |
No Place Called Home | SCHULTZ Kim | Play/Drama |
Crazy | SCHWARTZ Gail Marlene | Multi-Media Solo Show, 50 min |
Fear Junkie | SCOOTER Pandora | Monologue play |
Mommy Project, The | SCOOTER Pandora | Monologue play |
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Samuraization | SCOOTER Pandora | Play/Drama |
Hi, How Can I Help You | SCOTT Lucile | One Act |
Fragments Of Isabella | SCOTT Michael | Adaptation |
From The Diary of Sally Hemings | SEATON Sandra | song cycle libretto |
Sally | SEATON Sandra | Play/Drama |
Alison Mary Fagan | SELBOURNE David | Play/Drama |
Hasty Decisions | SELINGER George Aza | short play |
Merce | SENATORE Ambra | Piece |
Under The Rainbow | SEXTON Sharon | Musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Virtuosa | SEYMOUR Diane | Play with Music |
Home Sweet Home | SHACKLETON Eliza | Play/Drama |
Just Looking | SHACKLETON Eliza | short Monologue |
Whom Do I Have The Honour Of Addressing? | SHAFFER Peter | Radio Play |
Let My Enemy Live Long | SHAFFER Tanya | Solo Play/Drama |
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Pillow Book, The | SHAKTI | Devised Piece |
Amelia Lives | SHAMAS Laura | Play/Drama |
Love Space Demands, The | SHANGE Ntozake | Play/Drama |
Lady Of Burma, The | SHANNON Richard | Play/Drama |
Miss White House | SHAPIRO Ira | Play/Drama |
One Of Us | SHAPIRO Jacqui | Tragi-comic Monologue 45 min Tragedy |
Sharon's Journey | SHAPIRO Jacqui | Monologue 15 min |
Venus Avenger | SHARKEY Stephen | Solo Play/Drama |
koan | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
Rosnah | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
untitled cow number one | SHARMA Haresh | Play/Drama |
Ramayana, The | SHARMAN Gopal | Solo Play/Drama |
There's No Da-Da Like Show Da-Da: The Doris Rosenblatt Story | SHATTNER Michael | Play/Drama |
Folktales of Asia and Africa | SHAW Jane Catherine | 45 min Piece |
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Menopausal Gentleman & 20Th Anniversary Of WOW Cafe | SHAW Peggy | Lesbian, full length |
Must - The Inside Story | SHAW Peggy | Piece. - - Lesbian, full length |
About Chocolate | SHAY Helen | comedy, drama |
Psychosemitic | SHAYS Felice | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Madame Secretary, Frances Perkins | SHEA Ann Marie | genre unknown |
Blown Sideways Through Life | SHEAR Claudia | Play/Drama |
Funeral Plan | SHEARER Bruce | 10 min comedy |
God Is A Dyke | SHEPARD Jane | One Act |
Signs of a Diva | SHEPPHARD Nona | Play/Drama |
Woman in Progress, The | SHERIDAN Keelie | Play/Drama |
Mother of All the Behans | SHERIDAN Peter | Adaptation |
Shades of the Jelly Woman (Part One) | SHERIDAN Peter | Play One Act |
Good Times Are Killing Me | SHERIN Justin | Short Play One Act |
What Do I Know About War? | SHERMAN Margo Lee | Solo Play/Drama |
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Rose | SHERMAN Martin | Play/Drama |
Men Who Have Made Love to Me | SHERWOOD Normandy Raven | One Act |
Getting to Mommy | SHILLING Diane | short play |
Balancing Act | SHIPLEY Sharyn | One act |
Herpes Tonight! | SHOAF Brian | One-Person Play |
Sustainability Of Sweetness, The | SHOBA Naomi | 35Mins Piece |
Idea of America, The | SHORE Sam | Play/Drama |
Hole, The | SHULMAN Art | Drama, 12 minutes |
Mending | SHULMAN Art | Drama, 5 minutes |
Seeing The Star After The Show | SHULMAN Art | Comedy, 10 minutes |
Waitress | SHULMAN Art | Drama, 12 minutes |
Born of a Fairytale | SIBLEY Eli | one woman show |
Cloak And Daggers | SIDAWAY Marlene | short play |
Clytemnestra's Tears | SIDIROPOULOU Avra | Play/Drama |
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Bridezilla Strikes Back! | SILVER Cynthia | Play/Drama |
Claire | SILVER Nicky | Comedy One Act |
I Am No Young Lady | SILVER Toni | Comedy |
Shame Lips | SILVER Toni | Play/Drama |
Garbage Bags | SILVERSTEIN Shel | Play One Act |
Hangnail | SILVERSTEIN Shel | Play One Act |
Sister's Christmas Catechism | SILVIA Marc | Piece |
Filter | SIMMONS Kristy | short piece |
Going West | SIMON Mayo | Play/Drama |
Etiquette Unravelled | SIMONS Lake | Monologue play |
Whida Peru: Resurrection Tangle | SIMPATICO David | Musical |
Take On Me (adoption, addiction, and a-ha) | SIMPSON Christine | Comedy Solo Show, 75 min |
Brownie From Hell | SINCLAIR Carol | Comedy with music, one act |
Defense de Fumer | SINCLAIR Carol | Solo comedy, one act, with music |
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Sabina's Splendid Brain | SINCLAIR Carol | Solo comedy, one act, with music |
Bologna Sandwiches | SINGLETON Erin | short play |
Lilia! | SKALA Libby | Monologue play |
Are There More Of You? | SKILBECK Alison | Play/Drama |
Fucked | SKINNER Penelope | comic monologue Play/Drama |
Broken Nails | SKUBIK Anna | Piece |
Edna Tea Lady OBE | SLATER John D | Play - Full Length, Drama |
Mrs Moses | SLATER John D | Play - Full-length, Drama, Biblical |
Polite Conversation | SLATER Katy | Monologue |
Stacking | SLATER Katy | Monologue |
Toast | SLATER Katy | Monologue Play/Drama |
Yo Miss! Teaching Inside the Cultural Divide, Volume 1 | SLOAN Judith | Play/Drama |
Balancing Act | SMALL Caroline | Monologue |
Travels With A Broken Heart | SMALL Caroline | Play/Drama |
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Woman's Life and Loves, A | SMALL Caroline | Play/Drama |
Neva Small: Not Quite an Ingenue | SMALL Neva | Musical |
Dreamless | SMALLMAN Cheryl | short play |
Queen Anne II | SMEDLEY Olivia | Comedy/drama monologue Part 1 actress Comedy |
Get It While You Can, A Conversation With Janis Joplin | SMILES Roy | Monologue Play/Drama |
Fires in the Mirror: Crown Heights, Brooklyn and Other Identities | SMITH Anna Deavere | Drama, full length |
House Arrest: A Search for American Character In and Around the White House, Past and Present | SMITH Anna Deavere | Drama, full length |
Let Me Down Easy | SMITH Anna Deavere | Play/Drama |
Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 | SMITH Anna Deavere | Drama, full length |
Mommy Queerest | SMITH Bob | 70 min Comedy. - - Lesbian, one act |
Other People's Problems | SMITH DeAnne | 60 min Play/Drama |
Pigtales | SMITH Julia | Adaptation |
Bodycount | SMITH Les | 45 min One Act |
Jamais Vu | SMITH Stef | 60 min piece |
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Burning Bush!, The | SMITH Tracey Erin | Monologue play |
Apes Like Me | SMURTHWAITE Kate | 60 min |
Kong | SNEED Pamela | Play Drama |
Maxine Ruakura: Reflections From A Nz Lager Can | SNOWDON Samuel Elliot | short play |
Bodhichitta | SOERENSEN Sidse Ploug | Short Play One Act |
As Directed | SOFIA Dawn | Play/Drama |
Pearls | SOMMERS Brenda | Ten minute play |
Children of Medea | SONG Sue Jin | Play/Drama |
I Miss Communism | SOPER Mark | 75 min Piece |
Hot | SOPHIE Damsel | piece 60 min |
Punk | SORHEIM Carl J | ten min play |
(mis)Understanding Mammy: The Hattie McDaniel Story | SORKIN Joan Ross | Play with Music |
I'm Not Sure I Like the Way You Licked Me | SPARACINO Bricken | Play/Drama |
Why Mrs Neustadter Always Loses | SPENCER Colin | Monologue One Act |
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Golden Mile | SPERLING Shoshana | Monologue play |
Rise and Fall of Vella Dean, The | SPERLING Shoshana | Monologue play |
What Tammy Needs To Know | SPLIT BRITCHES | Show. - - Lesbian, full length |
Easy Ryder | SPROTT Fiona | One act |
Partly It's About Love, Partly It's About Massacre! | SPROTT Fiona | Solo Play/Drama |
Versatile | SQUIRE Aurin | Comedy One Act |
Queen Of Spades | ST JAMES Ann | Monologue Play/Drama |
Baggage Claim | STAATS Amy | solo shows |
American Monologue, The | STAFFORD Jessica | monologue |
Break In The Day | STALLINGS David | Short play |
Please Don't Feed The Models | STANDRING Sara | genre unknown |
Miscast | STANILOFF J S | genre unknown |
Gabrielle's Kitchen | STANLEY John | Play/Drama |
Woman in a Monkey Cage | STAPLETON Berni | Comedy Drama Comedy |
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Barking House, The | STARK Wilma G | performed reading |
Venus | STARK Wilma G | short Monologue |
Psalms Of A Dope Fiend | STATON Candice | Play/Drama |
Very Thought Of You, The - Songs And Souvenirs Of Al Bowlly | STAVEACRE Tony | genre unknown |
Steafel Solo | STEAFEL Sheila | Solo |
Steafel Variations | STEAFEL Sheila | Solo Play/Drama |
Victoria Plums | STEAFEL Sheila | Solo Play/Drama |
Cowgirls Gone Wild in the West | STEARNS Sharon | Play/Drama |
Lub You | STEELE Eve | One Act |
Come What Mae | STEELSMITH Mary | Monologue play |
Is Beauty Subjective? | STEFAN Kevin | One act |
Independent Woman, An | STEIN Daniel | 2 Acts Play/Drama |
Ms Furr and Ms Skeene | STEIN Gertrude | One act. - - Lesbian, one act |
Kalgaar | STEIN Lauren | piece |
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Laurentina's Oddyssey | STEIN Lauren | piece |
General Review of the Sex Situation | STEIN Lou | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Etty | STEIN Susan | Play/Drama |
Mosaic | STEINKELLNER Cheri | One Act Musical |
Interview, The | STENNETT Roger | play Ten Min |
Pride and the Sin Tree | STEPHEN Venus | Ten Min |
Womans Blues, A | STEPHENS Christine | <60 min Musical One Act |
T5 | STEPHENS Simon | 30 min reading |
Husband Fatigue | STEPHENSON Stephanie | Monologue play |
My Life of Crime | STEPHENSON Stephanie | Play/Drama |
Siren's Heart. . .Marilyn in Purgatory | STEPP Walt | Play/Drama |
180 Days | STERRY Taren | Piece |
Theory Of 6th Grade Relativity, The | STERRY Taren | Play/Drama |
Blue Lias, or the FishLizard's Whore | STEVENS Claudia | Monologue play |
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Entirely Ethel | STEVENS Jean | Stage, later adapted for radio One Act |
In The Shadows | STEVENS Jean | play One Act |
Twockers, Knockers and Elsie Smith | STEVENS Jean | Comedy drama |
Self Storage | STEVENS-GUILLE Gillian | Monologue play |
Bijou's Secret | STEWART Fiona | 60 min one-woman show with song |
Lovely Light, A | STICKNEY Dorothy | Play/Drama |
Octophobia | STILL James | 5-10 min Comedy/Drama |
Life & Times of a Modern Day Mary - Free, The | STIMPSON Candace | genre unknown |
Pop Goes The Cherry | STIMPSON Candace | Monologue play |
Mosaic | STITT Georgia | One Act Musical |
Victorian Traveler, The | STOCKHAM Linda | Historic drama 40 min |
Speed Queen, The | STOCKTON Anne | Monologue play |
Laundry | STOKES Jo | 20 min Comedy |
Un-Medea | STOKLOS Denise | genre unknown |
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Millennium Fallacy, The | STRAND Richard | Play One Act |
Rosa's Eulogy | STRAND Richard | Play One Act |
Hello | STRANDGARD Maurice | Monologue/s 60 mins |
Stripped | STRANGIO Laurence | piece 70 min |
Pussy In Boots | STREET Angela | monologue performed by writer Comedy |
Lady Mulhammer | STRICKLAND Margot | Adaptation |
Fargo: A (Mostly) True Story | STRINDEN Marie | Play/Drama |
Elaine Stritch At Liberty | STRITCH Elaine | Musical |
Funny Farm | STROBECK Kris | Play/Drama |
Spaghetti & Matzo Balls! | STROBER Dean | cabaret Show |
Spaghetti & Matzo Balls! | STROBER Rena | cabaret Show |
I Do, I Don't | STULMAN Valerie | Ten minute play |
Luck | STURNICK Shawn | Play/Drama |
Eye Am Hear | SUBASIC Colleen | Play/Drama |
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Interbastation | SUBASIC Colleen | Play/Drama |
Scent of Magnolia | SUGAREK Trisha | Youth Audiences |
Indian Cowboy | SULLIVAN Kathleen | Play/Drama |
Punch Me In The Stomach | SUMMERS Allison | Comedy Piece |
Kicking The Hat | SUMMERS Faye B | Monologue play |
Hearing Voices | SUMMERSKILL Clare | Play/Drama |
No Child | SUN Nilaja | Solo Play/Drama |
When Real Life Begins | SUNDE Karen | Play/Drama |
Warning Signs | SUROVELL Maggie | Short Play One Act |
Slender Balance I, The | SUTCLIFFE Jane | Physical comedy Piece |
Soul In A Suitcase | SUTCLIFFE Jane | Physical Comedy Piece |
Souls Home | SUTCLIFFE Jane | Clown/Physical theatre Piece |
PWA: The Diaries of Oscar Moore | SUTHERLAND Malcolm | Adaptation |
Love Lost in the British Retail Industry | SUTTIE Isy | Musical |
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Safety Pin | SWAIN Bara | Monologue |
This Could Be It | SWEENEY Jillian | Play/Drama |
Letting Go of God | SWEENEY Julia | Solo Play/Drama |
Lady G | SWIFT Carolyn | Play/Drama |
Miracle in Rwanda | SWORD Leslie Lewis | Play/Drama |
One Of Us | SYAL Meera | Tragi-comic Monologue 45 min Tragedy |
Marvellous Adventures of Mary Seacole | SYLVESTRE Cleo | Biographical |
Save | SZYMKOWICZ Adam | Five minute Monolgue |
ARIA 1 | TAMMANY Susan | genre unknown |
Rider Spoke | TANDAVANIT J Nick | interactive piece Piece |
Nearly Lear | TANKUS Edith | Piece |
Get Yourself Home Skylar James | TANNAHILL Jordan | Drama, Monologue, Theatre for Young Audiences. - - Lesbian, one act |
Yard Sale: New Footfalls | TANOVIC Tajna | Translation |
Sinful | TARRETT Carly | Play/Drama |
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Laughing All The Way To The Sperm Bank | TATTENBAUM-FINE Emma | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Chalk Farm | TAUDEVIN Julia | monologue |
Pack Light | TAYLOR Caroline Neisha | Comedy Solo Show, 60 min |
Before the Hymns | TAYLOR David | short play |
Frog Prince, and other Peculiar Tales, The | TAYLOR Liz Fitzgerald | TYA |
A La Carte | TAYLOR Molly | Piece |
Love Letters To The Public Transport System | TAYLOR Molly | Play/Drama One Act |
Post Black | TAYLOR Regina | short play |
Hilary Hilary Hilary | TAYLOR Venetia | Short Comedy / Monologue Ten minute play |
Rachel Teagle Believes in Ghosts | TEAGLE Rachel | Solo/Storytelling |
What Is Seized | TEALE Polly | 55 min monologue One Act |
Kafka's Monkey | TEEVAN Colin | Adaptation |
Sweet Alibi | TEIXEIRA Cristina | Play/Drama |
Weather | TERRY Rebecca Hope | Play/Drama |
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Thank You Come Again | THE Benjamin | monologue |
Big Smoke, The | THEATRE AD INFINITUM | piece |
Parallel Lines | THEATRE CRYPTIC | Devised Piece |
Sick | THEATRE MODO | Piece |
33 Beds Without a Mother | THIBAULT Anne | genre unknown |
Shakespeare's Will | THIESSEN Vern | Biographical |
Salon Janette | THOMAS Stuart | Play/Drama |
Liberty City | THOMPSON April Yvette | solo show Play/Drama |
Marilyn: Forever Blonde | THOMPSON Greg | Play/Drama |
Instruments Of Yearning | THOMPSON Judith | monologue |
My Pyramids; or, How I got Fired from the Dairy Queen, and Ended Up in Abu Ghraib, by Private Lynndie England | THOMPSON Judith | Play/Drama |
Pink | THOMPSON Judith | Monologue Play/Drama |
I, Claudia | THOMPSON Kristen | Monologue play |
Maggie and Pierre | THOMPSON Paul (2) | Comedy Drama Comedy |
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Fargo: A (Mostly) True Story | THORESON Ryan | Play/Drama. - - Gay, theme/character full length |
Bunny | THORNE Jack | 60 min monologue |
Straight Ahead | TIDLER Charles | Play/Drama |
Curse Of The Duchess | TIGER Janet S | Monologue, 15 min |
Towel Lady, The | TIGER Janet S | monologue, 3 min |
Waiting Room, The | TIGER Janet S | and full-length version One Act |
Cry Fire | TIMM Stephanie | Monologue play |
Last Obit, The | TINNISWOOD Peter | 70 min Play/Drama |
Helpful Hints | TISCHLER Susan | Comedy |
CATRIX | TOFTE Amy | Monologue play |
Testament | TOIBIN Colm | Play/Drama |
Donald Does Dusty | TORR Diane | Biographical. - - Gay, full length |
Venus Papers, The | TOWSEY Lydia | Piece |
Hymn To Love : Homage To Piaff | TRAFFORD Steve | Play with songs Play with Music |
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Marie | TRAFFORD Steve | Play/Drama |
How to Unravel Your Family | TRAN Lan | Play/Drama |
Life after Love | TRAYNOR Billie | Musical/comedy |
Redser | TRAYNOR Billie | play One Act |
Topless | TREDINNICK Miles | Black comedy, monologue Comedy |
Cut Down | TREGENNA Catherine | short play |
Berthe | TREMBLAY Michel | One act |
Wonder Bread | TREVINO Danusia | Play/Drama |
Public Service | TROPF Ralph | Comedy, ten minutes |
Milk of Amnesia | TROPICANA Carmelita | Lesbian, full length |
Shirley Girl! | TRYKY Cheryl | genre unknown |
Coco Puffs | TUAN Alice | One Act |
Revlon and Razor Wire | TUCKER Kerry | Piece |
Super Situation | TUCKER Lois | genre unknown |
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Buses Don't Have Bonnets | TURNBULL Ceri | monologue Play/Drama |
Another Day at the Office | TURNBULL Sarah | 3 min play |
Manchester Girl | TURNER-CRAY Sue | Solo Piece |
Land Without Words | TUSHINGHAM David | 50 min Translation |
Shwele Bawo!! | TYELELE Motshabi | Play/Drama |
Yesterdays: An Evening with Billie Holiday | UPCHURCH Reenie | Musical |
Machiavelli, Machiavelli | UPTON John | Monolgue play |
Melinda | UPTON John | Monolgue play |
Cruel & Barbarous Treatment | URBINATI Rob | Play/Drama |
Don't Touch Me There | UTTON Pip | One woman musical |
Hello (sex) Kitty: Mad Asian Bitch on Wheels | UYEHARA Denise | Monologue play. - - Lesbian, full length |
Fakebook | VACCIANA Michelle | Piece |
Spool Time | VALENTINE Alana | Monologue/s 70 mins |
Funeral Potatoes | VALENTINER Jjana | Play/Drama |
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Bag Lady | VAN ITALLIE Jean-Claude | Drama One Act |
Rosary | VAN ITALLIE Jean-Claude | Drama One Act |
Sunset Freeway | VAN ITALLIE Jean-Claude | Play One Act |
All My Day Jobs | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | 60 min comedy |
Closetful Of Navy Blues, A | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | Musical Comedy Musical |
Desperate/Ridiculous aka So Ridiculous | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | Comedy Variety |
Mad Dog Music | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | Musical Comedy Musical |
Petunia In Peril | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | Comedy |
Wandering Ivory | VAN RITZEN Kirsten | Comedy |
Dearly Departed | VAN WILT Yasmine | solo one act |
Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Own Words | VANDENBROUCKE Russell | One-woman show |
Look Mummy I'm Dancing | VANESSA | Play/Drama |
My Big Fat Greek Wedding | VARDALOS Nia | Comedy |
My Mom is a Sex Therapist | VARNIER Stephan | musical. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
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Bessie And Me | VASAN Anjana | 30 min play |
Swell(ing) Relatives | VASILEVSKI Valeria | Solo Play/Drama |
Lagrimas negras | VASQUEZ Eva Cristina | multimedia one-woman-show Piece |
Dead Teenagers | VAUGHAN R M | One act |
Susan Smith Tapes, The | VAUGHAN R M | One act |
Visitation By St Teresa Of Avila Upon Constable Margaret Chance | VAUGHAN R M | One act |
Austen's Women | VAUGHAN Rebecca | Piece |
I, Elizabeth | VAUGHAN Rebecca | Piece |
Carson McCullers Talks About Love | VEGA Suzanne | musical theatre |
Televised Confession | VELLA Stephanie | Piece |
Classically Trained, Practically Broke | VERCELLONI Franca | 1h 15m Local Manhattan, NYC |
Experimenting with American Faucets & The Placebo Boyfriend | VERES Ella | short play |
Wanted | VERNON Shontina | Piece |
Sole Survivors; Journey Across Borders | VEST Michelle | Play/Drama |
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Return of Michael, The | VICTOR David | psychodrama |
Autumn | VIEDE Rick | Ten Min |
Miracle in Rwanda | VILGA Edward | Play/Drama |
Baghdad Monologue, The | VINAO Alejanro | music theatre |
Whore | VINE Carol | One Act |
My Name is Rachel Corrie | VINER Katherine | Compilation |
Granny Smith's Monologue | VIOLANTI Heather Jeane | monologue |
Juliet: a dialogue | VISKY Andras | 1h 30m Drama Solo Show Play/Drama |
Disco Does Not Suck | VISWANATHAN Padma | Drama/Comedy Radio |
Elevator, The | VIVAS Nelly | One Act |
Bacchae, The | VOLANAKIS Minos | genre unknown |
Volodya | VOLKOVA Marina | monologue |
Oysters Orgasms Obituaries | VON WALDENBURG Raina | piece |
Lovestruck | VON WERTHERN Tamara | Comedy |
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big face | VRIES Marion | Play/Drama |
Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe | WAGNER Jane | Comedy |
My Dear Howey | WAKEFIELD Colin | Solo Play/Drama |
Straight Black Folks' Guide To Gay Black Folks | WALIDAH Hanifah | Monologue play |
Birds at Sea | WALKER Brandy | Drama |
Girl I Left Behind Me, The | WALKER Jessica | musical theatre |
At Least It's Pink | WALKER Michael Patrick | Musical |
Screeches from the Zoo | WALKER Scot | Comedy monologue Ten Min |
Hot | WALSH-HARRINGTON Sophie | cabaret 60 min |
PERFORMANCE (career ender) | WAMPLER Claude | Piece |
Hello, I Must Be Going | WAPP Bessie | Monologue play |
Hello, I Must Be Going | WAPP Judy | Monologue play |
1/4 Life Crisis | WARD Alison Lynne | Piece |
Generations | WARD Anna | Solo Play/Drama |
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Mother's Pride | WARNE Simon | Short Play One Act |
I Didn't Know it was Fancy Dress | WARNER Keziah | ten min play |
Silk | WARNER Keziah | Piece |
Dziewczyna | WARREN Ann | piece 75 min |
Boxcar Bertha | WARREN John | genre unknown |
Shirley Chisholm: Catalyst for Change | WASHINGTON Ajene | Play/Drama |
Wolf's Lair | WASSENAAR Willem | Piece |
Fate, Fury and Musical Theatre: A Kind of Cabaret | WASSER Liz | Play/Drama |
Workout | WASSERSTEIN Wendy | One Act |
Dig, The | WATERFIELD Carran | Devised Piece |
Godiva | WATERFIELD Carran | Play/Drama |
My Sister My Angel | WATERFIELD Carran | Play/Drama |
Tide Tables, The | WATKINS Christine | Piece |
Kissed By Brel | WATLING Claire | Show |
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Black Widow's Mite, The | WATSON Doc | Black Comedy |
Fat Bitch! | WATSON Erica | Comedy |
Giving Up the Ghost | WATT Jenna | piece |
Blind Hunter , The | WATTS Irene N | Ten min |
Sweet Desserts | WEBB Liz | Solo Play/Drama |
Dangerous Woman, A | WEBB Paul | Solo Play/Drama |
Tell Me on a Sunday | WEBBER Andrew Lloyd | Musical |
Bronte, The | WEBSTER Margaret | Monologue Play/Drama |
Longing For Darkness | WEBSTER Max | genre unknown |
Wreckage | WEEDMAN Donald | Monologue play |
Amsterdam | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
Bust | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
Homecoming | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
If Ornaments Had Lips | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
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No, You Shut Up | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
Rash | WEEDMAN Lauren | Monologue play |
Class Mothers | WEINBERGER Eric H | Monologue play |
Tea For Three: Lady Bird, Pat And Betty | WEINBERGER Eric H | Monologue play |
Hope and Caitas | WEIR Ian | Monologue play |
Followed | WEISS Edith | Short play |
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein | WEISS Peter Eliot | Solo Play/Drama |
Sandra the Angry Turtle | WEISS Phillip W | Short story |
Passion of the Hausfrau, The | WELDEN Bess | 80 min Comedy |
Hooked On High | WELLS Mary | short Monologue |
Spacewang | WELLS Tom | short play |
Personality | WENDKOS Gina | One Act |
Variations | WERTENBAKER Timberlake | Play/Drama |
Annie Wobbler | WESKER Arnold | One Act |
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Confession, The | WESKER Arnold | Ten Min |
Four Portraits - Of Mothers | WESKER Arnold | Four ten to fifteen minute vignettes |
Grief | WESKER Arnold | libretto for a one-woman opera |
Letter To A Daughter | WESKER Arnold | One Woman Play |
Letter To Myself | WESKER Arnold | One Woman Play |
Mistress, The | WESKER Arnold | One Act |
Mothers: Four Portraits | WESKER Arnold | Four ten to fifteen minute vignettes |
Whatever Happened to Betty Lemon | WESKER Arnold | One Act |
Yardsale | WESKER Arnold | One Act |
Classically Trained, Practically Broke | WEST John David | 1h 15m Local Manhattan, NYC |
Dick & Gina | WHARMBY Jo | piece |
Maid, The | WHITE Stella | Play/Drama |
Frank Diary of Anne, The | WHITEHORN Chloe | One Act |
My Darling Clemmie | WHITEMORE Hugh | Biographical |
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Dear Anita | WHITNEY Elizabeth | Monologue play. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Pop Culture Princess | WHITNEY Elizabeth | Monologue play |
Skinny Isn't Sexy or Why I Never Had an Eating Disorder | WHITNEY Elizabeth | one act Monologue play. - - Lesbian, one act |
Wonder Woman! A Cabaret of Heroic Proportions | WHITNEY Elizabeth | Play/Drama |
Silver | WHITTET Matthew | 50 min poetic monologue |
Amateur Girl | WHITTINGTON Amanda | Play/Drama |
Angel of the Battlefield | WHYTE Willis | One act |
Independent Spirit, An | WHYTE Willis | One act |
Flash, Bam, Alakazam | WILDING Sue | short play |
Are You Happy? | WILKIE Marcia | genre unknown |
Duck, Duck, Goose | WILKIE Marcia | genre unknown |
This Girl I Knew | WILKIE Marcia | genre unknown |
Feminazi, The | WILLETT Suzanne | feminist comedy Comedy |
Monday | WILLIAMS Gloria | Play/Drama |
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Yesterday Came Too Soon (The Dorothy Dandridge Story) | WILLIAMS Jamal | One woman show |
Science Fair | WILLIAMS Jeanmarie | 75-90 min Comedy |
69 Stories: One Pervert's Tale | WILLIAMS Mollena | Monologue play |
No Good Deed | WILLIAMS Mollena | Monologue play. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Sex Ill | WILLIAMS Wes | Piece |
Lotte's Gift | WILLIAMSON David | Play/Drama |
Condolences To Every One Of Us | WILLIS Steve | Adaptation |
Eenie Meanie | WILLIS Teresa | Solo Show Spoken Word/Poetry 63 min |
Weg: A-Way | WILSON Alexa | piece 90 min |
Mother Load | WILSON Amy | Play/Drama |
Not Welcome | WILSON Esther | short play |
Geography Of Haunted Places, The | WILSON Josephine | 50 min Performance One Act |
Bloomsbury Bell | WILSON Kara | Monologue play |
Glasgow Girl | WILSON Kara | Monologue play |
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Moonshot Tape, The | WILSON Lanford | One Act |
Full Gallop | WILSON Mary Louise | Comedy Drama Comedy |
Iris Brunette | WILSON Melanie | Piece |
AntiGone With The Wind | WIMPEE Casey | One Act |
Things You Don't Say Outdoors | WINKLER Dawn | Short Play One Act |
My Name is Harriet Tubman | WINSTON Connie | Solo Play/Drama |
Night For Orpheus | WINTERS Bisera | Play/Drama |
Adventures in Kate Bush and Theory | WITHERS Deborah | Piece |
Our Children's House | WITHERUP William | Play/Drama |
Susie | WITTS Philip | genre unknown |
On Becoming | WOLF Catherine | Play/Drama |
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein | WOLF Dorothy | Solo Play/Drama |
In the OUTfield - Confessions of a New York Jewish Southern Dyke | WOLF Laurie | Monologue Play/Drama. - - Lesbian, full length |
Sarah in America | WOLFF Ruth | genre unknown |
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Daughter Of Darkness | WOLFFE Bart | monologue One Act |
Rabbi And The Cheerleader, The | WOLSHIN Sandy | Comedy Solo Show, 90 min |
My Name is Tania Head | WOOD Alexandra | short piece |
Human Voice, The | WOOD Anthony | One Act |
Mia | WOOD Nick | 40 min One Act |
Frank's Closet | WOOD Stuart | Musical |
Lucky Bag | WOOD Victoria | Solo Show |
In Real Life | WOODARD Charlayne | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Neat | WOODARD Charlayne | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Night Watcher | WOODARD Charlayne | comedy drama |
Pretty Fire | WOODARD Charlayne | Comedy/Drama Comedy |
Sky is Melting, The | WOODBURY Liz | Piece |
Singles Night | WOODS Jill | Play - One Act, Drama |
Only Fools (No Horses) | WOODS Sarah | piece |
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She Turned on the Light | WOODSON Wendy | Piece |
Day Shift | WOODWARD Meredith Bain | Play/Drama |
Mata Hari | WOODWOOD Michael | Devised Piece |
Tell Your Dad I Want My Pants Back | WOOLEY Sophie | Monologue play |
Monologue For An Ensemble | WOOLF Ben | Solo Play/Drama |
When To Run | WOOLLEY Sophie | Play/Drama |
Moll Cutpurse A Comedy for the 21st Century | WREFORD-SINNOTT Vici | Play One Act |
And You Can't Make Me - The Life and Music of Gladys Bentley | WRIGHT Alison | Monologue play. - - Gay/Lesbian, historical characters |
Mary, Mother Of No Man's Land | WRIGHT Damian | Play/Drama |
Unsent Letters | WRIGHT Polly | One Act |
I Miss Communism | WURTH Ines | 75 min Piece |
Serpent's Tale, The | WYKES Walter | One act |
Daze Of Our Lives | WYLIE Annie | Visual Theatre |
Place on Earth , A | WYLIE Betty Jane | Drama One Act |
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Speculum | WYLIE Betty Jane | Play/Drama |
Female Parts | WYMARK Olwen | Adaptation |
Barsha Badal | WYNDHAM Asher | Fifteen-Minute/Monologue One Act |
Golden Mareena: A Monologue Play with a Goldfish | WYNDHAM Asher | Short Monologue, Drama |
Love Sofa | WYNDHAM Asher | Monologue; Gay Subject Ten Min. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Phuong | WYNDHAM Asher | Monologue Ten Min |
Ramadi Ragdoll, The | WYNDHAM Asher | Drama, Short Monologue |
Rigatoni | WYNDHAM Asher | comedy One Act. - - Gay/Lesbian, of interest |
Rupert | WYNDHAM Asher | Drama, Monologue |
Sisterhood School | WYNDHAM Asher | One Minute |
Hypocrites & Strippers | YAGED Kim | Lesbian, theme/character, one-person play Comedic Drama. - - Lesbian, theme/character, full length |
Eve's Applestand | YANCEY Dwayne | Comedy Ten Min |
Some Reckless Abandon | YEATES Cara | Monologue play |
Alice, or After wonderland | YEGER Sheila | 30 mins One Act |
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Ophella | YEGER Sheila | 30 mins One Act |
Strip | YEGER Sheila | 35 mins One Act |
White Elephant | YEGER Sheila | 18 mins One Act |
iris | YIP Jen | Play/Drama |
Bittersweet | YOCKEY Steven | Ten minute play |
Wallpaper | YOCKEY Steven | Ten minute play |
Baldy | YOKKO | short play |
Spite | YOON Jean | 20 min One Act |
Yes Yoko Solo - The Yoko Ono Project Solo | YOON Jean | One Woman Multimedia performance art comedy |
Loves Of Shakespeare's Women, The | YORK Susannah | Solo Play/Drama |
It Comes Around | YORK Y | Monologue play |
Bagwell In Me, The | YOUNG Ann Liv | Piece |
Drenched | YOUNG Gary | Solo Play/Drama |
Rag And Bone | YOUNG Jeff | short play |
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Drag King | YOUNG Sarah-Louise | Play/Drama |
Hokkien Mee | YU Ovidia | Monologue Play/Drama |
Life Choices | YU Ovidia | Monologue Play/Drama |
Baggage | Z Pamela | Piece |
Sixty Years To Life | ZAGONE Nick | Tragi-comedy Ten Min |
Corn Bread & Feta Cheese | ZAGREDA Elza | Play/Drama |
Dating Depression and Dirtbags. . .A Love Story | ZAGREDA Elza | Play/Drama |
DIVORCE! Albanian Style | ZAGREDA Elza | Play/Drama |
Interlopper | ZAMPARUTTI Louise | Monologue play |
Molly Bloom | ZAPPAROLI Anna | Musical Dream |
Sputniks, The | ZASKO Elison | Monologue play |
Holiday Out ( A Postacard From The Sea) | ZATLIN Phyllis | Translation |
Soldier Blues | ZAWADI Tantra | One Act |
From Israel To Sex In The Sity | ZIEBER Iris | Solo Play/Drama |
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Rules of the Lake | ZIEGLER Irene | One person show |
Mrs Kemble's Tempest | ZIEGLER Tom | Monologue play |
Accident | ZIFF Amy | Show |
Episodes | ZIMMERMAN Aphra | Drama. 45 min |
Legacy, The | ZIVETZ Carrie | Piece |
Stupid Economy, The | LYNN Robert | comedy |
Dry Ice | MAHFOUZ Sabrina | One Act |
Between Friends | PERTWEE Carolyn | Play/Drama |
Sojourner | PIERCE Richard LaMonte | Plays |
Relative Pitch | ROSE Elizabeth | musical comedy |